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We consider the optimal strategy for intra-specific brood-parasitism, especially with respect to the number of eggs laid by the parasitic individual in the nest of non-parasitic individual, in particular, a host that does not reject the parasite's eggs. With a fundamental mathematical model, assuming that the survival probability of the parasite's offspring in the nest of the host is significantly smaller than that in parasite's own nest, we determine the optimal number of eggs laid in the nest of host that maximizes the expected reproductive fitness of the parasite. We show that the invasion success of brood-parasitism could significantly depend on the total number of eggs laid by the parasite in a breeding season, and that the successfully invading brood-parasitism could realize maximum fitness with a specific number of parasite's eggs laid in the nest of the host.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that females should invest least in mate searching when young, but increase their effort with age if they remain unmated. Few studies have examined variation in female sexual signalling. Female Dawson''s burrowing bees (Amegilla dawsoni) search for males by signalling their receptivity on emergence, but many leave the emergence site unmated and must attract males at feeding sites. Female bees prevented from mating on emergence had more extreme versions of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles that make them attractive to males, lending empirical evidence of adaptive shifts in female mating effort.  相似文献   

1. In many reptile species, females oviposit communally (i.e. many clutches are laid within the same nest). This behaviour might result from constraint (scarcity of nest-sites offering suitable incubation conditions) or adaptation (direct fitness benefits accruing from the proximity of other eggs). 2. To test between these alternatives, we gathered field and laboratory data on montane scincid lizards Bassiana duperreyi from south-eastern Australia. Our data support the adaptationist hypothesis. 3. In the field, communal vs. solitary clutches were laid in similar sites, and the relative frequency of communal nesting was not predictable from nest-site availability. Thermal regimes for incubation did not differ between communal vs. solitary nests, nor between eggs at the core vs. periphery of a communal nest. In the laboratory, females selectively oviposited beside existing eggs rather than in otherwise identical potential nesting sites. 4. From cycling-temperature incubation in the laboratory, eggs incubated within a cluster of other eggs took up less water, but produced hatchlings that were larger and faster-running than were hatchlings from eggs incubated alone. 5. Hydric modifications of incubation conditions within a cluster of tightly packed eggs thus may provide a direct fitness benefit to communal oviposition.  相似文献   

Sensory hair cells in the ear and lateral line have an asymmetrical hair-bundle structure, essential for their function as directional mechanotransducers. We examine four questions: (1) how does the planar asymmetry of the individual hair cell originate? (2) How are the orientations of neighboring hair cells coordinated? (3) How is the orientation of a group of hair cells controlled in relation to the ear as a whole? (4) How does the initial cell asymmetry lead to creation of the asymmetrical hair bundle? Studies of the development of hairs and bristles in Drosophila, combined with genetic data from vertebrates, suggest that the answer to questions (1) and (2) lies in asymmetries that develop at the cell cortex and at cell-cell junctions, generated by products of a set of primary planar cell polarity genes, including the transmembrane receptor Frizzled. A separate and largely independent mechanism controls asymmmetric allocation of cell fate determinants such as Numb at mitosis, in Drosophila and possibly in the ear also. Little is known about long-range signals that might orient hair cells globally in the ear, but progress has been made in identifying a set of genes responsible for read-out of the primary polarity specification. These genes, in flies and vertebrates, provide a link to assembly of the polarized cytoskeleton; myosin VIIA appears to belong in this group. The mechanism creating the staircase pattern of stereocilium lengths is unknown, but could involve regulation of stereocilium growth by Ca(2+) ions entering via transduction channels.  相似文献   

Peichel CL 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(13):R503-R504
Fish form social aggregations called shoals which often consist of fish with similar morphologies. Experiments using zebrafish pigment variants demonstrate that fish can select shoal mates solely on the basis of their color patterns, and that early experience plays a key role in determining these shoaling preferences.  相似文献   

This study investigated how infant pigtailed macaque monkeys performed on two separate learning assessments, two-object discrimination/reversal and Hamilton search learning. Although the learning tasks have been tested on several species, including non-human primates, there have been no normative results reported for young macaque monkeys. The present study provides normative results for these learning tasks in very young captive pigtailed macaques and investigates the degree to which performances on these assessments are related. In addition, an error analysis was conducted to understand the choice patterns of the animals on each task. It was found that males took longer to reach criterion than females on the two-object reversal task. Performance and latency on the discrimination task predicted performance and latency on the reversal task. Performance on Hamilton Search Set-Breaking negatively predicted performance on the later Hamilton Search Forced Set-Breaking task. Finally, latency on reversal significantly predicted the latency on the Hamilton search task. These data provide strong evidence of a relationship between performance on discrimination and reversal. This study shows that, otherwise, each task assesses a different cognitive function.  相似文献   

Facultative shifts in nesting habitat selection in response to perceived predation risk may allow animals to increase the survival probability of sessile offspring. Previous studies on this behavioral strategy have primarily focused on single attributes, such as the distance moved or changes in nesting substrate. However, nest site choice often encompasses multiple habitat elements at both the nest site and nest patch scales. We studied the within-season re-nesting strategy of a multi-brooded songbird, the Brewer’s sparrow (Spizella breweri), to determine whether pairs utilized a “win-stay, lose-switch” decision rule with respect to inter-nest distance, nest substrate and/or nest patch characteristics in response to previous nest fate. Pairs moved sequential nest sites slightly farther following nest predation versus success. When inter-nest distance was controlled, however, pairs changed nest patch attributes (shrub height, potential nest shrub density) associated with probability of nest predation to a greater extent following nest predation than success. The strategy appeared to be adaptive; daily nest survival probability for previously depredated pairs increased with greater Euclidian habitat distances between attempts, whereas previously successful pairs were more likely to fledge second attempts when nest sites were similar to those of previous attempts. Our results suggest that nesting birds can use prior information and within-season plasticity in response to nest predation to increase re-nesting success, which may be a critical behavioral strategy within complex nest predator environments. Re-nesting site selection strategies also appeared to integrate multiple habitat components and inter-nest distances. The consideration of such proximate, facultative responses to predation risk may clarify often unexplained variation in habitat preferences and requirements.  相似文献   

Perceptual biases explain the origin and evolution of female preference in many species. Some responses that mediate mate choice, however, may have never been used in nonmating contexts. In the fiddler crab, Uca mjoebergi, mate‐searching females prefer faster wave rates and leading wave; however, it remains unclear whether such responses evolved in a mating context (i.e., the preference has effect on the fitness of the female and her offspring that arise from mating with a particular male) or a nonmating contexts (i.e., a female obtains direct benefits through selecting the male with a more detectable trait). Here, we compared the preferences of mate‐searching with those of ovigerous females that are searching for a burrow and do not concern about male “quality.” Results showed that as both mate‐searching and ovigerous females preferentially approached robotic males with faster wave rates. This suggests that wave rate increases detectability/locatability of males, but the mating preference for this trait is unlikely to evolve in the mating context (although it may currently function in mate choice), as it does not provide fitness‐related benefit to females or her offspring. Wave leadership, in contract, was attractive to mate‐searching females, but not ovigerous females, suggesting that female preference for leadership evolves because wave leadership conveys information about male quality. We provide not only an empirical evidence of sensory biases (in terms of the preference for faster wave), but the first experimental evidence that mating context can be the only selection force that mediates the evolution of male sexual traits and female preference (in terms of the preference for leading wave).  相似文献   

The temporal stability of trace element concentrations in fertilized, artificially incubated anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta eggs and newly hatched fry was investigated. The anadromous status of the parental fish was confirmed using strontium isotopic analysis of otoliths. Whilst manganese concentrations in eggs varied over time, concentrations of aluminium, potassium, magnesium, strontium, barium and calcium were all unchanged 1 week and 6 weeks post‐fertilization as well as in recently hatched larvae. The results clearly suggest that the distinctive trace element signature present in the eggs and newly hatched larvae of anadromous S. trutta (typically characterized by high strontium, low barium) is stable over time. Therefore analysis of the trace element composition of eggs is concluded to be a cost‐effective and reliable method for determining the spatial and temporal extent of upstream spawning migration by anadromous salmonids. The temporal variability of at least one element in this study suggests the stability of untested multi‐element signatures cannot automatically be assumed.  相似文献   

Androgenic hormones occur naturally in bird egg yolk and are known to enhance growth in canary and gull chicks. Gil et al. (1999, Science, 286, 126-128) have recently proposed that female allocation of androgens to eggs represents a form of costly maternal investment. This hypothesis predicts that females of high quality or high reproductive potential should invest more yolk androgens in their eggs than females of low quality or low reproductive potential. We tested these predictions by examining interfemale variation in allocation of the androgenic steroids testosterone and androstenedione to eggs in a wild population of European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. We collected 30 full clutches of eggs and captured 22 of the females that laid these clutches for phenotypic measurements. In agreement with the hypothesis, we found that there was significant interfemale variation in yolk androgen concentrations. Furthermore, older females deposited more androstenedione and testosterone in eggs than 1-year-old females, and females laying early or large clutches deposited more testosterone in eggs than females laying late or small clutches. However, females in good body condition did not deposit more androgens in eggs than females in poor body condition. Large-yolked eggs had a higher total yolk androgen content than small-yolked eggs, but larger eggs did not have higher concentrations of yolk androgens. The results in general support the investment hypothesis of yolk androgen allocation. However, further data are needed regarding the costs of yolk androgen allocation and the effects of yolk androgens on offspring to substantiate the assumptions of the hypothesis. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Summary The reproductive strategy of butterfly males can be defined as being to maximize the number of females mated. We have earlier shown that, if the eclosion period of females is regarded as given, males should emerge before females to achieve maximal reproductive success. However, females may also be considered to have a reproductive strategy with respect to the issue when to emerge. In this paper we assume that females are selected to minimize the time spent unmated (to minimize prereproductive death), and analyze when females should optimally emerge in relation to males to achieve this end. We show that there is no conflict between the sexes with respect to the timing of eclosion when the length of the eclosion period is approximately equal for males and females. Thus, protandry should be considered a reproductive strategy of both males and females.  相似文献   

Male mating strategies under predation risk: do females call the shots?   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Many authors have reported that, under elevated risk of predation,male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) alter their behavior fromcourtship to forced copulation (gonopodial thrusts not precededby sigmoid displays). This shift is presumed to benefit thebrightly colored male, whose intense courting activity mightotherwise increase his risk of detection and attack by predators.However, there is some evidence that females engaged in reproductiveactivity with males may be even more vulnerable to predatorsthan the males themselves, which suggests an alternative hypothesis:females in high-risk situations are less receptive to male courtship,and this leads males to change their behavior. We tested thishypothesis by providing either males and females separately,or both sexes concurrently, with information about elevatedpredation risk from a cichlid (Crenicichla sp.). We found thatwhen only females were provided with information about increased risk,males performed fewer courtship displays and fewer thrusts.They did not perform more forced copulations in any treatmentgroup. Nonetheless, our results suggest that the female's perceptionof predation risk can be at least as important as the male'sin changing male mating behavior.  相似文献   

The clinical tools available to evaluate bone development in children are often ambiguous, and difficult to interpret. Unfortunately bone densitometry methods (i.e., dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, DXA) which have a relatively straightforward application in adult osteoporosis, are far more difficult to evaluate in the growing skeleton. Even with adequate "adjustment" for bone size or maturity, bone "density" (areal or volumetric) alone often gives an inaccurate assessment of bone strength--especially in children. Ideally, we would like to measure both material and geometric properties of bone to accurately estimate "strength". Mechanically meaningful measures of bone geometry (bone cross-sectional area, cortical thickness) and estimates of bending strength (section modulus, or SSI) are available with non-invasive techniques such as (p)QCT and some DXA software. With new technology it might be possible to also measure bone material properties, which will be especially important in some pediatric disorders. In children, we also need to know something about the loads imposed on a child's bone and consider not only absolute bone strength, but also the strength of bone relative to the physiologic loads. Interpreting bone strength in light of the loads imposed (particularly muscle force) is critical for an accurate diagnosis of the developing bone.  相似文献   

Stressors are commonly accepted as the causal factors, either internal or external, that evoke physiological responses to mediate the impact of the stressor. The majority of research on the physiological stress response, and costs incurred to an animal, has focused on terrestrial species. This review presents current knowledge on the physiology of the stress response in a lesser studied group of mammals, the marine mammals. Marine mammals are an artificial or pseudo grouping from a taxonomical perspective, as this group represents several distinct and diverse orders of mammals. However, they all are fully or semi-aquatic animals and have experienced selective pressures that have shaped their physiology in a manner that differs from terrestrial relatives. What these differences are and how they relate to the stress response is an efflorescent topic of study. The identification of the many facets of the stress response is critical to marine mammal management and conservation efforts. Anthropogenic stressors in marine ecosystems, including ocean noise, pollution, and fisheries interactions, are increasing and the dramatic responses of some marine mammals to these stressors have elevated concerns over the impact of human-related activities on a diverse group of animals that are difficult to monitor. This review covers the physiology of the stress response in marine mammals and places it in context of what is known from research on terrestrial mammals, particularly with respect to mediator activity that diverges from generalized terrestrial models. Challenges in conducting research on stress physiology in marine mammals are discussed and ways to overcome these challenges in the future are suggested.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(5):348-356
The mother–offspring social unit is a universal feature in the social life of all mammals and nursing is the most direct and vital component of maternal investment in young. Living in diverse environments, various ungulate species have different strategies for rearing offspring, from bearing a single, relatively large newborn and supplying only limited amounts of milk, to bearing several relatively small newborns with intensive post-partum lactation. In this paper, we consider the rearing strategy of goitered gazelle with a focus on suckling behavior, which, until now, has never been a subject of special investigation. Adult females of this species in their reproductive prime typically bear twins when environmental conditions are favorable, but the proportion of singletons increases when conditions are unfavorable. We expected that in goitered gazelles suckling intensity would be maximal during the first weeks after birth, and then decrease with the growth of the young; we also expected that twins would demand more energy, but receive significantly less maternal investment per young than singletons. We found that, indeed, suckling behavior had similar dynamics as typical of all bovid species, but our expectation for less maternal investment in twins vs. singletons was wrong. In reality, female goitered gazelles suckled twins significantly more intensively and terminated suckling less often compared to singletons. We concluded that in favorable situations females of high quality have the ability to show significantly more maternal investment in each twin, while singletons are typically born to weaker females. This ability of females to produce mostly twins allows goitered gazelles to take advantage of any favorable opportunity to quickly increase their population in an environment with unpredictable and abrupt yearly changes typical of the arid regions of Central Asia.  相似文献   

Strigolactones have recently been identified as the long sought-after signal required to inhibit shoot branching (Gomez-Roldan et al. 2008; Umehara et al. 2008; reviewed in Dun et al. 2009). Here we briefly describe the evidence for strigolactone inhibition of shoot branching and, more extensively, the broader context of this action. We address the central question of why strigolactone mutants exhibit a varied branching phenotype across a wide range of experimental conditions. Where knowledge is available, we highlight the role of other hormones in dictating these phenotypes and describe those instances where our knowledge of known plant hormones and their interactions falls considerably short of explaining the phenotypes. This review will focus on bud outgrowth in herbaceous species because knowledge on the role of strigolactones in shoot branching to date barely extends beyond this group of plants.  相似文献   

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