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The effect of submergence of air-grown rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. var. Sasanishiki) on coleoptile growth and ultrastructure, extensibility and chemical composition of the cell walls was investigated. The lag-time between start of submergence and the onset of the enhancement of growth was less than 4 h. The growth response was associated with a drastic thinning of the cell walls and an increase in wall extensibility. At the outer epidermal wall of both air-grown and submerged coleoptiles electron-dense (osmiophilic) particles were detected. During submergence, the net accumulation of cellulose and hemicellulose was reduced, but the increase in pectic substances was unaffected. Submergence caused an 80% inhibition of the net accumulation of wall-bound phenolics (ferulic- and diferulic acid) compared with air-grown controls. The osmotic concentration of the tissue saps was not affected by submergence. Our results support the hypothesis that rapid coleoptile elongation under water is caused by an inhibition of the formation of phenolic cross-links between matrix polysaccharides via diferulate, which results in a mechanical stiffening of the cell walls in the air-grown coleoptile.  相似文献   

Recent studies revealed that some rice varieties adopt opposite strategies to overcome flooding stress. While certain varieties hold metabolism and stay stunted until floodwater recedes, deepwater rice varieties undergo rapid stem elongation and do not suffer drowning problems. Both varieties use the same signaling agents, the ethylene response factors, as key factors even though they display opposite submergence responses. In deepwater rice, ethylene response factor genes SNORKEL1 and SNORKEL2 are believed to play a major role in submergence escape by mediating ethylene signaling, which leads to rapid stem elongation. These genes connect hormone signaling cascades from ethylene to ABA and gibberellins (GAs). Submergence increases ethylene levels in the internodal space, ethylene upregulates an ABA inactivating enzyme gene, OsCYP707A5 or OsABA8ox1, and some GA metabolism genes such as OsGA20ox genes and OsGA3ox genes. As a result of gene regulation by ethylene, internodal ABA levels decrease while GA levels increase, finally upregulating growth-related genes like expansin genes (OsEXPs). Along with the ethylene signaling in submergence, it is necessary to consider an alternative signaling pathway induced by hypoxia. Taken together, study on the submergence responses of rice plants will lead to improvement of crop production and contribution to basic research on plant growth.  相似文献   

Expansins and Internodal Growth of Deepwater Rice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Cho HT  Kende H 《Plant physiology》1997,113(4):1145-1151
The distribution and activity of the cell wall-loosening protein expansin is correlated with internodal growth in deepwater rice (Oryza sativa L.). Acid-induced extension of native cell walls and reconstituted extension of boiled cell walls were confined to the growing region of the internode, i.e. to the intercalary meristem (IM) and the elongation zone. Immunolocalization by tissue printing and immunoblot analysis, using antibody against cucumber expansin 29 as a probe, confirmed that rice expansin occurred primarily in the IM and elongation zone. Rice expansin was localized mainly around the vascular bundles at the base of the IM and along the inner epidermal cell layer surrounding the internodal cavity. Submergence greatly promoted the growth of rice internodes, and cell walls of submerged internodes extended much more in response to acidification than did the cell walls of air-grown internodes. Susceptibility of cell walls to added expansin was also increased in submerged internodes, and analysis by immunoblotting showed that cell walls of submerged internodes contained more expansin than did cell walls of air-grown internodes. Based on these data, we propose that expansin is involved in mediating rapid internodal elongation in submerged deepwater rice internodes.  相似文献   

Partial submergence greatly stimulates internodal growth indeepwater rice (Oryza sativa L.). Previous work has shown thatthe effect of submergence is, at least in part, mediated byethylene, which accumulates in the air spaces of submerged internodes.To investigate the expression of the genes encoding ethylenebiosynthetic enzymes during accelerated growth of deepwaterrice, we cloned a 1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylate (ACC) oxidasecDNA (OSACO1) from internodes of submerged plants and measuredthe activity of the enzyme in tissue extracts with an improvedassay. We found an increase in ACC oxidase mRNA levels and enzymeactivity after 4 to 24 h of submergence. Thus, it is likelythat ethylene biosynthesis in internodes of deepwater rice iscontrolled, at least in part, at the level of ACC oxidase. (Received January 6, 1996; Accepted April 6, 1996)  相似文献   

Rice plants are severely damaged by complete submergence. Thisis a problem in rice farming and could be the result, in part,of tissue anoxia imposed by a reduced availability of oxygen.To investigate this possibility we monitored alcoholic fermentationproducts as markers for tissue anaerobiosis using sensitivelaser-based spectroscopy able to sense ethanol and acetaldehydedown to 3 nl l–1 and 0·1 nl l–1,respectively. Acetaldehyde emission began within 0·5 hof imposing an oxygen-free gas phase environment followed closelyby ethanol. As treatment progressed, ethanol output increasedand came to exceed acetaldehyde emission as this stabilizedconsiderably after approx. 3 h. On re-entry of air, a sharppost-anaerobic peak of acetaldehyde production was observed.This was found to be diagnostic of a preceding anoxic episodeof 0·5 h or more. When anaerobiosis was lengthenedby up to 14 h, the size of the post-anaerobic acetaldehydeoutburst increased. After de-submergence from oxygen-free water,a similarly strong but slower post-anaerobic acetaldehyde upsurgewas seen, which was accompanied by an increase in ethanol emission.Light almost, but not completely, eliminated fermentation inanaerobic surroundings and also the post-anaerobic or post-submergencepeaks in acetaldehyde production. All photosynthetically generatedoxygen was consumed within the plant. There was no substantialdifference in acetaldehyde and ethanol output between FR13Aand the less submergence-tolerant line CT6241 under any submergencetreatment. In some circumstances, submergence damaged CT6241more than FR13A even in the absence of vigorous fermentation.We conclude that oxygen deprivation may not always determinethe extent of damage caused to rice plants by submergence undernatural conditions.  相似文献   

水稻耐淹涝性状的遗传分析和SSR标记的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈永华  赵森  柳俊  严钦泉  肖国樱 《遗传》2006,28(12):1562-1566
淹涝胁迫对水稻生产造成了严重影响, 发掘可应用于耐淹涝辅助选择的分子标记(MAS), 将有助于水稻耐淹涝性状的遗传改良。应用耐淹涝材料FR13A和淹涝敏感材料IR39595-503-2-1-2为亲本做正反交获得F1和F2代群体。对正反交的F1群体的耐淹涝性状进行遗传分析, 发现正反交的F1代群体在耐淹涝性状上没有显著差异, 说明耐淹涝性状是核基因控制。从两次淹涝处理中F2代群体的分离情况来看, 来源于FR13A的耐淹特性表现出数量-质量性状遗传的特点。当淹涝胁迫压力比较轻时表现为数量性状遗传, 具有微效多基因的作用。当淹涝胁迫压力增大时, 表现为主效基因控制的质量性状。在SSR分析中, 187对SSR引物中有73对引物在两亲本间有明显的差异, 差异率为39%。用这73对差异引物, 对F2群体进行多态筛选, 结果筛选到一个与耐淹涝性状连锁的标记RM219, 验证了耐淹涝性状确实由主效基因Sub1控制, 因此, RM219在水稻耐淹涝育种中具有利用价值。  相似文献   

Submergence of air-grown rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. var. Sasanishiki) induces elongation of the coleoptile. We investigated whether rapid underwater extension is associated with a loss of starch. After 1 d of submergence the starch content was reduced by 70%. This loss of reserve carbohydrate was accompanied by a 38% increase in the concentration of glucose in the cell sap of the coleoptiles. The submerged (starch-depleted) coleoptiles had a slower negative gravitropism than the air-grown controls, although the rate of elongation in the horizontal position was not impaired. We conclude that the submergence-induced mobilization of starch provides substrates and osmotica for the rapidly growing cells. In addition, our results indicate that a full complement of starch is necessary for normal gravitropism in the rice coleoptile.  相似文献   

Complete submergence of rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘IR42’)in dilute nutrient solution for 3–6 d almost stopped theaccumulation of dry matter, depressed soluble carbohydrate concentrationby over 75% and promoted chlorosis in fully expanded leaves.Increase in fresh weight by the shoots was not impaired. Extensionby the youngest visible leaf was stimulated. Extension by thenext leaf to appear was retarded by submergence. These growthresponses to submergence were associated with a 1-5-fold increasein the partial pressure of endogenous ethylene (ethene). Applying ethylene (0.3–0.35 Pa) in the gas-phase to non-submergedplants reproduced some, but not all, of these effects of submergence.Thus, greater leaf extension and chlorosis of submerged plantscould be attributable to accumulated ethylene but neither theslow relative growth rate nor the decreased extension of leavesemerging after the start of submergence could be so attributed. Two cultivars (‘FR13A’ and ‘Kurkaruppan’)already known to tolerate submergence, differed little fromsubmergence-intolerant ‘IR42’ in their relativegrowth rate and soluble carbohydrate concentration during submergence.However, their underwater leaf extension was less than in ‘IR42’and chlorosis was much less prevalent, especially in ‘FR13A’.Similarly, ethylene supplied to non-submerged plants was a lesseffective promotor of leaf extension and chlorosis in the twosubmergence tolerant cultivars. Application of 1.0 kPa carbondioxide in the gas-phase prevented the chlorosis response toethylene. The results indicate that accumulated ethylene is a likely causeof fast leaf extension and chlorosis in submergence intolerantforms of rice, particularly when amounts of dissolved carbondioxide are minimal. Key words: Oryza sativa L., aeration, ethylene (ethene), stress-tolerance  相似文献   

水稻萌发耐淹性的遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻(Oryza sativa)萌发耐淹性受到复杂的网络调控, 其分子机制不同于苗期耐淹性的相关机制, 萌发耐淹性的强弱影响着直播稻的成苗率。通过对256份水稻核心种质的萌发耐淹性评估, 发现粳稻和籼稻之间的萌发耐淹性差异并不显著, 都存在广泛的遗传变异。利用以粳稻R0380为供体亲本, 籼稻RP2334为轮回亲本的170个高代回交自交系构建含146个分子标记的连锁图谱, 以低氧胚芽鞘长度为性状指标, 通过复合区间作图法检测到影响萌发耐淹性的4个QTLs(quantitative trait loci), 分别定位于第2(2个)、3(1个)和8号(1个)染色体。贡献率最大的QTL为qGS2.2, 其值为17.34%, 增效等位基因来自轮回亲本籼稻RP2334; 其余3个QTLs的增效等位基因均来自供体亲本粳稻R0380, 贡献率分别为12.86%、9.37%和14.60%。  相似文献   

Differences in tolerance to submergence and anoxia exhibited by cultivar-specific rice (Oryza sativa L.) extend to the primary root tips and axes of 3-day-old seedlings. This paper considers the physiological mechanisms which might account for rice root intolerance to anoxia, particularly those implicated in pH regulation and sugar metabolism in relation to hypoxic acclimation. Hypoxic treatment and the presence of glucose during anoxia did not permit root tips and axes of intolerant cultivars to survive 24-h anoxia. The absence of typical glycolytic and fermentative enzyme induction together with no improvement of ethanol production and energy status during anoxia suggest that intolerant cultivars are not capable of hypoxic acclimation at the level of energy and sugar metabolism. However, root tip survival was enhanced in buffered medium after hypoxic treatment, suggesting a relationship between hypoxic treatment and improved pH regulation.  相似文献   

Root growth respiration and root maintenance respiration rate of the following species were determined: Hypochaeris radicata L. ssp. radicata L., H. radicata ssp. ericetorum Van Soest, Plantago lanceolata L., P. major L. ssp. major, P. major ssp. pleiosperma Pilgcr, P. maritime L., Senecio viscosus L., S. vulgaris L. and Urtica dioica L. A high root growth respiration (i.e. the amount of oxygen consumed for synthesis of a given weight of root material) implied a high maintenance respiration rate (i.e. the amount of oxygen consumed per unit of time and dry weight, but not connected with growth). High values of both components reflect a low efficiency of root respiratory processes. The efficiency of root respiration, as determined by the values for root growth respiration and root maintenance respiration rate could not be demonstrated to be of advantage in adaptation to soil conditions, as e.g. nitrogen content, moisture content and pH. It is concluded that (he degree of ‘wasteful utilization of sugars’ in roots, i.e. such consumption of sugars as cannot be related to structural growth, storage of carbohydrates or maintenance processes, depends on imbalance of transport of sugars from the shoot to the roots with utilization of sugars for synthesis of root material. The results are discussed in relation to Brouwer's explanation for the equilibrium between the growth of shoots and of roots. Root growth rate in the present species appears limited by a factor produced in the shoot under light conditions, and which factor is distinct from carbohydrates. The evidence presented shows that relatively inefficient root respiration does not imply a low growth rate. In regulation of plant growth the growth rate itself and also the shoot to-root ratio may be more important than the regulation of the efficiency of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract: Enhanced development of gas-spaces beyond that due to the partial cell separation normally found in ground parenchymas and their derivatives creates tissue commonly termed "aerenchyma". Aerenchyma can substantially reduce internal impedance to transport of oxygen, nitrogen and various metabolically generated gases such as carbon dioxide and ethylene, especially between roots and shoots. Such transport lessens the risk of asphyxiation under soil flooding or more complete plant submergence, and promotes radial oxygen loss from roots leading to oxidative detoxification of the rhizo-sphere. Aerenchyma can also increase methane loss from waterlogged sediments via plants to the atmosphere. This review of the formation and functioning of aerenchyma particularly emphasises research findings since 1992 and highlights prospects for the future. Regarding formation, attention is drawn to how little is known of the regulation and processes that create schizogenous aerenchyma with its complex cell arrangements and differential cell to cell adhesion. More progress has been made in understanding lysigenous aerenchyma development. The review highlights recent work on the processes that sense oxygen deficiency and ethylene signals, subsequent transduction processes which initiate cell death, and steps in protoplast and wall degeneration that create the intercellular voids. Similarities between the programmed cell death and its causes in animals and the predictable patterns of cell death that create lysigenous aerenchyma are explored. Recent findings concerning function are addressed in terms of the diffusion aeration of roots, rhizosphere oxygenation and sediment biogeochemistry, photosynthesis and ventilation, pressurised gas-flows and greenhouse gas emissions and aspects of ventilation related to secondary thickening.  相似文献   

Fatty acid and sterol content and composition were determined for the dimorphic mold, Mucor genevensis, grown under a variety of experimental conditions. Fatty acids account for 6 to 9% of the dry weight of aerobically grown mycelium, and 70 to 80% of these are unsaturated. The organism contains γ-linolenic acid which is characteristic for Phycomycetes, and in sporangiospores this compound represents 40% of the total fatty acids. Of the sterols found in mycelium, 80% is ergosterol, and stigmasterol was positively identified as one of the minor components. In anaerobically grown yeastlike cells, sterol content is less than 10% of the level found in aerobically grown cells, and fatty acids amount to less than 2% of the dry weight. These fatty acids are predominantly short chain and less than 10% are unsaturated. Yeastlike cells obtained under aerobic conditions by growth in the presence of phenethyl alcohol have fatty acid and sterol compositions characteristic of aerobically grown mycelium. It is concluded that the dimorphology of the organism is not directly related to lipid composition.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of ethylene on sugar transport from endospermsto coleoptiles in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) seedlings,the contents of free sugars in the coleoptiles of explants fedcold glucose and the distributions of 14C-activities after feedingof 14C-glucose to the scutella were determined at various timesafter ethylene application. Changes in sucrose, glucose andfructose in the cold glucose-fed explants exposed to ethylenewere similar to those in the ethylene-treated intact seedlingshaving endosperms. Ethylene enhanced the transport of 14C-labeledmetabolites from the scutella to the coleoptiles. Most of the14C accumulated in the ethylene-treated coleoptiles were presentas neutral substances in the ethanol-soluble fraction. Regardlessof the presence or absence of ethylene, the incorporation of14C into sucrose preceded that into glucose and fructose. Theglucose and fructose moieties of 14C-sucrose in the coleoptileswere almost equally labeled, and the specific activities of14C-sucrose were higher than those of 14C-glucose and 14C-fructose.These results suggested that sucrose synthesized in the scutellawas exported to the coleoptiles, and cleaved there into glucoseand fructose. Ethylene may accelerate the transport of 14C-labeledmetabolites by activating sucrose cleavage in the coleoptiles. (Received July 1, 1985; Accepted September 17, 1985)  相似文献   

Biomass synthesis from primary substrate is a principal featureof growth. A short-cut method for the determination of growthyields and efficiency is presented. Elemental analyses of theproducts (individually or collectively) permit one to calculatedirectly and simply the amount of substrate carbon and electronswhich are conserved, and thus the amount of substrate required,and the respiratory gas exchanges associated with the synthesis.Glucose is taken as a standard substrate with the required amounttermed Glucose Equivalent (GE, mol mol–1) or Glucose Value(GV, g g–1). Comparisons of GV with Production Values(PV) calculated from biochemical pathways (Penning de Vries,Brunsting and van Laar, 1974) show that PV = 0.88 ±0.01GV. The glucose requirement also serves as a close predictorof the heat of combustion of the product. Biomass, elemental analysis, energy content, growth efficiency, yield, glucose equivalent  相似文献   

Flooding is a major threat to agricultural production. Most studies have focused on the lower water storage limit in rice fields, whereas few studies have examined the upper water storage limit. This study aimed to explore the effect of waterlogging at the rice tillering stage on rice growth and yield. The early-ripening late japonica variety Yangjing 4227 was selected for this study. The treatments included different submergence depths (submergence depth/plant height: 1/2 (waist submergence), 2/3 (neck submergence), and 1/1 (complete submergence)) and durations (1, 3, and 5 d). The control group was treated with the conventional alternation of drying and wetting. The effects of waterlogging at the tillering stage on root characteristics, dry matter production, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation, yield, yield components, and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS) gene expression were explored. Compared with the control group, the 1/1 group showed significant increases in yield, seed-setting rate, photosynthetically efficient leaf area, and OS-ACS3 gene expression after 1 d of submergence. The grain number per panicle, dry weight of the aboveground and belowground parts, and number of adventitious roots also increased. Correlation analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between the panicle number and nitrogen content; however, no significant correlation was found for phosphorus content. If a decrease in rice yield of less than 10% is acceptable, half, 2/3, and complete submergence of the plants can be performed at the tillering stage for 1-3 d; this treatment will increase the space available for rice field water management/control and will improve rainfall resource utilization.  相似文献   

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