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Changes in the lingual epithelium during ontogenesis and after induced metamorphosis in Ambystoma mexicanum are described as observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The epithelium of the tongue is always multilayered in the larva as well as in the adult. It consists of a stratum germinativum with little differentiated basal cells and a stratum superficiale (superficial layer) with specialized superficial cells and goblet cells. Usually, there are more than two layers because of a stratum intermedium consisting of replacement cells. The apical cell membrane of the superficial cells is perforated by fine pores. Its most typical feature are microridges. Maturing superficial cells possess microvilli. Goblet cells occur in early larvae primarily in the centre of the tongue. They spread throughout the dorsal face of the tongue as their numbers increase during ontogenesis. The small apices of the goblet cells are intercalated in the wedges between the superficial cells. Leydig cells are not found on the larval tongue but on that of adults. Due to metamorphosis, the epithelium of the tongue changes. It is furrowed in its anterior part. The furrows house the openings of the lingual glands. The surface is further modulated by ridges which are densely coated by microvilli and which bear the taste buds. The villi of the tongue which lack extrusion pores show cilia and microvilli but lack microridges. The Leydig cells disappear during metamorphosis. In addition to the two types of goblet cells found in different regions of the glandular tubules, goblet cells occur in the caudal part. They secrete directly into the cavity of the mouth. The posterior part is characterised by a dense coat of cilia.  相似文献   

Cellular sources of retinal regeneration and proliferative activity of the cells taking part in retina restoration have been studied in axolotls using 3H-thymidine. The cells of ciliary-terminal zone proved to be the main source of retinal restoration. Besides these cells, the pigmented cells of the iris inner and outer layers and pigment epithelium cells can take part in this process. Morphological stages of retinal regeneration have been established and regular changes in the level of proliferation in different zones of regenerating retina have been found with respect to the stage of retina restoration. The high level of proliferative activity of the pigment epithelium cells found soon after the operation favoured the restoration of disturbed integrity of the pigment epithelium layer, the increase of cell density in it, the elongation of the pigment epithelium layer, the formation of processes, and, sometimes, the replenishment of regenerating retina.  相似文献   

The segmental series of somites in the vertebrate embryo gives rise to the axial skeleton. In amniote models, single vertebrae are derived from the sclerotome of two adjacent somites. This process, known as resegmentation, is well‐studied using the quail–chick chimeric system, but the presumed generality of resegmentation across vertebrates remains poorly evaluated. Resegmentation has been questioned in anamniotes, given that the sclerotome is much smaller and lacks obvious differentiation between cranial and caudal portions. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence that resegmentation does occur in a species of amphibian. Fate mapping of individual somites in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) revealed that individual vertebrae receive cells from two adjacent somites as in the chicken. These findings suggest that large size and segmentation of the sclerotome into distinct cranial and caudal portions are not requirements for resegmentation. Our results, in addition to those for zebrafish, indicate that resegmentation is a general process in building the vertebral column in vertebrates, although it may be achieved in different ways in different groups. J. Morphol. 275:141–152, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the present investigation was to provide and apply a methodological manual with which the distribution, patterning and relationship of melanophores and xanthophores can be analyzed during early amphibian development. For demonstration of the methods, which include ultrastructural, histochemical and biochemical approaches, Triturus alpestris and Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl) embryos are used. These two species differ conspicuously in their larval pigment patterns, showing alternating melanophore bands in horizontal (T. alpestris) and vertical (axolotl) arrangements. With transmission- and scanning electron microscopy melanophores and xanthophores were distinguished by their different pigment organelles and surface structures. The presence of phenol oxidase (tyrosinase) was used to reveal externally invisible or faintly visible melanophores by applying an excess of 3,4 dihydroxy-phenylalanine (dopa). Xanthophores were made visible in fixed and living embryos by demonstrating their pterin fluorescence. In addition, pterins were analyzed by HPLC in embryos before and after pigmentation was visible.Abbreviations DOPA dihydroxy-phenylalanine - FCS fetal calf serum - FIF formaldehyde-induced fluorescence - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Michael Claviez  相似文献   

Summary The pancreas of the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, was investigated by immunocytochemical methods for the presence of immunoreactivity to a number of antisera raised against mammalian insulins. All anti-insulin antisera tested revealed substantial amounts of reaction products confined solely to the aldehyde-fuchsinophilic B cells of the endocrine pancreas. The reactive cell population was detected by use of one polyclonal antiserum against bovine insulin and eight different monoclonal antibodies against insulins from various mammalian species. Six of these antibody clones have known specificity to sub-regions of the insulin molecule. Additionally, fractions of an ethanol-HCl extract of pancreatic tissue from Ambystoma was studied in both conventional dot-blot tests by means of the same panel of antibodies and a two-site sandwich time-resolved immunofluorometric assay for human insulin involving two of the monoclonal antibodies. These experiments support the immunocytochemical observations by demonstrating the existence of an insulin-related peptide with a great deal of structural resemblance to mammalian insulins and displaying antigenic determinants in common at least with the amino acid residues A8–10 and B26–30. In conclusion, we interpret the findings as indicating that the immunocytochemically revealed tissue bound antigen in the Ambystoma pancreatic B-cells may be a peptide related to human insulin.Supported in part by SNF grant 11-5082 (G.N.H.). The authors are indebted to Dr. P. Rosenkilde for the gift of the Ambystoma material  相似文献   

Chromosomes and nucleoli of the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Techniques for using the triploid cell marker for studying cell lineage during the development and regeneration of the axolotl limb are described. Triploid animals possess cells with three nucleoli while diploid animals possess cells with two nucleoli. We have developed a technique for isolating the limb dermis as a sheet of cells for whole-mount analysis of cellular ploidy. Whole-mount tissue preparations as well as paraffin-embedded sectioned tissues were stained specifically for nucleoli with bismuth. Cell counts from a number of triploid and diploid dermal preparations show that (1) diploid dermal cells never possess three nucleoli, (2) the frequency of trinucleolate cells in whole-mount triploid dermal preparations is not 100% but varies between animals from 30 to 76%, (3) within a single triploid animal, the frequency of trinucleolate cells in different dermal preparations is constant. These data establish the usefulness of this technique and emphasize the need for appropriate control cell counts when using the triploid cell marker in the axolotl.  相似文献   

Surgically constructed symmetrical double-anterior and double-posterior upper forelimbs of the axolotl were amputated immediately after surgery. Double-anterior limbs either failed to regenerate or formed single digits or spikes. Double-posterior limbs formed symmetrical double-posterior regenerates in 60% of the cases, thus extending the previous finding that the amount of distal transformation in surgically constructed double-half limbs is inversely proportional to the time between grafting and amputation (Tank and Holder, 1978). When these symmetrical regenerates were amputated through the forearm region, all but one formed a symmetrical secondary regenerate. The majority of the secondary regenerates had a larger number of digits than did their corresponding primary regenerates. Reamputation of the secondary regenerates resulted in symmetrical tertiary regenerates, and the majority of these also had a larger number of digits than did their corresponding primary regenerates. The results are compared to those of Slack and Savage (1978a, b) on embryonically derived double-posterior limbs and they are discussed in terms of a formal model for distal transformation (Bryant and Baca, 1978).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the anatomic distribution of neuronal nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity (nNOS-IR) and nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) staining in the olfactory epithelium of the axolotl, juvenile, and neotenic adult, Ambystoma mexicanum. Nitric oxide (NO, nitrogen monoxide) is a widespread molecule that has been identified both as a neuromodulator and as an intracellular messenger. In the olfactory system, NO has been proposed to play a role in olfactory transduction. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) can be detected by histochemical (NADPH-d) and immunohistochemical techniques. NADPH-d staining has been described in olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) of several species; however, nNOS-IR has not always been found at ORN. Present results show intense NADPH-d staining and nNOS-IR in the dendrites and cell bodies of ORN in both the nasal cavity and the vomeronasal organ of axolotls. Unilateral olfactory axotomy was conducted to confirm that labels were at ORN. Two weeks after this procedure an important decrease in NADPH-d staining and nNOS-IR was observed. The remaining labels were mostly in basal cells. By 5 weeks postaxotomy both labels were almost totally absent. Thus, both NADPH-d staining and nNOS-IR were mainly localized in ORN. NADPH-d staining and nNOS-IR were also found in nerve fibers surrounding arterioles, as well as in secretory and duct cells of the Bowman's glands. This last anatomical localization suggests that in the A. mexicanum NO might be involved in functions other than only olfactory transduction, such as regulation of local blood flow, glandular secretion, and ORN development.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In premetamorphic amphibians, the Mauthner cells (M-cells),a single pair of large neurons, are present in the medulla.M-cells differentiate early, are easily recognized morphologically,and in the axolotl embryo, may be approached experimentally:This system is a unique one for the study of neuronal development. The withdrawal of a neuron from the cell division cycle is anearly event in its differentiation. Gastrulae, neurulae andtailbud embryos were each given a single injection of 3H-thymidine.Radioautographs of larvae showed label over M-cell nuclei wheninjections were made before the end of gastrulation, but notwhen injections were made at later stages. Thus, the cells thatgive rise to M-cells cease DNA synthesis during late gastrulation. Unilateral rotations of prospective hindbrain through 180°were performed to see if M-cell axes are specified during neurulation.Rigid axial polarization of the M-cell does not appear to occurin the neurula: The rotated cell regulates and develops normallywith respect to its axes. A major source of input to the M-cell is from the ipsilateralvestibular system. To study the interaction of the M-cell withingrowing axons, unilateral implants of otic vesicles were madeanterior to the otic vesicle in host midtailbud embryos. Preliminarydata suggests a mechanism for the formation of specific neuronalconnections not dependent upon position-time relationships:The ectopic vestibular axons enter the medulla and course caudadto terminate in the region of the ipsilateral M-cell. Whetherthese axons actually form synapses on the M-cell remains tobe established.  相似文献   

Sarcomere formation has been shown to be deficient in the myocardium of axolotl embryos homozygous for the recessive cardiac lethal gene c. We examined the developing hearts of normal and cardiac mutant embryos from tailbud stage 33 to posthatching stage 43 by scanning electron microscopy in order to determine whether that deficiency has any effect on heart morphogenesis. Specifically, we investigated the relationships of myocardial cells during the formation of the heart tube (stage 33), the initiation of dextral looping (stages 34-36), and the subsequent flexure of the elongating heart (stages 38-43). In addition, we compared the morphogenetic events in the axolotl to the published accounts of comparable stages in the chick embryo. In the axolotl (stage 33), changes in cell shape and orientation accompany the closure of the myocardial trough to form the tubular heart. The ventral mesocardium persists longer in the axolotl embryo than in the chick and appears to contribute to the asymmetry of dextral looping (stages 34-36) in two ways. First, as a persisting structure it places constraints on the simple elongation of the heart tube and the ability of the heart to bend. Second, after it is resorbed, the ventral myocardial cells that contributed to it are identifiable by their orientation, which is orthogonal to adjacent cells: a potential source of shearing effects. Cardiac lethal mutant embryos behave identically during these events, indicating that functional sarcomeres are not necessary to these processes. The absence of dynamic apical myocardial membrane changes, characteristic of the chick embryo (Hamburger and Hamilton stages 9-11), suggests that sudden hydration of the cardiac jelly is less likely to be a major factor in axolotl cardiac morphogenesis. Subsequent flexure (stages 38-43) of the axolotl heart is the same in normal and cardiac lethal mutant embryos as the myocardial tube lengthens within the confines of a pericardial cavity of fixed length. However, the cardiac mutant begins to exhibit abnormalities at this time. The lack of trabeculation (normally beginning at stage 37) in the mutant ventricle is evident at the same time as an increase in myocardial surface area, manifest in extra bends of the heart tube at stage 39. Nonbeating mutant hearts (stage 41) have an abnormally large diameter in the atrioventricular region, possibly the result of the accumulation of ascites fluid. In addition, mutant myocardial cells have a larger apical surface area compared to normals.  相似文献   

Intercalary regeneration of stylopodial and zeugopodial skeletal elements takes place in axolotl limbs composed of normal wrist blastemas autografted or homografted to double half-anterior or half-posterior thighs. Analysis of the morphological pattern of the skeleton and, in homografts, of pigmentation pattern, shows that the intercalated elements are derived from the host double half-thigh. Intercalary regeneration from double half-posterior thighs is expected since they normally can undergo complete proximal-distal regeneration, but is not necessarily expected from double half-anterior thighs, since they normally do not regenerate more distal segments. These results demonstrate that (1) cells of double half-anterior thighs are not inherently incapable of undergoing distal transformation, (2) cells of a distal blastema grafted to a more proximal level do not form patterns proximal to their level of origin, and (3) there is an inhibitory interaction between blastema cells derived from double half-anterior thighs that is expressed after simple amputation, but not when these cells are in contact with a more distal, normal blastema. Using these and other data, a three-dimensional boundary model of limb regeneration is proposed.  相似文献   

Migration of trunk neural crest cells in axolotl embryos has been followed by autoradiography using grafts of [3H]thymidine-labeled neural folds. Crest cells form melanocytes, dorsal fin mesenchymal cells, spinal ganglion cells, and reach the sympathetic region. Sympathetic neurons, however, are not identifiable morphologically until about 6 weeks posthatching, in 24-mm larvae. At this stage, neurons, although few, have characteristic ultrastructure and receive synapses. The diffuse ganglia also contain innervated chromaffin cells; these differentiate earlier, a few days posthatching, in 14-mm larvae. A third type of cell is of morphologically indifferent appearance. Catecholamine-specific formaldehyde-induced fluorescence first appears clearly at 14 mm; with growth, the number of fluorescent cells increases. Series of larvae were injected intraperitoneally with nerve growth factor (NGF), six 30-unit injections over 2 weeks. NGF treatment increases the number of neurons apparent in 24-mm larvae. Furthermore, differentiated neurons occur in NGF-treated 20-mm larvae (about 4 weeks posthatching), when there are none in controls. The early appearance of differentiated chromaffin cells and the relatively late appearance of differentiated sympathetic neurons suggest that adrenergic functions during the first few weeks of larval life are controlled humorally by the chromaffin cells, and that at 24 mm, neurons begin to provide faster, finer control.  相似文献   

Lectin binding histochemistry was performed on the olfactory system of neotenic and metamorphosed Ambystoma mexicanum to investigate the distribution and density of defined carbohydrate residues on the cell surface glycoproteins of the olfactory and vomeronasal receptor cells and their terminals in the olfactory bulbs. The lectin binding patterns indicate that the main olfactory system possesses a high density of N-acetyl-galactosamine and N-acetyl-glucosamine residues, while the vomeronasal system contains a high density of N-acetyl-galactosamine and galactose moieties and a moderate density of N-acetyl-glucosamine. The presence of specific glycoproteins, whose terminal sugars are detected by lectin binding, might be related to the chemoreception and transduction of the odorous message into a nervous signal or to the histogenesis and development of the olfactory system. In fact, the olfactory and vomeronasal receptor cells are neurons that undergo a continuous cycle of proliferation not only during development but also in mature animals.  相似文献   

Summary Lungs of neotenic larvae of Ambystoma mexicanum were prepared for maintaining the air-tissue boundary during aldehyde fixation. Four methods of postfixation were applied: 1) osmium tetroxide followed by en-bloc staining with uranyl acetate and phosphotungstic acid, 2) ruthenium redosmium tetroxide, 3) osmium tetroxide-ferrocyanide, and 4) tannic acidosmium tetroxide.Three types of cells line the inner surface of the axolotl lung: 1) pneumocytes, covering the capillaries with flat cellular extensions and containing two types of granules: the osmiophilic lamellar bodies, precursors of extracellular membranous material, and apical granules of unknown significance; 2) ciliated cells, also containing osmiophilic lamellar bodies; and 3) goblet cells filled with secretory granules as well as osmiophilic bodies.The extracellular material forms membranous whorls as well as tubular myelin figures, consisting of membranous backbones combined with an intensely stained substance. This material strikingly resembles the surfactant of amphibian lungs.  相似文献   

A staging system has been devised for normal regeneration from the upper arm in the mature axolotl. It consists of seven externally definable stages: (1) Wound healing (WH); (2) Dedifferentiation (DD); (3) Early bud (EB); (4) Medium bud (MB); (5) Late bud (LB); (6) Palette (Pal), and (7) Digital outgrowth (DO). Serial histological sections of 38 regenerating limbs were used to correlate gross stages with microscopic events in the regenerative process.  相似文献   

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