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The (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-dependent ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC from human erythrocytes occurred in two different states, A-state and B-state, depending on the membrane preparation.The A-state showed low maximum activity (V) and the Ca2+ activation was characterized by a Hill coefficient, nH, of about 1 and a Michaelis constant, KCa, about 30 μM.The B-state showed high V, a nH above 1, which indicates positive cooper-activity of Ca2+ activation, and a KCa of about 1 μM.With varying ATP concentrations, both the A-state and the B-state showed negative cooperativity and slightly different values of Km.The B-state was shifted to the A-state when the membranes were exposed to low Ca2+ concentrations. The shift reached 50% at approx. 0.5 μM Ca2+. At the low Ca2+ concentrations an activator was released from the membranes.The A-state was shifted to the B-state when the membranes were exposed to Ca2+ in the presence of the activator. The shift reached 50% at about 30 μM Ca2+. The recovery of high V was time dependent and lasted several minutes. Increasing concentrations of Ca2+ and activator accelerated the recovery.It is suggested that the A-state and the B-state correspond to enzyme free of activator and enzyme associated with activator, respectively. Furthermore, the two states may represent a resting and an active state, respectively, of the calcium pump.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence indicates that some steroid hormones, apart from their well-documented genomic actions, could produce non-genomic rapid effects, and are potent modulators of the plasma membrane proteins, including voltage- and ligand-operated ion channels or G protein-coupled receptors. Neuroactive steroids, 17β-estradiol, testosterone, pregnenolone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, after a short-time incubation directly modulated the activity of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase purified from synaptosomal membranes of rat cortex. The sulfate derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone and pregnenolone applied at concentrations of 10?11–10?6 M, showed an inverted U-shape potency in the regulation of Ca2+-ATPase activity. At physiologically relevant concentrations (10?8–10?9 M) a maximal enhancement of the basal activity reached 200%. Testosterone (10?11–10?6 M) and 17β-estradiol (10?12–10?9 M) caused a dose-dependent increase in the hydrolytic ability of Ca2+-ATPase, and the activity with the highest concentration of steroids reached 470% and 200%, respectively. All examined steroids decreased the stimulatory effect of a naturally existing activator of the calcium pump, calmodulin. The present study strongly suggests that the plasma membrane calcium pump could be one of the possible membrane targets for a non-genomic neuroactive steroid action.  相似文献   

In the absence of Mg2+, the observed activity of the erythrocyte plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is due to the hydrolysis of CaATP at a low rate. In the presence of Mg2+, the activity of the enzyme is much higher, but it is inhibited by high levels of free Mg2+. This inhibition appears to be due to competition of Mg2+ and Ca2+ for a site on the enzyme, rather than for ATP.  相似文献   

Propranolol, at concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 mM, inhibits the calmodulin-activated Ca2+-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes. In the same concentration range it is without effect on the basal Ca2+-ATPase. The inhibition is competitive and appears to be due to membrane binding, rather than to combination with cytoplasmic calmodulin as is the case for phenothiazines. This effect of propranolol may explain its ability to open the calcium-gated potassium channel, and could also be related to its action as a β-adrenergic blocker. Nadolol, another β-adrenergic blocker, is also an inhibitor of calmodulin-activated Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Ca2+泵(Ca2+-ATPase)是调节细胞内Ca2+浓度的重要蛋白质之一. Ca2+泵在转运Ca2+的过程中经历一系列构象变化. 其中,E1状态为外向的Ca2+高亲和状态,E2状态则为内向的Ca2+低亲和状态. 目前,骨骼肌内质网Ca2+泵转运Ca2+过程中的几个中间状态,包括E1-2Ca2+,E1-ATP,E1-P-ADP,E2-Pi和E2状态的三维晶体结构已经解析. 介绍这几种状态的晶体结构,并分析Ca2+泵在执行功能过程中结构与功能的关系.  相似文献   

1. In the presence of ATP, the Ca2+ pump of human red cell membranes catalyzes the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate. The requirement for ATP of the Ca2+-p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity was studied in relation to the two classes of site for ATP that are apparent during Ca2+ -ATPase activity. 2. (a) The K0.5 for ATP as activator of the Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase extrapolated at 0 mM PNPP is equal to the Km of the Ca2+ -ATPase. (b) PNPP competes with ATP and its effectiveness is the same regardless the nucleotide acts as the substrate of the Ca2+ -ATPase or as activator of the Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase. 3. PNPP at the high-affinity site does not substitute for ATP as activator of the Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase. 4. At ATP concentrations that almost saturate the high-affinity site, Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity increases as a function of PNPP along an S-shaped curve, while Ca2+ -ATPase activity is partially inhibited along a curve of the same shape and apparent affinity. The fraction of Ca2+ -ATPase activity which is inhibited by PNPP is that which results from occupation of the low-affinity site by ATP. 5. Activation of the Ca2+ -ATPase by ATP at the low-affinity site is associated with inhibition of the Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity. Both phenomena take place with the same apparent affinity and along curves of the same shape. 6. Experimental results suggest that: (a) the Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity depends on ATP at the high-affinity site; (b) PNPP is hydrolyzed at the low-affinity site; (c) Ca2+ -ATPase activity at the high-affinity size persists during Ca2+ -p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Transient-state kinetics of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles from rabbit skeletal and dog cardiac muscles were studied in the presence of varying concentrations of monovalent and divalent cations. Monovalent cations affect the two types of sarcoplasmic reticulum differently. When the rabbit skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum was Ca2+ deficient, preincubation with K+ (as compared with preincubation with choline chloride) did not affect initial phosphorylation at various concentrations of Ca2+, added with ATP to phosphorylate the enzyme. This is in contrast to preincubation with K+ of the Ca2+-deficient dog cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, which resulted in an increase in the phosphoenzyme level. When Ca2+ was bound to the rabbit skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum, K+ inhibited E ~ P formation; but under the same conditions, E ~ P formation of dog cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum was activated by K+ at 12 μM Ca2+ and inhibited at 0.33 and 1.3 μM Ca2+. Li+, Na+ and K+ also have different effects on E ~ P decomposition of skeletal and cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. The latter responded less to these cations than the former. Studies with ADP revealed differences between the two types of sarcoplasmic reticulum. For rabbit skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum, 40% of the phosphoenzyme formed was ‘ADP sensitive’, and the decay of the remaining E ~ P was enhanced by K+ and ADP. Dog cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum yielded about 40–48% ADP-sensitive E ~ P, but the decomposition rate of the remaining E ~ P was close to the rate measured in the absence of ADP. Thus, these studies showed certain qualitative differences in the transformation and decomposition of phosphoenzymes between skeletal and cardiac muscle which may have bearing on physiological differences between the two muscle types.  相似文献   

The carboxyl group reagent dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibits the electrogenic entry of Cl? and NO3? into rat liver mitochondria at alkaline pH. The inhibition is time dependent and 50% inhibition is obtained by the addition of 3–4 nmol DCCD/mg protein. The blockage of the pH-dependent anion-conducting pore appears to be unrelated to the other known actions of DCCD on rat liver mitochondria but seems similar to its effect on the uncoupling protein of brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine dihydrochloride-induced inhibition of calmodulin-activated Ca2+-ATPase and calmodulin-insensitive (Na+ + K+)- and Mg2+-ATPase activities of rat and human red cell lysates and their isolated membranes was studied. Trifluoperazine inhibited both calmodulin-sensitive and calmodulin-insensitive ATPase activities in these systems. The concentration of trifluoperazine required to produce 50% inhibition of calmodulin-sensitive Ca2+-ATPase was found to be slightly lower than that required to produce the same level of inhibition of other ATPase activities. Drug concentrations which inhibited calmodulin-sensitive ATPase completely, produced significant reduction in calmodulin-insensitive ATPases as well. The data presented in this report suggest that trifluoperazine is slightly selective towards calmodulin-sensitive Ca2+-ATPase but that it is also capable of inhibiting calmodulin-insensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities of red cells at relatively low concentrations. Thus the action of the drug is not due entirely to its interaction with calmodulin-mediated processes, and trifluoperazine cannot be assumed to be a selective inhibitor of calmodulin interactions under all circumstances.  相似文献   

Summary Membrane-bound Ca2+-ATPase activity was localized cytochemically in the blood vessels of the spinal cord of rat embryos to obtain a better understanding of the membrane activities of vascular cells.The cytochemical method revealed a growth of the parenchymal vasculature. In the parenchyma, reaction product was dense over the entire plasma membrane of voluminous endothelial cells provided with large nuclei and enriched cytoplasmic organelles, suggesting that the endothelial cells may be of a vascular sprout. The parenchymal vessels with a wide lumen were frequently associated with pericytes, and the Ca2+-ATPase activity was diminished in intensity on the luminal surface of the flattened endothelial cells. On the other hand, the endothelium of extraparenchymal capillaries exhibited Ca2+-ATPase activity primarily on the luminal surface of the plasma membrane. Quercetin, a Ca2+-transporting ATPase inhibitor, considerably decreased the abluminal activity in the voluminous endothelial cells with slit-like vascular lumen and the luminal activity of functioning capillary endothelium as well. Thus, a dual activity of Ca2+-ATPase, postulating for the activities of Ca2+-transporting ATPase and ecto-ATPase, was closely correlated with the maturation processes of the capillary endothelium.  相似文献   

The inhibitory action of divalent cations on the Ca2+-ATPase activity of a plasma membrane-rich microsome fraction isolated from the roots of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Conquest) was investigated. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure cation-induced changes in membrane lipid properties, it was demonstrated that certain divalent cations (Ca2+, Cd2+, UO2+2) inhibit the Ca2+ ATP-ase by restriction of lipid polar head group mobility and not by alteration of membrane surface potential. Monovalent cations which stimulate the Ca2+-ATPase of barley roots (Na+, K+, ethanolamine HCl) can also reverse the Ca2+-ATPase inhibition by Cd2+. The degree of Na+ reversal of Cd2+-induced Ca2+-ATPase inhibition was influenced by the nature of the anion.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles, isolated from ejaculated ram sperm, were found to contain Ca2+-activated Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+ transport activities. Membrane vesicles that were exposed to oxalate as a Ca2+-trapping agent accumulated Ca2+ in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP. The Vmax for Ca2+ uptake was 33 nmol/mg protein per h, and the Km values for Ca2+ and ATP were 2.5 μM and 45 μM, respectively. 1 μM of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, added initially, completely inhibited net Ca2+ uptake and, if added later, caused the release of Ca2+ previously accumulated. A Ca2+-activated ATPase was present in the same membrane vesicles which had a Vmax of 1.5 μmol/mg protein per h at free Ca2+ concentration of 10 μM. This Ca2+-ATPase had Km values of 4.5 μM and 110 μM for Ca2+ and ATP, respectively. This kinetic parameter was similar to that observed for uptake of Ca2+ by the vesicles. The Ca2+-ATPase activity was insensitive to ouabain. Both Ca2+ transport and Ca2+-ATPase activity were inhibited by the flavonoid quercetin. Thus, ram spermatozoa plasma membranes have both a Ca2+ transport activity and a Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity with similar substrate affinities and specificities and similar sensitivity to quercetin.  相似文献   

建立了一种亲和层析纯化肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶的方法.用非离子型去污剂C12E8 溶解肌质网,再通过反应红-120琼脂糖亲和层析柱使肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶纯度从粗品中的65%提高到99%,并具有较高ATP水解活性.经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,为电泳纯.  相似文献   

Ca2+-ATPase and other membrane proteins of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane from rabbit skeletal muscle have been reconstituted into lipid vesicles with increasing amounts of phosphatidylcholine. The protein composition and phospholipid concentration of these vesicles were analyzed by determining the density of the reconstituted membrane vesicles on linear H2O-2H2O gradients, in a constant concentration of sucrose. In all combinations of the Ca2+-ATPase with a weight excess of phosphatidylcholine, the reconstituted vesicles had a phospholipid-to-protein ratio similar to that of the native sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, even though both solubilization and mixing had occurred. These vesicles of low phospholipid and high protein content exhibited all the original Ca2+-ATPase activity and ATP-stimulated calcium transport. The Ca2+-ATPase, and the calcium-binding proteins to a lesser extent, may order the lipid in such a manner so as to maintain the initial stoichiometry of lipid to protein observed in the native sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

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