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真核生物DNA的复制与染色质结构变化及细胞周期进程密切相关,伴有组蛋白代谢变化和核小体的解聚与重组装。细胞周期蛋白p34^cdc2激酶在S期的活性变化对真核生物DNA复制有调节作用。  相似文献   

人们对原核细胞DNA复制机制早已有较深入的了解 ,但对真核细胞DNA复制机制的认识 ,直到 90年代中期才比较清楚。SV40DNA复制系统是研究真核染色体DNA复制的理想体系。在SV40DNA复制系统中由病毒编码的唯一的复制因子是T抗原 ,其余的复制因子全依赖于宿主细胞。利用纯化的蛋白质或人细胞抽提物在体外重新构建SV40DNA复制体系 ,可以细致、深入地研究真核DNA复制的起始、延伸和滞后链的成熟。1 .在DNA复制的起始至延伸阶段发生DNA聚合酶α/δ转换哺乳动物细胞有 5种DNA聚合酶 (α、β、γ、δ、ε、)。由…  相似文献   

DNA聚合酶在DNA合成过程中需要的引物包括RNA引物、DNA自我引物和蛋白质引物3种类型。新DNA链(如冈崎片段)的复制多是在DNA模板上合成一段RNA引物,细小病毒利用其基因组末端的反向末端重复序列(ITRs)自我折叠成DNA引物,而一些DNA、RNA病毒及真菌质粒起始复制反应的引物则是蛋白质。以感染原核生物的噬菌体Phi29和真核DNA病毒腺病毒为例,从复制过程所涉及的蛋白质、对复制原点的识别、复制起始反应、新链的延伸、复制终止过程等方面详细阐述DNA病毒由蛋白质引发的复制机制,并对已商品化的Phi29 DNA聚合酶产品多重置换扩增及单细胞测序等的应用以及基于噬菌体Phi29蛋白质起始的最小复制系统体外扩增异源DNA等最新的应用研究作相关总结介绍。  相似文献   

真核生物蛋白质合成起始的研究进展于长春王庆华,王海仁(四平师范学院生物系,吉林四平136000)(山东大学生物系,济南250100)关键词蛋白质合成,起始由于翻译的起始、细胞生长和肿瘤发生之间的关系已建立起来,因此蛋白质合成起始的研究是目前的热点之一...  相似文献   

探讨核糖体休眠因子yfiA、rmf和hpf对大肠杆菌DNA复制起始的影响。观察ΔyfiA、Δrmf和Δhpf基因缺失突变体的DNA复制式样、细胞倍增时间、细胞大小等表型变化,并使用温度敏感性实验和蛋白定量实验探究yfiA、rmf和hpf对DNA复制起始的作用机理。结果发现,相较于野生型细胞,ΔyfiA、Δrmf和Δhpf突变体出现DNA复制起始的延迟、细胞倍增时间延长、细胞体积减小等表型变化。温度敏感性试验表明YfiA、RMF和HPF蛋白不是直接通过与DnaA、DnaB或DnaC蛋白相互作用来影响DNA复制起始。蛋白定量实验表明它们可能是通过减少细胞内总蛋白的量,包括DnaA蛋白,使细菌的代谢和生长速度减慢,从而导致细菌DNA复制起始发生延迟、细胞倍增时间延长和体积减小等表型改变。这为深入研究yfiA、rmf和hpf的功能提供基础。  相似文献   

真核生物的DNA复制是一个复杂且有序的过程,其中DNA复制起始参与调控众多生物学活动,对生物正常的生长发育具有重要作用。组蛋白修饰在调节DNA复制过程中具有重要作用。为了检测组蛋白特定位点的修饰对DNA复制起始的影响,本研究以酿酒酵母组蛋白H3/H4定点突变菌株为研究对象,采用倍比稀释表型分析法检测了组蛋白11种H3/H4甲基化、乙酰化突变菌株的生长情况,显示,以野生型菌株BY4741为对照,组蛋白H3/H4乙酰化突变菌株H3K64A、H3K56A、H3K14Q、H4K5R、H4K16Q以及组蛋白H4甲基化突变菌株H4K20Q表现为生长缺陷,其他菌株与BY4741生长情况基本一致;通过GeNorm和NormFinder软件分析得出本实验最适内参基因为β-actin;采用Real-time PCR检测了菌株细胞内复制起始相关蛋白基因mcm2、mcm10、cdc45的表达情况,表明,组蛋白H3/H4甲基化突变菌株H3K9A、H3R72K、H4K59A、H4K20Q胞内mcm2、mcm10、cdc45基因表达均显著下调(p0.01),而H4R3A胞内mcm2、mcm10表达显著上调(p0.05)、cdc45显著下调(p0.01),组蛋白H3/H4乙酰化突变菌株H3K14Q、H4K5R、H4K8A、H4K16Q胞内mcm2表达显著下调(p0.01),而在H3K64A、H3K56A胞内无显著变化,mcm10在6种组蛋白H3/H4乙酰化突变菌株内表达均下调(p0.01),cdc45基因在H4K5R胞内表达无显著变化,在其余5种乙酰化突变菌株中表达均显著下调(p0.01),为进一步阐明组蛋白特定位点修饰调控DNA复制起始的深入研究提供理论帮助。  相似文献   

在真核生物中,DNA复制在染色体上特定的多位点起始.当细胞处在晚M及G1期,多个复制起始蛋白依次结合到DNA复制源,组装形成复制前复合体.pre.RC在Gl-S的转折期得到激活,随后,多个直接参与DNA复制又形成的蛋白结合到DNA复制源,启动DNA的复制,形成两个双向的DNA复制又.在染色体上,移动的DNA复制又经常会碰到复制障碍(二级DNA结构、一些蛋白的结合位点、损伤的碱基等)而暂停下来,此时,需要细胞周期检验点的调控来稳定复制叉,否则,会导致复制又垮塌及基因组不稳定.本文就真核细胞染色体DNA复制起始的机制,以及复制又稳定性的维持机制进行简要综述.  相似文献   

我们在质粒puB110的基础上组建了pDR质粒,它们具有双复制起始区而只有一个抗卡那霉素基因。携带了这些质粒的宿主细胞对卡那霉素的抗性明显高于亲本株(B,subtilis 150(puB110))。经限制性酶切图谱分析新获得的转化株具有二个复制起始区及一个 Km&4基因。说明增加复制起始区是提高重组子表达能力的途径之一。  相似文献   

In this review, the problems concerning initiation of DNA replication in higher eukaryotes are discussed, with special emphasis on the methods of replication origin mapping and biological tests for the activity of DNA replication origins in higher eukaryotes. Protein factors interacting with replication origins are considered in detail. The main events of replication initiation in higher eukaryotes are briefly analyzed. New data on the control of replication timing of large genomic regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is a complex process including the recognition of initiation sites on DNA, multi-step DNA preparation for duplication, and assembly of multi-protein complexes capable of beginning DNA synthesis at initiation sites. The process starts at the late M phase and lasts till the appropriate time of the S phase for each initiation site. A chain of interesting interactions between Orc1p-6p, Cdc6p, Mcm2p-7p, Mcm10p, Cdt1, Cdc45p, Dbf4/Cdc7p, RPA, and DNA polymerase takes place during this period. The sequence of these interactions is controlled by cyclin-dependent kinases, as well as by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the proteasome. This review summarizes the data on proteins initiating DNA replication and factors controlling their activities.  相似文献   

pZ189质粒DNA体外复制系统的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了含SV40复制起点的质粒DNA在真核细胞抽提物中进行复制的DNA体外复制系统的建立. 在外源性蛋白质SV40大T抗原(SV40 Tag)的参与下,穿梭质粒pZ189能在猴肾vero细胞胞浆抽提物中,利用其中参与体内DNA复制所需的蛋白质成分,有效地进行体外DNA复制. 从而为研究真核细胞DNA复制系统的结构与功能提供了简单、有效的模型.  相似文献   

To investigate the cellular proteins involved in simian virus 40 (SV40) replication, extracts derived from human 293 cells have been fractionated into multiple components. When such fractions are combined with the virus-encoded T antigen (TAg) and SV40 origin containing plasmid DNA, efficient and complete replication is achieved, while each fraction alone is inactive. At present, a minimum of eight such cellular components have been identified. Previous experiments have demonstrated one of these to be the cell-cycle-regulated proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). As PCNA has been identified as a processivity factor for DNA polymerase δ, we suggest that both polymerases α and β are involved in this system. Three further fractions have been identified. One is a partially purified fraction which, under certain conditons, is required with TAg for the formation of a pre-synthesis complex of proteins at the replication origin. The second of these factors, RF-A, is a complex of three polypeptides which may function as a eucaryotic SSB. The third, RF-C, is a factor which is required, with PCNA, for coordinated leading- and lagging-strand synthesis at the replication fork. Complete synthesis and segregation of the daughter molecules also requires the presence of topoisomerases I and II. These results suggest a model for DNA synthesis which involves multiple stages prior to and during replicative DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

All cellular organisms and many viruses rely on large, multi-subunit molecular machines, termed replisomes, to ensure that genetic material is accurately duplicated for transmission from one generation to the next. Replisome assembly is facilitated by dedicated initiator proteins, which serve to both recognize replication origins and recruit requisite replisomal components to the DNA in a cell-cycle coordinated manner. Exactly how imitators accomplish this task, and the extent to which initiator mechanisms are conserved among different organisms have remained outstanding issues. Recent structural and biochemical findings have revealed that all cellular initiators, as well as the initiators of certain classes of double-stranded DNA viruses, possess a common adenine nucleotide-binding fold belonging to the ATPases Associated with various cellular Activities (AAA+) family. This review focuses on how the AAA+ domain has been recruited and adapted to control the initiation of DNA replication, and how the use of this ATPase module underlies a common set of initiator assembly states and functions. How biochemical and structural properties correlate with initiator activity, and how species-specific modifications give rise to unique initiator functions, are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the capacity of Xenopus laevis eggs to support replication of microinjected SV40 DNA. As previously reported, microinjected DNA undergoes semi-conservative replication. Unlabeled SV40 DNA was microinjected with [3H]dTTP and, after a 3 h incubation period, the DNA was recovered and adsorbed to BND-cellulose. Elution with an NaCl gradient removes molecules that are entirely double-stranded but not those with single-stranded regions. The latter DNA population is eluted with caffeine. The radioactive DNA that eluted with NaCl was comprised mostly of supercoiled and open circular SV40 DNAs. The radioactive DNA eluted with caffeine was comprised mainly of endogenous DNA but also contained replicative forms of SV40 DNA. Analysis of SV40 DNA replication intermediates by electron microscopy revealed mainly Cairn's forms of varying degrees of maturation. Digestion with BamH1, which cleaves SV40 DNA almost opposite the normal viral replication origin, indicated that SV40 DNA microinjected into frog eggs does not initiate DNA synthesis at its normal initiation site nor at any other obvious preferred site. Rather, it appears that when this template is injected into activated Xenopus eggs, replication may initiate at random.  相似文献   

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