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The pollen grains of 69 specimens representing 44 species or supposed species of the genus Waltheria L. have been studied. Based mainly on differences in exine characters 2 pollen types, a spinulose and a suprareticulate one were pointed out. Both types show ± parallel trends in the development of the aperture system to an increase of aperture number, to a shortening of the colpi and to more distinct bounds and nexine thickenings of the ora. They exemplify important steps of aperture evolution, which in the spinulose type leads from zonocolporate by way of zonopororate to pantopororate and in the suprareticulate type from zonocolporate to pantocolporate grains. The tendencies of sporoderm evolution concern a more distinct morphological and partially also a regional differentiation of the exine elements (bacula, spinulae), which prove to be close correlated with the evolution levels of the apertures. According to the pollen morphological point of view the species of the genus Waltheria are to be arranged in two groups, which may be regarded as two related, but relative independent phyletic entities. These evidences speak in favour of a taxonomic  相似文献   

Galls are anomalies in plant development from parasitic origin, and affect cellular differentiation or growth of plants. This parasite–plant interaction occurs in many environments and typically in vegetative organs of plants. The existence of galls in reproductive organs and their effects on the host plant are seldom described in the literature. In this paper, we present a novel study of galls in plants of the neotropical region. Galls of Bruggmmaniella byrsonimae develop in the flower buds of Byrsonima sericea DC. (Malpighiaceae) and affect development of the reproductive organs and the reproductive effort of these plants. The sepals and petals show hypertrophy of parenchyma tissues after differentiation, and the stamens exhibit degeneration of the sporogenic tissue. The gynoecium is not entirely developed; ovary and ovules are often absent. Changes in vascular tissues are also frequent, which may indicate high demand for nutrient resources by the new tissues initiated by the larva. We compared the amount of inflorescences, galls and fruits to evaluate possible effects on host reproduction. The results suggest that the Cecidomyiidae galls in flower organs affect fruit set and the reproductive success of B. sericea.  相似文献   

Gall-forming Asphondylia are well represented on Australian Acacia and have potential for biological control where Australian acacias cause ecological or economic harm, particularly South Africa. Asphondylia in Australia and South Africa are associated with communities of fungi in their galls. In Australia, Botryosphaeria dothidea (as its Dichomera synanamorph) is the most abundant and sometimes the only fungus present and is implicated as the primary species forming a mutualistic relationship with Asphondylia. In the combined analysis of ITS and elongation factor 1-α sequence data, isolates of B. dothidea from Australia and South Africa form distinct sub-clades. Female Asphondylia carry B. dothidea (as Dichomera conidia) in mycangia located posterior to sternite 7. While conidia are always present on field-collected specimens, laboratory-reared females rarely carry conidia. The mechanism and location of spore collection remains unresolved, but needs to be understood if Asphondylia species are to be utilised for biological control of invasive Australian acacias. As B. dothidea is a polyphagous plant pathogen capable of infecting crops of economic importance, including Acacia plantations, the introduction of novel strains of B. dothidea associated with biological control of acacia is undesirable, however endemic forms of the fungus could possibly be exploited by introduced Asphondylia.  相似文献   

We observed that unique projections developed from female flower galls induced by three unidentified cecidomyiid species in the syconia of Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae) on Okinawa and Amami Islands, Japan. The three cecidomyiids (sp. 1, 2 and 3) were tentatively distinguished by the differences in the shape of the projections. The projection of sp. 1 started to develop from the bottom of each gall before emergence, broke the skin of the syconium, and developed finally up to 5–6 mm in length within 6–8 h. During this period, the pupa oriented its head towards the bottom of the gall. After the projection fully elongated, the pupa pushed open the bottom of the projection with its head. The projection was easily removed from the gall at the base. The pupa quickly crawled half way out of the gall through the opening at the bottom of the projection and an adult then emerged. The projection did not develop when other hymenopteran gall inhabitants emerged. The projection was derived from plant tissues consisting of a mass of small square cells in the basal and distal portions and regularly arranged long cells in the middle portion. No projection was induced by the application of gibberellin's paste to the bottom of syconia. The gall midge seemed to manipulate the fig plant to develop the projection before emergence, so that the pupa can easily pass through the sticky epidermis of the syconium. The emergence of sp. 2 and 3 could not be intensively observed.  相似文献   

The relative resistance and susceptibility of various cruciferous plants to swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), damage was investigated to provide growers with planting recommendations and to identify potential sources of resistance to the swede midge. Broccoli cultivars experienced more severe damage than cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. The broccoli 'Paragon', 'Eureka', and 'Packman' are highly susceptible to the swede midge, whereas 'Triathlon' and 'Regal' showed reduced susceptibility to damage and slower development of damage symptoms. No differences were found between normal and red cultivars of cabbage and cauliflower in damage severity and progression of damage symptoms. Four new plant species (Brassica juncea Integlifolia group, Erucastrum gallicum (Willd.) O. E. Shulz., Lepidium campestre (L.) R.Br., and Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic.) are reported as hosts of the swede midge. The weed species Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb, Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex Dc., and Erysimum cheiranthoides L. exhibited no damage symptoms, and they seem to be nonhost crucifers for the swede midge.  相似文献   

The hitherto unknown larva of Lopesia spinosa Maia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is described and the geographical distribution of the species is extended in Brazil to Delfinópolis in Minas Gerais; Altinópolis and Jundiaí in São Paulo. Diagnostic characters of the species and illustration of the larva are presented.  相似文献   

Synchronization between the appearance of herbivorous insects and their host-plant phenology is a critical event, especially for short-lived insects such as gall midges. We studied a natural population of Pseudasphondylia neolitseae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces leaf galls on Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) to evaluate the effect of synchronization on gall density in the subsequent generation. To do so, we combined quantitative data on host resources with time lag between emergence and host-available seasons. The gamma distribution model was applied to the emergence curve of P. neolitseae and the normal distribution model to the daily changes in the number of host buds suitable for oviposition; the latter model was transformed into an available-resource curve based on the mean number of host buds required for a single female to realize her eggs. By superimposing the emergence curve on the available-resource curve and calculating overlapped area, the degree of synchronization was evaluated more accurately than previous studies, which had treated only the time lag. The number of females that synchronized with host buds affected gall density in the next generation.  相似文献   

Four gall midge species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induce leaf galls on Styrax japonicus (Styracaceae) were identified to generic level based on larval morphology. Three of these gall midges, which induce whitish hemiglobular galls, flattened subglobular galls, and purple globular galls, respectively, were identified as three genetically distinct species of Contarinia, and the remaining species, which induces globular galls with dense whitish hairs, was identified as a species of Dasineura. Field surveys in Fukuoka, Japan, revealed that adults of these gall midges emerged and oviposited in late March to mid‐April at Mount Tachibana (approximately 200 m a.s.l.) and in late April to early May at Mount Sefuri (about 1050 m a.s.l.), coinciding with the leaf‐opening season of S. japonicus. Larvae of these gall midges mostly developed into third instars by June and then left their galls and dropped to the ground. These species therefore have a life history strategy that differs from that of another S. japonicus‐associated gall midge, Oxycephalomyia styraci, which overwinters as the first instar in ovate swellings, matures rapidly in spring, and emerges directly from the galls.  相似文献   

Galls on Bauhinia cupulata (Fabaceae) were investigated in two physiognomies of the Cerrado, riparian and dry forest, in the municipality of Barreiras (Western Bahia, Brazil) from October 2012 to July 2014. Four insect gall morphotypes were found. They were characterized based on shape, color, indumentum, plant organ of occurrence and galling taxon. A new galling species, Schizomyia barreirensis, is described, illustrated (larva, pupa, male, female and gall) and compared to other Neotropical congeneric species.  相似文献   

The blueberry gall midge, Dasineura oxycoccana Johnson, is a serious pest of rabbiteye blueberries in Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi, and a potential pest of southern and northern highbush blueberries. Its damage has been observed with increasing frequency in highbush blueberry plantings in the Great Lakes region, including in Wisconsin and in Michigan. Unlike in rabbiteye blueberry plantings, where blueberry gall midge primarily damages flowering buds, it is found to damage only the vegetative shoots of northern highbush blueberry. In this study, farms throughout Michigan were surveyed for the presence of blueberry gall midge and it was found in 43 of 46 sampled farms in 11 counties. From 2009-2011, several monitoring techniques, including yellow sticky traps, emergence traps, observational sampling, and vegetative shoot dissections were used to determine the ecology of this species in blueberry fields in southwest Michigan. Emergence traps were most useful in early detection of blueberry gall midge in April, and observational sampling for damage symptoms and vegetative shoot dissections revealed multiple population peaks throughout July and August. Infestation was detected in vegetative shoot tips in all parts of the bushes, with initial infestation greatest at the base of bushes. Degree day accumulations until first midge detection and peak infestation suggest some potential for predicting key events in the pest's phenology. This information about the distribution and timing of infestation will be useful in developing management strategies for blueberry gall midge infestation.  相似文献   

The toxicity of 98 plant essential oils against third instars of cecidomyiid gall midge Camptomyia corticalis (Loew) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) was examined using a vapor-phase mortality bioassay. Results were compared with that of a conventional insecticide dichlorvos. Based on 24-h LC50 values, all essential oils were less toxic than dichlorvos (LC50, 0.027 mg/cm3). The LC50 of caraway (Carum carvi L.) seed, armoise (Artemisia vulgaris L.), clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), lemongrass [Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf], niaouli (Melaleuca viridiflora Gaertner), spearmint (Mentha spicata L.), cassia especial (Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume), Dalmatian sage (Salvia offcinalis L.), red thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), bay [Pimenta racemosa (P. Mill.) J.W. Moore], garlic (Allium sativum L.), and pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) oils is between 0.55 and 0.60 mg/cm3. The LC50 of cassia (C. cassia, pure and redistilled), white thyme (T. vulgaris), star anise (Illicium verum Hook.f.), peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.), wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens L.), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) bark, sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.), Roman chamomile [Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.], eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.),Virginian cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana L.), pimento berry [Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr.], summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.), and coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) oils is between 0.61 and 0.99 mg/cm3. All other essential oils tested exhibited low toxicity to the cecidomyiid larvae (LC50, >0.99 mg/cm3). Global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic insecticides in the agricultural environment justify further studies on the active essential oils as potential larvicides for the control of C. corticalis populations as fumigants with contact action.  相似文献   

The family Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) including about 6100 described species displays diverse feeding habits. The tribe Asphondyliini is a well‐circumscribed monophyletic group of Cecidomyiidae and all species are known as gall inducers. Species belonging to this tribe exhibit fascinating ecological traits such as host alternation, polyphagy, extended diapause, induction of dimorphic galls and association with fungal symbionts. For these reasons, biogeographical and phylogenetic studies of Asphondyliini are of interest in elucidating the evolution of these traits, and particularly the processes of host‐range expansion, host‐plant shift and shifts in gall‐bearing organs. In order to facilitate further evolutionary studies of Asphondyliini, I review studies of systematics, biogeography, phylogeny, speciation, cytology, behavior, ecology, physiology, biological interaction and economic importance in this tribe.  相似文献   

In the past, Rhopalomyia longitubifex, Rhopalomyia shinjii, and Rhopalomyia sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) have been regarded as independent species based on differences in the sizes and shapes of axillary bud galls induced on Artemisia montana (Asteraceae) in Japan and A. princeps in Japan and Korea. However, comparison of morphological features and molecular sequencing data indicate that these Rhopalomyia gall midges are identical and that the differences in gall shape are polymorphisms, although the measurements of gall height and diameter overlap slightly. This finding suggests that although galls have frequently been regarded as extensions of the phenotype of a species, differences in gall shape may not always be reliable for identifying gall‐inducing cecidomyiids. The older name, R. longitubifex, is applied to these gall midges, and the names that were applied to this species on later occasions are revised or synonymized. The mature and immature stages of R. longitubifex are redescribed and information on the distribution, host range, and gall size of this species is provided. We also discuss the role of gall polymorphism in the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Youngomyia matogrossensis Proença & Maia a new species of Cecidomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) that induces cylindrical hairy galls on leaves of Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk. (Sapotaceae) is herein described and illustrated (larvae, pupal exuviae, male and female). The galler, gall and host plant were collected at Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, in the state of Mato Grosso (Brazil). New morphological data and photographs of pupal exuviae, male and female of Youngomyia pouteriae Maia, 2001 are also provided.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of Dasyneura urticae parasitized by an unidentified species of the Platygasteridae were found to contain giant polyploid nuclei of a polytene type. Comparison of polytene chromosomes of the giant nuclei with those of salivary-gland nuclei of D. urticae has shown that the giant nuclei are derived from the host nuclei, polyploidy and polyteny of these nuclei being, therefore, induced by the parasite.  相似文献   

A list of the 356 species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland is presented, which comprises 6 Lestremiinae, 156 Micromyinae, 16 Winnertziinae, 69 Porricondylinae, and 109 Cecidomyiinae. The faunistic knowledge of Finnish Winnertziinae, Porricondylinae and Cecidomyiinae is regarded as particularly poor. Based on species numbers known from other countries in Europe, a conservative estimate is 700–800 species of Cecidomyiidae actually occurring in Finland.  相似文献   

Procystiphora uedai sp. nov., a cecidomyiid inducing subglobular galls on Sasa nipponica Makino and Shibata on Mount Ôdaigahara, Nara Prefecture, Japan is described herein. This species is distinguishable from the three known congeners by the following characteristics of the female post-abdomen: tergite VIII concave at both anterior and posterior margins; tergites VII, VIII and sternite VII unsclerotized; ovipositor–dorsoventrally inverted. Most individuals of this gall midge are univoltine and pupate in the galls in early September, but some individuals enter prolonged diapause at the third larval stadium and remain in the mature galls until the following year. Larvae of this species are attacked by two parasitoid species, Pediobius sasae Hansson (Eulophidae) and Torymus sp. (Torymidae).  相似文献   

丁香北京瘿蚊Pekinomyia syringae Jiao&Kolesik以幼虫在北京丁香Syringa reticulata subsp.pekinensis和暴马丁香Syringa reticulata subsp.amurensis叶片内隐蔽为害,为害严重时导致寄主提前落叶。通过林间调查和室内试验,对其生活史、习性研究发现,该瘿蚊在北京1 a发生1代,以老熟幼虫在表土层结茧越冬。3月初越冬幼虫开始化蛹,成虫羽化盛期为3月底至4月初,成虫不需补充营养,有趋黄性,卵孵化期为4月上中旬,4-10月幼虫为害,10月老熟幼虫脱离叶片在表土层结茧越冬。本研究结果为该虫的综合防治提供了防治基础。  相似文献   

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