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In this study, the tissue distribution and accumulation of osteocalcin or bone Gla protein (BGP) and matrix Gla protein (MGP) were determined during tooth development in a teleost fish, Argyrosomus regius. In this species, the presence of BGP and MGP mRNA in teeth was revealed by in situ hybridization. mRNA for BGP was detected in the odontoblasts as well as in its cytoplasmic processes emerging through dentinal tubules, while mRNA for MGP was expressed in the enamel portion within the apical portion of the elongated cell bodies of enameloblasts, adjacent to the root of the teeth as well as in cells within the pulpal space. Immunolocalization of BGP and MGP demonstrated that these proteins accumulate mainly in the mineralized dentin or in enameloblastic processes, confirming in situ hybridization results. In this study, we examined for the first time the localization of both BGP and MGP gene expression and protein accumulation within the different regions of the vertebrate tooth. We clearly demonstrated that although the overall pattern of BGP and MGP gene expression and protein accumulation in A. regius teeth was in general agreement to what is known for other vertebrates such as rats or rodents, our study provided novel information and highlighted some species-differences between fish and higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

目的明确基质Gla蛋白(matrix Gla protein,MGP)在大鼠附睾发育过程中的表达特征。方法采用实时定量PCR和免疫荧光染色方法,对MGP在大鼠附睾不同发育阶段的表达及定位进行检测。结果实时定量PCR结果显示,MGP mRNA在6d、10d、3w、5w、7w、8w、10w和12w的大鼠附睾中均有表达,其表达量在3w达到最高峰,3w至8w表达量逐渐降低,成年大鼠(10~12w)MGP的表达量逐渐升高并稳定在较高水平。免疫荧光染色显示MGP在10d、3w的大鼠附睾各个节段均有表达,在7w、12w的表达主要集中于大鼠附睾体部和尾部,且MGP定位于附睾上皮主细胞和亮细胞。结论MGP在大鼠附睾发育的关键分化期高表达,成年后主要定位于附睾体部和尾部的主、亮细胞,可能对附睾的形态发育和管腔钙稳态的维持起重要作用。  相似文献   

A new protein has been isolated from CaCl2/urea extracts of demineralized bovine bone matrix. This protein has five to six residues of the vitamin K-dependent amino acid, gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla), and we have accordingly designated it matrix Gla protein. Matrix Gla protein is a 15,000 dalton protein whose amino acid composition includes a single disulfide bond. The absence of 4-hydroxyproline in matrix Gla protein demonstrates that it is not a precursor to bone Gla protein, 5,800 dalton protein which has a residue of 4-hydroxyproline at position 9 in its sequence. Matrix Gla protein also does not cross-react with antibodies raised against bone Gla protein.  相似文献   

The spermatic ducts and the testicular efferent ducts were investigated in different marine teleost fish species (Diplodus sargus, Mullus barbatus, Thalassoma pavo, Trachinus draco, Uranuscopus scaber, Sparisoma cretense, Synodon saurus). From the morphological, histological, fine structural and biochemical investigations it appeared that the testicular main ducts and spermatic ducts of the investigated marine fish have the following functions: storage of spermatozoa, monosacharide synthesis for nutrition of spermatozoa, synthesis of steroid glucuronides, synthesis of seminal plasma proteins, formation of a ionic gradient in the seminal fluid and phagocytotic activity. Species-specific differences were only found in the morphology of the gonads and in the histology of the spermatic duct epithelium.  相似文献   



Matrix Gla protein (MGP) is a molecular determinant regulating the extracellular matrix calcification. To further confirm whether the MGP genetic polymorphism was universally associated with the risk of kidney stone, we investigated the association of genetic polymorphisms of MGP with kidney stone in the Chinese Han population.

Materials and methods

728 subjects were recruited for the study. We firstly re-sequenced the human genomic MGP gene including the 1500 bp promoter, 5′-UTR, 4 exons and 3′-untranslated regions, identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MGP, and performed an association analysis with kidney stones in 54 subjects of the Chinese Han population. A candidate tag SNP was genotyped in total subjects using an allele specific PCR, and further analyzed the association with kidney stone.


We identified 18 polymorphisms including four tag SNPs. A tag SNPrs4236 was associated with kidney stones. The G allele carrier had a 1.373-fold reduced kidney stone risk compared with A allele carriers in SNPrs4236 (odds ratios (OR) = 1.373; 95%CI, 1.051–1.793; p = 0.019). However, we did not find an association between the polymorphism and clinical characteristics of kidney stones.


Our findings showed that SNPrs4236 of the MGP gene is associated with kidney stones in the Chinese Han population, and influences the genetic susceptibility to kidney stones. In the future, functional assays of the polymorphism should permit a better understanding of the role of MGP genetic variants and kidney stones.  相似文献   

Highly migratory, cosmopolitan oceanic sharks often exhibit complex movement patterns influenced by ontogeny, reproduction, and feeding. These elusive species are particularly challenging to population genetic studies, as representative samples suitable for inferring genetic structure are difficult to obtain. Our study provides insights into the genetic population structure one of the most abundant and wide‐ranging oceanic shark species, the blue shark Prionace glauca, by sampling the least mobile component of the populations, i.e., young‐of‐year and small juveniles (<2 year; N = 348 individuals), at three reported nursery areas, namely, western Iberia, Azores, and South Africa. Samples were collected in two different time periods (2002–2008 and 2012–2015) and were screened at 12 nuclear microsatellites and at a 899‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region. Our results show temporally stable genetic homogeneity among the three Atlantic nurseries at both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, suggesting basin‐wide panmixia. In addition, comparison of mtDNA CR sequences from Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific locations also indicated genetic homogeneity and unrestricted female‐mediated gene flow between ocean basins. These results are discussed in light of the species' life history and ecology, but suggest that blue shark populations may be connected by gene flow at the global scale. The implications of the present findings to the management of this important fisheries resource are also discussed.  相似文献   

Pinto JP  Ohresser MC  Cancela ML 《Gene》2001,270(1-2):77-91
Bone Gla protein (BGP, Osteocalcin) is a bone-specific vitamin K-dependent protein which has been intensively studied in mammals. Although BGP is the most abundant non-collagenous protein of bone, its mode of action at the molecular level remains unclear. From an evolutionary point of view, the appearance of BGP seems to parallel the appearance of hydroxyapatite-containing bone structures since it has never been found in elasmobranchs, whose skeleton is composed of calcified cartilage. Accordingly, recent work indicates that, in mammalian bone, BGP is required for adequate maturation of the hydroxyapatite crystal. Taken together, these data suggest that teleost fishes, presumably the first vertebrates to develop a BGP-containing skeleton, may be a useful model to further investigate BGP function. In addition, fish offer several advantages over mammalian models, due to a large progeny, external embryonic development and transparency of larvae. In the present work, the BGP cDNA and gene were cloned from a teleost fish, Sparus aurata, and its tissue distribution, pattern of developmental expression and evolutionary pathways analyzed. The molecular organization of the Sparus BGP (spBGP) gene is similar to mammalian BGP genes, and its expression throughout development follows the onset of calcification. The spBGP gene encodes a pre-propeptide of 97 amino acid residues, expressed only in bone and showing extensive homology to its mammalian homologs. Phylogenetic analysis of the available BGP sequences supports the hypothesis that all BGPs have a single origin and share a common ancestor with a related vitamin K-dependent protein (Matrix Gla protein).  相似文献   

Two to 14 alleles were found to be segregating per locus (mean 5·2), with observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0·08 to 0·78 and 0·08 to 0·94, respectively. Cross-amplification of six of these microsatellite loci indicated that they are also polymorphic in three species of Carcharhiniformes and two species of Lamniformes. The newly developed primers reported here constitute a useful tool for genetic population analyses on Prionace glauca and, potentially, other related species.  相似文献   

The midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, generates acoustic signals for intraspecific communication. Nesting males produce long-duration “hums” which attract gravid females and can be effectively mimicked by pure tones. In this study we examine the encoding of tonal signals by the midshipman peripheral auditory system. Single-unit recordings were made from afferents innervating the sacculus while presenting sounds via an underwater loudspeaker. Units were characterized by iso-intensity spike rate and vector strength of synchronization curves, as well as by peri-stimulus time histograms. Additionally, response-intensity curves and responses to long-duration (up to 10 s) stimuli were obtained. As has been seen in other teleosts, afferents had highly variable activity profiles. Excitatory frequencies ranged from 60 to over 300 Hz with most units responding best around 70 or 140 Hz. Thresholds at 90 Hz ranged from 95 to 145 dB re 1 μPa. Strong synchronization provided a robust temporal code of frequency, comparable to that described for goldfish. Spike rate showed varying degrees of adaptation but high rates were generally maintained even for 10-s stimuli. The midshipman peripheral auditory system is well suited to encoding conspecific communication signals, but nonetheless shares many response patterns with the auditory system of other teleosts. Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary A 65 kDa protein with a pI value of 5.2 accumulated gradually in tomato leaves during water stress. Protein levels returned to those of the control upon rehydration of the plants. Antiserum raised against the protein, purified from two dimensional electrophoresis gels, was obtained and used as a probe to localize the protein in tomato leaves by immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling. The protein was found to be mainly localized in different areas of nuclei (peripheral chromatin masses, nucleoli and nucleoplasm), chloroplasts, and some leaf cell cytoplasmic regions. Quantification of the gold labeling clearly demonstrated that the amount of the protein increased significantly in nuclei and chloroplasts of cells in drought-stressed plants. Cytological changes occurring in leaf tissues during water stress are also reported.  相似文献   

The effect of deafferentation on glycogen metabolism was studied in the sensory cells of mormyrid Knollenorgan electroreceptors. Glycogen was visualized in the sensory cells after fixation in a solution containing potassium ferricyanide and osmium tetroxide. The density variations of glycogen were evaluated by a morphometric method. Sectioning of the afferent nerve results in a cessation of the spontaneous receptor cells activity after 48 h and the glycogen content of these cells increases three fold in the first 5 days after nerve transection. From day 5 on, the glycogen concentration diminishes progressively until day 13. After the sensory cells had become completely deformed, the quantification of glycogen particles was no longer possible and the degeneration of the sensory cells was complete within 20 days after nerve section. These results show that (1) the afferent nerve fibre is indispensable for the anatomo-functional maintenance of the sensory cells and (2) the nerve has only an indirect influence on glycogen variations within the sensory cells.  相似文献   

In the shark Scyliorhinus stellaris we have biochemically identified and cDNA-cloned orthologs of human vimentin and desmin, SstV and SstD, as deduced from immunoblotting and sequence alignment with teleost, frog and human vimentin and desmin, respectively. This allowed us to further clarify the relationship of previously identified lower vertebrate intermediate filament proteins to mammalian vimentin and desmin. Immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies H5 and VIM13.2 showed vimentin expression in shark eye and brain and absence in epithelia, which resembles the situation in higher vertebrates. In addition, SstV is expressed in many mesenchymal cell types which corresponds to the case in terrestrial vertebrates but strongly differs from teleosts. Surprisingly, shark interstitial cells, including fibroblasts, express neither SstV nor keratins but other as yet unidentified intermediate filament proteins as deduced from their reactivity with antibody IFA. In vitro assembly studies of recombinant SstV revealed a temperature optimum for uncompromised filament assembly of 15 degrees C. At 18 degrees C, but more pronounced at 21 degrees C and 24 degrees C, which is notably above the animal's inherent preferred environmental temperature, both, SstV and SstD assemble into thick and inflexible fibers. Thus, environmental temperature apparently is, as a general principle, a driving force for the fine tuning of protein primary structure and eventually 3D structure.  相似文献   

Summary Back-labeling of regenerated electromotor neurons in the teleost Sternarchus albifrons was performed to test the hypothesis that, in regenerated spinal cord, incorrectly located electromotor neurons are eliminated because their axons do not reach the correct target area (electric organ). In each cross section examined, all of the regenerated electromotor neurons ipsilateral to the implantation site were labeled with horseradish peroxidase, including those ectopic cells located at the edge of the cord, which are later eliminated by selective cell death. Retrograde labeling of these ectopic neurons demonstrates that their axons do extend into the correct target area (the regenerated electric organ). Thus total misdirection of the axons cannot be the cause of their subsequent cell death. We conclude that selective neuronal death in this system does not reflect the absence of axonal projection to the correct target area.A preliminary report on this work has been presented in Soc. Neurosci. Abstracts 10:48 (1984)  相似文献   

Bone Gla protein (BGP, Osteocalcin) is a bone-specific vitamin K-dependent protein which has been intensively studied in mammals. Although BGP is the most abundant non-collagenous protein of bone, its mode of action at the molecular level remains unclear. From an evolutionary point of view, the appearance of BGP seems to parallel the appearance of hydroxyapatite-containing bone structures since it has never been found in elasmobranchs, whose skeleton is composed of calcified cartilage. Accordingly, recent work indicates that, in mammalian bone, BGP is required for adequate maturation of the hydroxyapatite crystal. Taken together, these data suggest that teleost fishes, presumably the first vertebrates to develop a BGP-containing skeleton, may be a useful model to further investigate BGP function. In addition, fish offer several advantages over mammalian models, due to a large progeny, external embryonic development and transparency of larvae. In the present work, the BGP cDNA and gene were cloned from a teleost fish, Sparus aurata, and its tissue distribution, pattern of developmental expression and evolutionary pathways analyzed. The molecular organization of the Sparus BGP (spBGP) gene is similar to mammalian BGP genes, and its expression throughout development follows the onset of calcification. The spBGP gene encodes a pre-propeptide of 97 amino acid residues, expressed only in bone and showing extensive homology to its mammalian homologs. Phylogenetic analysis of the available BGP sequences supports the hypothesis that all BGPs have a single origin and share a common ancestor with a related vitamin K-dependent protein (Matrix Gla protein).  相似文献   

The elasmobranch testis consists of spherical spermatocysts, each housing a single germ cell stage and its own clone of Sertoli cells. Because of the simple diametrical arrangement of cysts in maturational order, the testes of Squalus acanthias, Scyliorhinus canicula, and Prionace glauca are classified as the diametric shark testis type. The aim of this study was to document histologically the spermatocyst composition in the blue shark stage‐by‐stage and to establish whether the diametric testis type confers any uniformity regarding the expression of spermatogenesis in all sharks with this testis type. Analysis of the testes of blue sharks breeding in summer revealed extensive cyst degeneration of various forms and degrees, cyst shrinkage, and cyst disorganization with or without evidence of cell death, initially at the spermatogonia—spermatocyte transition but predominantly in spermatocyte and spermatid cysts. Animals could be grouped into two categories based on the major degenerative phenomena observed, namely those with extensive multinucleate cell (MNC) formation, and those with pronounced vacuolation in cysts. A major finding was the significant (P < 0.001) predominance of MNC formation and vacuolation in late‐stage spermatogonial cysts in the respective categories of sharks. Spermatocyte cysts showed varying degrees of germ cell depletion, with or without evidence of degeneration. Normal‐looking, but clearly subnormal‐sized primary and secondary spermatocyte cysts with no evidence of degeneration were significantly the dominant spermatocyte cyst types in both categories. It is proposed that these subnormal‐sized spermatocyte cysts could proceed into spermiogenesis. Because neighboring spermatid cysts lacked ordered bundling of spermatid heads (disorganized), a morphology significantly correlated with the vacuolation category of sharks, these results suggest that further progression into spermiogenesis was halted in such cysts. Thus, testicular degeneration in the diametric testis type is species specific in quantity and quality. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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