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Three-dimensional (3D) cultures of epithelial cells offer singular advantages for studies of morphogenesis or the role of cancer genes in oncogenesis. In this study, as part of establishing a 3D culture system of pancreatic duct epithelial cells, we compared human pancreatic duct epithelial cells (HPDE-E6E7) with pancreatic cancer cell lines. Our results show, that in contrast to cancer cells, HPDE-E6E7 organized into spheroids with what appeared to be apical and basal membranes and a luminal space. Immunostaining experiments indicated that protein kinase Akt was phosphorylated (Ser473) and CTMP, a negative Akt regulator, was expressed in both HPDE-E6E7 and cancer cells. However, a nuclear pool of CTMP was detectable in HPDE-E6E7 cells that showed a dynamic concentrated expression pattern, a feature that further distinguished HPDE-E637 cells from cancer cells. Collectively, these data suggest that 3D cultures of HPDE-E6E7 cells are useful for investigating signaling and morphological abnormalities in pancreatic cancer cells.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium harbors a remarkable adaptability to undergo injury-induced repair. A key part of the regenerative response is the transient reprogramming of epithelial cells into a fetal-like state, which drives uniform proliferation, tissue remodeling, and subsequent restoration of the homeostatic state. In this review, we discuss how Wnt and YAP signaling pathways control the intestinal repair response and the transitioning of cell states, in comparison with the process of intestinal development. Furthermore, we highlight how organoid-based applications have contributed to the characterization of the mechanistic principles and key players that guide these developmental and regenerative events. Subject terms: Development, Gastrointestinal diseases, Stem-cell research  相似文献   

Small and large intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) lines were established from adult murine intestinal crypts. Both established small and large IECs line (named aMoS7 and aMoC1 respectively) expressed epithelial markers. Similarly to IECs isolated from adult mouse intestines, the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules was induced by interferon-γ-treatment in both established cell lines. This expression of MHC class II molecules was higher in small intestinal aMoS7 cells than in large intestinal aMoC1 cells. Treatment with lipopolysaccharide and with ligands of Toll-like receptors 1, 2, 3, and 7 induced secretion of interleukin-6 from both adult IEC lines. These results suggest that the aMoS7 and aMoC1 cell lines can serve as useful tools in analyzing the immunological functions of IECs, especially in studying the IEC response to microbial components and its antigen presenting ability.  相似文献   

The study of gene function in endodermal epithelia such as of stomach, small intestine and colon relies heavily on transgenic approaches. Establishing such animal models is laborious, expensive and time-consuming. We present here a method based on Cre recombinase-inducible retrovirus vectors that allows the conditional manipulation of gene expression in primary mouse organoid culture systems.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a major public health problem and research using cell culture models has improved understanding of this disease. The human cervix contains three anatomic regions; ectocervix with stratified squamous epithelium, endocervix with secretory epithelium, and transformation zone (TZ) with metaplastic cells. Most cervical cancers originate within the TZ. However, little is known about the biology of TZ cells or why they are highly susceptible to carcinogenesis. The goal of this study was to develop and optimize methods to compare growth and differentiation of cells cultured from ectocervix, TZ or endocervix. We examined the effects of different serum-free media on cell attachment, cell growth and differentiation, and cell population doublings in monolayer culture. We also optimized conditions for organotypic culture of cervical epithelial cells using collagen rafts with human cervical stromal cells. Finally, we present a step-by-step protocol for culturing cells from each region of human cervix.  相似文献   

During the long-term in vitro maintenance of an epithelial cell line established from rat duodenum (IEC-17) we have observed progressive morphological changes which, after approximately 4-5 months in culture, led to a loss of substrate adherence and to the formation of organoid structures characterized by organized layers of cells separated by continuous extracellular-like material and delimiting close lumina. The cells exhibited a defined polarity with deposition of extracellular matrix components on one side and development of microvilli on the opposite surface. The morphological changes observed did not appear to be the expression of spontaneous transformation since the cells retained a normal diploid rat karyotype and did not grow in soft agar. In this report we present the optical and electron microscopical characterization of the progressive organotypic differentiation of the cell line. Further studies are currently in progress to characterize the extracellular matrix during the process of differentiation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish bovine intestinal epithelial cell (BIEC) line and provide a novel clone cell method. Although various strategies of bovine cell culture and clone techniques have been reported, these methods remain not established. Here, we culture successfully primary BIECs and establish a novel clone cell method. Our result showed that BIECs could be successfully cultured and passaged about generation 5. These cellular aggregates and clusters were adherent loosely at day 2 of culture. Cell aggregates and clusters start to proliferate after approximately 4 d. The BIECs showed positive reaction against cytokeratin 18, E-cadherin, and characteristics of epithelial-like morphology. In addition, the fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs), villin, and intestinal peptidase (IP) band were positive in BIECs. Our results suggest that the establishment of culturing and clone BIEC methods will apply to isolate and clone other primary cells. These BIECs could therefore contribute to the study of bovine intestinal nutrient absorption and regulation, immune regulation, and the pathogenesis of the bovine intestinal disease, which will provide intestinal cell model in vitro.  相似文献   

An epithelial intestinal cell line has been established from explants of fetal rat small intestine. After the 9th passage (approx. 25 population doublings) epithelial-like cells acquired the properties of a permanent cell line. The epithelial nature of this cell line, and of clone IRD 98 subsequently isolated, is supported by morphological and ultrastructural criteria, and also by the presence of enzymes characteristic of enterocytes, such as aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, lactase and maltase. The occurrence of the triglyceride pathway enzyme monoacylglycerol acyltransferase and of apoproteins (Apo A1 and Apo E) can also be demonstrated. Taken together, the results presented here provide evidence that clone IRD 98 is an epithelial cell line, most likely originating from the relatively differentiated cell layer of fetal rat small intestine.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular mechanisms that regulate the synthesis of salivary proteins are unknown. The paucity of homogeneous cell populations of parotid acinar cells has become a limiting factor for such a study. Therefore, the establishment of immortalized clones of acinar cells is essential. This study has established primary cultures of rat and human parotid epithelial cells that are suitable for transfection with plasmid vectors, pSV2, pSV3, and pSV5 to generate immortalized cells in vitro. Among various techniques used, the rat and human parotid tissue or cellular clumps when restrained in chicken plasma clot allowed the outgrowth of epithelial cells that maintained epithelial cell morphology for over 4 wk. However, the initial growth requirements for rat and human parotid cells were different. The presence of 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum in supplemented MCDB-LB medium was essential for the outgrowth of rat parotid epithelial cells, but this was not needed for the outgrowth of human parotid epithelial cells. The growth of both human and rat parotid epithelial cells can be maintained in serum-free supplemented MCDB-LB. These primary cultures contained amylase-producing cells as demonstrated by immunofluorescent technique, and they were transfected with pSV2, pSV3, and pSV5 using primarily the calcium phosphate-DNA co-precipitation technique. After initial extensive cell death, many cells with epithelial cell morphology survived.  相似文献   

The present study represents a first attempt to elucidate the regulatory properties displayed by the non-epithelial portion of the intestinal mucosa, growing as fibroblasts in monolayer cultures. Thus, we compared the inductive action of 6-day suckling rat duodenal fibroblasts with that displayed by chick embryonic intestinal mesenchyme on the heterotypic cytodifferentiation of 5 1/2-day chick embryonic gizzard endoderm. The latter, isolated by 0.03% collagenase, was surrounded by intestinal intramucosal fibroblastic cell sheets. As control experiments, fibroblastic cells derived from the intestinal muscle or from 20-day fetal rat skin and lung were used. Every type of association was grafted into the coelomic cavity of 3-day chick embryos for 11 to 12 days, a system providing their vascularization and growth. The results clearly demonstrate that the mucosal fibroblastic cells of rat intestine were as potent as embryonic intestinal mesenchyme in inducing brush-border enzymes like sucrase and maltase, in conformity with an induced intestinal morphology. In contrast, the control fibroblastic cells were completely ineffective.  相似文献   

The barrier characteristics of polarized layers of Calu-3 and Caco-2 cell lines, as commonly used in vitro models of intestinal and airway mucosa, respectively, were investigated by assessing the translocation of model macromolecules and nanoparticles. The barrier capacity of the cell layers towards the movement of macromolecules and nanoparticulates differed considerably between the cell lines. Permeability studies revealed the existence of a notably larger solute molecular weight limit for paracellular diffusion in Caco-2 monolayers compared to Calu-3 cells. Removal of mucus in Calu-3 cells resulted in cell layers exhibiting a larger macromolecular permeability, in addition to improved nanoparticle translocation. Microscopic examination of the tight junctions, as cellular features that play a major role in preventing transepithelial movement of macromolecules, revealed that the appearance of cell–cell boundaries was notably different in the two cell lines, which could explain the differences in macromolecular permeability. The data overall showed that epithelial layers of airway Calu-3 and intestinal Caco-2 cell cultures in vitro exhibit a different level of restrictiveness and this is due to the cell morphology and the presence of mucus.  相似文献   

Mature, confluent monolayer cultures of IEC-6 rat intestinal epithelial cells in conventional growth media express both Na(+)-linked, concentrative nucleoside transport (NT) activity and equilibrative, inhibitor-sensitive NT activity, but do not show morphologic differentiation. Na(+)-dependent fluxes of Ado and formycin B were minor in early subconfluent IEC-6 monolayers, but increased severalfold to become the major component of influx of these agents in confluent monolayers grown in medium containing Nu-Serum, a commercial medium supplement with a low serum content. In monolayers cultured in medium with fetal bovine serum, cell proliferation rates were similar to those in medium supplemented with Nu-Serum, but expression of Na(+)-linked NT activity was 6-8-fold lower than in monolayers grown in the latter medium. Inclusion of hydrocortisone in growth medium with Nu-Serum caused a 2-fold increase in the expression of Na(+)-linked NT activity. Experiments in which components of medium supplementation were withheld showed that insulin and epidermal growth factor were important in expression of the Na(+)-linked NT activity. Because the Na(+)-linked NT system has a brush border location in fresh intestinal epithelium, it is concluded that the regulated expression of this activity in the IEC-6 monolayers is a differentiative change.  相似文献   

水泡性口炎病毒对IPEC-J2细胞因子转录时相的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:【目的】为了更好的了解水泡性口炎病毒(VSV)感染后引起细胞炎性反应特别是炎性细胞因子的反应,探讨宿主-病毒之间的作用关系。【方法】我们运用荧光定量PCR技术,测定和分析VSV感染IPEC-J2细胞引起的病毒RNA量的变化和细胞因子IL-2、6、8、10、12、IFN-α、 IFN -γ、TNF-α、TGF-β和TLR3分泌水平。【结果】我们发现,VSV感染后引起IPEC-J2细胞分泌IL-6、8、12、TNF-α和TLR3显著增加,TGF-β无显著差异;IPEC-J2细胞不分泌IL-2、IL-10、IFN-α和IFN –γ。【结论】水泡性口炎病毒感染可引起IPEC-J2细胞炎性分子分泌增加。  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most lethal urogenital cancers and effective treatment of metastatic RCC remains an elusive target. Cell lines enable the in vitro investigation of molecular and genetic changes leading to renal carcinogenesis and are important for evaluating cellular drug response or toxicity. This study details a fast and easy protocol of establishing epithelial and fibroblast cell cultures or cell lines concurrently from renal cancer nephrectomy tissue. The protocol involves mechanical disaggregation, collagenase digestion and cell sieving for establishing epithelial cells while fibroblast cells were grown from explants. This protocol has been modified from previous published reports with additional antibiotics and washing steps added to eliminate microbial contamination from the surgical source. Cell characterisation was carried out using immunofluorescence and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Eleven stable epithelial renal tumour cell lines of various subtypes, including rare subtypes, were established with a spontaneous immortalisation rate of 21.6% using this protocol. Eight fibroblast cell cultures grew successfully but did not achieve spontaneous immortalisation. Cells of epithelial origin expressed higher expressions of epithelial markers such as pan‐cytokeratin, cytokeratin 8 and E‐cadherin whereas fibroblast cells expressed high α‐smooth muscle actin. Further mutational analysis is needed to evaluate the genetic or molecular characteristics of the cell lines.  相似文献   

嗅上皮接收和传导气味信号是嗅觉系统的重要组成部分。嗅上皮的损伤在通常情况下可自发恢复,但特定疾病或衰老造成的嗅上皮损伤会引起嗅觉功能减退和嗅觉障碍。嗅上皮主要由基底细胞、支持细胞以及嗅感觉神经元组成。为了在体外建立包含多种细胞类型的嗅上皮类器官,本研究采用3D细胞培养技术,通过筛选小分子药物,构建了包含多种细胞类型的嗅上皮类器官模型,包含水平基底样细胞、球形基底样细胞、支持样细胞和嗅感觉神经元样细胞多种细胞类型。类器官培养体系中多种生长因子和小分子化合物在细胞增殖速度、细胞组成以及不同细胞类型标志基因的表达水平等方面对类器官产生影响。Wnt信号通路激活剂CHIR-99021能够提高嗅上皮类器官的成克隆率和增殖速度且有利于提高嗅上皮类器官中嗅感觉神经元样细胞标志基因的表达水平;培养体系的任一因子均能提高类器官中cKit阳性的球形基底样细胞克隆比例;表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor,EGF)和维生素C均有利于类器官中水平基底样细胞标志基因的表达。本研究建立的嗅上皮类器官系统模拟了嗅上皮干细胞分化产生多种嗅上皮细胞类型的过程,为研究嗅上皮组织损伤再生、嗅觉障碍病理...  相似文献   

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