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Summary A dilution plating method estimatedPenicillium urticae Bainier numbers in soil. This method, which used an agar layering technique and a cyclic incubation of 8 hours at room temperature (about 25°C) and 16 hours at 5°C, permitted the differential growth and sporulation in favor ofP. urticae B. over other common soil fungi.Procedures of extraction, paper chromatography, infrared analysis, and bioassay assayed for accumulated patulin. A combination of these methods routinely estimatedP. urticae B. numbers in soils and authenticated patulin production by selected isolates.Contribution from the Northern Plains Branch, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, in cooperation with the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln. Published as Paper No. 2275, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station.Soil Scientist, USDA, Grand Junction, Colorado (formerly Chemist, USDA, Lincoln, Nebraska); and Microbiologist, USDA, Lincoln, Nebraska, respectively.  相似文献   

Antibiotic production by submerged cultures of Penicillium urticae required manganese supplementation of the media. Thus, manganese supplementation (152 M) allowed accumulation of patulin to high concentrations (2 mol/mL), whereas manganese deficiency (1.53 M) resulted in the accumulation to similar levels of the first committed pathway intermediate, methyl-salicylic acid, without significant patulin accumulation. Preliminary studies suggest that a similar manganese effect may occur in other fungal species.  相似文献   

Patulin Production by Penicillium urticae Bainier in Batch Culture   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A still, batch-culture method, with potato dextrose medium and Penicillium urticae Bainier, produced patulin yields of 1.2 to 1.7 g/liter of medium. Incubation was at 25 C for 14 days. Ethyl acetate extraction of condensed culture filtrate and drying with anhydrous MgSO4, followed by solvent change to dry ethyl ether and purification on alumina (pH 4.5), produced pure crystalline patulin. The use of 2-liter, round-bottom flasks and a rotating vacuum evaporator provided versatile equipment and easy manipulation in the operations. Soil from wheat fields provided a convenient natural P. urticae source. Potato dextrose medium was superior to potato sucrose or Raulin-Thom media.  相似文献   

Summary An anaerobic enrichment culture that degraded 0.4 mmol/l per day of o-phenylphenol was selected from sediment of a waste water pond of a sugar factory. From the consortium an o-phenylphenol-degrading bacterium, strain B10, was isolated. Strain B10 could not degrade other aromatic substances, including phenylacetic acid, benzoate, o-hydroxybenzoate, p-hydroxybenzoate and phenol. Best growth was observed with glucose, pyruvate, lactate, methanol and H2/CO2 as substrates. o-Phenylphenol was slowly degraded if supplied as the only carbon source and was cometabolized in the presence of >5 mmol/l glucose. Strain B10 has not yet been assigned to a known species or family.  相似文献   

The ability to remove inorganic phosphate from synthetic wastewater was tested with about 40 microbial strains, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa IAM 1007 was found to give good performance under aerobic conditions. However, the phosphate removal under batch anaerobic/aerobic (A/O) treatment was not satisfactory in pure cultures of several strains including P. aerginosa, and Aceinetobacter calcoaceticus, but the activated sludge from a plant with an A/O process almost depleted the phosphate. Mixed cultures of P. aeruginosa in the presence of the facultativelu anaerobic strains of A-1 or A-8 isolated from the activated sludge showed enhanced phosphate removal. This suggests a symbiotic effect among microbial species on biological removal of inorganic phosphate in the A/O process.  相似文献   

Summary The growth of Spirillum volutans in mixed culture was studied and liquid media were developed in which it grew rapidly and attained populations of over a million cells per ml. By taking advantage of their rapid and unidirectional motility, spirilla were separated from the mixed population by migration in capillary tubes. Pure cultures were achieved by growing the separated spirilla inside of dialysis sacks in contact with mixed cultures on the outside, and also by growth in an asparagine-mineral salts medium supplemented with an extract of Escherichia coli.Dedicated to Professor E. G. Pringsheim on his 80th birthday.This investigation was supported in part by grant G 9882 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary By enrichment technique, nine anaerobic mixed bacterial cultures were isolated, five of which showed stable cellulolysis. All cultures fermented cellulose and produced different fermentative products. Mixed culture BOC 25 yielded major levels of acetate and ethanol (39.6 and 12.0 mmol/l, respectively) and minor levels of propionate (2.5 mmol/l) and digested filter paper cellulose to the extent of 32.5% w/v. BOC 25 digested cellulosic and lignocellulosic substrates and produced filter paper cellulase, carboxymethyl cellulase, Avicelase and -glucosidase. Strain DC 25, a cellulolyticClostridium was purified from one of the mixed cultures. The fermentation products of DC 25 from cellulose, cellobiose or glucose were ethanol, acetate, formate, H2 and CO2.  相似文献   

Summary A phenylacetic acid-degrading mixed culture was enriched from effluent of an anaerobic reactor for the treatment of waste water from cellulose bleaching. From this consortium a phenylacetic acid-degrading pure culture, strain DSU3, was isolated and, due to its typical morphology and substrate spectrum, tentatively classified as a Desulfosarcina sp. It could grow on and degrade phenylacetic acid, cyclohexane carboxylate, cyclohexylacetate, benzoate, fumaric acid and several volatile fatty acids, while phenol, o-hydroxybenzoate, p-hydroxybenzoate and glucose were not utilized. Production of mandelic acid from phenylacetic acid by the enrichment culture and utilization of benzoate, an intermediate of the mandelic acid pathway, by strain DSU3 may presumably indicate degradation of phenylacetic acid via the mandelic acid pathway.  相似文献   

Cultured malignant mouse melanoma cells and mouse ascites carcinoma cells, after 24 h incubation with normal mouse cells or with each other, had much higher homologous overlap indices than those recorded from pure cultures of each cell type. The effect was particularly evident in ascites cells. Normal cells of mice of different ages showed varying responses in overlap frequency when incubated with malignant cells. Conditioned medium from each malignant cell type invoked increased overlapping of cells of the heterologous malignant type but did not affect homologous cells. The effects of whole conditioned medium on heterologous malignant cells showed a graded reduction after dilution of the medium and also occurred after dialysis. A dialysable chemical factor or factors, produced by the cells, is postulated.  相似文献   

Biodegradation characteristics of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluenes (DNTs) individually by pure strains and defined mixed cultures obtained from a mixed culture isolated from a slate packed bed bioreactor is described. Batch degradation experiments were carried out with free cells in submerged cultivations. The degradation rate and efficiency of five best individual bacterial strains, bacterial consortia comprising three and five of these strains, and the complete mixed culture were evaluated and compared. All the strains showed ability to degrade both the DNTs. All but one strain degraded both DNTs at the same rate. The degradation rate as well as the degradation efficiency by the mixed cultures was higher than that by the individual strains. The complete mixed culture showed 15-20x higher degradation rate than the individual bacterial strains.  相似文献   

对21年生不同栽植模式的湿地松生长过程分析,结果表明:在幼龄期,混交林中的湿地松与纯林的树高、胸径、材积生长量相近,此后,纯林的生长量落后于混交林,混交林的生长高峰、持续速生期均大于纯林。  相似文献   

The biodegradation capacity of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons of petrochemical oily sludge in liquid medium by a bacterial consortium and five pure bacterial cultures was analyzed. Three bacteria isolated from petrochemical oily sludge, identified as Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus cibi, and two bacteria isolated from a soil contaminated by petrochemical waste, identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus cereus demonstrated efficiency in oily sludge degradation when cultivated during 40 days. The bacterial consortium demonstrated an excellent oily sludge degradation capacity, reducing 90.7% of the aliphatic fraction and 51.8% of the aromatic fraction, as well as biosurfactant production capacity, achieving 39.4% reduction of surface tension of the culture medium and an emulsifying activity of 55.1%. The results indicated that the bacterial consortium has potential to be applied in bioremediation of petrochemical oily sludge contaminated environments, favoring the reduction of environmental passives and increasing industrial productivity.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-three fermentations of Pedro Ximénez grapes, collected in three degrees of ripeness, were carried out by inoculation with three types of inoculum: pure cultures ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae races and ofTorulaspora delbrueckii, indigenous yeasts, and mixed cultures of indigenous yeasts enriched with the pure cultures. By means of variance analysis 21 compounds were determined whose final concentrations in the wines significantly depended on the musts, the inocula or both. Eleven products that depended significantly on the inocula were subjected to a discriminant analysis in which most of the pure cultures gathered in a discriminant space area different from that occupied by the indigenous yeasts. The centroids corresponding to most of the mixed cultures were shifted to the central area of the discriminant space, moved away from their corresponding pure cultures and approached the indigenous yeasts. The results show a high similarity between the fermentations carried out with mixed cultures with the addedS. cerevisiae races and those fermentations carried out with the indigenous yeasts, with regard to those compounds which were significantly dependent on the inocula.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(9):1265-1271
The aim of this paper is to determine the efficiency of bioleaching of arsenic in realgar, a Chinese mineral drug, using pure cultures of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans or Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and a mixed culture of A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans. The experiments were carried out in shaker flasks, at 150 rpm, 30 °C at a culture pH of 1.80. To investigate the mechanism of the bioleaching in realgar, media with and without ferrous iron were chosen for the experiments. The results showed that the leaching rate of arsenic in realgar after 20 days was higher (43%) in A. ferrooxidans cultures with ferrous iron compared to cultures without ferrous iron (10%), and the leaching rate of A. thiooxidans cultures only increased from 21% to 23% in the presence of ferrous iron. The leaching rate of arsenic in mixed culture with ferrous iron was greatly enhanced from 16% to 56%, indicating that bioleaching in mixed culture is preferable for the dissolution of realgar.  相似文献   

Abstract Low concentrations (e.g. 2 × 10−6 M) of an imidazole derivative anti-fungal agent, miconazole, were lethal for the Gram-negative, facultative aerobic pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae grown either alone or in mixed culture with the yeast Candida albicans . Electron microscopic observation of Neisseria cells exposed to miconazole showed the presence of blebs in the outer wall and areas of separation between the wall and the cytoplasmic membrane. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of cell lysates did not reveal differences in major outer membrane proteins between the treated and the untreated cells of any one strain. Imidazole derivatives are frequently used in the treatment of candidiasis. Our in vitro results show that low concentrations of one of them, miconazole, can be bactericidal for N. gonorrhoeae , a bacterium that can colonise sites of the human body where Candida is often found.  相似文献   

Isoepoxydon, a new metabolite of the patulin pathway in Penicillium urticae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A patulin-negative mutant (J1) of Penicillium urticae (N.R.R.L. 2159A) was known to accumulate about 100mg per litre quantities of the 5,6-epoxygentisyl quinone, (-)-phyllostine and another metabolite (UIII). Both were derived from acetate and hence were polyketides. Purified UIII (m.p. 53 degrees C, [alpha](32) (D)+206 degrees , lambda(methanol) (max.) 240nm; epsilon 3806 litre.mol(-1).cm(-1)) was characterized as a partially reduced derivative of (-)-phyllostine and was found to be a diastereoisomer of the known phytotoxin, (+)-epoxydon. Hence its designation as (+)-iso- or epi-epoxydon. From (1)H n.m.r. and c.d. data the stereochemistry of the epoxide ring in (+)-isoepoxydon was determined to be identical with that in (+)-epoxydon (i.e. R,R) but the configuration of the secondary alcohol at C-4 was S rather than R as in (+)-epoxydon. Isoepoxydon (compound UIII) is therefore (4S,5R,6R)-5,6-epoxy-4-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylcyclohex-2-en-1-one. The boat conformation in which the C-4 hydroxy group is axial is preferred. In the range of 1mm to 5mm, the antibiotic activity of (+)-isoepoxydon against Bacillus subtilis sp. was 56% of that obtained with patulin. Over a period of 1 to 3h, [(14)C]isoepoxydon was efficiently converted into patulin by a shake culture of the parent strain of P. urticae. The precursor relationship of isoepoxydon to patulin was confirmed by feeding unlabelled isoepoxydon (1mm) to a washed-cell suspension of a mutant (J2) in which, over a period of 3 to 5h, a better than 60% conversion into patulin was attained. The enzymic relationship between isoepoxydon and phyllostine and their positions in the late portion of the patulin biosynthetic pathway are discussed.  相似文献   

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