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Glomerular filtration rates in whole kidney and in outer, middle and inner cortical zones have previously been estimated by measuring the amount of iodinated Aprotinin, filtered and taken up in the first two thirds of the proximal convoluted tubules, in part positioned more superficial than the parent glomerulus. Thus, an appreciable amount of the absorbed Aprotinin may be located superficial to its filtration site and lead to an underestimate of glomerular filtration in deep cortical layers. Therefore, in this study we have measured the distance from the glomerulus to the center of proximal convoluted tubular ball and the site of Aprotinin uptake. Measurements were made on photos of Microfil-injected tubules and on camera lucida drawings of tubular transections from autoradiographs of nephrons containing both Microfil and iodinated Aprotinin. Both techniques showed that the center of the tubular ball was localized more superficial in all cortical layers. The average distance, in percent of cortical thickness, from all proximal convoluted tubular transections to the parent glomerulus was 9% in deep and 13% in middle and superficial cortex. Corresponding distances for tubular transections containing Aprotinin were 7 and 12%. Grain density in five reconstructed proximal convoluted tubules showed a continuous and exponential fall of Aprotinin along the uptake segment. The results may be used to estimate single nephron filtration rate from Aprotinin uptake and glomerular density in outer, middle, and inner cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological examination of kidney biopsies from patients with glomerulonephritis and hematuria has revealed the presence of erythrocytes within epithelial cells of the proximal tubule. This observation suggested that the proximal tubule might be capable of phagocytizing morphologically intact erythrocytes. To examine this possibility small quantities of heparinized autologous blood were injected into surface convolutions of proximal tubules of the rat kidney using standard micropuncture techniques. At time intervals ranging from 10 min to 120 h after injection, the kidneys were preserved for light and transmission electron microscopy by drip-fixation with a half-strength Karnovsky's glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde fixative.During the initial 6 h there was a flattening of the brush border and accumulation of electron-dense material representing hemoglobin in apical vacuoles and in lysosome-like structures. From 6 to 15 h after micropuncture, there was progressive loss of the brush border and the simultaneous formation of pseudopodia-like evaginations that extended from the apical plasma membrane and surrounded the individual erythrocytes. By 18 and 24 h, erythrocytes were observed in the proximal tubule cells. At later time intervals, edema, lymphocytic infiltration, and fibrosis were observed in the interstitium. In addition, crystalline structures were present in the lumen and the cells of both proximal and distal tubules. These findings suggest that in addition to their well-established ability to pinocytize hemoglobin and other proteins, the cells of the proximal tubule are capable of phagocytizing morphologically intact autologous erythrocytes. It is possible that phagocytosis by the proximal tubule cells may play a role in the disposal of erythrocytes from the tubular fluid in hematuric conditions.  相似文献   

The proximal convoluted tubule is the primary site of renal fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient reabsorption, processes that consume large amounts of adenosine‐5′‐triphosphate. Previous proteomic studies have profiled the adaptions that occur in this segment of the nephron in response to the onset of metabolic acidosis. To extend this analysis, a proteomic workflow was developed to characterize the proteome of the mitochondrial inner membrane of the rat renal proximal convoluted tubule. Separation by LC coupled with analysis by MS/MS (LC‐MS/MS) confidently identified 206 proteins in the combined samples. Further proteomic analysis identified 14 peptides that contain an N‐?‐acetyl‐lysine, seven of which are novel sites. This study provides the first proteomic profile of the mitochondrial inner membrane proteome of this segment of the rat renal nephron. The MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD000121.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(5):417-424
The CD95-mediated apoptotic pathway is the best characterized of the death receptor-mediated apoptotic pathways. The present study characterized localization and expression of proteins involved in CD95-mediated apoptosis during rat renal development. Kidneys were obtained from embryonic (E) 18 and 20-day-old fetuses and postnatal (P) 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, 14-, and 21-day-old pups. Immunohistochemical characterization revealed that CD95, FasL and cleaved caspase-3 were strongly expressed in proximal tubules and weakly expressed in distal tubules, but that expression of caspase-8 in distal tubules was stronger than that in proximal tubules. Results from terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assays showed that levels of apoptosis in proximal tubules slowly increased after E18, while those of distal tubules slowly decreased after P5. Western blotting demonstrated that expression of CD95, FasL and FADD was very weak during embryonic development, but rapidly increased at P14. Expression of cleaved caspase-3 was maintained at high levels after P1, while caspase-8 expression gradually reached a peak at P7. Results from this study reveal that the CD95-mediated apoptotic pathway is a key driver of apoptosis in proximal tubules during late postnatal kidney development in rats and suggest that apoptosis in distal tubules is mediated by a different apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Following perfusion fixation of the rat kidney with glutaraldehyde the proximal tubule cells display small apical vacuoles, large apical vacuoles, and apical vacuoles in which a part of the limiting membrane is invaginated into the vacuole. These invaginated apical vacuoles occur more frequently in proximal convoluted tubules than in proximal straight tubules. One tubular cell may contain apical vacuoles of different sizes and stages of invagination, ranging from larger vacuoles with a wide lumen and a small area of invaginated membrane to smaller elements with no apparent lumen and a large area of invaginated membrane. Invaginated apical vacuoles lie either singly in the cytoplasm or close to the membranes of other apical vacuoles, but never in contact with the cell membrane or the membranes of lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria and peroxisomes.These findings suggest that the invaginated apical vacuoles are not fixation artifacts, but rather develop in living state in cells of the proximal tubule from spherical endocytotic elements.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)  相似文献   

Summary The pars descendens (pars recta) of the proximal tubule in the male rat kidney, consisting of the terminal part of the second proximal segment (P2) and of the third proximal segment (P3), was studied with the electron microscope. A technique of tissue orientation and trimming was used which permitted precise topographic definition of the tubules studied in the electron microscope. The terminal descending part of the P2 showed some minor differences from the convoluted part of this segment, and ultrastructure also changed along the course of the P3. In the beginning of the latter segment numerous, shallow interdigitations were observed between adjacent cells; along the course of the segment they decreased in number or disappeared. In the initial part of the P3 mitochondria were more abundant than in the terminal portion of the segment and at least as numerous as in the straight part of the P2. Also, the dense, acid phosphatase-positive cytoplasmic bodies decreased somewhat in size along the course of the P3. The smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum reached a higher development in the P3 than anywhere else in the proximal tubules.Investigation supported by grants from: Fonden til Lægevidenskabens Fremme and the Danish Medical Research Council. — The authors are indebted to Mrs. J. Barslund and Mrs. M. Jacobsen for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Megalin-mediated endocytosis of cystatin C in proximal tubule cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serum levels of cystatin C, an endogenous cysteine proteinase inhibitor, are often used as an indicator of glomerular filtration rate. Although it is known that cystatin C is filtered by glomeruli and metabolized in proximal tubule cells (PTC), the precise molecular mechanism underlying this process is undetermined. Using quartz-crystal microbalance analyses, we demonstrate that cystatin C binds directly to megalin, an endocytic receptor in PTC, in a Ca(+)-dependent manner. We also find that cystatin C is endocytosed specifically via megalin in rat yolk sac epithelium-derived L2 cells which share a variety of characteristics with PTC. Finally, in vivo studies using kidney-specific megalin knockout mice provide evidence that megalin mediates proximal tubular uptake of cystatin C. We conclude that megalin is an endocytic receptor of cystatin C in PTC.  相似文献   

Characterization of the phosphate transport system across the basolateral membrane of renal proximal tubule has been attempted using isolated proximal tubule cells prepared from chicks. The Pi efflux system is independent of Na+ ions and is not influenced by the nature of the chief anion present in the bathing medium. Pi efflux is not sensitive to DIDS and it is concluded that a generalized anion transporter of band III type is not the chief agent for facilitating Pi exit from the cell across the basolateral membrane. Inhibition of efflux by vanadate is evidence for a specific carrier protein in the membrane. The carrier probably possesses thiol group(s) that are essential for activity. The carrier may effect electroneutral transport of Pi possibly in exchange for OH- ions. The activity of the transport process is not stimulated by depleting the cells of phosphate or inhibited by rearing the chicks on a vitamin D-deficient diet. The system is unlikely to be of great importance for the expression of various regulatory mechanisms that act on the kidney to control the excretion of Pi. The activity declines as the chicks mature however.  相似文献   

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is caused by the mutation of polycystins (PC-1 or PC-2), in which cysts start from the collecting duct to extend to all nephron segments with eventual end stage renal failure. The cyst development is attenuated by a vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist tolvaptan which, however, will not affect proximal tubule cysts devoid of V2 receptor. Aquaporin-11 (AQP11) is expressed selectively in the proximal tubule of the kidney and AQP11-null kidneys have a disruptive PC-1 trafficking to the plasma membrane to develop polycystic kidneys. Here, we analyzed AQP11-null kidneys at the beginning of cyst formation by quantitative proteomic analysis using Tandem Mass Tag (TMT). Among ~ 1200 identified proteins, 124 proteins were differently expressed by > 1.5 or < 0.8 fold change. A pancreatic stone inhibitor or a growth factor, lithostathine-1 (Reg1) was most enhanced by 5 folds which was confirmed by western blot, while mitochondria-related proteins were downregulated. The identified proteins will be new target molecules for the treatment of proximal tubular cysts and helpful to explore the functional roles of AQP11 in the kidney.  相似文献   

The transepithelial shunt pathway of newt proximal tubule was examined with glass micro-electrode and electron microscopic methods. The input resistance of the peritubular (basal) membrane and tubular wall were found to be 4.2 ± 0.1 · 106 (mean ± S.E., n = 16) and 11.4 ± 0.2 · 104 (n = 11), respectively. The input resistance of the peritubular membrane was approximately 40-times larger than that of the tubular wall. When the kidneys were perfused in a lanthanum solution, the lanthanum ions were then observed in the junctional complexes and in the intercellular spaces on both the basal and apical sides. The results indicate that the electrical shunt pathway corresponds to the apical junctional complexes and the intercellular spaces, and that the tight junctions are not truly ‘tight’ for the transepithelial movement of small ions in the proximal tubule of the newt kidney.  相似文献   

Summary Proximal tubules were prepared from rat kidney cortex by collagenase digestion and purified by percoll gradient centrifugation. Their enrichment was estimated by comparing the specific activities of various cell-specific enzymes in homogenates of renal cortex and of the isolated tubules. The tubules were cultured in a 50:50 mixture of Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s and Ham’s F12 media supplemented with insulin, transferrin, epidermal growth factor, hydrocortisone, and prostaglandin E1. After 2 to 3 d an extensive outgrowth of epithelial cells developed from the attached tubules. After 5 to 7 d near confluent monolayers were obtained. Hormonal responsiveness, marker enzyme activities, and transport properties were determined to further characterize the primary cultures. The cultured cells exhibited increased cyclic AMP production in response to parathyroid hormone but not calcitonin or vasopressin, consistent with the absence of cells derived from distal and collecting tubules. The cells also retained significant levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-lα-hydroxylase, alkaline phosphatase, and ψ-glytamyltranspeptidase, three enzymes that are primarily associated with the proximal tubule. The cultured epithelial cells also exhibit a Na+-dependent phosphate and glucose transport systems. Therefore, the cells retain many functional properties that are characteristic of proximal tubules. Thus, the primary cultures should be suitable for the study of processes that occur specifically within this segment of the rat nephron. This work was supported in part by the Veterans Administration (JBP), Washington, DC, by grant DK-37124 (NPC) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by grant BNS-86-17004 (CFL) from the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Stress fibers in situ in proximal tubules of the rat kidney   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin bundles in proximal tubules of the rat kidney were examined by immunofluorescence and confocal laser microscopy with special reference to their three-dimensional distribution and identification as stress fibers. Renal tubular segments were prepared from the fresh renal cortex by simple homogenization and centrifugation, and fixed in formaldehyde for staining with fluorescent dye-labeled phalloidin. Segments of the proximal tubules could be identified easily on the bases of their diameter, the height of epithelial cells and prominent brush borders. Confocal laser microscopy clearly demonstrated the overall distribution of actin bundles in the whole-mount proximal tubular segments. Actin bundles in the basal cytoplasm of epithelial cells were observed to run parallel to each other and at a right angle to the tubular axis. In the stereo views reconstructed from serial optical sections, the basal actin bundles appeared as straight rods with both ends tapered. They varied in length and width and extended rather short distances of not more than 10 microns. Often, two or more actin bundles were longitudinally aligned in tandem. Some bundles showed irregular bandings along their length. Each bundle was composed of tightly packed actin filaments which could be decorated with heavy meromyosin subfragment-1 to display a bi-directional arrangement within the bundle. Immunostaining of cryostat sections showed that actin bundles contained myosin and vinculin. Enzymatically isolated proximal tubules contracted upon addition of Mg-ATP. These observations collectively suggest that the actin bundles at the base of renal proximal tubule epithelial cells can be listed among the examples of stress fibers in situ.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the basement membrane of the rat proximal tubule was observed by transmission electron microscopy after the use of a cold dehydration technique. The basement membrane of the P1 segment is thick and possesses several structural specializations that are rare in other basement membranes; these include intraepithelial ridges, dense bars, and basement membrane vesicles. The intraepithelial ridges are found in the intercellular spaces between interdigitating processes of the proximal tubule cells. The ridges and the interdigitating processes run circumferentially around the tubule. The dense bars are frequently found in the intraepithelial ridges. They are especially prominent on the concave side of the tubular bends and to a lesser extent near sites where intracellular actin filaments anchor onto the basal cell membranes. The basement membrane vesicles are bounded by unit membranes; they are variable in both their electron density and their size. They are usually found in association with dense bars, and the grade of their accumulation is positively correlated with the development of the dense bars. These three specializations have no topographical relationship with the interstitial structures, such as fibrobalasts and collagen fibrils. The specializations are best developed on the concave side of tubular bends where the circumferential stresses caused by the intraluminal hydraulic pressure are presumably the largest; we therefore propose that they are an adaptation to, or a manifestation of, the increased wall stress in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Knowledge of cell water volume is essential for the measurement of concentrations of intracellular ions and metabolites in kidney proximal tubules. We have developed a method which utilizes 35Cl-NMR as a measure of extracellular volume and 2H-NMR, in combination with a membrane-impermeable shift-reagent [Dy-DTPA]2-, as a measure of the ratio of intra- and extracellular water volumes. Measurement of extracellular volume by 35Cl-NMR is possible, since the resonance of intracellular 35Cl is too broad to be detectable in kidney cells. The 2H-NMR measurement exploits the fact that only extracellular water is in direct contact with [Dy-DTPA]2-. However, rapid exchange of water across the cell membrane results in only a single 2H2O resonance at a chemical shift which is a weighted average of the shifted extra- and unshifted intracellular water resonances. Expression of the extracellular volume as a fraction of the total volume by fCl and as a fraction of the total water-volume by fD, permits the calculation of the fractional cell-water content fw = [(1/fD)-1]/[(1/fCl)-1]. This approach was applied to proximal tubular suspensions prepared from the rat kidney. The water content was found to be 76.9 +/- 1.8% (n = 6) at 37 degrees C. Increasing extracellular osmolality from 295 to 390 mOsm/kg H2O, by addition of mannitol, decreased the water content by 21%. Our results are in good agreement with those obtained by the gravimetric method.  相似文献   

Normal rat kidney proximal tubule cells in primary and multiple subcultures   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Anin vitro model to establish primary and subcultures of rat kidney proximal tubule (RPT) cells is described. After excising the kidneys and separating the cortex, the cortical tissue is digested with the enzyme DNAse-collagenase (Type I) resulting in a high yield of viable RPT Cells. The isolated RPT cells are then seeded onto rat tail collagen-coated surfaces and grown to confluency in a serum-free, hormonally defined medium. The cell yield can be increased by transfering the conditioned medium on Day 1 to more rat tail collagen-coated surfaces. RPT cell attachment and morphology was better on rat tail collagen-coated surfaces than on bovine collagen Type I coated surfaces. The culture medium was a 1∶1 mixture of Ham’s F-12 and Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin, insulin, transferrin, selenium, hydrocortisone, triiodothyronine, epidermal growth factor, and glutamine. The RPT cells became confluent in 7–10 d, at which point they could be subcultured by trypsinizing and growth in the same medium. In some studies, 10 ng/ml cholera toxin was added to the culture medium. We could passage the RPT cells up to 14 times in the presence of cholera toxin. The cells were investigated for activity of several markers. The cells were histochemically positive for alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and synthesized the intermediate filament pankeratin. The RPT cells displayed apically directed sodium-dependent active glucose transport in culture. Hence, the RPT cells retain structural and functional characteristics of transporting renal epithelia in culture. This rat cell culture model will be a valuable tool for substrate uptake and nephrotoxicity studies.  相似文献   

Summary The three segments (S1, S2, S3) of the proximal tubule of the rat kidney were investigated, with special reference to lysosomes, after castration, estradiol application, and at the end of pregnancy. Especially in S1 and S2 castration induces an increase of cellular autophagy. The nuclei become smaller; endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ribosomes, and Golgi apparatus are reduced; catabolism predominates. In S1 more giant lysosomes occur; the total number of lysosomes increases whereas acid phosphatase activity decreases at the same time. Sex differences which exist in untreated animals disappear. Substitution with estradiol causes an activation of the proximal tubule cells: Heterophagy predominates, and cellular autophagy is reduced. Nuclear size is unchanged; ER, ribosomes and Golgi apparatus show a clear increase. Giant lysosomes are absent in S1. On the whole lysosomes are larger, but less numerous than after castration. Acid phosphatase is highly active. All changes are most evident in S3. At the end of pregnancy the proximal tubule cells are stressed considerably: Pinocytotic activity increases, and large numbers of cell organelles and many lipid vacuoles can be observed. The basal lamina in S1 and S2 becomes thicker. Lysosomes enlarge and increase in number in all segments; giant lysosomes are absent in S1; acid phosphatase activity is extremely high. The results indicate that sex hormones directly influence the regulation of the proximal tubule cell; moreover, they are indirectly important for the functioning of the kidney via changes in the whole organism.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 105)Dedicated to Prof. Dr. O. Bucher, Head of the Institute of Histology and Embryology of the University of Lausanne/Switzerland, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The present study was performed with the aim to determine the kinetics and the caracteristics of cellular uptake of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) in rat renal proximal tubules. Incubation of renal tubules at 4°C in the presence of increasing concentrations of L-DOPA results in a linear and concentration-dependent accumulation of the substrate. In experiments carried out at 37°C, the accumulation of L-DOPA in renal tubules was found to be greater than that occurring at 4°C and showed a trend for saturation. The saturable component of L-DOPA uptake was derived from the total amount of L-DOPA accumulated in renal tubules at 37°C subtracted with the values obtained in experiments conducted at 4°C. The Vmax and Km values for the saturable component of L-DOPA uptake in renal tubules were, respectively, 241 ± 32 fmol µg protein–1min–1 and 567 ± 63 µM. Cyanine 863 (5 and 10 µM) was found to decrease the tubular uptake of L-DOPA, whereas probenecid (50 µM) did not change the rate of uptake of L-DOPA into renal tubules. The Vmax and Km values for the saturable component of L-DOPA uptake in renal tubules incubated in the presence of 10 µM cyanine 863 were, respectively, 97 ± 11 fmol µg protein–1min–1 and 160 ± 22 µM. It is suggested that the anionic L-DOPA may behave as an amphoteric substance, both hydroxyl groups in the aromatic ring determining the binding of the molecule to the organic cation transporter.  相似文献   

Summary Techniques were developed for the measurement of intracellular potentials and potassium activities in rat proximal tubule cells using double barreled K+ liquid-ion-exchanger microelectrodes. After obtaining measurements of stable and reliable control values, the effects of K+ depletion and metabolic and respiratory acidosis on the intracellular potential and K+ activity in rat kidney proximal tubular cells were determined. At a peritubular membrane potential of –66.3±1.3 mV (mean±se), intracellular K+ activity was 65.9±2.0 mEq/liter in the control rats. In metabolic acidosis [70 mg NH4 Cl/100 g body wt) the peritubular membrane potential was significantly reduced to –47.5±1.9 mV, and cellular K+ activity to 53.5±2.0 mEq/liter. In contrast, in respiratory acidosis (15% CO2) the peritubular membrane potential was significantly lowered to –46.1±1.39 mV, but the cellular K+ activity was maintained at an almost unchanged level of 63.7±1.9 mEq/liter. In K+ depleted animals (6 weeks on low K+ diet), the peritubular membrane potential was significantly higher than in control animals, –74.8±2.1 mV, and cellular K+ activity was moderately but significantly reduced to 58.1±2.7 mEq/liter. Under all conditions studied, cellular K+ was above electrochemical equilibrium. Consequently, an active mechanism for cellular K+ accumulation must exist at one or both cell membranes. Furthermore, peritubular HCO3 appears to be an important factor in maintaining normal K+ distribution across the basolateral cell membrane.  相似文献   

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