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Slatkin M  Excoffier L 《Genetics》2012,191(1):171-181
Range expansions cause a series of founder events. We show that, in a one-dimensional habitat, these founder events are the spatial analog of genetic drift in a randomly mating population. The spatial series of allele frequencies created by successive founder events is equivalent to the time series of allele frequencies in a population of effective size ke, the effective number of founders. We derive an expression for ke in a discrete-population model that allows for local population growth and migration among established populations. If there is selection, the net effect is determined approximately by the product of the selection coefficients and the number of generations between successive founding events. We use the model of a single population to compute analytically several quantities for an allele present in the source population: (i) the probability that it survives the series of colonization events, (ii) the probability that it reaches a specified threshold frequency in the last population, and (iii) the mean and variance of the frequencies in each population. We show that the analytic theory provides a good approximation to simulation results. A consequence of our approximation is that the average heterozygosity of neutral alleles decreases by a factor of 1-1/(2ke) in each new population. Therefore, the population genetic consequences of surfing can be predicted approximately by the effective number of founders and the effective selection coefficients, even in the presence of migration among populations. We also show that our analytic results are applicable to a model of range expansion in a continuously distributed population.  相似文献   

Reintroductions and translocations are increasingly used to repatriate or increase probabilities of persistence for animal and plant species. Genetic and demographic characteristics of founding individuals and suitability of habitat at release sites are commonly believed to affect the success of these conservation programs. Genetic divergence among multiple source populations of American martens (Martes americana) and well documented introduction histories permitted analyses of post‐introduction dispersion from release sites and development of genetic clusters in the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan <50 years following release. Location and size of spatial genetic clusters and measures of individual‐based autocorrelation were inferred using 11 microsatellite loci. We identified three genetic clusters in geographic proximity to original release locations. Estimated distances of effective gene flow based on spatial autocorrelation varied greatly among genetic clusters (30–90 km). Spatial contiguity of genetic clusters has been largely maintained with evidence for admixture primarily in localized regions, suggesting recent contact or locally retarded rates of gene flow. Data provide guidance for future studies of the effects of permeabilities of different land‐cover and land‐use features to dispersal and of other biotic and environmental factors that may contribute to the colonization process and development of spatial genetic associations.  相似文献   

Range expansions can result in founder effects, increasing genetic differentiation between expanding populations and reducing genetic diversity along the expansion front. However, few studies have addressed these effects in long-distance migratory species, for which high dispersal ability might counter the effects of genetic drift. Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) are best known for undertaking a long-distance annual migration in North America, but have also dispersed around the world to form populations that do not migrate or travel only short distances. Here, we used microsatellite markers to assess genetic differentiation among 18 monarch populations and to determine worldwide colonization routes. Our results indicate that North American monarch populations connected by land show limited differentiation, probably because of the monarch''s ability to migrate long distances. Conversely, we found high genetic differentiation between populations separated by large bodies of water. Moreover, we show evidence for serial founder effects across the Pacific, suggesting stepwise dispersal from a North American origin. These findings demonstrate that genetic drift played a major role in shaping allele frequencies and created genetic differentiation among newly formed populations. Thus, range expansion can give rise to genetic differentiation and declines in genetic diversity, even in highly mobile species.  相似文献   

The success of non-native species may depend on the genetic resources maintained through the invasion process. The Coqui ( Eleutherodactylus coqui ), a frog endemic to Puerto Rico, was introduced to Hawaii in the late 1980s via the horticulture trade, and has become an aggressive invader. To explore whether genetic diversity and population structure changed with the introduction, we assessed individuals from 15 populations across the Hawaiian Islands and 13 populations across Puerto Rico using six to nine polymorphic microsatellite loci and five dorsolateral colour patterns. Allelic richness ( R T) and gene diversity were significantly higher in Puerto Rico than in Hawaii populations. Hawaii also had fewer colour patterns (two versus three to five per population) than Puerto Rico. We found no isolation by distance in the introduced range, even though it exists in the native range. Results suggest extensive mixing among frog populations across Hawaii, and that their spread has been facilitated by humans. Like previous research, our results suggest that Hawaiian Coquis were founded by individuals from sites around San Juan, but unlike previous research the colour pattern and molecular genetic data (nuclear and mtDNA) support two separate introductions, one on the island of Hawaii and one on Maui. Coquis are successful invaders in Hawaii despite the loss of genetic variation. Future introductions may increase genetic variation and potentially its range.  相似文献   

Jump AS  Rico L  Coll M  Peñuelas J 《Heredity》2012,108(6):633-639
Identification and quantification of spatial genetic structure (SGS) within populations remains a central element of understanding population structure at the local scale. Understanding such structure can inform on aspects of the species' biology, such as establishment patterns and gene dispersal distance, in addition to sampling design for genetic resource management and conservation. However, recent work has identified that variation in factors such as sampling methodology, population characteristics and marker system can all lead to significant variation in SGS estimates. Consequently, the extent to which estimates of SGS can be relied on to inform on the biology of a species or differentiate between experimental treatments is open to doubt. Following on from a recent report of unusually extensive SGS when assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphisms in the tree Fagus sylvatica, we explored whether this marker system led to similarly high estimates of SGS extent in other apparently similar populations of this species. In the three populations assessed, SGS extent was even stronger than this previously reported maximum, extending up to 360 m, an increase in up to 800% in comparison with the generally accepted maximum of 30-40 m based on the literature. Within this species, wide variation in SGS estimates exists, whether quantified as SGS intensity, extent or the Sp parameter. Consequently, we argue that greater standardization should be applied in sample design and SGS estimation and highlight five steps that can be taken to maximize the comparability between SGS estimates.  相似文献   

Extant rear‐edge populations located in former glacial refugia remain understudied despite their high conservation value. These populations should have experienced strong genetic drift due to their small size and long isolation. Moreover, the prolonged action of isolation by distance in refugial areas should result in stronger regional spatial genetic structure (SGS) than in recolonized areas, but empirical tests of this prediction are scarce. To fill this gap, we first used a set of 16 microsatellite markers to investigate the genetic structure of European beech in France in 65 populations from three refugial areas and one control recolonized (nonrefugial) area. Then, using the same approach, we reanalysed published isozyme data from 375 populations distributed across the entire species range. We found stronger genetic differentiation among populations in refugia than in recolonized areas. However, contrary to expectations, regional SGS was lower within refugia than within recolonized areas. Published studies presenting similar analyses suggest that our results could have generality across different biogeographical settings and types of organisms. Strong and prolonged genetic drift in refugial areas could have erased the signature of range expansions that is still visible in recolonized areas. Our results therefore suggest that Pleistocene population isolation has played a key role in increasing the genetic complexity of extant rear‐edge populations.  相似文献   

Species introductions provide a rare opportunity to study rapid evolutionary and genetic processes in natural systems, often under novel environmental pressures. Few empirical studies have been able to characterize genetic founder effects associated with demographic bottlenecks at the earliest stages of species introductions. This study utilizes prior mitochondrial DNA information which identifies the putative source population for a recently established ( c . 7 years between import and sampling) species introduction. We investigated the evidence for a founder effect in a highly successful introduction of a Puerto Rican Anolis species that has established itself on Dominica to the localized exclusion of the native, endemic anole. Five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to explore the partitioning of genetic diversity within and between native source, native nonsource, and introduced populations of Anolis cristatellus . Group comparisons reveal significantly lower allelic richness and expected heterozygosity in introduced populations compared to native populations; however, tests for heterozygosity excess relative to allelic richness failed to provide consistent evidence for a founder effect within introduced populations. Significant levels of within-population genetic variation were present in both native and introduced populations. We suggest that aspects of the reproductive ecology of Anolis (high fecundity, sperm storage and multiple paternity) offer an important mechanism by which genetic variation may be maintained following demographic bottlenecks and founder events in some squamate taxa.  相似文献   

R Y Shirk  J L Hamrick  C Zhang  S Qiang 《Heredity》2014,112(5):497-507
Genetic diversity, and thus the adaptive potential of invasive populations, is largely based on three factors: patterns of genetic diversity in the species'' native range, the number and location of introductions and the number of founding individuals per introduction. Specifically, reductions in genetic diversity (‘founder effects'') should be stronger for species with low within-population diversity in their native range and few introductions of few individuals to the invasive range. We test these predictions with Geranium carolinianum, a winter annual herb native to North America and invasive in China. We measure the extent of founder effects using allozymes and microsatellites, and ask whether this is consistent with its colonization history and patterns of diversity in the native range. In the native range, genetic diversity is higher and structure is lower than expected based on life history traits. In China, our results provide evidence for multiple introductions near Nanjing, Jiangsu province, with subsequent range expansion to the west and south. Patterns of genetic diversity across China reveal weak founder effects that are driven largely by low-diversity populations at the expansion front, away from the introduction location. This suggests that reduced diversity in China has resulted from successive founder events during range expansion, and that the loss of genetic diversity in the Nanjing area was mitigated by multiple introductions from diverse source populations. This has implications for the future of G. carolinianum in China, as continued gene flow among populations should eventually increase genetic diversity within the more recently founded populations.  相似文献   

Here, palaeobotanical and genetic data for common beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Europe are used to evaluate the genetic consequences of long-term survival in refuge areas and postglacial spread. Four large datasets are presented, including over 400 fossil-pollen sites, 80 plant-macrofossil sites, and 450 and 600 modern beech populations for chloroplast and nuclear markers, respectively. The largely complementary palaeobotanical and genetic data indicate that: (i) beech survived the last glacial period in multiple refuge areas; (ii) the central European refugia were separated from the Mediterranean refugia; (iii) the Mediterranean refuges did not contribute to the colonization of central and northern Europe; (iv) some populations expanded considerably during the postglacial period, while others experienced only a limited expansion; (v) the mountain chains were not geographical barriers for beech but rather facilitated its diffusion; and (vi) the modern genetic diversity was shaped over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. This scenario differs from many recent treatments of tree phylogeography in Europe that largely focus on the last ice age and the postglacial period to interpret genetic structure and argue that the southern peninsulas (Iberian, Italian and Balkan) were the main source areas for trees in central and northern Europe.  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent ideal systems for the study of evolutionary processes associated with colonization events. It has been hypothesized that the genetic diversity is generally decreasing from the centre of the range to the margins due to multiple founder events. Invasive populations offer the opportunity to test this hypothesis at a fine spatial and temporal scale. We analysed the genetic structure of a large expanding non-native population of the Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) in Passau (Germany) using thirteen microsatellite loci. We analyzed the genetic structure and levels of admixture across a transect reflecting the expansion process and tested for a loss of genetic diversity and an increase of genetic differentiation from the centre to the invasion front. Our results demonstrate that significant genetic population structure can emerge rapidly at a small spatial scale. We found a trend for an increase in genetic differentiation and a decrease in genetic diversity from the invasion centre to the expanding range margin, suggesting that genetic drift is the major factor causing this pattern. The correlation between genetic diversity and average genetic differentiation was significant among sites. We hypothesize that the territoriality of P. muralis generates sufficient rates of noncontiguous and stratified dispersal from longer established sites to maintain significant genetic diversity at the invasion front. Simultaneously, territoriality might restrict the colonization success of migrants at established sites, so that in combination with founder events a strong differentiation arises.  相似文献   

This study tested whether low genetic diversity in remnant populations of a declining amphibian is best explained by recent bottlenecks or by a history of being peripheral. We compared diversity from eight microsatellite loci in historical and extant populations from the interior and former periphery of the species' range. We found that historic peripheral populations already had reduced levels of genetic variation before the range contraction. Therefore, low diversity in remnants could not be ascribed to recent range contractions. This study shows that a common conservation strategy for rescuing genetically depauperate populations, artificial gene flow, may often be unwarranted and detrimental to evolutionarily important peripheral populations.  相似文献   

The long‐term establishment success of founder plant populations has been commonly assessed based on the measures of population genetic diversity and among population genetic differentiation, with founder populations expected to carry sufficient genetic diversity when population establishment is the result of many colonists from multiple source populations (the ‘migrant pool’ colonization model). Theory, however, predicts that, after initial colonization, rapid population expansion may result in a fast increase in the extent of spatial genetic structure (SGS), independent of extant genetic diversity. This SGS can reduce long‐term population viability by increasing inbreeding. Using 12 microsatellite markers, we inferred colonization patterns in four recent populations of the grassland specialist plant Anthyllis vulneraria and compared the extent of SGS between recently established and old populations. Assignment analyses of the individuals of recent population based on the genetic composition of nine adjacent putative source populations suggested the occurrence of the ‘migrant pool’ colonization model, further confirmed by high genetic diversity within and low genetic differentiation among recent populations. Population establishment, however, resulted in the build‐up of strong SGS, most likely as a result of spatially restricted recruitment of the progeny of initial colonists. Although reduced, significant SGS was nonetheless observed to persist in old populations. The presence of SGS was in all populations associated with elevated inbreeding coefficients, potentially affecting the long‐term viability of these populations. In conclusion, this study illustrates the importance of studying SGS next to population genetic diversity and differentiation to adequately infer colonization patterns and long‐term establishment success of plant species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have concluded that the global pattern of neutral genetic diversity in humans reflects a series of founder effects and population movements associated with our recent expansion out of Africa. In contrast, regional studies tend to emphasize the significance of more complex patterns of colonization, gene flow, and secondary population movements in shaping patterns of diversity. Our objective in this study is to examine how founder effects, gene flow, and European admixture have molded patterns of neutral genetic diversity in the Americas. Our strategy is to test the fit of a serial founder effects process to the pattern of neutral autosomal genetic variation and to examine the contribution of gene flow and European admixture to departures from fit. The genetic data consist of 678 autosomal microsatellite loci assayed by Wang and colleagues in 530 individuals in 29 widely distributed Native American populations. We find that previous evidence for serial founder effects in the Americas may be driven in part by high levels of European admixture in northern North America, intermediate levels in Central America, and low levels in eastern South America. Geographically patterned admixture may also account for previously reported genetic differences between Andean and Amazonian groups. Though admixture has obscured the precise details of precontact evolutionary processes, we find that genetic diversity is still largely hierarchically structured and that gene flow between neighboring groups has had surprisingly little impact on macrogeographic patterns of genetic diversity in the Americas.  相似文献   

European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the most important forest tree species in Central Europe. Climate change scenarios predict an increase in annual mean temperatures that may cause earlier bud burst in spring, potentially leading to an increased late frost-risk. Despite the ecologic and economic importance of beech, knowledge about the molecular basis of bud burst is still scarce in this species. Here, an association analysis was used to detect SNPs that are significantly associated with beech bud burst. A translocation experiment was established with progenies of six different beech populations from three widely separated regions in Northeast, Central, and Southwest Germany. In total, 600 individuals of the translocation experiment were genotyped using a set of 46 SNPs located in bud burst candidate genes. The association analysis revealed seven SNPs significantly associated with bud burst, each SNP explaining only a few percent of the observed phenotypic variation. Since the same SNP set was used in a previous association analysis with European beech, we were able to compare and confirm significant associations between SNPs and bud burst in distinct beech populations growing in different environments.  相似文献   

Island populations are mostly characterized by low genetic diversity if compared with their mainland conspecifics. This is often explained as a consequence of founder effects in the wake of island colonization and concomitant bottlenecks. In a recent contribution, Stuessy et al. (Journal of Biogeography, 2012, 39, 1565–1566) point out that the genetic imprint of past founder effects is no longer visible today, as most island colonizations occurred millions of generations ago. The authors argue that low genetic diversity detectable today is mainly caused by recent environmental factors such as anthropogenic habitat destruction. This scenario should be complemented by the influence of long‐term isolation and small habitat size, which often lead to strong population fluctuations and repeated bottlenecks. In consequence, inbreeding and genetic drift, coupled with the potential effects of purging in small populations, may also result in genetic diversity remaining low for a long time after colonization.  相似文献   



Mutations in the TGM1 gene encoding transglutaminase 1 are a major cause of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis. In the Galician (NW Spain) population, three mutations, c.2278C>T, c.1223_1227delACAC and c.984+1G>A, were observed at high frequency, representing ∼46%, ∼21% and ∼13% of all TGM1 gene mutations, respectively. Moreover, these mutations were reported only once outside of Galicia, pointing to the existence of historical episodes of local severe genetic drift in this region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to determine whether these mutations were inherited from a common ancestor in the Galician population, and to estimate the number of generations since their initial appearance, we carried out a haplotype-based analysis by way of genotyping 21 SNPs within and flanking the TGM1 gene and 10 flanking polymorphic microsatellite markers spanning a region of 12 Mb. Two linkage disequilibrium based methods were used to estimate the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA), while a Bayesian-based procedure was used to estimate the age of the two mutations. Haplotype reconstruction from unphased genotypes of all members of the affected pedigrees indicated that all carriers for each of the two mutations harbored the same haplotypes, indicating common ancestry.


In good agreement with the documentation record and the census, both mutations arose between 2,800–2,900 years ago (y.a.), but their TMRCA was in the range 600–1,290 y.a., pointing to the existence of historical bottlenecks in the region followed by population growth. This demographic scenario finds further support on a Bayesian Coalescent Analysis based on TGM1 haplotypes that allowed estimating the occurrence of a dramatic reduction of effective population size around 900–4,500 y.a. (95% highest posterior density) followed by exponential growth.  相似文献   

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a highly flexible technique that allows the estimation of parameters under demographic models that are too complex to be handled by full-likelihood methods. We assess the utility of this method to estimate the parameters of range expansion in a two-dimensional stepping-stone model, using samples from either a single deme or multiple demes. A minor modification to the ABC procedure is introduced, which leads to an improvement in the accuracy of estimation. The method is then used to estimate the expansion time and migration rates for five natural common vole populations in Switzerland typed for a sex-linked marker and a nuclear marker. Estimates based on both markers suggest that expansion occurred <10,000 years ago, after the most recent glaciation, and that migration rates are strongly male biased.  相似文献   

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