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The diffusion coefficients D (cm2/s), of four monovalent cations K+, Na+, Rb+ and Cs+ and of Ca2+ have been measured in phosphatidylcholine/water lamellar phase as a function of phase hydration and temperature and in the presence of divalent cations. Diffusion rates vary strongly with phase hydration, between 10?7 and 10?6 cm2/s for monovalent and 10?8 and 10?7 for Ca2+. The activation energies obtained are relatively small (5–10 kcal/mol). As the phase water content increases, a series of diffusion sequences is obtained, corresponding to the sequences predicted by Eisenman's theory of alkali ion equilibrium selectivity.This diffusionnal selectivity, which depends exclusively upon non-equilibrium parameters (mobility) within the hydrophilic path is discussed in respect to current theories of pore selectivity.  相似文献   

The permselectivity (permeance/conductance) of Cx43-comprised gap junctions is a variable parameter of junctional function. To ascertain whether this variability in junctional permselectivity is explained by heterogeneous charge or size selectivity of the comprising channels, the permeance of individual Cx43 gap junctions to combinations of two dyes differing in either size or charge was determined in four cell types: Rin43, NRKe, HeLa43, and cardiac myocytes. The results show that Cx43 junctions are size- but not charge-selective and that both selectivities are constant parameters of junctional function. The consistency of dye selectivities indicates that the large continuum of measured junctional permselectivities cannot be ascribed to an equivalent continuum of individual channel selectivities. Further, the relative dye permeance sequence of NBD-M-TMA approximately Alexa 350 > Lucifer yellow > Alexa 488 > Alexa 594 (Stokes radii of 4.3 A, 4.4 A, 4.9 A, 5.8 A, and 7.4 A, respectively) and the conductance sequence of KCl > TEACl approximately Kglutamate are well described by hindered diffusion through an aqueous pore with radius approximately 10 A and length 160 A. The permselectivity and dye selectivity data suggest the variable presence in Cx43-comprised junctions of conductive channels that are either dye-impermeable or dye-permeable.  相似文献   

The antibiotic protein colicin E1 forms ion channels in planar lipid bilayers that are capable of conducting monovalent organic cations having mean diameters of at least 9 Å. Polyvalent organic cations appear to be completely impermeant, regardless of size. All permeant ions, whether large or small, positively or negatively charged, are conducted by this channel at very slow rates. We have examined the permeability of colicin E1 channels to anionic probes having a variety of sizes, shapes, and charge distributions. In contrast to the behavior of cations, polyvalent as well as monovalent organic anions were found to permeate the colicin E1 channel. Inorganic sulfate was able to permeate the channel only when the pH was 4 or less, conditions under which the colicin E1 protein is predominantly in an anion-preferring conformational state. The less selective state(s) of the colicin E1 channel, observed when the pH was 5 or greater, was not permeable to inorganic sulfate. The sulfate salt of the impermeant cation Bis-T6 (N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-1,6-hexanediamine) had no effect on the single channel conductance of colicin E1 channels exposed to solutions containing 1 m NaCl at pH 5. The complete lack of blocking activity by either of these two impermeant ions indicates that both are excluded from the channel lumen. These results are consistent with our hypothesis that there is but a single location in the lumen of the colicin E1 channel where positively charged groups can be effectively hydrated. This site may coincide with the location of the energetic barrier which impedes the movement of anions.The authors wish to thank Dr. F.S. Cohen for making available unpublished data and for helpful comments. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM 37396 and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Initiative (E.R.K.)  相似文献   

Using multi-frequency cross-correlation fluorometry, the monomer fluorescence lifetime of 1-palmitoyl-2-[10-(1-pyrenyl)decanoyl)phosphatidylcholine (Py-PC) was employed to determine the lateral diffusion constant (DT) of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) in both the lamellar (L alpha) and the inverted hexagonal (HII) phases. The values of DT increased with temperature in both phases. However, the rate of increase of DT declined abruptly at approximately 10-13 degrees C (L alpha -HII transition temperature), as indicated by the existence of an inflection point in the log (DT/T) vs. 1/T plot. This observation suggests that the translational motion of lipids in the HII phase is lower than that in the L alpha phase upon temperature extrapolation. Lipid perturbants, cholesterol and diacylglycerol, were found to destabilize the L alpha phase of DOPE. This was demonstrated by a down-shift of the inflection point in the log(DT/T) vs. 1/T plot in the presence of the perturbants. Both cholesterol and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol (diolein) decreased the lateral diffusion constant in both phases. Diolein promoted the HII phase more effectively than did the cholesterol. This is explained by an intrinsic wedge-shape geometry of diolein which strongly favors the formation of inverted cylindrical packing of the lipids.  相似文献   

Phospholemman (PLM), a 72-amino acid membrane protein with a single transmembrane domain, forms taurine-selective ion channels in lipid bilayers. Because taurine forms zwitterions, a taurine-selective channel might have binding sites for both anions and cations. Here we show that PLM channels indeed allow fluxes of both cations and anions, making instantaneous and voltage-dependent transitions among conformations with drastically different ion selectivity characteristics. This surprising and novel ion channel behavior offers a molecular explanation for selective taurine flux across cell membranes and may explain why molecules in the phospholemman family can induce cation- or anion-selective conductances when expressed in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence suggests that certain membrane channels operate in a nearly ion-saturated state. We therefore consider a "single-vacancy" model of ion permeation: if a channel has n conducting sites, it will contain either n or n-1 ions. Simple analytical expressions for the current, conductance, and reversal potential under bi-ionic conditions are derived. The results are compared with those of single ion models and recent experiments on Ca2(+)-activated K+ channels.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron micrographs from degranulating cells show that the lumen of the secretory granule is connected to the extracellular compartment via large (20 to 150 nm diameter) aqueous pores. These exocytotic fusion pores appear to be made up of a highly curved bilayer that spans the plasma and granule membranes. Conductance measurements, using the patch-clamp technique, have been used to study the fusion pore from the instant it conducts ions. These measurements reveal the presence of early fusion pores that are much smaller than those observed in electron micrographs. Early fusion pores open abruptly, fluctuate, and then either expand irreversibly or close. The molecular structure of these early fusion pores is unknown. In the simplest extremes, these early fusion pores could be either ion channel like protein pores or lipidic pores. Here, we explored the latter possibility, namely that of the early exocytotic fusion pore modeled as a lipid-lined pore whose free energy was composed of curvature elastic energy and work done by tension. Like early exocytotic fusion pores, we found that these lipidic pores could open abruptly, fluctuate, and expand irreversibly. Closure of these lipidic pores could be caused by slight changes in lipid composition. Conductance distributions for stable lipidic pores matched those of exocytotic fusion pores. These findings demonstrate that lipidic pores can exhibit the properties of exocytotic fusion pores, thus providing an alternate framework with which to understand and interpret exocytotic fusion pore data.  相似文献   

The steady-state anisotropy of trimethylammonium diphenylhexatriene fluorescence has been used to monitor the thermotropic lamellar to HII hexagonal phase transition in an unsaturated phosphatidylethanolamine. The transition is observed in lipid aggregates when they are heated above the transition temperature Th, as well as in diluted liposomes after aggregation above Th. Changes in fluorescence anisotropy are not observed with Ca(++)-induced fusion of phosphatidylserine vesicles, a process not involving hexagonal phase formation.  相似文献   

The amino acid located at position 369 is a key determinant of the ion conduction pathway or pore of the voltage-gated K+ channels, Kv2.1 and a chimeric channel, CHM, constructed by replacing the pore region of Kv2.1 with that of Kv3.1. To determine the orientation of residue 369 with respect to the aqueous lumen of the pore, the nonpolar Ile at 369 in Kv2.1 was replaced with a basic His. This substitution produced a Cs(+)-selective channel with Cs+:K+ permeability ratio of 4 compared to 0.1 in the wild type. Block by external tetraethylammonium (TEA) was reduced about 20-fold, while block by internal TEA was unaffected. External protons and Zn2+, that are known to interact with the imidazole ring of His, blocked the mutant channel much more effectively than the wild type channel. The blockade by Zn2+ and protons was voltage-independent, and the proton blockade had a pKa of about 6.5, consistent with the pKa for His in solution. The histidyl-specific reagent diethylpyrocarbonate produced greatly exaggerated blockade of the mutated channel compared to the wild type. The residue at position 369 appears to form part of the binding site for external TEA and to influence the selectivity for monovalent cations. We suggest that the imidazole side-chain of His369 is exposed to the aqueous lumen at a surface position near the external mouth of the pore.  相似文献   

The exchange of macromolecules between the cytoplasm and the nucleus of eukaryotic cells takes place through the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which contains a selective permeability barrier. Experiments on the physical properties of this barrier appear to be in conflict with current physical understanding of the rheology of reversible gels. This paper proposes that the NPC gel is anomalous and characterized by connectivity fluctuations. It develops a simplified model to demonstrate the possibility of enhanced diffusion constants of macromolecules trapped in such a gel.  相似文献   

The mixing of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) in fluid bilayer model membranes was studied by measuring binding of aqueous Ca2+ ions. The measured [Ca2+]aq was used to derive the activity coefficient for PS, gamma PS, in the lipid mixture. For (16:0, 18:1) PS in binary mixtures with either (16:0, 18:1)PC, (14:1, 14:1)PC, or (18:1, 18:1)PC, gamma PS > 1; i.e., mixing is nonideal, with PS and PC clustered rather than randomly distributed, despite the electrostatic repulsion between PS headgroups. To understand better this mixing behavior, Monte Carlo simulations of the PS/PC distributions were performed, using Kawasaki relaxation. The excess energy was divided into an electrostatic term Uel and one adjustable term including all other nonideal energy contributions, delta Em. Uel was calculated using a discrete charge theory. Kirkwood's coupling parameter method was used to calculate the excess free energy of mixing, delta GEmix, hence In gamma PS,calc. The values of In gamma PS,calc were equalized by adjusting delta Em in order to find the simulated PS/PC distribution that corresponded to the experimental results. We were thus able to compare the smeared charge calculation of [Ca2+]surf with a calculation ("masked evaluation method") that recognized clustering of the negatively charged PS: clustering was found to have a modest effect on [Ca2+]surf, relative to the smeared charge model. Even though both PS and PC tend to cluster, the long-range nature of the electrostatic repulsion reduces the extent of PS clustering at low PS mole fraction compared to PC clustering at an equivalent low PC mole fraction.  相似文献   

Summary Diffusion coefficients for FITC-molecular probes in intercellular pores (D) and rate of molecular probe loss into the vacuole (k1) have been obtained for FITC molecular probes in staminal hairs ofSetcreasea purpurea. The kinetic curves of FITC-Gly, -Ala, -Leu,-Ser, -Thr, -Cys, -Met, -Tyr, -Asp, -Glu, -Asn, -Gln, -Lys, -His,-Arg, -(Asp)2, -(Glu)2, -(Lys)2, -(Asp)3, -(Glu)3, -(Gln)2, -(Gln)3, -(Gln)4, and carboxyfluorescein (group I probes) matched the curves calculated for simple diffusion through a chain of cells, while the majority of kinetic curves of FITC-Phe, and -Try (group II probes) did not. None of the kinetic curves for FITC-(Met)2 and -(His)2 (group III probes) matched. Average Ds for group I probes ranged from 0.77× 10–8cm2/s to 3.75× 10–8cm2/s and for group II probes were 0.50× 10–8cm2/s. A meaningful average D for group III probes could not be calculated. Average k1 for group I probes ranged from 1.62× 10–7/m2/s to 13.21× 10–7/m2/s, and for group II probes were 5.42 and 11.54× 10–7/m2/s. Average k1s for group III probes could not be calculated. Symplastic transport occurred by cell-to-cell diffusion for most of the probes (e.g., group I probes) but not always for some (e.g., group II probes) and never for others (group III probes). The rate of cell-to-cell diffusion and loss within the vacuole depended upon the molecule's specific structure, molecular weight and charge. We concluded that plasmodesmata select for molecules that are hydrophilic, small and have a charge of from — 2 to — 4, and against molecules that contain either Phe, Try, Met or His groups.Abbreviations CF carboxyfluorescein - D diffusion coefficients for FITC-molecular probes in intercellular pores - k1 rate of FITC-molecular probe loss  相似文献   

Because of the low dielectric constant of most proteins and lipids, the electric field of an ion passing through a narrow pore is long range and will interact with neighbouring ionizable residues of the channel protein. The electrical structure of the channel may thus change transiently in response to an ion passing through the pore. Model calculations then reveal that the ratio of the unidirectional ion fluxes may approach 1 as expected for a carrier or shuttling ionophore rather than the Ussing ratio expected for a pore. Saturation behaviour also becomes carrier-like. Computer simulation is reported showing a continuous variation between pore-like and carrier-like behaviour as the parameters of the system are allowed to change smoothly.  相似文献   

We studied an E. coli OmpF mutant (LECE) containing both an EEEE-like locus, typical of Ca(2+) channels, and an accessible and reactive cysteine. After chemical modification with the cysteine-specific, negatively charged (-1e) reagents MTSES or glutathione, this LECE mutant was tested for Ca(2+) versus alkali metal selectivity. Selectivity was measured by conductance and zero-current potential. Conductance measurements showed that glutathione-modified LECE had reduced conductance at Ca(2+) mole fractions <10(-3). MTSES-modified LECE did not. Apparently, the LECE protein is (somehow) a better Ca(2+) chelator after modification with the larger glutathione. Zero-current potential measurements revealed a Ca(2+) versus monovalent cation selectivity that was highest in the presence of Li(+) and lowest in the presence of Cs(+). Our data clearly show that after the binding of Ca(2+) the LECE pore (even with the bulky glutathione present) is spacious enough to allow monovalent cations to pass. Theoretical computations based on density functional theory combined with Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory and a reduced pore model suggest a functional separation of ionic pathways in the pore, one that is specific for small and highly charged ions, and one that accepts preferentially large ions, such as Cs(+).  相似文献   

Electroporation is an approach used to enhance transdermal transport of large molecules in which the skin is exposed to a series of electric pulses. Electroporation temporarily destabilizes the structure of the outer skin layer, the stratum corneum, by creating microscopic pores through which agents, ordinarily unable to pass into the skin, are able to pass through this outer barrier. Long duration electroporation pulses can cause localized temperature rises, which result in thermotropic phase transitions within the lipid bilayer matrix of the stratum corneum. This paper focuses on electroporation pore development resulting from localized Joule heating. This study presents a theoretical model of electroporation, which incorporates stratum corneum lipid melting with electrical and thermal energy equations. A transient finite volume model is developed representing electroporation of in vivo human skin, in which stratum corneum lipid phase transitions are modeled as a series of melting processes. The results confirm that applied voltage to the skin results in high current densities within the less resistive regions of the stratum corneum. The model captures highly localized Joule heating within the stratum corneum and subsequent temperature rises, which propagate radially outward. Electroporation pore development resulting from the decrease in resistance associated with lipid melting is captured by the lipid phase transition model. As the effective pore radius grows, current density and subsequent Joule heating values decrease.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the Raman spectral transitions assigned to the acyl chain C-C stretching modes of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine was determined for the gel, phase transition and liquid crystalline states of the lipid multilayers. The van't Hoff enthalpy differences ΔHVH between trans and gauche rotational isomers were obtained from the Raman spectral data for the temperature region characteristics of each bilayer state. An average size for the cooperative unit undergoing the chain melting process during the phase transition was estimated from the ratio of the appropriate van't Hoff enthalpy to an adjusted calorimetric enthalpy.  相似文献   

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