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Summary Insitu perfusion of rat liver was performed with a medium containing glucose-cysteine adduct [2-(D-gluco-pentahydroxypentyl) thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid, glc-cys] and its effect on glutathione (GSH) and ATP levels and bile production was examined. The GSH content in the liver was maintained at the original level during perfusion with 1 mM glc-cys for 2h, while it decreased significantly in the absence of glc-cys. After 4h of perfusion without glc-cys, ATP content and bile production decreased significantly besides the decrease in GSH content, but they were maintained at the original levels with glc-cys. When the perfusion was performed with the liver of rats injected with diethyl maleate (DEM), the GSH level, which was decreased to 6.0% of the control by DEM injection, was restored to 22.6% of the original level by perfusion with 2mM glc-cys for 30 min. Data indicate that glccys is a cysteine prodrug with protective action on the liver.  相似文献   

As sulfur constitutes one of the macronutrients necessary for the plant life cycle, sulfur uptake and assimilation in higher plants is one of the crucial factors determining plant growth and vigour, crop yield and even resistance to pests and stresses. Inorganic sulfate is mostly taken up as sulfate from the soil through the root system or to a lesser extent as volatile sulfur compounds from the air. In a cascade of enzymatic steps inorganic sulfur is converted to the nutritionally important sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine (Hell, 1997; Hell and Rennenberg, 1998; Saito, 1999). Sulfate uptake and allocation between plant organs or within the cell is mediated by specific transporters localised in plant membranes. Several functionally different sulfate transporters have to be postulated and have been already cloned from a number of plant species (Clarkson et al., 1993; Hawkesford and Smith, 1997; Takahashi et al., 1997; Yamaguchi, 1997). Following import into the plant and transport to the final site of reduction, the plastid, the chemically relatively inert sulfate molecule is activated through binding to ATP forming adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (APS). This enzymatic step is controlled through the enzyme ATP-sulfurylase (ATP-S). APS can be further phosphorylated to form 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) which serves as sulfate donor for the formation of sulfate esters such as the biosynthesis of sulfolipids (Schmidt and J?ger, 1992). However, most of the APS is reduced to sulfide through the enzymes APS-reductase (APR) and sulfite reductase (SIR). The carbon backbone of cysteine is provided through serine, thus directly coupling photosynthetic processes and nitrogen metabolism to sulfur assimilation. L-serine is activated by serine acetyltransferase (SAT) through the transfer to an acetyl-group from acetyl coenzyme A to form O-acetyl-L-serine (OAS) which is then sulhydrylated using sulfide through the enzyme O-acetyl-L-serine thiol lyase (OAS-TL) forming cysteine. Cysteine is the central precursor of all organic molecules containing reduced sulfur ranging from the amino acid methionine to peptides as glutathione or phytochelatines, proteines, vitamines, cofactors as SAM and hormones. Cysteine and derived metabolites display essential roles within plant metabolism such as protein stabilisation through disulfide bridges, stress tolerance to active oxygen species and metals, cofactors for enzymatic reactions as e.g. SAM as major methylgroup donor and plant development and signalling through the volatile hormone ethylene. Cysteine and other metabolites carrying free sulfhydryl groups are commonly termed thioles (confer Fig. 1). The physiological control of the sulfate reduction pathway in higher plants is still not completely understood in all details. The objective of this paper is to summarise the available data on the molecular analysis and control of cysteine biosynthesis in plants, and to discuss potentials for manipulating the pathway using transgenic approaches.  相似文献   

J. C. Roberts 《Amino acids》1995,8(2):113-124
Summary The thiol-containing amino acid, cysteine, and its analogs are useful for a variety of protective applications, including protecting normal tissues against the unwanted side effects of cancer chemotherapeutic agents and radiation treatment. The protection can result from both direct action of the amino acid and/or after its conversion to glutathione (GSH), sulfate, or other sulfur-based protective substances. Unfortunately, high GSH levels have been implicated in the problematic development of tumor cells' resistance to therapy. Due to numerous differences in the metabolic processing of the cysteine stereoisomers, chemo- and radioprotective strategies might be developed using the D-form of the amino acid, which can participate in protection directly, but which cannot be used to support GSH biosynthesis. In this way, protection of normal tissue may be achieved, while the potential development of resistance in tumor cells is minimized. Greatly enhanced therapeutic efficacy of cancer treatment regimens may be the result.  相似文献   

Summary Effect ofN-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) administration on cysteine and glutathione (GSH) contents in rat liver and kidney was studied using intact and diethyl maleate (DEM)-treated rats and perfused rat liver. Cysteine contents increased rapidly, reaching peak at 10 min after intraperitoneal NAC administration. In liver mitochondria it increased slowly, reaching peak at 60 min. GSH content did not change significantly in these tissues. However, in liver and kidney depleted of GSH with DEM, NAC administration restored GSH contents in 60 and 120 min, respectively. Perfusion with 10 mM NAC resulted in 76% increase in liver cysteine content, but not in GSH content. Liver perfusion of DEM-injected rats with 10 mM NAC restored GSH content by 15%. Present findings indicate that NAC is an effective precursor of cysteine in the intact liver and kidney and in the perfused rat liver, and that NAC stimulated GSH synthesis in GSH-depleted tissues.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the 3-mercaptopyruvate pathway (transamination pathway) ofl-cysteine metabolism in rat liver mitochondria.l-Cysteine and other substrates at 10 mM concentration were incubated with mitochondrial fraction at pH 8.4, and sulfate and thiosulfate were determined by ion chromatography. Whenl-cysteine alone was incubated, sulfate formed was 0.7µmol per mitochondria from one g of liver per 60 min. Addition of 2-oxoglutarate and GSH resulted in more than 3-fold increase in sulfate formation, and thiosulfate was formed besides sulfate. The sum (A + 2B) of sulfate (A) and thiosulfate (B) formed was approximately 7-times that withl-cysteine alone. Incubation with 3-mercaptopyruvate resulted in sulfate and thiosulfate formation, and sulfate was formed with thiosulfate. These reactions were stimulated with glutathione. Sulfate formation froml-cysteinesulfinate and 2-oxoglutarate was not enhanced by glutathione and thiosulfate was not formed. These findings indicate thatl-cysteine was metabolized and sulfate was formed through 3-mercaptopyruvate pathway in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Noji M  Saito K 《Amino acids》2002,22(3):231-243
Summary. Serine acetyltransferase (SATase) and cysteine synthase (O-acetylserine (thiol)-lyase) (CSase) are committed in the final step of cysteine biosynthesis. Six cDNA clones encoding SATase have been isolated from several plants, e.g. watermelon, spinach, Chinese chive and Arabidopsis thaliana. Feedback-inhibition pattern and subcellular localization of plant SATases were evaluated. Two types of SATase that differ in their sensitivity to the feedback inhibition by l-cysteine were found in plants. In Arabidopsis, cytosolic SATase was inhibited by l-cysteine at a physiological concentration in an allosteric manner, but the plastidic and mitochondrial forms were not subjected to this feedback regulation. These results suggest that the regulation of cysteine biosynthesis through feedback inhibition may differ depending on the subcellular compartment. The allosteric domain responsible for l-cysteine inhibition was characterized, using several SATase mutants. The single change of amino acid residue, glycine-277 to cysteine, in the C-terminal region of watermelon SATase caused a significant decrease of the feedback-inhibition sensitivity of watermelon SATase. We made the transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing point-mutated watermelon SATase gene whose product was not inhibited by l-cysteine. The contents of OAS, cysteine, and glutathione in transgenic Arabidopsis were significantly increased as compared to the wild-type Arabidopsis. Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) (F1) plants with enhanced CSase activities both in the cytosol and in the chloroplasts were generated by cross-fertilization of two transgenic tobacco expressing either cytosolic CSase or chloroplastic CSase. Upon fumigation with 0.1 μL L−1 sulfur dioxide, both the cysteine and glutathione contents in leaves of F1 plants were increased significantly, but not in leaves of non-transformed control plants. These results indicated that both SATase and CSase play important roles in cysteine biosynthesis and its regulation in plants. Received November 27, 2001 Accepted December 21, 2001  相似文献   

Summary The oxidation of cysteine (RSH) has been studied by using O2, ferricytochrome c (Cyt c) and nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) as electron acceptors. The addition of 200M CuII to a solution of 2mM cysteine, pH 7.4, produces an absorbance with a peak at 260 nm and a shoulder at 300 nm. Generation of a cuprous bis-cysteine complex (RS-CuI-SR) is responsible for this absorbance. In the absence of O2 the absorbance is stable for long time while in the presence of air it vanishes slowly only when the cysteine excess is consumed. The neocuproine assay and the EPR analysis show that the metal remains reduced in the course of the oxidation of cysteine returning to the oxidised form at the end of reaction when all RSH has been oxidised to RSSR. Addition of CuII enhances the reduction rate of Cyt c and of NBT by cysteine also under anaerobiosis indicating the occurrence of a direct reduction of the acceptor by the complex. It is concluded that the cuprous bis-cysteine complex (RS-CuI-SR) is the catalytic species involved in the oxidation of cysteine. The novel finding of the stability of the complex together with the metal remaining in the reduced form during the oxidation suggest sulfur as the electron donor in the place of the metal ion.Abbreviations RSH cysteine - RS cysteine in the thiolate form - RS· thiyl radical of cysteine - RSSR cystine - Cyt c cytochrome c - SOD superoxide dismutase - NBT nitro blue tetrazolium - NBF nitro blue formazan - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid - DTPA diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid Dedicated to prof. A. Ballio ob the occasion of his 75th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary l-Cysteine is mainly metabolized to sulfate and taurine through cysteinesulfinate pathway. Alternatively, sulfate is formed in rat liver mitochondria via 3-mercaptopyruvate pathway. Intraperitoneal administration of 5 mmol ofl-cysteine per kg of body weight resulted in the increase in sulfate and taurine (plus hypotaurine) excretion in the 24-h urine, which corresponded to 45.3 and 29.3%, respectively, ofl-cysteine administered. Subcutaneous injection of (aminooxy)acetate, a potent inhibitor of transaminases, together withl-cysteine halved the sulfate excretion and doubled the taurine excretion. In vitro sulfate formation froml-cysteine and froml-cysteinesulfinate in rat liver mitochondria was inhibited by (aminooxy)-acetate. The sulfate-forming activity of liver mitochondria obtained from rats injected with (aminooxy) acetate was also inhibited. These results indicate that the transamination reaction is crucial in sulfate formation and in the regulation of sulfur metabolism. Sulfur equilibrium in mammals was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Five mmol ofl-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (OTC)/kg of body weight was administered into the stomach of rats, and cysteine levels in tissues and sulfate and taurine excreted in the urine were determined. The cysteine (plus cystine expressed as cysteine) concentration in the liver increased to 170–200% of the original level at 30 min and that in the blood to 160% at 60 min after the OTC administration. These high levels were maintained until 8 h after the administration and decreased gradually thereafter. Excretion of sulfate and taurine increased after the OTC administration and the increase corresponded to 26% and 15%, respectively, of the OTC administered. These findings suggest that at least about 40% of the OTC administered into the stomach was taken up and converted to cysteine, which was metabolized to sulfate and taurine.  相似文献   

L-Cysteine-glutathione disulfide, a ubiquitous substance present in mammalian cells, was shown to be highly effective in protecting mice against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. Since the corresponding D-cysteine-glutathione disulfide was totally ineffective in this regard, an enzymatic mechanism that provides glutathione directly to cells is postulated.  相似文献   

Summary The synthesis of taurine fromN-acetylcysteine has been examined in ratsin vivo and in rat hepatocyte suspensionsin vitro. In ratsin vivo, administration ofN-acetylcysteine significantly increased urinary taurine (3 fold) 24h after dosing and liver glutathione levels. Liver taurine was not increased significantly. In hepatocytes incubated in the presence ofN-acetylcysteine, glutathione concentration increased to a maximum after 1 hour but the increase was not dependent on the concentration ofN-acetylcysteine. In contrast, after an initial lag phase, taurine synthesis increased in relation to the concentration ofN-acetylcysteine and continued for 3 hours. Glutathione synthesis seems to be preferential to taurine synthesis. Taurine synthesis from cysteine sulphinate was greater and from hypotaurine was greatest and maximal after 1 hour. Implications for the mechanism of protection byN-acetylcysteine are discussed.  相似文献   

Economical yeast based glutathione (GSH) production is a process that is influenced by several factors like raw material and production costs, biomass production and efficient biotransformation of adequate precursors into the final product GSH. Nowadays the usage of cysteine for the microbial conversion into GSH is industrial state of practice. In the following study, the potential of different inducers to increase the GSH content was evaluated by means of design of experiments methodology. Investigations were executed in three natural Saccharomyces strains, S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus and S. boulardii, in a well suited 50 ml shake tube system. Results of shake tube experiments were confirmed in traditional baffled shake flasks and finally via batch cultivation in lab-scale bioreactors under controlled conditions. Comprehensive studies showed that the usage of cysteine ethyl ester (CEE) for the batch-wise biotransformation into GSH led up to a more than 2.2 times higher yield compared to cysteine as inducer. Additionally, the intracellular GSH content could be significantly increased for all strains in terms of 2.29 ± 0.29% for cysteine to 3.65 ± 0.23% for CEE, respectively, in bioreactors. Thus, the usage of CEE provides a highly attractive inducing strategy for the GSH overproduction.  相似文献   

Summary A compound, which had the same mobility on a high-voltage paper electrophoretogram and the sameR F value on a thin-layer chromatogram as those ofS-[2-carboxy-1-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethyl]cysteine (I), was partially purified from human urine by ion-exchange column chromatography. The compound gave a signal at m/z 260 on its FAB mass spectrum, which was assigned as MH+ of compound I. These results suggest that the urinary compound is compound I and it is a physiological precursor of 3-[(carboxymethyl)thio]-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid [Kinuta et al., (1991) Biochem J 275: 617–621].  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are described for the reduction and alkylation of cysteines in peptides and proteins with volatile reagents by use of triethylphosphine as reductant, bromopropane as alkylating reagent and triethylamine as base. Alkylated samples need only be vacuum dried prior to subsequent analysis steps. Alkylated samples have been acid hydrolyzed and analyzed on an amino acid analyzer with recoveries of cysteine within 10% of the expected value. Alkylated samples have been directly applied to a sequencer membrane, dried on the surface and cysteines identified by sequence analysis without additional wash steps. In addition proteins blotted onto PVDF have been alkylatedin situ and sequenced with identification of cysteines. On the analyzer and sequencer the S-propylcysteine derivative elutes at a unique position allowing for the unambiguous identification of cysteine. Cysteine residues are quantitativly alkylated under the conditions developed. The ease of this procedure allows the routine analysis of cysteine in peptides and proteins without additional, time consuming repurification or dialysis steps.Abbreviations dptu diphenylthiourea - dmptu dimethylphenylthiourea - prop-cys S-propylcysteine  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the transamination pathway (3-mercaptopyruvate pathway) ofl-cysteine metabolism in rats. Characterization of cysteine aminotransferase (EC from liver indicated that the transamination, the first reaction of this pathway, was catalyzed by aspartate aminotransferase (EC 3-Mercaptopyruvate, the product of the transamination, may be metabolized through two routes. The initial reactions of these routes are reduction and transsulfuration, and the final metabolites are 3-mercaptolactate-cysteine mixed disulfide [S-(2-hydroxy-2-carboxyethylthio)cysteine, HCETC] and inorganic sulfate, respectively. The study using anti-lactate dehydrogenase antiserum proved that the enzyme catalyzing the reduction of 3-mercaptopyruvate was lactate dehydrogenase (EC Formation of HCETC was shown to depend on low 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (EC activity. Results were discussed in relation to HCETC excretion in normal human subjects and patients with 3-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria. Incubation of liver mitochondria withl-cysteine, 2-oxoglutarate and glutathione resulted in the formation of sulfate and thiosulfate, indicating that thiosulfate was formed by transsulfuration of 3-mercaptopyruvate and finally metabolized to sulfate.  相似文献   

Summary N-(R)-2-Hydroxyacyl-L-cysteine derivatives were conveniently synthesized by the reaction of the corresponding S-(R)-2-hydroxyacyl-glutathione with cysteine. The (R)2-hydroxyacyl group was transferred from the S-glutathionyl moiety to S-cysteinyl, forming the corresponding (R)S-2-hydroxyacylcysteine; this rearranged to the (R)N-hydroxyacylcysteine. These compounds have anti-proliferative activity associated with the inhibition ofde novo pyrimidine synthesis.Abbreviations TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)  相似文献   

Summary The effect of (aminooxy)acetate, an inhibitor of aminotransferases, on the sulfate formation froml-cysteine andl-cysteinesulfinate in rat liver mitochondria was studied. Incubation of 10 mMl-cysteine with rat liver mitochondria at 37°C in the presence of 10 mM 2-oxoglutarate and 10 mM glutathione resulted in the formation of 4.60 and 1.52µmol of sulfate and thiosulfate, respectively, per 60 min per mitochondria obtained from 1 g of liver. Under the same conditions sulfate formation froml-cysteinesulfinate was 24.96µmol, but thiosulfate was not formed. The addition of (aminooxy)acetate at 2 mM or more completely inhibited the sulfate and thiosulfate formation froml-cysteine and the sulfate formation froml-cysteinesulfinate. These findings support our previous conclusion that cysteine transamination and 3-mercaptopyruvate pathway (MP pathway) are involved in the sulfate formation froml-cysteine in rat liver mitochondria (Ubuka et al., 1992).  相似文献   

Summary Kinetic data for alternative substrates of recombinant trypanothione reductase fromTrypanosoma cruzi were measured for a series ofN-substituted-L-cysteinylglycyl-3-dimethylaminopropylamides, in which the cysteineN-substituent was either a variant of the benzyloxycarbonyl group or was L-phenylalanine or L-tryptophan. Replacing the benzylic ether oxygen atom by CH2. or NH had relatively minor effects on kcat, but raised the value of Km, 4.5- and 10-fold, respectively. Similarly, relative to the carbobenzoxy group, anN-L-phenylalanyl orN-L-tryptophanyl replacement on the cysteine hardly altered kcat, but increased Km, values by 16.6 and 7.4 fold, respectively. These observations were consistent with the Km, values referring primarily to binding for this series of nonspecific substrates.Abbreviations DCC N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - dmapa dimethylaminopropylamine - DMF dimethylformamide - GR glutathione reductase - GSSG glutathione disulphide - GSH reduced glutathione - T[S]2 trypanothione disulphide - Hbt hydroxybenzotriazole - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - TLC thin layer chromatography - T[SH]2 reduced trypanothione as dithiol - TR trypanothione reductase - Z.cys.gly.dmapa N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Lcysteinylglycyl-3-dimethylpropylamide  相似文献   

Summary Reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities were investigated in the erythrocytes and lymphocytes of non-dialyzed patients with varying degrees of chronic renal insufficiency, and also of patients on regular hemodialysis treatment. GSH, GR and GST levels were higher in erythrocytes and lymphocytes of examined patients as compared to their corresponding age-matched healthy controls. A correlation was found between the degree of renal insufficiency and the above parameters tested. A routine hemodialysis did not significantly affect erythrocyte and lymphocyte GSH content and activities of its associated enzymes. The increased GSH levels as well as GSH-linked enzyme activities of blood cells in uremia may be a protective mechanism for the cells due to the accumulation of toxic, oxidizing, wastes in the blood as a result of the uremic state. This view is supported by the results ofin vitro experiments, which have shown that GR and GST activities of normal human lymphocytes are increased when incubated with plasma from uremic patients.  相似文献   

In this study, the electrochemical activity of ordered mesoporous carbon (OMC) was investigated and applied to the determination of glutathione (GSH) and cysteine (CySH). It has been demonstrated that the ordered mesostructure of OMC has an important role in the electrocatalytic activity towards thiols, and the destruction of this structure results in the decrease of such properties. The electrochemical behavior of GSH at an OMC electrode was also investigated. The results showed that the process of oxidation of GSH at the OMC electrode is differs from that of CySH at the same electrode by the peak at 0.47 V associated with CySH. This difference helped to reduce the interference of GSH during the determination of CySH in the presence of GSH. A sensor for the two thiols was developed with acceptable sensitivity and detection limits in a large determination range. These results obtained in the physiological medium and in the physiological levels of GSH and CySH, suggest that OMC is a promising material in the detection of thiols in biologically relevant experimental conditions (in terms of pH).  相似文献   

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