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The enthalpy of binding, deltaHb, of flavin adenine dinucleotide to the apoenzyme of D-amino acid oxidase was determined by flow calorimetry at pH 8.5 to be +3.8, -4.1 and -11.0 kcal mol-1 at 10 degrees, 25 degrees and 38 degrees, respectively. These values correspond to a heat capacity change, deltaCp, of -530 cal K-1 mol-1. From the binding constant reported by Dixon and Kleppe (1965a) and the above enthalpies, the standard free energy and standard entropy of binding are evaluated. These thermodynamic data are interpreted in terms of hydrophobic and vibrational contributions (Sturtevant, 1977). The product of the assay reaction (Fonda and Anderson, 1967), benzoylformic acid, is a non-competitive inhibitor of the enzyme with a value for KI of 1.4 X 10(-4)M at 25 degrees.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPOX), the penultimate enzyme in the haem biosynthetic pathway catalysers the six electron oxidation of protoporphyrinogen-IX to protoporphyrin-IX, in the presence of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and oxygen. In humans, partial defects in PPOX result in variegate porphyria. In this study, the FAD binding region in Myxococcus xanthus PPOX was analysed by engineering and characterising a selection of mutant proteins. Amino acid residues which interact with FAD via their side chains were selected for study. Mutants were characterised and compared with wild type protein. Characterisation included FAD quantitation, analysis of FAD spectra and kinetic assay. Results revealed that Serine 20 mutants could still bind FAD, but polarity in this position is favourable, yet not essential for the integrity of FAD binding. Study of Glutamate 39 mutants suggest that a negative charge at position 39 is clearly favoured for interaction with the ribose ring of FAD, as all non-conservative replacements could not bind sufficient FAD. Asparagine 441 appears not to be directly involved in FAD binding but rather in stabilizing the FAD, and polarity in this position appears important. Tryptophan 408 may play a role in orientating or stabilizing the bound substrate during catalysis, and a non-polar (or slightly polar) residue is favoured at this position; however, aromaticity in this position appears not to be critical. Overall this study sheds further light on how M. xanthus PPOX interacts with FAD.  相似文献   

Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and glucose oxidase were adsorbed on medium porosity spectroscopic graphite (SG) and on low porosity glassy carbon (GC) with retention of electrochemical activity, as measured by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. Adsorption on the SG was very strong, while that on GC was much weaker. Enzyme activity could be partially restored by the addition of the apoenzyme of glucose oxidase to the SG-adsorbed FAD preparation. The holoenzyme of glucose oxidase also was adsorbed on SG with retention of enzyme activity. The mechanism for the reconstitution of active enzyme from adsorbed FAD and soluble apoenzyme is not clear. The data suggest that the reconstituted enzyme stays adsorbed to the SG, but it is not clear whether the FAD or protein portions (or both) are adsorbed after reconstitution. The data also indicate that substrate mass transfer resistance may be important with the reconstituted-adsorbed enzyme.  相似文献   

Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) was covalently attached to an electron-conducting support, i.e., glassy carbon. The support was activated by oxidation to create surface carboxylic acid groups, followed by reaction with a water-soluble carbodiimide. FAD was then attached to the activated support by three different methods: (1) directly; (2) through 6-aminocaproic acid as a spacer; and (3) through ethylenediamine glutaraldehyde as a spacer. Coupling occurred at the FAD adenine amino group, or possibly at a ribityl OH group. Cyclic voltammetry was used to determine Eo' values and FAD loadings. The immobilized FAD also acted as a catalyst for the oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) in that it reduced overpotential by about 195 mV. When the apoenzyme of glucose oxidase was added to the glassy carbon-FAD or glassy carbon-spacer-FAD preparations, no reconstitution of enzyme activity could be observed. This suggests strongly that the adenine amino group of FAD cannot be modified by attachment of something as large as easily visible solid particles. However, it leaves unanswered the question of larger molecular weight material can be accommodated in the FAD-apoenzyme cleft and retain glucose oxidase activity.  相似文献   

The resonance Raman spectra of riboflavin (RF) and its derivatives, including 3-deuterated (3-D RF), 3-methyl (3-CH3 RF), 3-carboxymethyl (3-CH2COOH RF), and 7,8-dichlororiboflavins (7,8-Cl RF), in H2O and D2O were observed in the 700-1700 cm-1 region. The fluorescence problem of riboflavin was overcome by complex formation of riboflavin with riboflavin binding proteins. The observed frequencies of Raman lines of RF are in good agreement with those of glucose oxidase obtained by Spiro et al. by the resonance CARS method, although the present spectral range is extended to much lower frequency with a higher signal-to-noise ratio than that for glucose oxidase. The observed Raman lines were assigned to the individual ring modes of isoalloxazine on the basis of the Raman spectra of appropriate model compounds such as uracil, pyrazine, and o-xylene. The 1253 cm-1 line of RF was shifted to ca. 1300 cm-1 for 3-D RF, 3-CH3 RF, and 3-CH2COOH RF, and accordingly can be assigned to the CN stretching mode of Ring III. The 1632 cm-1 line of RF was shifted for 7,8-Cl RF and was assigned to a Ring I mode. No Raman line mainly due to C = O stretching mode was observed in the present resonance Raman spectra.  相似文献   

The preparation of flavin adenine dinucleotide-affinity columns employing glucose oxidase and d-amino acid oxidase covalently linked to Sepharose-4B is described. Both immobilized enzymes have very good long-term stabilities, retaining at least half of their original flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding capacity over 11 months. In both cases pure flavin adenine dinucleotide is obtained readily in good yields.  相似文献   

Abstract Oxygen uptake by Streptococcus sanguis ATCC10556 in the presence of pyruvate was studied. In permeabilized cells pyruvate oxidase activity dependent on thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and orthophosphate was demonstrated. The activity was ten times higher in cells grown aerobically than in cells grown anaerobically. Acetyl phosphate was a product, and 1.1 mol of acetyl phosphate was formed per mol of oxygen taken up. No pyruvate dehydrogenase activity dependent on NAD, coenzyme A (CoA) and TPP was detected.  相似文献   

In vivo cross-linking between native cysteines in the Aer receptor of Escherichia coli showed dimer formation at the membrane anchor and in the putative HAMP domain. Dimers also formed in mutants that did not bind flavin adenine dinucleotide and in truncated peptides without a signaling domain and part of the HAMP domain.  相似文献   

The interaction of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) with a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface was investigated in terms of the FAD adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics, the subsequent electroreduction mechanism, and the corresponding electron-transfer rate. The kinetics of FAD electroreduction at the GCE was found to be an adsorption-controlled process. A set of electroreduction kinetic parameters was calculated: the true number of electrons involved in the FAD reduction, n=1.76, the apparent transfer coefficient, alpha(app)=0.41, and the apparent heterogeneous electron-transfer rate constant, k(app)=1.4 s(-1). The deviation of the number of exchanged electrons from the theoretical value for the complete reduction of FAD to FADH(2) (n=2) indicates that a small portion of FAD goes to a semiquinone state during the redox process. The FAD adsorption was well described by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The large negative apparent Gibbs energy of adsorption (DeltaG(ads)=-39.7 +/-0.4 kJ mol(-1)) indicated a highly spontaneous and strong adsorption of FAD on the GCE. The energetics of the adsorption process was found to be independent of the electrode surface charge in the electrochemical double-layer region. The kinetics of FAD adsorption was modeled using a pseudo-first-order kinetic model.  相似文献   

L J Willis  T M Loehr 《Biochemistry》1985,24(11):2768-2772
Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to study milk xanthine oxidase, an enzyme containing molybdenum, binuclear iron-sulfur clusters, and FAD as cofactors. The contribution of FAD dominates the resonance Raman spectrum at frequencies above 500 cm-1. As expected, no bands assignable to FAD are observed in deflavo xanthine oxidase. The resonance Raman spectrum below 500 cm-1 reveals the contribution of the Fe2S2(Cys)4 groups with frequencies similar to those of adrenodoxin and putidaredoxin. Resonance enhancement profiles of the Fe2S2(Cys)4 clusters indicate intensity variations among the Fe2S2(Cys)4 peaks that are attributed to different excitation wavelength maxima of their bridging and terminal iron-sulfur vibrations. No evidence for Mo-ligand vibrations could be obtained by using excitation wavelengths between 363.8 and 514.5 nm.  相似文献   

In pyruvate oxidase (POX) from Lactobacillus plantarum, valine 265 participates in binding the cofactor FAD and is responsible for the strained conformation of its isoalloxazine moiety that is visible in the crystal structure of POX. The contrasting effects of the conservative amino acid exchange V265A on the enzyme's catalytic properties, cofactor affinity, and protein structure were investigated. The most prominent effect of the exchange was observed in the 2.2 A crystal structure of the mutant POX. While the overall structures of the wild-type and the variant are similar, flavin binding in particular is clearly different. Local disorder at the isoalloxazine binding site prevents modeling of the complete FAD cofactor and two protein loops of the binding site. Only the ADP moiety shows well-defined electron density, indicating an "anchor" function for this part of the molecule. This notion is corroborated by competition experiments where ADP was used to displace FAD from the variant enzyme. Despite the fact that the affinity of FAD binding in the variant is reduced, the catalytic properties are very similar to the wild-type, and the redox potential of the bound flavin is the same for both proteins. The rate of electron transfer toward the flavin during turnover is reduced to one-third compared to the wild-type, but k(cat) remains unchanged. Redox-triggered FTIR difference spectroscopy of free FAD shows the nu(C(10a)=N(1)) band at 1548 cm(-)(1). In POX-V265A, this band is found at 1538 cm(-)(1) and thus shifted less strongly than in wild-type POX where it is found at 1534 cm(-)(1). Taking these observations together, the conservative exchange V265A in POX has a surprisingly small effect on the catalytic properties of the enzyme, whereas the effect on the three-dimensional structure is rather big.  相似文献   

The first identified covalent flavoprotein, a component of mammalian succinate dehydrogenase, was reported 42 years ago. Since that time, more than 20 covalent flavoenzymes have been described, each possessing one of five modes of FAD or FMN linkage to protein. Despite the early identification of covalent flavoproteins, the mechanisms of covalent bond formation and the roles of the covalent links are only recently being appreciated. The main focus of this review is, therefore, one of mechanism and function, in addition to surveying the types of linkage observed and the methods employed for their identification. Case studies are presented for a variety of covalent flavoenzymes, from which general findings are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

Sarcosine oxidase from Arthrobacter sp. TE1826 (SoxA) tightly binds with the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). The amino-terminal region of this enzyme was recognized as a part of the FAD-binding domain by homology search analysis. Comparison with other structurally well-known flavoproteins suggested that the aspartate residue at position 35 (D-35) and the motif sequence (six residues at positions 12 to 17) were important for the interaction with FAD. Site-directed mutagenesis of each position was performed, and mutant SoxAs were purified and characterized. When D-35 was substituted with glutamate, asparagine, and alanine, it was indicated that the carboxyl group of the side chain interacted with FAD. Changes in the enzyme-bound FAD were also observed from the altered spectral profiles. Thirteen mutant SoxAs were obtained by replacing amino acids in the motif sequence. Most of them showed inhibited or remarkably decreased sarcosine oxidase activity, and their spectral profiles were altered. However, some of them were reactivated by chloride ion. Their spectral profiles also became close to that of wild type in the presence of chloride ion. These results strongly suggest that the inhibition of interaction of enzyme with FAD was caused by the substitution in the motif and that it could be recovered under different conditions.  相似文献   

Lu C  Yao S  Han Z  Lin W  Wang W  Zhang W  Lin N 《Biophysical chemistry》2000,85(1):17-24
Using the techniques of pulse radiolysis with time-resolved spectrophotometric detection, it has been demonstrated that the interaction of reducing OH radical adducts of dCMP, TMP and UMP with riboflavin (RF) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) does proceed via an electron transfer reaction. From buildup kinetics of radical species, the rate constants of electron transfer from reducing OH adducts of pyrimidines to RF and FAD have been determined, respectively. It could be deduced that RF and FAD would reduce the probability of repair of the damaged DNA in the presence of enzymes and antioxidants, accordingly RF and FAD might have a radiosensitization effect on DNA damage.  相似文献   

E B Skibo 《Biochemistry》1986,25(15):4189-4194
Benzimidazole derivatives possessing a leaving group in the 2 alpha-position and either 4,7-dione, 4,7-diol, or 4,7-dimethoxy substituents were examined as inhibitors of buttermilk xanthine oxidase. The quinone and hydroquinone derivatives are not inhibitors of xanthine-oxygen reductase activity, even though the latter is a powerful alkylating agent. The methoxylated hydroquinones are linear noncompetitive inhibitors, the best of which is the 2 alpha-bromo analogue (Ki = 46 microM). During xanthine-oxygen reductase activity, the 2 alpha-bromo analogue irreversibly traps the reduced enzyme. Formation of a C(4a) adduct of the reduced functional FAD cofactor is postulated on the basis of UV-visible spectral evidence and reconstitution of the enzyme after removal of the altered FAD. A probable sequence of events is reversible binding at or near the reduced cofactor followed by adduct formation. It is concluded that potent tight binding inhibitors could be designed that act at the FAD cofactor rather than the purine active site.  相似文献   

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