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Arginine deiminase (EC from Mycoplasmaarthritidis is a dimeric enzyme. Velocity centrifugation in 6 M guanidine HCl and peptide mapping of the BrCN fragments suggest that the subunits are identical. The reaction of one out of four sulfhydryl groups with 0.3 mM 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) has a half-life of about 30 min in 2 M guanidine HCl at 15°, pH 8. The enzyme is irreversibly inhibited by 1 mM formamidinium ion within 1 min. Inactivation by this affinity label is resolvable into two concurrent first-order reactions in the presence of guanidinium ion; the fraction of enzyme which reacts at the faster rate is about 50%. These results are interpreted as evidence for two catalytic subunits which differ in conformation.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamine in freshly drawn human erythrocytes is trinitrophenylated by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid only slowly and to a maximum of 32%. After different preincubation procedures at 37°C in saline media in the absence of glucose (24 h without additive, 1–5 h with 8 mM hexanol or 1–4 h with the SH reagent, 5 mM tetrathionate) the rate of subsequent trinitrophenylation of phosphatidylethanolamine, in the absence of the additives, is greatly enhanced and the amount of phospholipid reacting increased. Glucose or inosine prevent these effects, inhibitors of glycolysis abolish this protection.The results indicate that in fresh as well as in glycolysing incubated erythrocytes phosphatidylethanolamine in the outer layer of the membrane lipid is shielded by a protein. Conformational changes of this protein induced by metabolic starvation and perturbing agents expose the phospholipid head group to 2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. In addition, a “flip-flop” of phosphatidylethanolamine from the inner to the outer layer may also contribute to the effects observed.  相似文献   

Phage ?15 adsorbed at a low temperature (or by short-time incubation) to the outer surface of Salmonellaanatum gathers on further incubation at a high temperature to a certain region where the inner and outer membranes may join. This was demonstrated by separating the inner and outer membranes of the cells in sucrose gradient after addition of 35S-labeled ?15 to the cells. Radioactivity adsorbed at 4° was first recovered mainly with the dense outer membrane but disappeared by further incubation at 35° within 5 min. Instead, the radioactivity was recovered with the membrane fraction which had intermediate density. Such phage translocation was not observed when phage ?15 was added to a pep mutant of S.anatum to which the phage can adsorb but fail to infect. A host range mutant phage which can infect the pep mutant migrated to the intermediate dense region.  相似文献   

Subunit interactions in human plasma fibronectin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fibronectin molecule was split chemically into its two constituent chains (mol. wt. 220,000) by mild reduction with dithiothreitol. However, physical properties (molecular weight and diffusion coefficient from light scattering, and elution in gel exclusion chromatography) remained those of intact fibronectin, except (reversibly) in the presence of denaturants which also change the conformation of non-reduced fibronectin to a more open form. Similarly, during digestion of fibronectin by plasmin to fragments of molecular weight less than 200,000, the light scattering intensity drops to roughly half in 30% glycerol but not in the absence of glycerol. These results suggest that the compact conformation of native fibronectin is stabilized by specific noncovalent contacts between constituent chains.  相似文献   

P.M. Vignais  P.V. Vignais 《BBA》1973,325(3):357-374

1. 1. Fuscin, a mould metabolite, is a colored quinonoid compound which reacts readily with −SH groups to give colorless addition derivatives.

2. 2. Binding of fuscin to mitochondria has been monitored spectrophotometrically. Fuscin binding is prevented by −SH reagents such as N-ehylmaleimide, N-Methylmaleimide, mersalyl or p-chloromercuribenzoate. Conversely, fuscin prevents the binding of −SH reagents as shown with N-[14C]ethylmaleimide. Once bound to mitochondria, fuscin is not removable by washing of mitochondria.

3. 3. High affinity-fuscin binding sites (Kd = 1 μM, N = 4–8 nmoles/mg protein) are present in whole mitochondria obtained from rat heart, rat liver, pigeon heart or yeast (Candida utilis). They are lost upon sonication but are still present in digitonin inner membrane + matrix vesicles. On the other hand, lysis of mitochondria by Triton X-100 does not increase the number of high affinity binding sites indicating that all these sites are accessible to fuscin in whole mitochondria. The number of fuscin high affinity sites appears to correlate with the glutathione content of mitochondrial preparations.

4. 4. Fuscin as well as N-ethylmaleimide and avenaciolide are penetrant SH-reagents;

5. 5. Fuscin interferes with the ADP-stimulated respiration of mitochondria on NAD-linked substrates, several functions of the mitochondrial respiratory apparatus being inhibited by fuscin in a non-competitive manner, but to various extents: (a) The electron transfer chain (Ki in the range of 0.1 mM); (b) the lipoamide dehydrogenase system (Ki = 5–10 μM); (c) the transport systems of phosphate (Ki ≈ 20 μM) and of glutamate (Ki = 3–5 μM); (d) the ADP transport, indirectly (Ki ≈ 10 μM).

6. 6. Like N-ethylmaleimide, fuscin inhibits the glutamate-OH carrier, the inhibition of that carrier bringing about an apparent increase of aspartate entry in glutamate-loaded mitochondria by the glutamate-aspartate carrier.

7. 7. The inhibition of phosphate transport by fuscin probably accounts for the inhibition of the reduction of endogenous NAD by succinate in intact pigeon heart mitochondria.

8. 8. By binding the −SH groups of mitochondrial membrane specifically unmasked by addition of micromolar amounts of ADP, fuscin, like N-ethylmaleimide, prevents the functioning of ADP translocation.

9. 9. Because of their specific and analogous effects on some well defined mitochondrial functions such as glutamate transport and ADP transport, fuscin and N-ethylmaleimide can be distinguished from other −SH reagents. The lipophilic nature of fuscin and N-ethylmaleimide which accounts for the accessbility of these compounds to hydrophobic sites in the mitochondrial membrane or on the matrix side of this membrane may be partly responsible for their characteristic inhibitory effects on mitochondrial functions.

Abbreviations: DTNB, 5,5′-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid); PCMB, p-chloromercuribenzoate  相似文献   

Structural consequences of antiarrhythmic drug interaction with erythrocyte membranes were analyzed in terms of resulting changes in the activity of membrane-associated acetylcholinesterase. When enzyme inhibitory effects of drugs were compared at concentrations producing an equivalent degree of erythrocyte antihemolysis, a number of distinct groupings emerged, indicating that the molecular consequences of drug-membrane interaction are not identical for all agents examined. Differences in drug-induced acetylcholinesterase inhibition in intact erythrocytes, erythrocyte membranes and a brain synaptic membrane preparation emphasized the role of membrane structural organization in determining the functional consequences of antiarrhythmic interaction in any given system. While the inhibitory actions of lidocaine, D-600 and bretylium in intact red cells were not altered by an increased transmembrane chloride gradient, enhanced enzyme inhibition by quinidine and propranolol was observed under these conditions. The diverse perturbational actions of these membrane-stabilizing antiarrhythmics observed here may be indicative of a corresponding degree of complexity in the mechanisms whereby substances modify the potential-dependent properties of excitable tissues.  相似文献   

Reaction of isolated bovine rod outer segment membrane with radioactiveN-ethylmaleimide, both in the presence and absence of 1% dodecyl sulfate followed by dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, shows that six sulfhydryl groups (96% of total sulfhydryl in this membrane) are located on the rhodopsin molecule.On the basis of their reactivity towardsp-chloromercuribenzoate andp-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate in suspensions of outer segment membranes, the sulfhydryl groups of rhodopsin can be divided into three pairs. One pair is rapidly modified, both in light and darkness. This modification does not impair the recombination capacity of opsin with 11-cis retinaldehyde under regeneration of rhodopsin. A second pair is modified upon prolonged interaction with thep-chloromercuriderivatives in darkness. Modification of this pair leaves the typical rhodopsin absorbance at 500 nm intact, but a proportional loss of recombination capacity does occur. The third pair is only modified after illumination and is probably located in the vicinity of the chromophoric center.The difference between these results and those obtained by modification with dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) orN-ethylmaleimide in suspension, where even upon prolonged exposure to light as well as in darkness only two sulfhydryl groups of rhodopsin are modified, is explained by the detergent-like character of thep-chloromercuri-derivatives.  相似文献   

Protein A24 lyase is an isopeptidase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The action of ATP and its analogs as well as the effects of alkali ions were studied in their action on the ouabain receptor. One single ouabain receptor with a dissociation constant (KD) of 13 nM was found in the presence of (Mg2+ + Pi) and (Na+ + Mg2+ + ATP). pH changes below pH 7.4 did not affect the ouabain receptor. Ouabain binding required Mg2+, where a curved line in the Scatchard plot appeared. The affinity of the receptor for ouabain was decreased by K+ and its congeners, by Na+ in the presence of (Mg2+ + Pi), and by ATP analogs (ADP-C-P, ATP-OCH3). Ca2+ antagonized the action of K+ on ouabain binding. It was concluded that the ouabain receptor exists in a low affinity (Rα) and a high affinity conformational state (Rβ). The equilibrium between both states is influenced by ligands of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. With 3 mM Mg2+ a mixture between both conformational states is assumed to exist (curved line in the Scatchard plot).  相似文献   

The chemical probes for amino compounds 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonate (TNBS) and 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (FDNB) were utilized to determine the localization of the amino phospholipids in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. At low concentrations (<1 mM), TNBS does not penetrate the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, while FDNB readily penetrates it. The results show that about 70% of the total phosphatidylethanolamine is located on the external surface of the membrane, about 20% is on the internal surface and 10% is probably strongly interacting with the proteins since it is not accessible to the probes. In contrast, most of the phosphatidylserine is located on the inner surface of the membrane. This molecular distribution of the amino phospholipids supports a structural assymmetry of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Thermal analysis of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M A Martonosi 《FEBS letters》1974,47(2):327-329

Peroxisomes from Tetrahymena pyriformis contained catalase, d-amino acid oxidase, cyanide-insensitive fatty acyl-CoA oxidizing system, carnitine acetyltransferase, isocitrate lyase, leucine:glyoxylate aminotransferase and phenylalanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase. These activities, except carnitine acetyltransferase, were found at the highest levels in the light mitochondrial fraction, whereas the highest activity of carnitine acetyltransferase was found in the micotchondrial fraction. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that the density of peroxisomes was approx. 1.228 g/ml and that of mitochondria was approx. 1.213 g/ml. When the light mitochondrial fraction was treated with deoxycholate or by freeze-thawing, most of the activities of catalase and isocitrate lyase were solubilized, whereas about half of the original activity of aminotransferase remained in the pellet fraction. Addition of fatty acid and clofibrate increased the activities of the cyanide-insensitive fatty acyl-CoA oxidizing system and isocitrate lyase in the peroxisomes. The activity of catalase was slightly increased by glucose and clofibrate; leucine:glyoxylate aminotransferase activity was significantly increased by clofibrate treatment.  相似文献   

Myelin membranes purified from bovine brain are shown to form membrane vesicles when incubated in hypotonic buffer. Following restoration of isotonicity a resealing of the membrane occurs as judged by a significant decrease in 22Na+ permeability. Electron spin resonance measurements using stearic acid spin label I indicate a small decrease in membrane fluidity with increasing ionic strength between 50 and 80 mM NaCl. Iodination of myelin membrane vesicles by lactoperoxidase shows a four-fold increase in the amount of iodine incorporation into the myelin basic protein from 0–150 mM NaCl, while the iodination of the proteolipid protein remains essentially unaffected by the change in ionic strength. This dependence of the iodination of the myelin basic protein on the ionic strength can be explained by the electrostatic interactions of this protein with membrane lipids. In view of striking analogies with studies on model membranes correlating protein binding with membrane permeability changes, we suggest a similar structure-function relationship for the myelin basic protein.  相似文献   

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