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A region of human interleukin-2 (IL-2) which was predicted to be a contact point with its receptor was used to locate a homologous region in the envelope protein of human T-lymphotropic retrovirus (HTLV-III). This homologous six amino acid peptide from the carboxy (C)-terminus of the HTLV-III envelope protein was found to inhibit the biological activity of human IL-2 in a murine spleen cell proliferation assay. When conjugated to a carrier protein, this peptide inhibited the binding of radiolabelled IL-2 to its receptor. The biological activity of the peptide was antagonized by a six amino acid peptide fragment of the IL-2 receptor which was predicted to be the contact point on the receptor that corresponded to the binding region of IL-2. The HTLV-III peptide also inhibited the binding of radiolabelled IL-2 to polyclonal anti-IL-2 antiserum. These data support the previous assignment of contact points between IL-2 and its receptor. They also suggest two possible mechanisms of immunosuppression during acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). One involves direct competition of the envelope protein or its fragments with IL-2 for binding to the IL-2 receptor. The other involves antibodies to the envelope protein which crossreact with and neutralize IL-2.  相似文献   

Human K-562 and HHMS cells were pretreated with human recombinant interferon (IFN)-gamma and used as targets in NK assays against human and murine effector cells. A protective effect against NK lysis was observed only in the homologous assay, whereas no change or even a slight increase in NK sensitivity against heterologous effector cells was found. In cold target inhibition experiments IFN-treatment of K-562 cells led to a decrease in their capacity to act as competitors in the homologous NK assay, leaving their inhibitory capacity unaltered in the heterologous assay. In accordance with results observed using human NK targets, murine YAC-1 cells treated with mouse recombinant IFN-gamma did not lose their susceptibility to human NK cells. However, they were markedly less susceptible to lysis mediated by murine effectors. Butyrate, another compound causing decreased sensitivity of K-562 cells for human natural killing, also failed to reduce the susceptibility against murine NK cells. The results indicate that the NK-resistant tumor target phenotype caused by IFN or differentiation-inducing agents can only be detected by homologous but not by heterologous effector cells. This suggests that major differences exist between the inter- and intraspecies NK killing mechanisms.  相似文献   

H Maeshima  E Okuno  T Aimi  T Morinaga  T Itoh 《FEBS letters》2001,507(3):336-340
The gene encoding the 54 kDa protein of signal recognition particle (SRP54) in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus has been cloned and sequenced. Recombinant P. furiosus SRP54 (pf-SRP54) and the N-terminal G-domain and C-terminal M-domain (pf-SRP54M) of pf-SRP54 with an amino-terminal addition of six histidine residues were expressed in Escherichia coli and subjected to binding experiments for SRP RNA, non-conserved 213-nucleotide RNA (helices 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and conserved 107-nucleotide RNA (helices 6 and 8) from SRP RNA. The RNA binding properties of the purified protein were determined by filter binding assays. The histidine-tagged pf-SRP54M bound specifically to the conserved 107-nucleotide RNA in the absence of pf-SRP19, unlike the eukaryotic homologue, with an apparent binding constant (K) of 18 nM.  相似文献   

Niepel M  Ling J  Gallie DR 《FEBS letters》1999,462(1-2):79-84
The 5'-cap structure and poly(A) tail of eukaryotic mRNAs cooperate to promote translation initiation but whether this functional interaction benefits certain classes of mRNAs has not been investigated. In this study, we investigate whether a structured 5'-leader or 3'-untranslated region (UTR) affects the cap/poly(A) tail interaction. A structured leader reduced the degree to which the 5'-cap promoted translation in plant cells and inhibited translation from capped and uncapped mRNAs equally in yeast. Secondary structure within the 3'-UTR reduced translational efficiency when adjacent to the stop codon but had little effect on the cap/poly(A) tail synergy. The functional interaction between the cap and poly(A) tail was as important for an mRNA with a structured leader or 3'-UTR as it was for an unstructured mRNA in either species, suggesting that these structures can reduce translation without affecting the functional interaction between the cap and poly(A) tail. However, the loss of Xrn1p, the major 5'-->3' exoribonuclease in yeast, abolished cap-dependent translation and the functional interaction between the cap and poly(A) tail, suggesting that the cap/poly(A) tail synergy is of particular importance under conditions of active RNA turnover.  相似文献   

We have studied the DNA binding properties of a polypeptide consisting of the carboxyl terminal 37% of UL9, the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication binding protein. Using a Sindbis virus expression system, we expressed and partially purified this truncated form of UL9 (UL9CT) which contains the site-specific DNA binding domain. UL9CT specifically recognized UL9 binding sites on a 200 base pair DNA fragment containing the HSV origin ori(s) and appeared to bind as a dimer to each site. DNAse I footprint analysis showed that UL9CT protected the two high affinity binding sites of ori(s), but unlike full-length UL9, UL9CT did not induce a conformational change in the origin. Addition of anti-UL9CT antibody to the UL9CT-origin complex, however, caused a conformational change in the origin to be evident. Our results suggest that a domain, or domains, in the amino terminus are necessary for a UL9-induced origin conformational change to occur and that UL9-UL9 interactions between binding sites are involved.  相似文献   

J N Doda  D A Clayton 《Plasmid》1981,6(3):354-357
The light strand origin of replication of mouse mitochondrial DNA contains a 30-nucleotide region which is 60% homologous to the 30-nucleotide conserved sequence in φX174 and G4 viral DNAs known to contain the viral gene A protein cleavage site. Gene A protein does not cleave closed circular mouse mitochondrial DNA under conditions in which φX174 closed circular DNA is cleaved.  相似文献   

Until recently, the analysis of Class II genes linked to the rat major histocompatibility complex, RT1, has been confined to serologic and electrophoretic analysis of their gene products. To obtain a more definitive estimate of the number and relative polymorphism of RT1 Class II sequences, we performed Southern blot analysis of rat genomic DNA employing human cDNA probes specific for Class II heavy and light chain genes. Southern blots of EcoRI and BamHI digests of genomic DNA from ten inbred strains, expressing eight RT1 haplotypes, were hybridized with the human DQ beta or DR beta cDNA that are homologous to Class II light chain sequences. Four to eight bands were observed to hybridize with the light chain cDNA: band sizes ranged from 2.5 to 28 kb. Restriction fragment patterns were polymorphic; the only identical patterns observed were those associated with RT1 haplotypes with identical RT1.B regions. The number and size of bands hybridizing with DQ beta and DR beta suggested a minimum of four light chain sequences in each haplotype. Southern blots of BamHI and EcoRI digests of genomic DNA from the same strains were hybridized with a DR alpha cDNA that is homologous to Class II heavy chain sequences. All RT1 haplotypes expressed either a 10.0-kb or 13.0-kb band when digested with BamHI, and either a 17-kb or 3.7-kb band when digested with EcoRI. Considerably less polymorphism was detected with the DR alpha probe; this observation is consistent with previously reported limited protein polymorphism of the rat equivalent of the I-E alpha subunit. The size and number of bands hybridizing with the DR alpha probe suggests a minimum of two heavy chain sequences. These observations suggest that the RT1 complex includes more Class II sequences than have been observed in serologic and electrophoretic analyses of Class II gene products. Furthermore, the level of polymorphism of RT1 Class II sequences appears to be comparable with mouse and human Class II sequences.  相似文献   

Kim PD  Rosche TM  Firshein W 《Plasmid》2000,43(3):214-222
Plasmid RK2 codes for two species of the replication initiator protein TrfA (33 and 44 kDa). Both polypeptides are strongly associated with membrane fractions of Escherichia coli host cells (W. Firshein and P. Kim, Mol. Microbiol. 23, 1-10, 1997). We investigated the role of a 12-amino-acid hydrophobic region (HR) in the membrane association of TrfA. Epitope-tagged polypeptide fragments of TrfA that contained HR were expressed and found to be associated with membrane fractions. Site-directed mutagenesis of trfA revealed that changes of specific amino acids in HR can affect both TrfA association with the membrane and its ability to support replication of an RK2 oriV plasmid in vivo. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that membrane association of TrfA is functionally relevant and that the HR region of TrfA is involved in membrane association and DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract The osa gene of IncW plasmid pSa encodes a 21-kDa protein that completely abolishes the oncogenic activity encoded by virulence genes in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. osa is the last gene of a four-gene operon in pSa, the expression of which appears to be highly regulated since the Osa protein is absent when either pSa or the osa operon is present in the Agrobacterium cell. When the osa gene alone or together with upstream genes within the operon are expressed under the control of a constitutive promoter, Osa protein is produced, enabling us to determine its subcellular location. Immunoblot analyses located Osa protein at the inner membrane of both A. tumefaciens and Escherichia coli . Because Osa inhibits oncogenicity of A. tumefaciens , and because alterations of the products of the virB and virD genes affect oncogenicity, studies were conducted to determine if there are changes in their specific association with the membranes in the presence Osa. Immunoblot analyses of VirB2, VirB3, VirB4, VirB9, and VirD4 in the presence and absence of Osa revealed no differences between the two treatments in these Vir protein associations with the membranes. These results indicate that both virB and virD gene products are produced in the presence of Osa; that they appear unaffected in their association with the membranes; and that Osa is associated with the inner membrane, where VirB2, VirB4, and VirD4 proteins are also located.  相似文献   

Abstract In Synechococcus PCC 6301 ( Anacystis nidulans ) the imposition of nitrogen stress resulted in substantial losses of phycobiliproteins, lesser changes in chlorophyll-proteins and a dramatic change in carotenoid composition. In nitrogen-depleted cultures carotenoids continued to be synthesised, with the increase being accounted for by zeaxanthin with β-carotene content declining slightly. In these cultures zeaxanthin accounted for 75% of the carotenoid present compared to 43% in nitrogen-replete cells. Amounts of D1, a protein associated with the Photosystem II reaction centre, were similar in nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-starved cells; this retention was in accord with those of β-carotene and chlorophyll. On nitrate replenishment, zeaxanthin was not produced for 36 h, by which time β-carotene level had increased to restore the carotenoid composition characteristic of an exponential culture, and normal phycocyanin and chlorophyll levels had also been recovered. Throughout, the ratio of β-carotene to chlorophyll remained more-or-less constant.  相似文献   

Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) autoantibody epitopes are largely restricted to an immunodominant region (IDR) on the extracellular region of the native molecule. Localization of the IDR has been a longstanding and difficult goal. The TPO extracellular region comprises a large myeloperoxidase-like domain, linked to the plasma membrane by two smaller domains with homology to complement control protein (CCP) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), respectively. Recent studies have focused on the CCP- and EGF-like domains as the putative location of the TPO autoantibody IDR. To address this issue, we attempted to express on the surface of transfected cells native TPO in which the CCP- and EGF-like domains were deleted, either together or individually. We used a quartet of human monoclonal autoantibodies that define the TPO IDR, as well as polyclonal TPO autoantibodies in patients' sera, to detect these mutated TPO molecules by flow cytometry. The combined CCP/EGF-like domain deletion did not produce a signal with TPO autoantibodies but did not traffic to the cell surface. In contrast, both monoclonal and polyclonal autoantibodies recognized TPO with the juxtamembrane EGF-like domain deleted equally as well as the wild-type TPO on the cell surface. TPO with the CCP-like domain deleted expressed normally on the cell surface, as determined using the polyclonal mouse antiserum. Nevertheless, this modified TPO molecule was recognized very poorly by both the human monoclonal autoantibodies and the polyclonal autoantibodies in patients' sera. In conclusion, we have clearly excluded the juxtamembrane EGF-like domain as being part of the IDR. In contrast, a component of the CCP-like domain does contribute to the IDR. These data, together with findings from other studies, localize the TPO autoantibody IDR to the junction of the CCP-like domain and the much larger myeloperoxidase-like domain on TPO.  相似文献   

The CapR protein is an ATP hydrolysis-dependent protease as well as a DNA-stimulated ATPase and a nucleic acid-binding protein. The sequences of the 5' end of the capR (lon) gene DNA and N-terminal end of the CapR protein were determined. The sequence of DNA that specifies the N-terminal portion of the CapR protein was identified by comparing the amino acid sequence of the CapR protein with the sequence predicted from the DNA. The DNA and protein sequences established that the mature protein is not processed from a precursor form. No sequence corresponding to an SOS box was found in the 5' sequence of DNA. There were sequences that corresponded to a putative -35 and -10 region for RNA polymerase binding. The capR (lon) gene was recently identified as one of 17 heat shock genes in Escherichia coli that are positively regulated by the product of the htpR gene. A comparison of the 5' DNA region of the capR gene with that of several other heat shock genes revealed possible consensus sequences.  相似文献   

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