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The hysteretic behavior of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase from Crassula argentea has been investigated. Incubation of the purified enzyme with the inhibitor malate prior to starting the reaction by the addition of PEP resulted in a kinetic lag of several minutes duration. The length of the lag was inversely proportional to the enzyme concentration, suggesting subunit association-dissociation as the hysteretic mechanism, rather than a mechanism based on a slow conformational change in the enzyme. Dynamic laser light scattering measurements also support this conclusion, showing that the diffusion coefficient of malate-incubated enzyme slowly decreased after the reaction was started by the addition of PEP. Lags were observed only at pH values of 7.5 or lower. Maximum lags were observed after 10 min of preincubation with malate. Fumarate and succinate, which like malate caused mixed inhibition, also caused lags. In contrast, no lag was induced by malate in the presence of PEP or by the competitive inhibitor phosphoglycolate. The activators glucose 6-phosphate and malonate decreased the malate-induced lag.  相似文献   

Metal ion interactions with phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from the CAM plant Crassula argentea and the C4 plant Zea mays were kinetically analyzed. Fe2+ and Cd2+ were found to be active metal cofactors along with the previously known active metals Mg2+, Mn2+, and Co2+. In studies with the Crassula enzyme, Mg2+ yielded the highest Vmax value but also generated the highest values of Km(metal) and Km(pep). For these five active metals lower Km(metal) values tended to be associated with lower Km(pep) values. PEP saturation curves showed more kinetic cooperativity than the corresponding metal saturation curves. The activating metal ions all have ionic radii in the range of 0.86 to 1.09 Å. Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, and Ni2+ inhibited competitively with respect to Mg2+, whereas Be2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pd2+ showed mixed-type inhibition. Vmax trends with the five active metals were similar for the C. argentea and Z. mays enzymes except that Cd2+ was less effective with the maize enzyme. Km(metal) values were 10- to 60-fold higher in the enzyme from Z. mays.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Crassula argentea was substantially desensitized to the effects of regulatory ligands by treatment with diethylpyrocarbonate, a reagent which selectively modifies histidyl residues. Desensitization of the enzyme to the inhibitor malate and the activator glucose 6-phosphate was accompanied by the appearance of a peak in the ultraviolet difference spectrum at 240 nanometers, indicating the formation of ethoxyformylhistidyl derivatives. Hydroxylamine reversed part of the spectral change under native conditions, and almost all of the change under denaturing conditions, but failed to restore sensitivity to effectors. The pH profiles of desensitization to malate and glucose 6-phosphate indicated the involvement of groups on the enzyme with pK, values of 6.8 and 6.4, respectively. Under denaturing conditions, a total of 15 histidine residues per subunit were modified by diethylpyrocarbonate, whereas for the native enzyme nine histidines were modified per subunit. Effector desensitization occurs after the modification of two to three histidyl residues per subunit. The presence of malate reduced the apparent rate constant for desensitization by 60%, suggesting that the modification occurred at the malate binding site. Diethylpyrocarbonate treatment also eliminated the kinetic lag caused by malate. Glucose 6-phosphate did not protect the enzyme against diethylpyrocarbonate-induced desensitization.  相似文献   

Wu MX  Wedding RT 《Plant physiology》1987,84(4):1080-1083
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in Crassulacean acid metabolism plants during the day exists in dimeric form the activity of which is strongly inhibited by malate. Enzyme purified from Crassula leaves collected during the day and stored at −70°C for 49 days shows a steady progression of change from dimer to tetramer, and this change in oligomeric state is accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity of the enzyme to inhibition by malate. At 10 minutes preincubation of enzyme after 11 days storage—which is composed of an equilibrium mixture of dimer and tetramer—with malate causes most of the enzyme to be converted to dimer and increases the sensitivity of the enzyme to malate inhibition during assay. Preincubation with phosphoenolpyruvate shifts the equilibrium toward the tetrameric form and reduces the maximal inhibition produced by 5 millimolar malate to less than 20%. However, none of the treatments used resulted in shifting the oligomerization equilibrium completely in either direction. Thus the question of whether some covalent modification of the enzyme, such as phosphorylation, is required to permit complete changes in equilibrium remains open.  相似文献   

The effects of adenine nucleotides on phosphoenolypyruvate carboxylase were investigated using purified enzyme from the CAM plant, Crassula argentea. At 1 millimolar total concentration and with limiting phosphoenolpyruvate, AMP had a stimulatory effect, lowering the Km for phosphoenolpyruvate, ADP caused less stimulation, and ATP decreased the activity by increasing the Km for phosphoenolpyruvate. Activation by AMP was not additive to the stimulation by glucose 6-phosphate. Furthermore, AMP increased the Ka for glucose 6-phosphate. Inhibition by ATP was competitive with phosphoenolpyruvate. In support of the kinetic data, fluorescence binding studies indicated that ATP had a stronger effect than AMP on phosphoenolpyruvate binding, while AMP was more efficient in reducing glucose 6-phosphate binding. As free Mg2+ was held constant and saturating, these effects cannot be ascribed to Mg2+ chelation. Accordingly, the enzyme response to the adenylate energy charge was basically of the “R” type (involving enzymes of ATP regenerating sequences) according to D. E. Atkinson's (1968 Biochemistry 7: 4030-4034) concept of energy charge regulation. The effect of energy charge was abolished by 1 millimolar glucose 6-phosphate. Levels of glucose 6-phosphate and of other putative regulatory compounds of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were determined in total leaf extracts during a day-night cycle. The level of glucose 6-phosphate rose at night and dropped sharply during the day. Such a decrease in glucose 6-phosphate concentration could permit an increased control of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase by energy charge during the day.  相似文献   

应用气象色谱-质谱联用技术对燕子掌挥发油化学成分进行了分析研究,共鉴定出66种组分与燕子掌主要挥发性化学成分以苯乙醇、2,6,6-三甲基-2,4-环庚二烯-1-酮、6,10,14-三甲基十五烷-2-酮、十六烷酸甲酯、十六烷酸乙酯、十八烷酸甲酯为主要成分,化合物类型以酮、酯、类等化合物为主,其中十六烷酸甲酯的含量最高,占挥发油总量的26.13%。  相似文献   

Fluorescein isothiocyanate inactivates phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylasefrom maize leaves, presumably by reacting with lysyl groups.The reaction appears to involve at least two groups of lysineson the enzyme. The more rapid reaction is with groups whichare protected by the substratemagnesium phosphoenolpyruvateand thus probably are located in the active site. In addition,fluorescein isothiocyanate apparently binds more slowly at asite which desensitizes the enzyme to activation by glucose-6-phosphate. Using the fluorescence of the complex of fluorescein isothiocyanatewith phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase it was shown that bothmagnesium phosphoenolpyruvate and glucoses-6-phosphate causechanges in the conformation of the enzyme and influence thebinding of fluorescein isothiocyanate as well. Light scattering measurements showed that fluorescein isothiocyanateinduced disaggregation of the enzyme, while glucose-6-phosphatecaused aggregation, although less when fluorescein isothiocyanatewas present. 1Supported in part by National Science Foundation grant no.DMB 88-12484.  相似文献   

Maximum activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC4.1.1.31) was detected at the stationary phase of growth ofCatharanthus roseus cells in a heterotrophic culture. The activityof PEPC, after partial purification by fractionation with ammoniumsulphate and chromatography on Q-Sepharose, was greatly influencedby pH. The Km of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) was 23 µM atpH 8·0 and 45 µM at pH 7·4. Malate, aspartate,citrate, ATP, pyrophosphate and Pi acted as inhibitors of PEPC,but the extent of inhibition varied in each case with the pHof the reaction mixture. By contrast, glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-1,6-bisphosphateand acetyl-CoA, known as stimulators of the activity of PEPCfrom other sources, had little or no effect on the activityof the partially purified PEPC. The possible role and mechanismof regulation of PEPC in C. roseus cells are discussed.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Catharanthus roseus, Apocynaceae, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, enzyme kinetics, glycolysis  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (ortho-phosphate: oxaloacetate carboxylase, EC 4.11.31, PEPCase), an enzyme widely occurringin bacteria, algae and plants, is an importantcarboxylating enzyme serving a variety of func-tions ranging from photosynthetic carbon dioxidefixation to nitrogen assimilation (Latzko andKelly 1983, O'Leary 1982). It is a key regula-tory enzyme in both C_4 and CAM photosyn-thesis. In C_4 plants, PEPCase is localized inthe mesophyll-cell cytoplasm and catalyzesthe conversion of PEP and bicarbonate to  相似文献   

PEPC的多态性在许多植物中都有报告。在CAM植物中,许多实验结果表明PEPC有两种分子量稍有不同的亚基(Hoffner等1989,Nimmo等1986,Muller和 Kludge1983,Muller等1982)。近年来,PEPC的多态性在基因水平也得到证实(Chollet等1996,Gehrig等1995)。冰叶日中花(Mesembtwcmptallinuzn)中,编码两个不同分子量PEPC多肽的基因已被克隆(Chollet等1996)。但这两个亚基究竟是相互结合而成异二聚体,还是以同聚方式各自缔合为两个同聚体酶目前尚有不同观点。有报告在有的CAM植物中,PEPC的聚合度有昼夜的变化,且这种变化引…  相似文献   

Western immunoblot analysis of protein extracts prepared from epidermal peels, whole leaves, and mesophyll protoplasts with ubiquitin and PEPCase antibodies indicated ubiquitinated PEPCase bands and degradation products only in crude extracts which have been obtained in the presence of the proteolysis inhibitors leupeptin and hemin. After ammonium sulfate precipitation and further purification, PEPCase forms were stable and not ubiquitinated. It is assumed, that only a certain part of PEPCase is degraded via the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   

Seeds of apple cv. Golden Delicious were germinated and cultivatedin the greenhouse until the third leaf emerged. Respirationofgerminating seeds or photosynthesis of the first leaves wasmeasured by infra-red gas analysis and porometry, respectively.To study the role of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC),the dominant carboxylase in the carbon economy, its CO2 refixationpotentialwas related to the amount of CO2 lost in respiration. With arange of 0.2 (dry seeds) to 18 (cotyledons) µmol CO2 h–1g–1 PEPC activity resembled or exceeded the amount ofC02 lost in respiration before the third leaf developed. Itis concludedthat PEPC largely contributes to economize the carbonmetabolism of apple seedlings before they become photosyntheticallycompetent. Key words: Apple (Malus pumila Mill.) seedling, carbon economy, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the kinetic parameters of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase purified from Crassula argentea was such that both the Vmax and Km(MgPEP) values tended upward over the range from 11 to 35 degrees C. The increased rate at low temperatures due to the low Km is at least partially offset by the increased Vmax at higher temperatures, potentially leading to a broad plateau of enzyme activity and a relatively small effect of temperature on the enzyme. The cooperativity was negative at 11 degrees C, but above 15 degrees C it became positive. The presence of 5 mM glucose-6-phosphate has relatively little effect on Vmax but it clearly reduces Km and overcomes any effect of temperature on this parameter in the range studied. Positive cooperativity is observed only at temperatures above 25 degrees C. The size of the native enzyme, as determined by dynamic light scattering, was strongly toward the tetrameric form. At a temperature of 40 degrees C and above, a considerable oligomerization takes place. No loss of activity can be observed in this range of temperature. In the presence of either glucose-6-phosphate or magnesium phosphoenolpyruvate, at temperatures under 25 degrees C, the equilibrium is displaced toward higher levels of aggregation. Maximal accumulation of lead malate occurred at 10 to 12 degrees C in vivo with reduction to about 25% at 35 degrees C. Glucose-6-phosphate followed a similar curve in response to temperature, but the overall difference was about 50%. The sum of phosphoenolpyruvate plus pyruvate is level at night temperatures below 25 degrees C, doubling at 35 degrees C. Calculated concentrations of malate, glucose-6-phosphate, and phosphoenolpyruvate plus pyruvate indicate that the concentrations present are equal to or greater than Ki, Ka, and Km values for these metabolites, respectively.  相似文献   

Purified phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from both the crassulacean acid metabolism plant Crassula argentea and the C4 plant Zea mays was shown by kinetic studies at saturating fixed-varying concentrations of free mg2+ to selectively use the metal-complexed form of phosphoenolpyruvate when assayed at pH 8.0. A similar response to added magnesium at high free phosphoenolpyruvate concentrations was obtained for both enzymes, consistent with the use of the complex as the substrate. Kinetic studies at pH 7.0 indicated that at this pH the total concentration of phosphoenolpyruvate (including both free and metal-complexed forms) could be used by the enzyme from C.argentea while the C4 enzyme still utilized the complex. The loss of specificity induced by the decrease in the pH of the assay medium was accompanied by a decrease in the Km of this enzyme for phosphoenolpyruvate whatever the form considered and an increase in Vmax/Km. In contrast, a similar decrease of pH led to an increased Km of the C4 enzyme for phosphoenolpyruvate and a decrease of Vmax/Km. For the enzyme from C. argentea (previously shown to contain an essential arginine at the active site), protection of activity by the different forms of substrate against inactivation by the specific arginyl reagent 2,3-butanedione changes markedly with pH. At pH 8.1, the metal complex is the better protector while at pH 7.0 free phosphoenolpyruvate gives the best protection consistent with the observed kinetic changes in substrate form utilization. The relationship between the enzyme affinity for substrate, substrate specificity, and the requirement for magnesium for substrate turnover is discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (EC was purified to apparent homogeneity with about 29% recovery from developing seeds of Brassica using ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, and gel filtration through Sepharose CL-6S. The purified enzyme with mol wt of about 400 kD exhibited maximum activity at pH 8.0. The enzyme had an absolute requirement for a divalent cation which was satisfied by Mg2+. The enzyme showed typical hyperbolic kinetics with PEP and HCO?3 with Km of 0.125 and 0.104 mM, respectively. Glu-6-P could activate the enzyme, whereas other phosphate esters such as fru-1, 6-P2, L-glycerophosphate and 3-PGA did not have any effect on the enzyme activity. Noneof the amino acids at 5 mM concentration had any significant effect on the enzyme activity. Nucleotide monophosphates and diphosphates did not inhibit the enzyme significantly, whereas ATP inhibited the enzyme activity. Oxaloacetate and malate inhibited the enzyme non-competitively with respect to PEP with Ki values of 0.127 and 1.25 mM, respectively. The enzyme activity in vivo seems to be regulated ’Tlainly by availability of its substrate and activation by glu-6-P, both of which are supplied through glycolysis.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylation is an important step in the production of succinate by Escherichia coli. Two enzymes, PEP carboxylase (PPC) and PEP carboxykinase (PCK), are responsible for PEP carboxylation. PPC has high substrate affinity and catalytic velocity but wastes the high energy of PEP. PCK has low substrate affinity and catalytic velocity but can conserve the high energy of PEP for ATP formation. In this work, the expression of both the ppc and pck genes was modulated, with multiple regulatory parts of different strengths, in order to investigate the relationship between PPC or PCK activity and succinate production. There was a positive correlation between PCK activity and succinate production. In contrast, there was a positive correlation between PPC activity and succinate production only when PPC activity was within a certain range; excessive PPC activity decreased the rates of both cell growth and succinate formation. These two enzymes were also activated in combination in order to recruit the advantages of each for the improvement of succinate production. It was demonstrated that PPC and PCK had a synergistic effect in improving succinate production.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the purification of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase (EC [EC] ) and NADP-dependent malic enzyme (EC1.1.1.40 [EC] ) from sugar cane leaves. Each enzyme was purified tohomogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamidegel electro-phoresis, with about 30% yield. Phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase was purified 54-fold. A molecular weight of 400,000and a homotetrameric structure were determined for the nativeenzyme. The purified carboxylase had a specific activity of20.0 {diaeresis}mol (mg protein)–1 min–1, and wasactivated by glucose-6-phosphate and inhibited by L-malate.Km values at pH 8.0 for phosphoenolpyruvate and bicarbonatewere 0.25 and O.l0 mM, respectively. NADP-malic enzyme, 356-foldpurified, exhibited a specific activity of 71.2 {diaeresis}mol(mg protein)–1 min–1 and was characterized as ahomotetramer with native molecular weight of 250,000. Purifiedmalic enzyme showed an absolute specificity for NADP+ and requireda divalent metal ion for activity. Km values of 0.33 and 0.008mM for L-malate and NADP+, respectively, were determined. Thisenzyme was inhibited by several organic acids, including ketoand amino acids; while succinate and citrate increased the enzymeactivity when assayed with 10{diaeresis}M L-malate. The effectsshown by amino acids and by citrate were dependent on pH, beinghigher at pH 8.0 than at pH 7.0. (Received October 26, 1988; Accepted February 3, 1989)  相似文献   

Sipes DL  Ting IP 《Plant physiology》1989,91(3):1050-1055
Kinetic characteristics of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) from the epiphytic C3 or C4: CAM intermediate plant, Peperomia camptotricha, were investigated. Few day versus night differences in Vmax,Km(PEP)), or malate inhibition were observed, even in extracts from water-stressed plants which characteristically perform CAM, regardless of efforts to stabilize day/night forms. The PEPC extracted from plants during the light period remained stable, without much of an increase or decrease in activity for at least 22 hours at 0 to 4°C. Extracts from mature, fully developed leaves had slightly greater PEPC activity than from very young, developing leaves. Generally, however, the kinetic properties of PEPC extracted from mature leaves of plants grown under short day (SD), long day (LD), or 1-week water-stress conditions, as well as from young, developing leaves, were similar. The PEPC inhibitor, l-malate, decreased the Vmax and increased the Km(PEP) for all treatments. Under specific conditions, malate did not inhibit PEPC rates in the dark extracts as much as the light. The PEPC activator, glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P), lowered the Km(PEP) for all treatments. At saturating PEP concentrations, PEPC activity was independent of pH in the range of 7.5 to 9.0. At subsaturating PEP concentrations, the pH optimum was 7.8. The rates of PEPC activity were lower in the light period extracts than the dark, at pH 7.1, but day/night PEPC was equally active at pH 7.8. At pH 7.5 and a subsaturating PEP concentration, G-6-P significantly activated PEPC. At pH 8, however, only slight activation by G-6-P was observed. The lower pH of 7.5 combined with l-malate addition, greatly inhibited PEPC, particularly in extracts from young, developing leaves which were completely inhibited at an l-malate concentration of 1 millimolar. However, malate did not further inhibit PEPC activity in mature leaves when assayed at pH 7.1. The fairly constant day/night kinetic and regulatory properties of PEPC from P. camptotricha are unlike those of PEPC from CAM or C4 species studied, and are consistent with the photosynthetic metabolism of this plant.  相似文献   

This review attempts to summarize the large body of information on the structure, regulation and biosynthesis of the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in C4 plants which has accumulated particularly since the appearance of the last review in 1987. Among the major discoveries are the involvement of protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cascade in the light activation of the enzyme, extraction and characteristics of PEPC-protein serine kinase, dynamic changes in oligomeric state of the enzyme in response to pH or temperature, isolation of multiple cDNAs encoding different forms of PEPC and cloning and expression of maize/sorghum PEPC in transgenic tobacco or transformed E. coli cells. Further experiments using advanced techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology would help in understanding the molecular mechanism of reaction, regulation of enzyme activity, gene expression and evolutionary pattern of C4 PEPC.  相似文献   

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