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柚木茎尖的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柚木(Tectona grandis L.)分布在泰国、印度尼西亚等一些热带地区的国家。由于柚木在工艺等方面具有优良、速生的特性,在国际上被誉为最重要的热带珍贵用材树种之一。我国在广东、云南等地早有引种栽培。柚木组织培养的研究,国外曾进行过,但未见有培养成植株的报道。本  相似文献   

热带珍贵树种——擎天树北移引种抗寒性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李才华   《广西植物》1993,(2):193-193
<正> 擎天树(Shorea chinensis)为国家二级珍稀濒危保护植物,主要分布于广西南部、云南南部和东南闻的北热带季雨林地带,在广西,生于海拔250—750米的石灰岩及带钙质的砂页岩山地,是我国典型的热带常绿高大稀有珍贵的龙脑香科植物。自五十和六十年代,我区林业和植物科学研究工作者先后在龙州、都安、巴马、那坡和大新、田阳等地发现了这一野生珍贵树种以来,不少地方都积极进行引种试验,但多局限于北热带季雨林地带内,在中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带引种试验还未见有报道。  相似文献   

西双版纳引种栽培蛇皮果初报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
报道中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园引种栽培的蛇皮果在引种地的生长状况及繁殖、栽培技术。  相似文献   

黄正福  李瑞高  石金华  梁木源   《广西植物》1985,(3):273-277+322
本文报道我国特有珍贵植物——银杉的生长环境、植物学特性及引种栽培的研究结果,为保护、发展和利用这一珍贵植物资源提供科学依据和技术措施。  相似文献   

位于桂林市郊的广西最大的珍稀濒危植物种 质资源保存园,由广西植物研究所经数年规划、野 外调查和引种栽培工作,于1993年6月通过有关 专家鉴定,并经过近一年多来的迁地后的保护管 理,已正式对外开放。 广西地处亚热带和热带,植物资源非常丰富。 共有维管束植物8354种,次于云南、四川而居全 国第三位。但由于各种原因,植物原生生境受到 严重破坏,致使一些稀有的珍贵植物濒临灭绝境 地。为研究拯救、保护和引种繁殖这些濒危、稀有  相似文献   

银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala)是一种具有多种用途的速生树种,在热带、亚热带地区被广泛引种栽培[1,7]。我省引种银合欢历史已久,近年来更引起有关部门的重视,但在大面积栽培上尚存在一些问题,特别是在水土流失严重、土壤酸性强的山地生长不良。  相似文献   

山地野生园林植物是发展园林绿化事业的物质基础和种质保存、品种栽培的珍贵资源 ,有着广阔的引种、开发前景。文章分析了泰山顶上的野生园林植物的特点、种类、资源、分布、筛选出 2 0种有重要研究、栽培和开发价值的多功能性树种 ,并就如何进行保护、引种、发展和综合利用提出建议和措施。  相似文献   

山地野生园林植物是发展园林绿化事业的物质基础和各质保存、品种栽培的珍贵资源,有着广阔的引种、开发前景。文章分析了泰山项上的野生园林植物的特点、种类、资源、分布、筛选出20种有重要研究、栽培和研发价值的多功能性树种,并就如何进行保护、引种、发展和综合利用提出建议和措施。  相似文献   

红花木莲有性繁殖和生态生物学特性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
鲁元学  武全安  龚洵  张启泰  张彦萍   《广西植物》1999,19(3):267-271
红花木莲是木莲属中较原始的种类,是我国珍贵的用材及观赏树种,被列为国家保护植物。由于它自然更新能力差,加上人为的破坏,成年植株逐渐减少,已陷人濒危的境地。本文探索了其种子生理及萌发特性,掌握了有性繁殖中的关键技术措施,并通过引种栽培观测其生态生物学特性,认为在昆明引种栽培区内具有较强的适应性。提出了在扩大迁地保护的同时,将其一部分苗木返回自然生境中,进行种群重建,以扩大其种群,对保护和持续利用这一珍贵树种具有深远意义.  相似文献   

木菠萝又名菠萝密(Artocarpus hetero-phyllus),原产于印度至马来群岛一带,为热带常绿大乔木,属桑科木菠萝属植物。我国在一千多年前就已引种栽培,现在海南、广东、广西、福建、台湾和云南等省(区)均有种植,其中以海南省栽培最为广泛。  相似文献   


The dates of foundation of the oldest university botanical gardens.

The dates of foundation of the oldest Botanical Gardens in Italy are not well known to the greatest part of the students of Botanical History.

Also today Ms. A. Guillaumin in his « Histoire de la Botanique en France (Paris, 1954) pag. 188» writes it was « Serenissima Repubblica Veneta » who founded the first Botanical Garden in 1533, whilst in that year only the chair of Bonafede had been constituded and the foundation of the Botanical Garden in Padoa happened later in 1545.

Really the most ancient Botanical Garden in the world is not that of Padoa, but that of Pisa.

Recently in the « Archivio di Stato » of Florence has been discovered by Fedeli a letter dated July 4 th 1545 written by Luca Ghini. From it it is clear that already a month before that date Luca Ghini was collecting plants to be coultivated in the academic garden of Pisa « for utility of students ».

The critical analysis of many papers by Luigi Anguillara allowe us to establish that Luca Ghini with the same Anguillara collected plants in the surreoundings of Pisa and on the Apuane Alps, from 1543 to 1544, and planted them in the academic garden of Pisa, which therefore must be considered the first Botanical Garden in the world, founded in the Summer 1543.

The second Botanical Garden in order of time is that of Padoa having been established by the « Senato Veneto » in 1545 and actually founded on July 7 th 1545 (de Visiani). The first director of Botanical Garden of Padoa was Luigi Anguillara after having left Pisa where he cooperated with Luca Ghini to found the Botanical Garden of Pisa.

Finally the third Botanical Garden is that of Florence (« Giardino dei Semplici ») founded as a dependance of that of Pisa by Luca Ghini, for school utility during the holyday, when the Florentine students remained at home. The date of its founding is December 1st 1545, as it appears from an an attorney document dated November 16th 1545 preserved in the « Archivio di Stato » of Florence (Volpi).

In conclusion the right chronology of the oldest University Botanical Gardens in the world is as follows:

1st: Pisa, Summer 1543

2nd: Padoa, July 7th 1545

3rd: Florence, December 1st 1545.  相似文献   

濒危植物的区系性质与迁地保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对昆明植物园迁地保护的濒危植物的适应性进行了观察总结,并讨论了濒危植物的区系性质与其对迁地保护区适应性的关系。原产云南中部和东南部的濒危植物对迁地保护区的环境有较强的适应性。大部分种类都能正常生长、开花和结果。广布种一般比分布区狭窄种有更强的适应能力。冬季低温制约着一些濒危植物在迁地保护区的生存。而冬春季节干旱制约高山种类的生存。一些种类虽生长、开花正常,但因其传粉媒介的缺乏而不结实。因物种的生理生态特性的差异,即使具有相同区系性质的不同种类也具有不同的适应性。  相似文献   

A completely automated meteorological station has beenoperating at the Botanical Garden and Arboretum ofUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata since 1991. As of March1996, the meteorological station was integrated witha volumetric pollen trap.The new airborne pollen monitoring station operatesall year round, together with another centre locatedin Latium.This new centre will evaluate pollen dispersal inrelation to climatic data, floristic and anthesicspectra and the pollen allergy incidence in thesouth-eastern area of Rome.The characteristics of this new station along with thefirst data collected are presented and discussed.According to an educational program developed at theBotanical Garden, activities linked to allergenicplants have been carried out with primary andsecondary school as well as university students.Key words: Botanical Garden, volumetric pollen trap,floristic census.  相似文献   

根据对崖白菜的腊叶标本和武汉植物园栽培的崖白菜活体植物的研究,结合崖白菜的野外调查,认为全缘叶崖白菜应作为崖白菜的异名处理。  相似文献   

The integration of the vascular plants from the Yuncker Herbarium (DPU) into the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY) has been completed, and the curatorial work is summarized. The most notable vascular plant collections, with emphasis on the local collections from Indiana, are reported on and a list of the most prominent collectors is presented. An index to all collectors of vascular plants represented in the Yuncker Herbarium has been deposited in the New York Botanical Garden Library.  相似文献   

上海辰山植物园于2005年开始筹建,与此同时启动了的植物收集工作。本文就辰山植物园基本情况、植物收集中长远规划、进展及技术策略进行了论述。活植物收集和标本收集是辰山植物园植物收集工作的两个方面。活植物收集包括以华东植物区系植物为主的物种收集和以上海适生的观赏植物为主的园艺品种收集,如鸢尾属、绣球属、荚蒾属、锦带属和绣线菊属的观赏园艺品种。截止到2010年,辰山植物园共收集了9000种和园艺品种。其中,华东植物区系物种有1700种,来自世界范围专业苗圃的园艺品种有2800个,另有4500种和品种是种植于温室的热带和亚热带植物。目前共收集了近10000份标本,多数为研究和活植物收集的凭证标本,全部存放于上海辰山植物园标本馆(CSH)。  相似文献   

上海辰山植物园于2005年开始筹建,与此同时启动了的植物收集工作。本文就辰山植物园基本情况、植物收集中长远规划、进展及技术策略进行了论述。活植物收集和标本收集是辰山植物园植物收集工作的两个方面。活植物收集包括以华东植物区系植物为主的物种收集和以上海适生的观赏植物为主的园艺品种收集,如鸢尾属、绣球属、荚蓬属、锦带属和绣线菊属的舭赏园艺品种。截止到2010年,辰山植物园共收集了9000种和园艺品种。其中,华东植物区系物种有1700种,来自世界范围专业苗圃的园艺品种有2800个,另有4500种和品种是种植于温室的热带和亚热带植物。目前共收集了近10000份标本,多数为研究和活植物收集的凭证标本,全部存放于上海辰山植物园标本馆(CSH)。  相似文献   

植物园在植物科学研究、生物多样性保护和植物资源可持续利用中具有重要作用,也是公众教育和知识传播的重要平台,具有文化传承和历史延续性的功能。以中国科学院华南植物园、英国皇家植物园邱园和美国密苏里植物园为例,从物种保护、科学研究和科学传播3 个方面对植物园进行了全面的比较和分析,为华南植物园未来发展提出了一些建议,可为华南植物园乃至我国植物园的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Plant diversity is currently being lost at an unprecedented rate, resulting in an associated decrease in ecosystem services. About a third of the world's vascular plant species face the threat of extinction due to a variety of devastating activities, including, over-harvesting and over exploitation, destructive agricultural and forestry practices, urbanization, environmental pollution, land-use changes, exotic invasive species, global climate change, and more. We therefore need to increase our efforts to develop integrative conservation approaches for plant species conservation. Botanical gardens devote their resources to the study and conservation of plants, as well as making the world's plant species diversity known to the public. These gardens also play a central role in meeting human needs and providing well-being. In this minireview, a framework for the integrated missions of botanical gardens, including scientific research, in/ex situ conservation, plant resource utilization, and citizen science are cataloged. By reviewing the history of the development of Kunming Botanical Garden, we illustrate successful species conservation approaches (among others, projects involving Camellia, Rhododendron, Magnolia, Begonia, Allium, Nepenthes, medicinal plants, ornamental plants, and Plant Species with Extreme Small Populations), as well as citizen science, and scientific research at Kunming Botanical Garden over the past 80 years. We emphasize that Kunming Botanical Garden focuses largely on the ex situ conservation of plants from Southwest China, especially those endangered, endemic, and economically important plant species native to the Yunnan Plateau and the southern Hengduan Mountains. We also discuss the future challenges and responsibilities of botanical gardens in a changing world, including:the negative effects of outbreeding and/or inbreeding depression; promoting awareness, study, and conservation of plant species diversity; accelerating global access to information about plant diversity; increasing capacity building and training activities. We hope this minireview can promote understanding of the role of botanical gardens.  相似文献   

根据对崖白菜的腊叶标本和武汉植物园栽培的崖白菜活体植物的研究,结合崖白菜的野外调查,认为全缘叶崖白菜应作为崖白菜的异名处理.  相似文献   

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