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Du W  Ji X  Shine R 《Biology letters》2005,1(1):98-100
The numbers and sizes of eggs produced by adult females ultimately determine the viability of populations, as well as the evolutionary fitness of the females themselves. Despite an enormous amount of literature on the adaptive significance of fecundity variation within and among populations, simpler questions--such as the proximate mechanisms by which a female determines her clutch size--have attracted less attention. Our surgical manipulations show that the amount of space available to hold eggs within a female's abdomen influences her total reproductive allocation, enabling her to flexibly modify her reproductive output as she grows larger.  相似文献   

Does foraging mode mould morphology in lacertid lizards?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary changes in foraging style are often believed to require concurrent changes in a complex suite of morphological, physiological, behavioural and life-history traits. In lizards, species from families with a predominantly sit-and-wait foraging style tend to be more stocky and robust, with larger heads and mouths than species belonging to actively foraging families. Here, we test whether morphology and foraging behaviour show similar patterns of association within the family Lacertidae. We also examine the association of bite force abilities with morphology and foraging behaviour. Lacertid lizards exhibit considerable interspecific variation in foraging indices, and we found some evidence for a covariation between foraging style and body shape. However, the observed relationships are not always in line with the predictions. Also, the significance of the relationships varies with the evolutionary model used. Our results challenge the idea that foraging style is evolutionarily conservative and invariably associated with particular morphologies. It appears that the flexibility of foraging mode and its morphological correlates varies among lizard taxa.  相似文献   

Reproduction is intimately linked with dispersal, but the effects of changes in reproductive strategies on dispersal have received little attention. Such changes have occurred in many taxonomic groups, resulting in profound alterations in life-history. In amphibians, many species shifted from oviparous/larviparous aquatic reproduction (deposition of eggs or pre-metamorphic larvae in water) to pueriparous terrestrial reproduction (parturition of terrestrial juveniles). The latter provides greater independence from water by skipping the aquatic larval stage; however, the eco-evolutionary implications of this evolutionary step have been underexplored, largely because reproductive modes rarely vary at the intraspecific level, preventing meaningful comparisons. We studied the effects of a transition to pueriparity on dispersal and fine-scale genetic structure in the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), a species exhibiting two co-occurring reproductive modes: larviparity and pueriparity. We performed genetic analyses (parentage and genetic spatial autocorrelation) using 11 microsatellite loci to compare dispersal and fine-scale genetic structure in three larviparous and three pueriparous populations (354 individuals in total). We did not find significant differences between reproductive modes, but in some larviparous populations movement patterns may be influenced by site-specific features (type of water bodies), possibly due to passive water-borne dispersal of larvae along streams. Additionally, females (especially larviparous ones) appeared to be more philopatric, while males showed greater variation in dispersal distances. This study also points to future avenues of research to better understand the eco-evolutionary implications of changes in reproductive modes in amphibians.  相似文献   

The origin of the obligate-parthenogenetic New Zealand stick insect genus Acanthoxyla was investigated using cytogenetics and sequencing of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Little mitochondrial DNA sequence variation (COI-II) was found among seven species of the genus Acanthoxyla and we found no evidence for monophyly of the morphologically distinguished lineages. In contrast, two distinct clades of nuclear sequence (ITS) were obtained, one is restricted to the genus Acanthoxyla, while the other includes sequences obtained from its sister genus Clitarchus. Although Acanthoxyla appears to be diploid (2n = 36-38), it has two ill-matched chromosome pairs. We hypothesize that two or more hybridization events involving the parental sexual species Clitarchus hookeri and an unknown taxon probably resulted in the formation of the parthenogenetic genus Acanthoxyla. However, the karyotype of Acanthoxyla bears little resemblance to the karyotype of the putative paternal species C. hookeri so the exact nature of Acanthoxyla remains in question.  相似文献   

Dollo’s law, that complex characters are not regained in evolution, is a pattern applied to many systems. Recent work has evaluated unidirectional evolution in a number of contexts, and several violations of this law have been documented. These methods have also been criticized for potentially overestimating reversals. We test the hypothesis that the ancestral reproductive mode of oviparity can be regained in vipers, in opposition to Dollo’s law. We use model comparison and ancestral character state reconstruction methods that address recent criticisms, and find evidence both supporting and refuting Dollo’s predictions from different analyses. We discuss our results in the context of unidirectional evolution and review factors required for strong inference of violations of Dollo’s law.  相似文献   

Tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid which metabolises via the kynurenine pathway to generate a number of bioactive substances referred to as kynurenines. Among those are 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HKyn) and quinolinic acid, which are neurotoxic, as well as kynurenic acid (Kyna) and xanthurenic acid (XA), which, similarly to nicotinamide (NAm), show neuroprotective and anti-depressive effects. Routine exercise is known to modulate Trp metabolism in skeletal muscle and is thus believed to reduce the risk of depressive states in humans and laboratory animals. Analogously, it was hypothesised that exercise can influence Trp metabolism in horses as well. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different types of exercise on Trp metabolism in horses of the same breed. A total of 32 purebred Arabian horses were involved in the study. The 22 three-year-old racehorses were subjected to short-time intense exercise. Ten other horses were made to perform endurance competitions at a distance of 80 km. Blood samples were collected at rest and following the end of the exercise period. Plasma concentrations of Trp, kynurenine (Kyn), Kyna, 3-HKyn, XA and NAm were determined using Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionisation-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Short-time intense exercise led to an increase in plasma concentrations of Kyn, Kyna and XA. The endurance effort induced an increase in Kyna and a decrease in Trp and NAm levels. Both types of exercise, short-time intensive exercise and endurance exercise induced an increase in Trp metabolites, especially Kyna, and did not induce an increase in Trp level. Thus, from a pathophysiological perspective of the kynurenine pathway’s influence on mental state, both types of exercise induced beneficial effects in horses.  相似文献   

Łukasz Rejt 《Biologia》2006,61(2):221-224
Hoarding by urban kestrels and its subsequent exploitation significantly increases the frequency and regularity of feeding during the early stage of the nestling period. Twelve kestrels’ nests situated in various part of the city were chosen to test whether hoarding could affect the chicks’ condition. Four nests (with 22 nestlings) were provided with food — one dead mouse per chick per day (F group) and 8 (43 nestlings) were used as a control group (NF). Nestlings were weighed daily, and the length of their tarsus was also measured when the oldest chick in the nest was 11 days old. 50% of the NF nests experienced a decrease in the number of nestlings but no nestlings were lost in any of the F nests. However, no significant differences were found between the groups either in body mass or tarsus length. A possible reason was the behaviour of the adults which could be interpreted as the regulation of the frequency of prey delivery depending on its presence or absence in the nest.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if female growing pigs spend similar amounts of time exploring a wooden stick as they do exploring enrichment material regardless of its proximity to the feeder. Forty-eight pigs aged 18 to 26 weeks allocated to 16 pens with three pigs per pen were studied. Fifty percent of the pens had a wooden stick beside the feeder, and the rest had a similar stick opposite to the feeder. Two observers assessed the pigs by means of scan and focal sampling. The pigs spent more time (p < .0001) exploring the wood during the first week than during the rest of the study (10.9% vs 3.6%). The pigs with the wood close to the feeder spent less (p = .0001) time resting (29.9%) and more (p < .0001) time exploring (6.3%) the wood than did pigs with the wood opposite to the feeder (32.4% and 2.5%, respectively). In conclusion, a wooden stick placed close to the feeder was associated with more exploratory behaviorcompared with a similar stick placed opposite to the feeder.  相似文献   

While previous studies on character displacement tended to focus on trait divergence and convergence as a result of long-term evolution, recent studies suggest that character displacement can be a special case of evolutionary rescue, where rapid evolution prevents species extinction by weakening interspecific competition. Here we analyzed a simple model to examine how the magnitude of genetic variation affects evolutionary rescue via ecological and reproductive character displacement that weakens interspecific competition in exploitation of shared resources (i.e., resource competition) and in the mating process caused by incomplete species recognition (i.e., reproductive interference), respectively. We found that slow trait divergence due to small genetic variance results in species extinction in reproductive character displacement but not in ecological character displacement. This is because one species becomes rare in slow character displacement, and this causes deterministic extinction due to minority disadvantage of reproductive interference. On the other hand, there is no deterministic extinction in the process of ecological character displacement. Furthermore, species extinction becomes less likely in the case of positive covariance between ecological and reproductive traits as divergence of the ecological trait (e.g., root depths) increases the divergence speed of the reproductive trait (e.g., flower colors) and vice versa. It will be interesting to compare intraspecific genetic (co)variance of ecological and reproductive traits in future studies for understanding how ecological and reproductive character displacement occur without extinction.  相似文献   

Abstract Soil moisture was augmented experimentally during two successive dry seasons and the intervening wet season in a humid tropical savanna in Darwin, northern Australia. Leaf phenology was monitored in four common tree species Termmalia ferdinandiana and Planchonia careya (both deciduous species), and Eucalyptus miniata and Eucalyptus tetrodonta (both evergreen species). Irrigation produced consistently significant effects in only T. ferdinandiana. In this species leaf-flush was significantly earlier, canopy decline and leaf-fall were significantly later and the attainment of full canopy was earlier in irrigated compared with non-irrigated trees. Litterfall, and the seasonal patterns of contraction and expansion of stems (a measure of stem water status or storage) were not significantly affected by irrigation in any species. Leaf longevity in the deciduous species was 6–8 months; some eucalypt leaves lived for approximately 1 year, but none lived longer than 18 months. Irrigation had relatively little effect on leaf longevity. While variation in soil moisture is a potentially important cue to both leaf-fall and leaf-flush, stem water status and climatic factors such as vapour pressure deficit may also be important climatic cues to phenological behaviour.  相似文献   

Climate change may cause a decrease in snow cover in northern latitudes. This, on the other hand, may result in more severe soil frost even in areas where it is not common at present, and may lead to increased stress on the tree canopy. We studied the effects of snow removal and consequent changes in soil frost and water content on the physiology of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) needles and implications on root biomass. The study was conducted at a 47-year-old Norway spruce stand in eastern Finland during the two winters of 2005/06 and 2006/07. The treatments in three replicates were: (i) natural snow accumulation and melting (CTRL), (ii) artificial snow removal during the winter (OPEN), and (iii) the same as OPEN, but the ground was insulated in early spring to delay soil thawing (FROST). In spite of the deeper soil frost in the OPEN than in the CTRL treatment, soil warming in spring occurred at the same time, whereas soil warming in the FROST was delayed by 2 and 1.5 months in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The soil water content was affected by snow manipulations, being at a lower level in the OPEN and FROST than CTRL in spring and early summer. The physiological measurements of the needles (e.g. starch, carbon and nitrogen content and apoplastic electrical resistance) showed differences between soil frost treatments. The differences were mostly seen between the CTRL and FROST, but also in the case of the starch content in early spring 2007 between the CTRL and OPEN. The needle responses in the FROST were more evident after the colder winter of 2006. The physiological changes seemed to be related to the soil temperature and water content in the early growing season rather than to the wintertime soil temperature. No difference was found in the fine root (diameter < 2 mm) biomass between the treatments assessed in 2007. In the future, conditions similar to the OPEN treatment may be more common than at present in areas experiencing a thick snow cover. The present experiment took place over the course of two years. It is possible that whenever thin snow cover occurs yearly, the reduced starch content during the early spring may be reflected in the tree growth itself as a result of reduced energy reserves.  相似文献   

The selection of a sampling protocol is critical to study amphibian and reptile communities and in many instances researchers have combined the use of visual encounter surveys (VES) conducted on trails and off trails. The effect of human‐made trails on relative abundance estimates of amphibians and reptiles has been assessed in a few temperate locations, but data are lacking for tropical sites. Our study was designed to address this issue by comparing abundance estimates of frogs and lizards on and off trails in a lowland rainforest in south‐eastern Perú. We used nocturnal VES to sample frogs and lizards along transects established on trails and off trails in two different forest types. We found that the observed relative abundance estimates of frogs and lizards were affected by the location of transects (on trail vs. off trail) and the type of forest (floodplain forest vs. terra firme forest). We also found an interaction between the two main effects, indicating that the effect of transect location with respect to trails varies as a function of habitat. Observed frog abundances were higher on trails than off trails, indicating that studies that include VES on trails will bias relative abundance estimates in contrast to studies that include only VES off trails. We suggest that transects should be established only off trails, especially for monitoring studies because trail use by humans can have a strong influence on observed animal abundance.  相似文献   

Reproduction ofVarroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) and the number ofVarroa mites that were found dead on the bottom board of the hive, were studied in relation to the period the mites spent on adult honey bees,Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), prior to invasion into brood cells. The maximum period on adult bees was 23 days. To introduce mites, combs with emerging worker brood, heavily infested with mites, were placed into a colony and removed the next day. At the beginning of the first day following emergence from brood cells, 18% of the mites introduced into the colony was found on the bottom of the hive. Part of these mites may already have died inside the capped brood cells, and then fallen down after cleaning of cells by the bees. At the second and third day following emergence, respectively 4% and 2% of the mites on adult bees at the previous day was recovered on the bottom, whereas from the fourth day on only 0.6% of the mites on adult bees was recovered on the bottom per day. After invasion into brood cells, 8–12% of the mites did not produce any offspring. Of the mites that did reproduce, the total number of offspring was 4.0–4.4 per mite during one reproductive cycle, part of which may reach maturity resulting in 1.2–1.3 viable daughters, and 8–10% of the mites produced only male offspring. Reproduction was independent of the period the mites had spent on adult bees prior to invasion into brood cells.  相似文献   

Environmental factors influence diverse assemblage features such as species abundances, richness, and nestedness. Amphibians and reptiles play important roles in terrestrial ecosystems, but there is still a lack of information about the assemblages of these animals in many regions. In this study, we aimed to understand how environmental factors influence the anurans and lizards assemblages from São Gonçalo do Amarante, Ceará, Brazil. Herpetofauna samplings were performed monthly in São Gonçalo do Amarante from January 2008 to May 2009, excluding April 2008. We sampled animals (anurans and lizards) using pitfall traps and active searches. The abundance and richness of lizards were positively related to temperature and negatively related to precipitation. Anuran assemblage was not influenced by precipitation, but its abundance was negatively influenced by temperature. Temperature generated a nested pattern in the lizard assemblage, but precipitation did not produce this pattern in anurans. Finally, our results reinforce the importance of environmental factors, mainly temperature, in structuring assemblages of anurans and lizards.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities in urban ecosystems induce a myriad of environmental changes compared with adjacent rural areas. These environmental changes can be seen as series of abiotic and biotic selection filters affecting the distribution of plant species. What are the attributes of plant species that compose urban communities, compared with rural communities, as related to their ecological affinities (e.g., to temperature, humidity), and reproductive traits (e.g., entomophily, autogamy, floral morphology)? Using a floristic dataset from a citizen science project recording plant species growing spontaneously in the streets, we analyzed the distribution of species according to their ecological requirements and reproductive traits along an urbanization gradient in the Parisian region. We developed an original floral and pollinator typology composed of five floral and four pollinator morphotypes. The proportion of impervious areas, used as a proxy of urbanization, was measured at different spatial scales, to reveal at which spatial scales urbanization is selecting plant traits. We found significant differences in plant communities along the urbanization gradient. As expected with the warmer and drier conditions of urban areas, species with higher affinities to higher temperature, light and nutrient soil content, and lower atmospheric moisture were over‐represented in urban plant communities. Interestingly, all of the significant changes in plant abiotical affinities were the most pronounced at the largest scale of analysis (1,000 m buffer radius), probably because the specific urban conditions are more pronounced when they occur on a large surface. The proportion of autogamous, self‐compatible, and nonentomophilous species was significantly higher in urban plant communities, strongly suggesting a lower abundance or efficiency of the pollinating fauna in urban environments. Last, among insect‐pollinated species, those with relatively long and narrow tubular corollas were disadvantaged in urban areas, possibly resulting from a reduction in pollinator abundance particularly affecting specialized plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

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