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Halophilic Archaea cultured from ancient fluid inclusions in a 90‐m‐long (0‐ to 100 000‐year‐old) salt core from Death Valley, California, demonstrate survival of bacterial cells in subsurface halite for up to 34 000 years. Five enrichment cultures, representing three genera of halophilic Archaea (Halorubrum, Natronomonas and Haloterrigena), were obtained from five surface‐sterilized halite crystals exclusively in one section of the core (13.0–17.8 m; 22 000–34 000 years old) containing perennial saline lake deposits. Prokaryote cells were observed microscopically in situ within fluid inclusions from every layer that produced culturable cells. Another 876 crystals analysed from depths of 8.1–86.7 m (10 000–100 000 years old) failed to yield live halophilic Archaea. Considering the number of halite crystals tested (culturing success of 0.6%), microbial survival in fluid inclusions in halite is rare and related to the paleoenvironment, which controls the distribution and abundance of trapped microorganisms. Two cultures from two crystals at 17.8 m that yielded identical 16S rRNA sequences (genus: Haloterrigena) demonstrate intra‐laboratory reproducibility. Inter‐laboratory reproducibility is shown by two halophilic Archaea (genus: Natronomonas), with 99.3% similarity of 16S rRNA sequences, cultured from the same core interval, but at separate laboratories.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the occurrence of a second allele in the albumin system of the donkey ( Equus asinus ). Samples were collected from 127 feral donkeys in four locations within the Panamint Mountains of Death Valley National Monument, California. A common phenotype, electrophoretically characterized by a single band, was recorded from all four locations. A rare, double-band phenotype was recorded from two locations.  相似文献   

3种荒漠灌木的用水策略及相关的叶片生理表现   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
许皓  李彦 《西北植物学报》2005,25(7):1309-1316
以新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原始盐生旱生荒漠的3种建群灌木多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和琵琶柴(Reaumuria soongorica)为对象,跟踪自然降雨过程,利用LI-6400光合作用系统和Model 3005植物水分压力审测定光合作用和叶水势的变化,以研究浅层土壤水分条件改变对荒漠灌木主要叶片生理特征的影响;并在原始生境中将植株根系完整地深挖取出,进行根系形态结构调查,以确定此3种灌木根系功能型与用水策略。当浅层土壤分别处在水分充足及匮缺的条件下时.测定3种灌木的光合作用响应曲线和日过程曲线.以及黎明前和止午叶水势,结果表明:浅层土壤水分状况变化时,3种灌木的光合能力均没有显著改变;多枝柽柳的叶水势亦没有明显波动;而梭梭和琵琶柴的叶水势却表现出显著差异。在两种功能型根中,多枝柽柳为深根型,生存和乍理活动的维持主要依赖于地下水;而梭梭和琵琶柴为非深根型植物,主要水源是降水形成的浅层土壤水,其用水策略是根据水分条件行效调节根系和冠层生长,从而维持正常的光合作用。即荒漠灌木在长期适应的过样中.已形成不同的根系功能型和用水策略;叶水势对浅层土壤水分状况变化的种间差异性响应在一定程度上反映了这一点。同时.此3种荒漠灌小通过不同的个体适应策略都能够实现水分平衡和碳收支的有效调节,这主要体现为浅层土壤水分条件变化时光合响应的种间一致性。  相似文献   

木本猪毛菜(Salsola arbucula)、刺旋花(Convolvulos tragacanthoides)和刺木蓼(Atraphaxis spinosa)为乌鲁木齐周边植被组成的重要种,在维持荒漠生态系统的稳定中发挥着重要作用,是植被恢复过程中潜在的候选植物种。该文以盆栽控水法,分析比较了3种野生灌木在不同干旱胁迫下的生理生长特征的差异。结果表明,干旱胁迫下3种灌木均表现出良好的耐旱能力。在生长方面,刺旋花生长受到的影响最小,重度胁迫下其生物量与适宜水分处理相比仅减少9.7%,根系极发达,根冠比大。木本猪毛菜受抑制严重,重度干旱时株高和基茎增量为适宜水分处理的17.85%和21.63%。生理方面,刺旋花叶片叶绿素含量最高,膜系统受破坏较小,渗透调节可以通过可溶性糖的积累来实现。木本猪毛菜膜系统受破坏较小,脯氨酸的积累对渗透调节起重要作用。刺木蓼的脯氨酸和可溶性糖两种渗透调节物质均起重要作用。总之,木本猪毛菜和刺木蓼在轻度干旱下表现良好,刺旋花则能够在重度干旱下保持植物体正常的生理代谢功能,表现出对干旱环境较强的适应能力。  相似文献   

Two demonstration treatment wetland systems were studied for over four years. Both consisted of sedimentation basins, followed by wetland cells. The Imperial, CA system had four wetland cells totaling 4.7 ha, 25% vegetated with bulrushes (Schoenoplectus californicus), and the Brawley, CA system had two wetland cells totaling 1.8 ha, also 25% vegetated with bulrushes. Imperial received irrigation runoff water at 30 cm/day, and Brawley received New River water at 11 cm/day, both with moderately high levels of nutrients, sediments and pathogens. The systems seeped 40–60% of the incoming water. The hydraulic efficiencies of the systems were high because of compartmentalization and high aspect ratios. Concentration reductions of TN, TP and TSS were 50%, 39%, and 97% at Imperial, and 73%, 50% and 96% at Brawley. Imperial achieved about 1.5 log10 reductions in total coliforms, fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli, while Brawley achieved about 2.7 log10 reductions. The sedimentation basins settled most of the incoming TSS, as well as the algal solids that were generated in the basins. Algal uptake removed nutrients in the basins, which were supersaturated with oxygen. The wetlands were effective in denitrification, and trapped the remaining and generated TSS. Removal rate constants, corrected for infiltration, were at the high end of those reported for other wetlands.  相似文献   

Along rural roadsides of the Sacramento Valley of California, we seeded native and non-native perennial grasses to gauge their potential value in roadside vegetation management programs. In trial I (polycultures), three seeded complexes and a control (resident vegetation only) were tested. Each seeded plant complex included a different mix of perennial grasses seeded into each of several roadside topographic zones. The seeded levels of plant complex were: native perennial grasses 1 (8 species); native perennial grasses 2 (13 species); and non-native perennial grasses (3 species). In trial II, plots were seeded to monocultural plots of 15 accessions of native Californian and three cultivars of non-native perennial grasses. Plots in both trials were seeded during January 1992 and evaluated for three successive years.  相似文献   

GINZBURG  CHEN 《Annals of botany》1966,30(3):413-418
The primary body of the root of 30 perennial dicotyledonousspecies growing in various habitats in the Israeli Negev wasexamined. Significant quantitative differences which were foundbetween them could be related to their natural environmentalconditions. Extreme hydro- and xerohalophytes develop wide casparianstrips in their endodermis. A gradient in the ratio width of casparian strips/width of the radial wall of the endodermis was established. The ratio is high in halophytes, and low inless extreme habitats such as river beds, sandy dunes, and loesssteppes. Plants populating the extremely dry hammadas, and alsohydrohalophytes, have a small number of cell layers in the cortexof their roots. In less extreme habitats the cortex is moredeveloped. The area of the primary tracheae in transverse section of theroot was found not to be correlated to the habitat. However,it shows a good correlation with the depth of the root system,being larger in deep-rooting plants. The percentage of species having ring porous arrangement ofthe tracheae in the secondary xylem of the root is relativelyhigh. The periderm is highly developed in perennial roots.  相似文献   

The Atacama Desert, one of the driest deserts in the world, represents a unique extreme environmental ecosystem to explore the bacterial diversity as it is considered to be at the dry limit for life. A 16S rRNA gene (spanning the hyper variable V3 region) library was constructed from an alkaline sample of unvegetated soil at the hyperarid margin in the Atacama Desert. A total of 244 clone sequences were used for MOTHUR analysis, which revealed 20 unique phylotypes or operational taxonomic units (OTUs). V3 region amplicons of the 16S rRNA were suitable for distinguishing the bacterial community to the genus and specie level. We found that all OTUs were affiliated with taxa representative of the Firmicutes phylum. The extremely high abundance of Firmicutes indicated that most bacteria in the soil were spore-forming survivors. In this study we detected a narrower diversity as compared to other ecological studies performed in other areas of the Atacama Desert. The reported genera were Oceanobacillus (representing the 69.5 % of the clones sequenced), Bacillus, Thalassobacillus and Virgibacillus. The present work shows physical and chemical parameters have a prominent impact on the microbial community structure. It constitutes an example of the communities adapted to live in extreme conditions caused by dryness and metal concentrations .

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0539-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient availability are the major limiting factors of biological activity in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Therefore, perennial plants have developed different ecophysiological adaptations to cope with harsh conditions. The chemical profile of the root exudates varies among plant species and this can induce variability in associated microbial populations. We examined the influence of two shrubs species, Artemisia sieberi and Noaea mucronata, on soil microbial diversity. Soil samples were collected monthly, from December 2006 to November 2007, near canopies of both shrubs (0–10-cm depth). Samples were used for abiotic tests and determination of soil bacterial diversity. No significant differences were found in the abiotic variables (soil moisture, total organic matter, and total soluble nitrogen (TSN)) between soil samples collected from under the two shrubs during the study period. No obvious differences in the Shannon–Weaver index, evenness values, or total phylogenetic distances were found for the soil microbial communities. However, detailed denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) clustering as well as taxonomic diversity analyses indicated clear shifts in the soil microbial community composition. These shifts were governed by seasonal variability in water availability and, significantly, by plant species type.  相似文献   

A field study was designed to examine the effect of desert shrubs on the dynamics of free-living amoebae in arid soil. Soil samples from 0- to 50-cm depths were collected at 10-cm intervals in each of the four seasons. The vertical distributions of the four main morphological types of amoebae, grouped according to their mobility, and of small flagellate populations were measured under the canopies of Hammada scoparia and Atriplex halimus, shrubs belonging to the chloride-absorbing xerohalophytes. The result obtained from the field study demonstrated that the total number of protozoa was significantly higher during the wet seasons (winter and spring) than during the dry seasons. The protozoan population was more diverse under the canopy of H. scoparia during the wet seasons, reaching 8,000 individuals per 1 g of dry soil, whereas during the dry seasons, the populations were higher under the canopy of A. halimus, with a mean of 250 individuals. The protozoan population in the deeper layers (40 to 50 cm) was found to be as active as that in the upper layers, demonstrating that, in the desert, soil columns below 20 cm are fertile and worth studying. The type 1 amoebae (e.g., Acanthamoeba and Filamoeba spp.) were the most abundant throughout the study period, and their numbers were significantly higher than those of the other amoeba types.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature (8–10 or 20°C) on regulation of haemolymph osmotic and ionic concentrations were investigated over a range of salinities (0–25‰) in fifth-instar larvae of the Death Valley caddisfly Limnephilus assimilis. At low temperatures, levels of chloride and sodium in the haemolymph are regulated over a wide range of salinities corresponding to the salinities at which larvae occur in nature and at which they can complete development into adults. In contrast, haemolymph osmolality is constant at low salinities (<14‰) but approaches conformity with the medium at higher salinities. High temperature reduces the larva's ability to maintain low chloride concentrations in its haemolymph and also leads to a reduction in haemolymph osmotic pressure; thus, at high temperatures ions account for more of the haemolymph osmotic concentration than at low temperatures. These data suggest that the absence of larvae from thermal pools and from all Death Valley waters in summer can be explained by the effects of high water temperatures on hydromineral regulation.  相似文献   

The associations of resident fish communities with environmental variables and stream condition were evaluated at representative sites within the Sacramento River Basin, California between 1996 and 1998 using multivariate ordination techniques and by calculating six fish community metrics. In addition, the results of the current study were compared with recent studies in the San Joaquin River drainage to provide a wider perspective of the condition of resident fish communities in the Central Valley of California as a whole. Within the Sacramento drainage, species distributions were correlated with elevational and substrate size gradients; however, the elevation of a sampling site was correlated with a suite of water-quality and habitat variables that are indicative of land use effects on physio-chemical stream parameters. Four fish community metrics – percentage of native fish, percentage of intolerant fish, number of tolerant species, and percentage of fish with external anomalies – were responsive to environmental quality. Comparisons between the current study and recent studies in the San Joaquin River drainage suggested that differences in water-management practices may have significant effects on native species fish community structure. Additionally, the results of the current study suggest that index of biotic integrity-type indices can be developed for the Sacramento River Basin and possibly the entire Central Valley, California. The protection of native fish communities in the Central Valley and other arid environments continues to be a conflict between human needs for water resources and the requirements of aquatic ecosystems; preservation of these ecosystems will require innovative management strategies.  相似文献   

Male tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes) are susceptible to high rates of antler breakage in Owens Valley, California. We hypothesized that a mineral deficiency in the diet predisposed male elk to antler breakage. We analyzed elk antler, liver, and forage samples to identify mineral imbalances. We compared the mineral content of livers and antlers from elk in Owens Valley to samples taken from tule elk at Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, a population experiencing normal rates (<5%) of antler breakage. Antler and liver samples were collected from 1989 to 1993, and in 2002, and were tested for calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn). Mineral levels from antler and liver samples were compared to reference values established for elk and deer. We also compared the mineral content of elk forage in Owens Valley, collected in 2002-03, to dietary reference values established for cattle. In antlers, Ca, Fe, and Mg levels were higher in Owens Valley elk than in Grizzly Island elk, although all mineral levels were lower than reference values established for deer antlers. In liver samples, Cu levels from elk in Owens Valley were lower than those from Grizzly Island and lower than minimum reference values; liver Ca and Mo levels were higher in elk from Owens Valley than in those from Grizzly Island. Compared to reference values, elk forage in Owens Valley had high levels of Ca and Mo, and low levels of Cu, P, and Zn. Mineral analyses from antlers, livers, and forage suggest that tule elk in the Owens Valley are Cu and/or P deficient. High levels of Mo and Ca may exacerbate Cu and P deficiencies, respectively. Bone fragility is a symptom of both deficiencies, and an imbalance in Cu, P, or a combination of both, may predispose male tule elk in the Owens Valley to antler breakage.  相似文献   

燕山地区6种花灌木幼苗耐旱特性的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以燕山地区6种花灌木1年生扦插幼苗为材料,通过盆栽试验研究干旱胁迫对其土壤含水量、叶片脱水枯死持续时间、叶片含水量、相对水分亏缺、叶保水力、叶肉质化程度和比叶面积等的影响.结果表明:(1)水分胁迫下各花灌木幼苗枯死临界点的土壤含水量依次是蚂蚱腿子>南蛇藤>孩儿拳头>木半夏>栓翅卫矛>叶底珠.(2)叶片脱水持续时间为叶底珠>栓翅卫矛>木半夏>孩儿拳头>南蛇藤>蚂蚱腿子,其叶片脱水过程中出现的暂时萎蔫、永久萎蔫、叶片开始脱落和叶片枯萎等表征在各材料间没有一定的规律.叶片含水量在水分胁迫过程中均呈下降趋势,且叶底珠和孩儿拳头的下降幅度明显;各材料的相对水分亏缺则呈明显的上升趋势,叶底珠和孩儿拳头在对照与永久萎蔫点的RWD差值(△RWD)高于其余4种材料.(3)在叶片保水力方面,栓翅卫矛和木半夏要明显强于其余4种材料,而且南蛇藤、蚂蚱腿子和栓翅卫矛与木半夏、孩儿拳头和叶底珠相比,其叶肉质化程度高,而比叶面积低.(4)根据水分胁迫下幼苗枯死临界点的土壤含水量值,6种花灌木的耐旱能力依次为:叶底珠>栓翅卫矛>木半夏>孩儿拳头>南蛇藤>蚂蚱腿子,它们的幼苗叶片维持水分平衡能力与其耐旱性关系不明显,说明它们具有不同的耐旱机理.  相似文献   

Hawaii's dry forests are among the most endangered of all ecosystems in the archipelago. Invasion of alien plant species into these ecosystems is one of the most significant threats to on-going efforts to preserve and restore Hawaii's remaining dry forests. Comparing the physiological performance of alien and native species can offer causal explanations behind the relative success of alien plant invasions within Hawaiian dry forests and elsewhere. We compared maximum rates of net CO2 assimilation, water-use efficiency (WUE), daily carbon gain, and leaf morphology for three native and two alien shrubby species growing within 1-m2 plots under two natural light (sub-canopy shade relative to open full sunlight) treatments. Maximum rates of net CO2 assimilation were similar between alien and native species (8.15 vs. 7.12molm–2s–1, respectively), however, native plants exhibited lower stomatal conductance and higher instantaneous WUE than alien plants in all treatments (0.13molm–2s–1 and 72.36mol CO2mol H2O–1 against 0.23 and 58.78, respectively). Alien plants had approximately 65% more aboveground biomass than native plants. This result may reflect differential seed production and seed bank viability between native and alien species. We found an overall strong, positive correlation between species-specific physiological traits and final species aboveground biomass. Based on this type of information we can predict species-specific boundaries across light gradients, and focus restoration efforts accordingly.  相似文献   


While a number of studies have shown that a close association exists between microorganisms and varnished rocks, there is little hard evidence to support the existence of either specific desert varnish communities, or any role these microbes might play in the genesis of the varnish layers. To this end, we analyzed fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) of samples collected from the Mojave desert of southern California to compare the microbial community structure of desert varnish with the adjacent desert soil. These analyses indicated prokaryotic and fungal communities in both desert varnish and soil samples. FAMEs specific to gram-positive bacteria were found more often, and in greater abundance in varnish samples than in adjacent soils. This may represent a higher preservation potential of gram-positive bacteria fatty acids in varnish, a source area of varnish microorganisms dominated by gram-positive bacteria, or a varnish community dominated by gram-positive microorganisms. Heterogeneity in fatty acids was documented between varnished rocks and soils from different localities, as well as between samples collected from the same locality. This heterogeneity suggests that there are significant differences in the community structure of the microbial fauna found in varnish samples compared to the adjacent soil, and that desert varnish in the Mojave desert is not characterized by a unique and ubiquitous microbial community. These results suggest that the varnish is not a homogeneous and unique environment for biota, and provide no support for the hypothesis that the varnish layers are biogenic in origin.  相似文献   

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