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This study aimed to investigate the possible changes in serum leptin concentration caused by acute exercise and the effects of zinc deficiency on these changes. Forty male rats were divided into control-control, control-elercise, zinc-deficient-control, and zinc-deficient-exercise groups (10 rats in each). Control-exercise and zinc-deficient-exercise groups performed exercisse at 6 m/min speed on a rodent treadmill for 60 min or until exhaustion. All rats were decapitated 48h after the exercise, and blood samples were collected to determine serum leptin and zinc levels. Serum leptin levels in the zinc-deficient-control group were lower than in the control-control group. The mean exercise time of control-exercise group was significantly longer than the zinc-deficient-exercise group. We conclude that serum leptin levels significantly decrease both 48 h after strenuous exercise and in the zinc-deficient rats, and there is a further decrease in leptin levels when rats fed on a zinc-deficient diet performed exercise.  相似文献   

Cholesterol sequestration from plasma membrane has been shown to induce lipid packing disruption, causing actin cytoskeleton reorganization and polymerization, increasing cell stiffness and inducing lysosomal exocytosis in non-professional phagocytes. Similarly, oxidized form of low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) has also been shown to disrupt lipid organization and packing in endothelial cells, leading to biomechanics alterations that interfere with membrane injury and repair. For macrophages, much is known about oxLDL effects in cell activation, cytokine production and foam cell formation. However, little is known about its impact in the organization of macrophage membrane structured domains and cellular mechanics, the focus of the present study. Treatment of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) with oxLDL not only altered membrane structure, and potentially the distribution of raft domains, but also induced actin rearrangement, diffuse integrin distribution and cell shrinkage, similarly to observed upon treatment of these cells with MβCD. Those alterations led to decreased migration efficiency. For both treatments, higher co-localization of actin cytoskeleton and GM1 was observed, indicating a similar mechanism of action involving raft-like domain dynamics. Lastly, like MβCD treatment, oxLDL also induced lysosomal spreading in BMDM. We propose that OxLDL induced re-organization of membrane/cytoskeleton complex in macrophages can be attributed to the insertion of oxysterols into the membrane, which lead to changes in lipid organization and disruption of membrane structure, similar to the effect of cholesterol depletion by MβCD treatment. These results indicate that oxLDL can induce physical alterations in the complex membrane/cytoskeleton of macrophages, leading to significant biomechanical changes that compromise cell behavior.  相似文献   

The superior cervical ganglia (SCG) of adult rats were examined for total protein, LDH and TOH activity, and S-100 and tubulin content after 30 days of a proteinfree diet. After the depletion period, significantly lower values in all these parameters, in comparison with those in animals of the same age fed the complete diet, were found. The difference between the resistance of SCG and that of CNS to protein deficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

Thylakoids isolated from spinach leaves ( Spinacia oleracea L. cvs. Monatol and Montako) were exposed to supraoptimal temperatures that inactivated their photochemical reactions. Membrane injury was accompanied by release of a small amount of membrane proteins. When sucrose was present during high-temperature treatment, thylakoids were partially protected and release of membrane proteins was less pronounced than in the absence of sugar. From thylakoids, which were isolated from heat-damaged spinach leaves, less protein was released when heated again after the isolation procedure, indicating that protein release also takes place during heat inactivation in vivo . Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electropherograms of thylakoids demonstrated that heat inactivation of the lamellae was not accompanied by significant changes in the pattern of the proteins, which remained in the membranes. The same was found when thylakoids were solubilized with Triton X-100 before and after heat damage. It is suggested that the protein release that occurs during heat treatment is a consequence of irreversible alterations in the membrane structure; these changes may be responsible for thermal damage of chloroplast membranes.  相似文献   

The composition of rat liver cell membrane proteins during the N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis was studied using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The effect of the carcinogen on rat liver was controlled by the catalase activity in the microsomal fractions. The plasma membrane protein fractions with Mr of 140 kDa, 135 kDa, 40 kDa and 22 kDa as well as the 36 kDa fraction from endoplasmic reticulum membranes were found to decrease during hepatocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Membrane and membrane skeleton proteins were examined in erythroid progenitor cells during terminal differentiation. The employed model system of erythroid differentiation was that in which proerythroblasts from mice infected with the anemia-inducing strain of Friend virus differentiate in vitro in response to erythropoietin (EP). With this system, developmentally homogeneous populations of cells can be examined morphologically and biochemically as they progress from proerythroblasts through enucleated reticulocytes. alpha and beta spectrins, the major proteins of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, are synthesized in the erythroblasts both before and after EP exposure. At all times large portions of the newly synthesized spectrins exist in and are turned over in the cytoplasm. The remaining newly synthesized spectrin is found in a cellular fraction containing total membranes. Pulse-chase experiments show that little of the cytoplasmic spectrins become membrane associated, but that the proportion of newly synthesized spectrin which is membrane associated increases as maturation proceeds. A membrane fraction enriched in plasma membranes has significant differences in the stoichiometry of spectrin accumulation as compared to total cellular membranes. Synthesis of band 3 protein, the anion transporter, is induced only after EP addition to the erythroblasts. All of the newly synthesized band 3 is membrane associated. A two-dimensional gel survey was conducted of newly synthesized proteins in the plasma membrane enriched fraction of the erythroblasts as differentiation proceeded. A majority of the newly synthesized proteins remain in the same proportion to each other during maturation; however, a few newly synthesized proteins greatly increase following EP induction while others decrease markedly. Of the radiolabeled proteins observed in two dimensional gels, only the spectrins, band 3 and actin become major proteins of the mature erythrocyte membrane. Examination of total proteins of the plasma membrane enriched fractions of EP-treated erythroblasts using silver staining and 32P autoradiography show that many proteins and phosphoproteins are selectively eliminated from this fraction late in the course of differentiation during the reticulocyte stage. The selective removal of many proteins at the reticulocyte stage of development combined with previous selective synthesis and accumulation of some specific proteins such as alpha and beta spectrin and band 3 in the differentiating erythroblasts lead to the final mammalian erythrocyte membrane structure.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes of serum proteins, apart from glycation, have not been sufficiently studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (D), the most common experimental model for diabetes. Thus, we decided to analyze the serum of diabetic rats by concanavalin A-blotting in comparison with rats with acute inflammation induced by fermented yeast (Y), in which characteristic alterations of serum proteins have been described. Two months after the streptozotocin treatment, the blood glucose levels were highly elevated (456+/-24 vs. 124+/-10 mg/dl, p<0.001, n=12), the body weight was significantly lower than normal (279+/-10 vs. 392+/-6 g, p<0.001, n=12), and serum proteins appeared to be highly glycated (p<0.001) when analyzed by the fructosamine assay, without any significant change in the total serum protein concentration. Analysis by concanavalin A-blotting, revealed a significant decrease of alpha1-inhibitor-3 (alpha1-I3, p<0.05) and an increase of the beta chain of haptoglobin (beta-Hp, p<0.05) in both D and Y rats (n=3) compared with control animals. However, acute inflammation caused a marked rise of two prominent acute phase proteins, alpha2-macroglobulin and hemopexin, which did not change appreciably in diabetic rats. Further work will be necessary to evaluate the physiopathological significance of these phenomena which could result from changes of both concentration and glycosylation of the aforementioned proteins.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of endurance exercise training on protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver. Training decreased incorporation of [14C]-leucine into proteins of the stromal fraction of muscle but there was no change in amino acid incorporation into proteins of the sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar fractions. Incorporation of [14C]-leucine into the protein of heart, liver, and plasma was depressed in trained rats compared to untrained rats. The specific radioactivity of [14C]-leucine was similar in tissues of trained and untrained rats and thus the depressed amino acid incorporation represents a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis. These observations demonstrate that the adaptation of muscle protein metabolism to endurance training is quite different than the alterations during work-induced hypertrophy of muscle. The difference in adaptation probably relates to the functional differences between the types of exercise. However depression of protein synthesis in trained rats is a general effect in several tissues and not an effect localized in muscle tissue.  相似文献   

The serum and erythrocyte membrane proteins of patients with cirrhosis were studied. Recent work on abnormalities of the erythrocyte membrane resulted in the identification of several types of membrane skeleton lesions. The different techniques for separation of membrane proteins have been revised and compared. These were studied on slabs using the SDS-polyacrylamide gel and discontinuous buffer system with a linear concentration gradient of 5-15% (w/v). Serum proteins were separated by using continuous buffer system with a linear concentration gradient of 4-30%. A decreased in serum and red cell membrane proteins in those patients, were observed.  相似文献   

Abstract. When artichoke tuber tissue was cultured in mineral salts, the induction of DNA synthesis and subsequent cell division was dependent upon the presence of auxin in the incubation medium. Evidence is provided that an obligatory set of metabolic events precedes auxin-induced DNA synthesis, and previous work has associated these with protein synthesis. As a consequence the auxin-induced changes in nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins have been investigated. Using 2D gel electrophoresis, qualitative alterations in nuclear non-histone proteins have been detected from the earliest treatment times with auxin. These changes were progressive, starting with four novel proteins after 3 h auxin treatment and ending with about forty when DNA synthesis commences some 18–21 h later. Qualitative alterations in phosphorylated nuclear proteins due to auxin treatment were only detectable when DNA synthesis commenced. In contrast, few qualitative alterations in cytoplasmic proteins were detectable, with the major change being in phosphorylated proteins at the onset of DNA synthesis.
A possible model of auxin action is outlined which involves sequential and progressive changes in the synthesis of nuclear proteins and the control of gene expression eventually leading to DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Starch-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages (STpMAC) plated on plastic demonstrate the adhesive properties typical for activated pMAC: attaching as round cells and, within 15 min, spreading out with marginal membrane ruffles. These attached STpMAC were labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalysed 125I surface iodination, sodium dodecyl- sulfate-lysed, and the lysates electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels which were examined by autoradiography. The STpMAC morphological phenotype correlates with the labeling of a particular protein (195,000, estimated mol wt). Normal pMAC (NpMAC), from unstimulated mice, do not spread and do not display the 195,000 band. Both pMAC band patterns, including the 195,000 band, are relatively resistant to trypsin digestion, as is pMAC adhesion itself trypsin-resistant. Neither class of pMAC exhibits fibronectin (Cell Adhesion Factor, LETS protein) which is a component in the adhesive matrix of cells forming trypsin-sensitive monolayers. When pMAC are tested against antifibronectin antibody, these cells do not give immunofluorescent staining. In summary, two functions in pMAC adhesion, enzyme resistance and the ability to spread, appear related to molecular properties distinctive for pMAC surface protein.  相似文献   

A hydrophobicity index is proposed for proteins. The calculation of this index is made, assuming a direct relationship between the hydrophobicity of each aminoacid and its Rf in a partition chromatography. This index is applied to membrane proteins and offers statistically significant differences between integral and peripheral proteins.  相似文献   

Páli T  Marsh D 《Biophysical journal》2001,80(6):2789-2797
The x-ray coordinates of beta-barrel transmembrane proteins from the porins superfamily and relatives are used to calculate the mean tilt of the beta-strands and their mean local twist and coiling angles. The 13 proteins examined correspond to beta-barrels with 8 to 22 strands, and shear numbers ranging from 8 to 24. The results are compared with predictions from the model of Murzin, Lesk, and Chothia for symmetrical regular barrels. Good agreement is found for the mean strand tilt, but the twist angles are smaller than those for open beta-sheets and beta-barrels with shorter strands. The model is reparameterised to account for the reduced twist characteristic of long-stranded transmembrane beta-barrels. This produces predictions of both twist and coiling angles that are in agreement with the mean values obtained from the x-ray structures. With the optimized parameters, the model can then be used to determine twist and coiling angles of transmembrane beta-barrels from measurements of the amide band infrared dichroism in oriented membranes. Satisfactory agreement is obtained for OmpF. The strand tilt obtained from the x-ray coordinates, or from the reparameterised model, can be combined with infrared dichroism measurements to obtain information on the orientation of the beta-barrel assembly in the membrane.  相似文献   

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