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The subcellular distribution of adenyl cyclase was investigated in small intestinal epithelial cells. Enterocytes were isolated, disrupted and the resulting membranes fractionated by differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation. Separation of luminal (brush border) and contra-luminal (basolateral) plasma membrane was achieved on a discontinuous sucrose gradient.The activity of adenyl cyclase was followed during fractionation in relation to other enzymes, notably those considered as markers for luminal and contraluminal plasma membrane. The luminal membrane was identified by the membrane-bound enzymes sucrase and alkaline phosphatase and the basolateral region by (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. Enrichment of the former two enzymes in purified luminal plasma membrane was 8-fold over cells and that of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in purified basolateral plasma membranes was 13-fold. F?-activated adenyl cyclase co-purified with (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, suggesting a common localization on the plasma membrane. The distribution of K+-stimulated phosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase also followed (Na+ + K+)-ATPase during fractionation.  相似文献   

An ATPase is demonstrated in plasma membrane fractions of goldfish gills. This enzyme is stimulated by Cl? and HCO3?, inhibited by SCN?.Biochemical characterization shows that HCO3? stimulation (Km = 2.5 mequiv./l) is specifically inhibited in a competitive fashion by SCN? (Ki = 0.25 mequiv./l). The residual Mg2+-dependent activity is weakly is weakly affected by SCN?.In the microsomal fraction chloride stimulation of the enzyme occurs in the presence of HCO3? (Kmfor chloride = 1 mequiv./l); no stimulation is observed in the absence of HCO3?. Thiocyanate exhibits a mixed type of inhibition (Ki = 0.06 mequiv./l) towards the Cl? stimulation of the enzyme.Bicarbonate-dependent ATPase from the mitochondrial fraction is stimulated by Cl?, but this enzyme has a relatively weak affinity for this substrate (Km = 14 mequiv./l).  相似文献   

Scorpion toxins, the basic miniprotiens of scorpion venom, stimulated the passive uptake of Na+ and Ca2+ in chick ermbryo heart cells. Half-maximum stimulation was obtained for 20–30 nM Na+ and 40–50 nM Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-activated Na+ and Ca2+ uptakes were fully inhibited by tetrodotoxin, a specific inhibitor of the action potential Na+ ionophore in excitable membranes. Half-maximum inhibition was obtained with the same concentration of tetrodotoxin (10 nm) for both Na+ and Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-stimulated Ca2+ uptake was dependent on extracellular Na+ concentration and was not inhibited by Ca2+ channel blocking drugs which are inactive on heart cell action potential. Thus, in heart cells scorpion toxin affects the passive Ca2+ transport, which is coupled to passive Na+ ionphore. Other results suggest that (1) tetrodotoxin and scorpion toxin bind to different sites of the sarcolemma and (2) binding of scorpion toxin to its specific sites may unmask latent tetrodotoxin — sensitive fast channels.  相似文献   

The initial process of transfer of extracellular iron to the haem-synthesizing mitochondria of immature erythroid cells is the association of iron-transferrin with the cell membrane. When rat bone marrow cells were incubated in the presence of iron bound to rat transferrin, iron uptake was higher than in the presence of iron bound to heterologous transferrin. The relative activities of the various isolated transferrins towards rat transferrin were found to be approximately 0.3, 0.8, 0.1 and 0.04 for rabbit, human, bovine and fish (tench, Tinca tinca) transferrin, respectively, and 0.7, 0.7 and 0.15 for mouse, guinea pig and calf serum, respectively, as compared with rat serum. Although great difference exist in cellular uptake of iron bound to different species of transferrin, the subcellular distribution of 59Fe was quite similar. In all cases about 60% of the radioactivity taken up by the cells could be recovered in the haemin fraction and only about 15% in each the membrane and the non-haem soluble cell fraction. Similar results were obtained with guinea pig bone marrow cells.From the results of the experiments presented it might be concluded that the species of transferrin plays an important role during the initial stages of iron uptake by bone marrow cells, whereas the intracellular iron transfer process is not influenced by the species of transferrin.  相似文献   

Inge Romslo  Torgeir Flatmark 《BBA》1974,347(2):160-167
Isolated rat liver mitochondria accumulate iron partly by an energy-dependent and partly by an energy-independent mechanism (Romslo, I. and Flatmark, T. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 305, 29–40). When the iron-loaded mitochondria were disrupted mechanically and the mitochondrial subfractions isolated by density gradient centrifugation, the iron accumulated by the energy-dependent mechanism was recovered mainly in the soluble matrix and intermembrane space (approx. 50% of the total activity) and the inner membrane (approx. 30%). A negligible contribution to the total iron content of the soluble fraction by intermembrane space was revealed by the preparation of ‘mitoplasts’. On the other hand, most of the energy-independent iron accumulation was confined to the outer and inner membranes (approx. 35% of the total activity in each).  相似文献   

The effects of acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside on cyclic GMP levels, contractile force, and glycogen metabolism were investigated in the perfused rat heart. While both agents produced time- and concentration-dependent increases in cyclic GMP, only acetylcholine significantly decreased contractile force. Neither agent altered the basal cyclic AMP concentration, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity ratio, or phosphorylase activity. When dosages were adjusted to give approximately equal increases in cyclic GMP, acetylcholine attenuated the effect of epinephrine on contractile force and glycogen phosphorylase activity while nitroprusside did not antagonize the action of the beta-adrenergic agent on either parameter. The data suggest that increased cardiac cyclic GMP is not sufficient to completely explain the action of acetylcholine on either contractile force or its antagonism of epinephrine-induced increases in force or glycogen phosphorylase activity.  相似文献   

Entry of β-hydroxybutyrate into erythrocytes and thymocytes is facilitated by a carrier (C), as judged from temperature dependence, saturation kinetics, stereospecificity, competition with lactate and pyruvate, and inhibition by moderate concentrations of methylisobutylxanthine, phloretin, or α-cyanocinnamate. We studied the dependence of influx and efflux on internal and external pH and [β-hydroxybutyrate]. Lowering external pH from 8.0 to 7.3 to 6.6 enhanced influx into erythrocytes by lowering entry Km from 29 to 16 to 10 mM, entry V being independent of external pH. Lowering external pH inhibited efflux. At low external pH, external β-hydroxybutyrate enhanced efflux slightly. At high external pH, external β-hydroxybutyrate inhibited efflux. Internal acidification inhibited influx and internal alkalization enhanced influx. Internal β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) enhanced influx more in acidified than alkalized cells. These data are compatible with coupled βHB?/OH? exchange, βHB? and OH? competing for influx, C : OH? moving faster than C : βHB?, empty C being immobile. They are also compatible with coupled βHB?/H+ copermeation, empty C moving inward faster than H+ : C : βHB?, H+ : C being immobile, and C : βHB? (without H+) being so unstable as not to be formed in significant amounts (relative to C, H+ : C, and H+ : C : βHB?).  相似文献   

We now add to the agencies by which cells take up lithium the process of cotransport with neutral amino acids via System A. In the Ehrlich cell various natural and synthetic amino acids, depending on their structure, can cause substantial accelerations of Li+ uptake over a considerable range of levels of Na+, Li+ and H+. Half the maximal augmentation of uptake, namely 1.2 mequiv. Li/kg cell water per 15 min, was obtained for 5.4 mM alanine in a double-reciprocal plot. Alanine also stimulated the exodus of Li+ from the Ehrlich cell. The human red blood cell, lacking System A as it does, becomes an imperfect model for studying cellular uptake of Li+. Until the Li+ dependence of amino acid uptake in the reticulocyte is known, reticulocytosis can be suspected of contributing to the interpersonal variations seen in Li+-for-Na+ exchange.  相似文献   

Partition of human erythrocytes in aqueous two-phase polymer systems produced by Ficoll and different molecular weight fractions of dextran and polyethylene glycol and the influence of the ionic composition on the cells' partition in the systems was studied. It is found that the Ficoll-dextran-40 system is characterized by a number of advantages as compared with the common dextran-polyethylene glycol system or the others systems under study. The main advantage of the system appears to be that it is possible to concentrate the red cells in the top phase or in the bottom phase of the system, depending on the system ionic composition. The influence of the nature and the concentration of salt additives on this two-phase system formation is examined.  相似文献   

The rise time of the photoinduced, reversible EPR Signal IIvf in spinach chloroplasts is found using flash excitation to be 20 ± 10 μs. The results are interpreted as evidence that the Signal IIvf radical is an electron carrier on the donor side of Photosystem II, but probably does not result from the first donor to P680+.  相似文献   

1. A23187 will uncouple electron transport by broken chloroplasts in a divalent cation dependent manner provided that they have been treated with a low concentration of EDTA.2. A23187 stimulates oxaloacetate-dependent oxygen evolution and inhibits phosphoglycerate reduction by intact chloroplasts isolated in a cation-free medium whereas the full effect of nigericin was dependent on the presence of external K+.3. Uncoupling of oxaloacetate reduction by A23187 in intact chloroplasts is inhibited by EDTA and this effect is overcome by excess Mg2+.4. The results suggest that divalent and not monovalent cations are available for collapsing the light-induced H+ gradient within the intact organelle.  相似文献   

Cations were generally ineffective in stimulating succinate transport in a succinate dehydrogenase mutant of Bacillus subtilis unless accompanied by polyvalent anions; phosphate and sulfate being particularly active. The Km values for the phosphate or sulfate requirement were approx. 3 mM.Biphasic kinetics were characteristic of both the succinate (Km values 0.1 and 1 mM), and inorganic phosphate (Km values 0.1 and 3 mM) transport system(s). The phosphate transport system(s) was repressed by high inorganic phosphate and a coordinate increase in the transport of phosphate, arsenate, and phosphate-stimulated succinate transport accompanied growth in low phosphate media.A class of arsenate resistant mutants were simultaneously defective in the transport of arsenate, phosphate and succinate when cells were repressed for phosphate transport, however, the transport of these ions was regained in these mutants when grown in low phosphate media. Organic phosphate esters did not stimulate succinate transport in arsenate resistant mutants but were effective after growth in low phosphate media. Growth under phosphate limitation permitted the simultaneous regain of both phosphate and sulfate dependent succinate transport activities whereas sulfate limitation alone was ineffective.Succinate was not transported by an anion exchange diffusion mechanism since phosphate efflux was low or absent during succinate transport.The transport of C4-dicarboxylates in B. subtilis is strongly stimulated by intracellular polyvalent anions. The absence of an anion permeability mechanism precludes succinate transport but partial escape from this restriction is mediated by the derepression of a phosphate transport system.  相似文献   

The distribution between nuclei and cytoplasm of DNA-binding proteins from growing NIL cells was studied. To obtain the subcellular fractions, cell monolayers or cells previously detached from the culture dish were treated with the non-ionic detergent Nonidet P-40. Proteins with affinity for DNA were isolated from nuclear or cytoplasmic fractions by chromatography on DNA-cellulose columns and were further analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The results show that P8, one of the major components in the 0.15 M NaCl-eluted proteins, is found predominantly in the cytoplasmic fractions, whereas P6, the other main protein peak in this eluate, is more prominent in the nuclear fraction. Among the other proteins eluted at 0.15 M NaCl from the DNA-cellulose column, P5 and P5′ are detected in both nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. All the other proteins in the 0.15 M NaCl eluate are present almost exclusively in the cytoplasmic fraction. On the other hand, most of the proteins with higher affinity for DNA, eluted from the column at 2 M NaCl, are present in the nuclear fraction, although they are also detected in the cytoplasm in amounts similar to those observed in the nuclei.  相似文献   

A specific receptor for gastrin I has been demonstrated in the rat stomach fundus.Specific binding of 125I-labelled gastrin I was localised to particles sedimenting between 250–20 000 × g. Saturation of binding sites occurred with a gastrin concentration of 10?11 M in an assay system containing 0.6–1.7 mg/ml of homogenate protein. Gastrin binding was shown to be reversible, temperature- and pH-dependent, and susceptible to tryptic digestion. Electron microscopic and enzymatic studies showed the binding fraction to contain predominantly mitochondria. Preincubation of the homogenate with 10?8 M cholecystokinin or secretin inhibited gastrin binding to a greater extent than an equimolar concentration of pentagastrin. Cimetidine, a histamine receptor antagonist, did not affect binding of gastrin to the receptor.  相似文献   

The “paranoiac” mutants of Paramecium aurelia show prolonged backward swimming in solutions containing Na+, unlike wild-type paramecia, which jerk back and forth in Na+ solutions. The paranoiac mutants in Na+ solutions also show large losses of cellular K+ and large influxes of Na+. Three different paranoiac mutants all show similar defects in ion regulation but to different degrees. Wild-type Paramecium, in contrast, shows no Na+-dependent loss of cellular K+ and a much smaller Na+ influx. In K+-containing solutions, there is no difference between wild-type and paranoiac paramecia with respect to their cellular K+ content.The Na+ influx, the K+ loss, and the duration of backward swimming are all proportional to the extracellular Na+ concentration. Electrophysiologically, the backward swimming of the paranoiac mutants corresponds to a prolonged depolarization of the membrane potential, while the backward jerks of wild-type Paramecium correspond to a series of transient depolarizations. We propose that the large Na+ influxes and the large K+ effluxes in paranoiacs occur during the periods of backward swimming, while the membrane is depolarized.  相似文献   

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