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Absorption and fluorescence spectra in the red region of water-soluble chlorophyll proteins, Lepidium CP661, CP663 and Brassica CP673, pigment System II particles of spinach chloroplasts and chlorophyll a in diethylether solution at 25 degrees C were analyzed by the curve-fitting method (French, C.S., Brown, J.S. and Lawrence, M.C. (1972) Plant Physiol 49, 421--429). It was found that each of the chlorophyll forms of the chlorophyll proteins and the pigment System II particles had a corresponding fluorescence band with the Stokes shift ranging from 0.6 to 4.0 nm. The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a in diethylether solution was analyzed to one major band with a peak at 660.5 nm and some minor bands, while the fluorescence spectrum was analyzed to one major band with a peak at 664.9 nm and some minor bands. A mirror image was clearly demonstrated between the resolved spectra of absorption and fluorescence. The absorption spectrum of Lepidium CP661 was composed of a chlorophyll b form with a peak at 652.8 nm and two chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 662.6 and 671.9 nm. The fluorescence spectrum was analyzed to five component bands. Three of them with peaks at 654.8, 664.6 and 674.6 nm were attributed to emissions of the three chlorophyll forms with the Stokes shift of 2.0--2.7 nm. The absorption spectrum of Brassica CP673 had a chlorophyll b form with a peak at 653.7 nm and four chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 662.7, 671.3, 676.9 and 684.2 nm. The fluorescence spectrum was resolved into seven component bands. Four of them with peaks at 666.7, 673.1, 677.5 and 686.2 nm corresponded to the four chlorophyll a forms with the Stokes shift of 0.6--4.0 nm. The absorption spectrum of the pigment System II particles had a chlorophyll b form with a peak at 652.4 nm and three chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 662.9, 672.1 and 681.6 nm. The fluorescence spectrum was analyzed to four major component bands with peaks at 674.1, 682.8, 692.0 and 706.7 nm and some minor bands. The former two bands corresponded to the chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 672.1 and 681.6 nm with the Stokes shift of 2.0 and 1.2 nm, respectively. Absorption spectra at 25 degrees C and at --196 degrees C of the water-soluble chlorophyll proteins were compared by the curve-fitting methods. The component bands at --196 degrees C were blue-shifted by 0.8--4.1 nm and narrower in half widths as compared to those at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

[14C]Chlorophyll (chl) a has been utilized to demonstrate the contamination of chl b by (probably) oxidation products of chl a in thin-layer or paper chromatography. By circular chromatography of both chlorophylls as their pheophytins, the contamination of chl a (as pheophytin a) in chl b (as pheophytin b) may be reduced to 0.15–0.35.  相似文献   

The oxidative metabolism of benzo[a]pryrene (B[a]P) phenols catalyzed by liver microsomes in vitro leads to multiple products. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the organic-soluble products formed indicates that regardless of the animal pretreatment regime, 3-hydroxy-B[a]P is metabolized to the 3,6-quinone and to a hydroxylated derivative tentatively identified as 3,9-dihyroxy-B[a]P. However, the distribution of products obtained with 9-hydroxy-B[a]P varied with animal pretreatment. A maximum of three distinct metabolites was obtained when the 9-phenol was metabolized in vitro with microsomes from phenobarbital-pretreated rats and the tentative 3,9-dihydroxy derivative was a common metabolite for all pretreatment regimes. Physical characterization, including mass spectrometry, indicates that all three products have an extra oxygen atom incorporated into their molecular structure from molecular oxygen. Studies utilizing specific inhibitors of the cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase clearly suggest that the formation of dihydroxy or phenol-oxide derivatives is catalyzed by the hemoprotein, cytochrome P-450. These metabolites of the benzo[a]pyrene phenols are most likely related to the putative phenol-oxides of benzo[a]pyrene which have been demonstrated to alkylate DNA and protein. Repetitive scan difference spectrophotometric analysis of incubation mixtures containing rat liver microsomes, 3- or 9-hydroxy-B[a]P, NADPH, and oxygen shows the conversion of the phenols into products which absorb in the region from 400 to 500 nm. During and after the steady state of the reaction, it can be seen that certain of the hydroxy compounds produced are in equilibrium with their respective quinone form and may be involved in an oxygen-coupled redox cycle.  相似文献   

CNDO2 molecular orbital theoretical calculations performed on the anti and syn diolepoxides (1 and 2) of the potent carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene provide insight into the molecular structure and reactivity of these mutagenic and carcinogenic hydrocarbon metabolites. Hydrogen-bonded interaction between the 7-HO proton and the epoxide oxygen atom of 2 is shown to be absent in the normal semichair conformation of the tetrahydro ring, (H…O bond distance = 2.7 Å), but is energetically favored in a somewhat distorted puckered structure (H…O bond distance = 1.7 Å). Unexpectedly, internal H-bonding alters the relative electron density at C9 and C10, leading to prediction of the former as the more electrophilic center. Since all reactions of 2 take place exclusively at C10, transannular H-bonding is concluded not to contribute significantly to the structure of 2. Diolepoxide reactions with both weak and strong nucleophiles and with DNA are discussed and the mechanisms interpreted in terms of molecular structure as determined by the theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

Outer and cytoplasmic membranes of Escherichia coli were prepared by a method based on isopyenic centrifugation on a sucrose gradient. The infrared spectra of solid films of these membranes were studied. The cytoplasmic membrane had an amide I band at 1657 cm?1 and an amide II band at 1548 cm?1. The outer membrane had a broad amide I band at 1631–1657 cm?1 and an amid II band at 1548 cm?1 with a shoulder at 1520–1530 cm?1. Upon deuteration, the amide I band of the cytoplasmic membrane shifted to 1648 cm?1, whereas the band at 1631 cm?1 of the outer membrane remained unchanged. After extraction of lipids with chloroform and methanol, the infrared spectra in the amide I and amide II regions of both membranes remained unchanged. Although the outer membrane specifically contained lipopolysaccharide, this could not account for the difference in the infrared spectra of outer and cytoplasmic membranes. It is concluded that a large portion of proteins in the outer membrane is a β-structured polypeptide, while this conformation is found less, if at all in the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Aspects of the utilization of copper by the fungus, Dactytium dendroides, have been studied. The organism grows normally at copper levels below 10 nM. Cells grown in medium containing 30 nM copper or less concentrate exogenous metal at all levels of added copper; copper uptake is essentially complete within 15 min and is not inhibited by cycloheximide, dinitrophenol or cyanide. These results indicate that copper absorption is not an energy-dependent process. The relationship between fungal copper status and the activities of three copper-containing enzymes, galactose oxidase, an extracellular enzyme, the cytosolic, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and cytochrome oxidase, has also been established. The synthesis of galactose oxidase protein (haloenzyme plus apo-enzyme) is independent of copper concentration. Cells grown in copper-free medium (< 10 nM copper) excrete normal amounts of galactose oxidase as an apoprotein. At medium copper levels below 5 μM, new cultures contain enough total copper to enable the limited number of cells to attain sufficient intracellular copper to support hologalactose oxidase production. As a result of cell division, however, the amount of copper available per cell drops to a threshold of approx. 10 ng/mg below which point only apogalactose oxidase is secreted. Above 5 μM medium copper, holoenzyme secretion is maintained throughout cell growth.The levels of the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase respond differently in that the protein itself apparently is synthesized in only limited amounts in copper-depleted cells. Total cellular superoxide dismutase activity is maintained under such conditions by an increase in activity associated with the mitochondrial, CN?-insensitive, manganese form of this enzyme. Cells grown at 10 μM copper shown 83% of their superoxide dismutase activity to be contributed by the Cu/Zn form compared to a 17% contribution to the total activity in cells grown at 30 nM copper, indicating that the biosynthesis of the Cu/Zn and Mn-containing enzymes is coordinated. The data show that the level of copper modulates the synthesis of the cytosolic superoxide dismutase. In contrast, the cytochrome oxidase activity of D. dendroides is independent of cellular copper levels obtainable. Thus, the data also suggest that these three enzymes utilize different cellular copper pools. As cells are depleted of copper by cell division, the available copper is used to maintain Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and cytochrome oxidase activity; at very low levels of copper, only the latter activity is maintained. The induction of the manganisuperoxide dismutase in copper-depleted cells should have practical value in the isolation of this protein.  相似文献   

Protamine sulfate is used to release histones and other basic proteins from the DNA of chromatin. This phenomenon becomes the basis of a versatile method for analysis of the nucleic acid and protein composition of nucleoprotein samples, which is termed here in situ protamine release. When protamine is added to a nucleoprotein sample in 5% acetic acid and 8 m urea, at a concentration of 1.0%, ≥94% of the histones are released from the DNA of chromatin, comparable to the release of histones using sodium dodecyl sulfate. This makes in situ protamine release the method of choice for the analysis of acid-soluble proteins on acid/urea-based gels, where the DNA must be removed from the protein prior to electrophoresis. Compared to DNase I release or acid extraction, protamine release is found to be the simplest, most reliable, and most effective method for removing the acid-soluble proteins from DNA. Protamine is either added to the sample (very much like the detergent, sodium dodecyl sulfate), or electrophoresed through a gel containing nucleoprotein, thus displacing proteins in its path. A serendipitous advantage of protamine is that it can also serve as a carrier for the precipitation of dilute nucleoprotein samples with ethanol, and 3 mm Mg2+, to concentrate the nucleoprotein in preparation for analysis. A unique feature of the in situ protamine-release method is that the DNA is not lost or destroyed and can therefore be used for subsequent analysis.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic activity for mycolic acid occurred in the fluffy layer fraction but not in the 5000g supernatant of Bacterionema matruchotii. With [1-14C]palmitic acid as precursor for the in vitro system, the predominant product was identified as C32:0 mycolic acid by radio-gas-liquid chromatographie (radio-GLC) and gas chromatographic/mass spectroscopic analyses; if [1-14C]stearic acid was used, two major radioactive peaks appeared on GLC: one corresponding to the peak of (C34:0 + C34:1) mycolic acids and the other to (C36:0 + C36:1) mycolic acids. By pyrolysis/radio-GLC analysis, C32:0 mycolic acid synthesized by [1-14C]palmitic acid was pyrolyzed at 300 °C to form palmitaldehyde (the mero moiety) and methyl palmitate (the branch moiety). The pH optimum for the incorporation of [1-14C]palmitate into bacterionema mycolic acids was 6.4 and the reaction required a divalent cation. The in vitro system utilized myristic, palmitic, stearic and oleic acids (probably via their activated forms) well as precursors, among which myristic and palmitic acids were more effective than the rest. Avidin showed no effect on the biosynthesis of mycolic acid from 14C-palmitate whereas cerulenin, a specific inhibitor of β-ketoacyl synthetase in de novo fatty acid synthesis, inhibited the reaction at a relatively higher concentration. Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of lipids extracted from the reacting mixture without alkaline hydrolysis showed that both exogenous [1-14] fatty acid and synthesized mycolic acids were bound to an unknown compound by an alkali-labile linkage and this association seemed to occur prior to the condensation of two molecules of fatty acid.  相似文献   

Isolation of glycolipids from Nocardia asteroides, N. farcinica, Gordona lentifragmenta and G. bronchialis, by column chromatography of lipid extracts on a 50% (w/w) mixture of silicic acid and silica gel H, is described. The isolated materials were partially characterized by infrared spectroscopy, optical rotation and refractive index measurements, and by identifying the products of alkaline hydrolysis. Analytical studies showed that the glycolipids released only trehalose in the aqueous phase while mycolic acids were the constituent fatty acids identified.The isolated lipids are trehalose esters in which the trehalose molecule is esterified with mycolic acids.  相似文献   

Proteins from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli were studied on a ureadodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel by electrophoresis. A polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea gave an excellent resolution of outer membrane proteins. Seventeen protein bands were reproducibly observed on a gel. By use of Sephadex G-200, DEAE-cellulose and polyacrylamide gel, eight proteins were purified to near homogeneity. Five of them were found to be heat-modifiable proteins. The behavior of these purified proteins was studied on a polyacrylamide gel under three different electrophoretic conditions, which had been used for the analysis of cell envelope proteins. Thus correspondence was made between these purified proteins and envelope proteins reported by other investigators.  相似文献   

A long-optical-path electrochemical cell was used to determine the formal reduction potential (E0') and the electron stoichiometry (n) for 1 microM horse heart cytochrome c solutions from Nernst plots of the fluorescence spectrum of the tryptophan-59. Various concentration ratios of the oxidized to the reduced forms of the protein were generated by application of different potentials. The fluorescence spectrum was found to decrease with increasing concentrations of reduced cytochrome c. This decrease is interpreted in terms of a movement of the tryptophan toward the heme upon reduction, resulting in an increase in the rate of energy transfer to the heme. The magnitude of the conformational change is compared for cytochrome c in NaCl-H2O and NaBr-H2O solutions with the latter being larger.  相似文献   

After ovariectomy the concentrations of diacylglycerol and protein in the haemolymph increase markedly. The increased diacylglycerol is associated with increased quantities of the ‘heparin-precipitable’ protein (lipoprotein A) that carries diacylglycerol in the blood of normal resting locusts. After the injection of adipokinetic hormone (AKH), the blood of ovariectomized locusts contains only slight quantities of the ‘heparin-soluble’ lipoprotein A+ whereas this forms in large amounts in the blood of sham-operated locusts after AKH injection. After allatectomy, the increase in the adipokinetic response is slower and the full level of responsiveness observed in sham-operated locusts is never attained. Nevertheless, allatectomized locusts develop a marked adipokinetic response which tends to stabilize as they age; it does not deteriorate as it does in aged sham-operated locusts.The effects of ovariectomy on blood metabolites can be prevented completely by allatectomy, but only partially by cautery of the cerebral neurosecretory cells. Treatment with a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA R-20458) counteracts the effects of allatectomy in ovariectomized locusts.  相似文献   

The absence of juvenile hormone at the time of head cap slippage during the last-larval moult of the tabacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, causes deposition of premelanin granules into the outer regions of the newly forming endocuticle beginning 13 h later. These granules were found to contain an inactive phenoloxidase which becomes activated about 9 h later, 4 h before body melanization begins. The onset of melanization was not accelerated by melanization and reddish colouration hormone from Bombyx heads, extracts of pharate-adult corpora cardiaca or pharate-larval ventral nerve cords (sources of eclosion hormone), or extracts of pharate-larval suboesophageal ganglia or corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes. Instead the fall of the ecdysteroid titre to below 250 ng/ml 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents appeared to be the cue that allowed melanization about 4.5 h later. Up to, but not after, this time both melanization and ecdysis could be delayed by exogenous 20-hydroxyecdysone in a dose-dependent fashion above 0.1 μg per larva. In vitro studies published elsewhere indicate that 20-hydroxyecdysone prevents the activation of the premelanin granules. Thus the granules can be deposited at the proper time in the newly forming endocuticle but their melanization is regulated by the declining ecdysteroid titre and it thus synchronized with other events occurring just before ecdysis.  相似文献   

The in vivo binding of platinum to metallothionein (MT) has been observed in rat tissues following injections of the cis and trans isomers of DDP (dichlorodiammine-platinum(II)). Platinum in either cis-DDP or trans-DDP does not directly induce MT; platinum-MT is produced by the replacement of previously bound zinc in the protein. The binding of Pt(II) to MT depends on the availability of SH groups in MT. Preinjection with CdCl2 significantly enhances the association of Pt(II) with MT fractions compared to the degree of association resulting from injections with either cis-DDP or trans-DDP without CdCl2 pretreatment. In vitro experiments in which tissue extracts including a known (Cd,Zn)-MT were incubated with either cis-DDP or trans-DDP show that these isomers differ with respect to the transfer of Pt to MT; the equilibrium in both cases was reached when approximately 40% of the available Pt is bound to MT but with this equilibrium value attained in 2 h in the case of trans-DDP and only after 72 h in the case of cis-DDP. Pt-MTs were also formed by a series of incubation steps in which a native MT was used to prepare the apoprotein which was subsequently incubated with either cis-DDP or trans-DDP. Spectrophotometry established that a shoulder occurs at 285 nm for the Pt-MTs resulting from the incubation with either isomer. A competitive double-antibody radioimmunoassay for MT demonstrated that these Pt-MTs had complete cross-reactivity with a native (Cd,Zn)-MT. Gel filtration of tissue extracts after either in vivo or in vitro treatment with DDP showed that Pt was bound to a molecular species with properties characteristic of MT. These results were verified by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis assays.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a fluorescence in Photosystem I (PSI) particles isolated according to the method of Bengis and Nelson [J. Biol. Chem.252, 4564–4569 (1977)]was found to be dependent on the redox state of both P700 and X (an acceptor on the reducing side of PSI). Addition of dithionite plus neutral red to PSI caused an increase in fluorescence intensity and a shift of the main fluorescence peak from 689 to 674 nm. Addition of electron acceptors such as ferredoxin and methyl viologen decreased the fluorescence yield when added to PSI incubated under anaerobic conditions in the presence of excess dichlorophenol indophenol (DCIPH2). The Km for ferredoxin agreed with that determined from direct measurements of ferredoxin reduction, showing that X is a quencher of fluorescence. P700 was also found to be a quencher of fluorescence, since electron donors such as DCIPH2, TMPD, and plastocyanin decreased fluorescence with Km's nearly identical to those observed for P700+ reduction. Chemical modification of PSI (with ethylene diamine + a water-soluble carbodiimide) to make it positively charged increased the fluorescence yield and shifted the 689-nm peak to 674 nm. The Km's for DCIPH2 and ferredoxin were decreased. In contrast, modification of PSI with succinic anhydride, which increased the net negative charge, increased the Km for ferredoxin. Salts affected the interaction of methyl viologen with PSI. Both anion and cation selectivity were observed. Limited proteolysis increased the Km for both methyl viologen and ferredoxin, indicating that their binding site on PSI was altered. These results suggest that the binding site for ferredoxin is on either the 70- or the 20-kDa subunit of PSI.  相似文献   

The cell-surface proteins of Drosophila embryos at gastrula and myoblast fusion stages were characterized by radioiodination and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Over 13% of the cell surface proteins detected in gastrula embryos were not found in myoblast fusion stage embryos or in Drosophila embryonic cell line EH34A3 cells. Nearly 18% of the cell-surface proteins detected in myoblast fusion stage embryos were evident only at that stage. Embryonic cell-surface proteins were compared with cell-surface proteins from untreated EH34A3 cells and EH34A3 cells treated with 20-hydroxyecdysone, which induces cell aggregation and the expression of "new" proteins at the cell surface (D. F. Woods and C. A. Poodry, 1983, Dev. Biol. 96, 23-31). Only one of the proteins induced by ecdysone in EH34A3 cells was detected in the NP-40 soluble fraction of radioiodinated cell lysates, even after fractionation by lectin affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation to enrich for putative ecdysone induced proteins. However, extraction of the NP-40 insoluble pellet of embryo cells revealed one additional protein that was present both in myoblast fusion stage embryos and hormone-treated culture cells. It was concluded that except for these two proteins, the cell-surface proteins induced in cultured cell lines by treatment with 20-hydroxyecdysone are not present in significant amounts in gastrula or myoblast fusion stage embryos.  相似文献   

Particulate membrane fractions from Volvox carteri catalyze the transfer of mannose from GDP-mannose to dolichyl diphosphate-[14C]chitobiose to form lipid-linked oligosaccharides up to a dolichyl diphospnate-chitobiose-(mannose)5 structure. Mannosylation of the chitobiosyl lipid requires divalent cations and detergents as solubilizing agents. Depending on the nature of the detergent, the oligosaccharide pattern differs markedly: With deoxycholate or the zwitterionic detergent 314 a lipid-linked trisaccharide accumulates. The nonionic Triton X-100, however, gives rise to a spectrum of compounds up to a heptasaccharide. Enzyme digestion of the tri- and pentasaccharide structure, obtained after mild acid hydrolysis of the corresponding [14C]glycolipids, revealed that the first mannose is bound via a β-glycosidic linkage to the chitobiosyl core, whereas the outer mannose residues are linked as α-mannosides. Our studies indicate that, in agreement with recent findings in other organisms, the innermost α-mannosidic residues are donated directly from GDP-mannose. The structure of oligosaccharides synthesized by Volvox membranes is thus consistent with results from other eucaryotic species, suggesting a common pathway of N-glycosylation of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

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