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菌紫质(BR)光循环中M412产物受作用光强调制的现象完全可以用紫膜上BR三聚体内的光协同效应来解释。这种协同效应不仅与紫膜上BR呈三聚体的聚集状态有关,也与BR分子在紫膜上的晶型有序排列有关。紫膜在碱性介质中,加温至50-60℃时,三聚体仍然存在,但晶格结构已有破坏,此时也不存在协同效应。  相似文献   

王开彬  吴敏 《生命科学》2002,14(2):77-80
菌紫质(bR)是嗜盐菌紫膜中的唯一蛋白,具有光驱动的质子泵功能,迄今为止对于光循环和质子泵的具体分子机理仍未弄清楚,作者概述了近几年来关于bP质子泵机理的研究进展,介绍了两个较新的模型。  相似文献   

菌紫质的结构和功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紫膜中具有质子泵功能的菌紫质(bR)是整合膜蛋白,它是7个α螺旋跨膜蛋白家族的基本原型.目前,具有光驱动质子泵的bR是最典型的高效离子转运蛋白之一.它很可能成为其载体转运机制在分子甚至原子水平上被阐明的第一个膜蛋白.概述了近年来对菌紫质结构,光循环和质子泵机理研究的进展.  相似文献   

本文介绍了紫膜细菌视紫红质的微观结构,质子泵功能和光循环过程,及其菌紫质分子中发色团和蛋白质相互作用(结合位点)的几种光谱研究,最后讨论了菌紫质分子原初事件量子产率的双重性和相应的分子动力学模型。  相似文献   

水在菌紫质光循环和质子泵中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用圆二色仪和闪光动力学先谱仪分别测量了空气干燥紫膜薄层的圆二色谱及紫膜LB膜的M_(412)的衰减过程.在于燥紫膜的圆二色谱上出现412nm的正峰,它是光循环中间体M_(412)的特征峰.在无水介质中,紫膜LB膜中的BR仍能进行先化学循环而检测到中间体M_(412),但M_(412)的衰减速度减慢,产生M_(412)的堆积,质子化过程受阻.在有水的介质中,只要有足够的H~+存在,紫膜LB膜中的BR的中间体M_(412)的衰减速度明显加快.说明水介质的H~+是完成正常光化学循和质子化过程必不可少的.  相似文献   

一、引言 太阳能是人类取之不尽、用之不竭的永远的能量宝厍,如何将太阳能有效地转换为电能、化学能等其它形式的能量是解决下一世纪能源危机的一个重大研究课题。在无机界人们已经发现了多种具有光能转换特性的材料,并成功地把半导体光电转换器件应用于科学研究和生产实践中。但其使用范围和能量转换效率受到了很大限制。在有机界,各种功能高分子材料的研究蓬勃发展,应用化学的方法制造出了各种功能各异、性能奇特的材料,其中光  相似文献   

在室温条件下有取向PM薄层中的RR分子受光照可以建立多种PSS,这些PSS的建立与湿度和光照所采用的波长等因素有关。不同的PSS有不同的VCD。它们可以在设计制作分子器件时考虑使用。  相似文献   

本文用付里叶红外光谱法研究了干燥、水合及缓冲液内菌紫质的结构.酰胺Ⅰ和Ⅱ带有多个肩峰,在不同条件下,各峰的频率无明显位移.红外光谱表明,主要为α-螺旋结构,同时含有相当比例的反平行β-束及某些无规结构.酰胺Ⅰ带吸收频率最大值计算的α_n-螺旋频率.  相似文献   

紫膜蛋白(菌紫质)的应用前景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
简要综述了紫膜蛋白(菌紫质)作为光驱动质子泵,光电换能器及光敏材料等方面的应用前景;谈到了通过基因工程和生化手段可优化设计菌紫质的物理和化学特性,将其应用在信号的存储和处理中的可能性,并探讨了菌紫质在实际应用中可能存在的问题.  相似文献   

实验证实,在适当的酸度调节下暗适应菌紫质(BR)的光致变色反应由B→蓝膜→P→Q→B的循环转换构成。在无光照下,B、Q态在中性介质中,蓝膜、P态在酸性介质中均呈高化学稳定性;蓝膜→P和Q→B的态转换须分别用650nm和400nm可见光激励,用紫外-可见光谱对两个光化学过程的动力学特性进行监测,证实它们均为一级反应。菌紫质的四个稳态在可见光区具有不同的特征吸收波长,在信息记录方面可望有一定应用前景。  相似文献   

Charge Motion during the Photocycle of Bacteriorhodopsin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The function of bacteriorhodopsin in Halobacterium salinarum is to pump protons from the internal side of the plasma membrane to the external after light excitation, thereby building up electrochemical energy. This energy is transduced into biological energy forms. This review deals with one of the methods elaborated for recording the charge transfer inside the protein. In this method the current produced in oriented purple membrane containing bacteriorhodopsin is measured. It is shown that this method might be applied not only to correlate charge motion with the photocycle reactions but also for general problems like effect of water, electric field, and different ions and buffers for the functioning of proteins.  相似文献   

采用紫外可见吸收光谱技术和闪光光解技术,初步观察了细菌视紫红质(BR)分子在宽pH范围(2.1~12.3)内的特征吸收峰以及M412的相对浓度和M412的慢成分半衰期的变化,并对其结构和光循环功能进行了讨论.紫外可见吸收光谱实验结果显示:pH=5.0~10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰值约为568 nm;pH<5.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生红移;pH>10.0时,BR最大特征吸收峰发生蓝移.闪光动力学光谱结果显示:pH为7.3~9.5时,M412的相对浓度(M0)基本稳定在0.038左右;pH<7.3时,M0逐渐减小;pH>9.5时,M0明显上升,在pH=11.8时达到最大值0.1355,随后又快速下降.pH为2.1~7.3时,M412的慢成分半衰期(ts1/2)值在(4.1±1.1)ms左右;pH>7.3时,ts1/2值急剧延长到40 677.4 ms.推测在高pH条件下,BR分子的光循环有新的路径和机理.  相似文献   

A large share of the current ideas about the mechanism of proton transport by bacteriorhodopsin has emerged from studies of site-specific mutants. This review is an attempt to check some of these ideas against the natural variability in the primary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

The scheme of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle associated with a transmembrane proton transfer and electrogenesis is considered. The role of conformational changes in the polypeptide chain during the proton transport is discussed.  相似文献   

An intermediate radical, ?H2OH, was produced in aqueous methanol solution containing nitrous oxide by γ-irradiation. Yields of ethylene glycol and formaldehyde, the major and the minor product from ?H2OH, respectively, changed on the addition of some solutes. Cysteine lowered the both product yields to zero even at a low concentration of 5 × 10?5m. Oxygen of low concentrations (2.5~7.5 × 10?5 m) changed effectively the major product from ethylene glycol to formaldehyde. k (CySH+?H2OH)/k(O2+?H2OH) was calculated as 0.5.

Ascorbic acid (5 × 10?5 m) lowered ethylene glycol yield to 48%, cystine (10?3m) to 15%, methionine (10?3m) to 31%, histidine (10?3m) to 42%, tryptophan (10?3m) 46%, tyrosine (10?3m) to 77%, phenylalanine (10?3m) to 73%, hypoxanthine (10?3m) to 37%, adenine (10?3m) to 52%, uracil (10?3m) to 20%, thymine (10?3m) to 10%, cytosine (10?3 m) to 49%, rutin (10?3m) to 23%, pyrogallol (10?3m) to 41%, and gallic acid (10?3m) to 78% of the control. These results suggest that the reactions of the secondary radicals such as ?H2OH perform an important role in material change of foods irradiated with γ rays.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) is a retinal protein that functions as a light-driven proton pump. In this study, six novel mutants including K41E and D102K, were obtained to verify or rule out the possibility that residues Lys41 and Asp102 are determinants of the time order of proton release and uptake, because we found that the order was reversed in another retinal protein archaerhodopsin 4 (AR4), which had different 41th and 102th residues. Our results rule out that possibility and confirm that the pK a of the proton release complex (PRC) determines the time order. Nevertheless, mutations, especially D102K, were found to affect the kinetics of proton uptake substantially and the pK a of Asp96. Compared to the wild-type BR (BR-WT), the decay of the M intermediate and proton uptake in the photocycle was slowed about 3-fold in D102K. Hence those residues might be involved in proton uptake and delivery to the internal proton donor.  相似文献   

细菌视紫红质的光电响应特性和机制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在ITO导电玻璃上制备定向细菌视紫红质 (BR)电泳沉积膜或LB膜组成光电池系统 ,在短脉冲激光照射下 ,测定其脉冲响应光电压 ;在间断光照射下 ,测定其对光强变化产生的微分响应信号。对脉冲光电响应和微分响应的机理及其关系进行理论分析和解释 ,认为脉冲响应是BR分子内部生色团快速光极化引起的电荷分离和希夫碱及其周围氨基酸去质子化和再质子化过程引起的质子定向运输产生的位移电流 ,是一个快反应过程 ,是微分响应的早期反应和基础。微分响应则是由于菌紫质的光驱动质子泵产生的连续质子流在光开和光关瞬间引起光电池系统充放电以及测量电路的耦合特性引起的 ,是一个慢变化过程  相似文献   

Correspondence of phases of electrogenesis, photocycle transitions, and proton transfer with the proton transporting groups of bacteriorhodopsin was studied. The structure of bacteriorhodopsin was considered by the file 1c3w and projections of sites of the proton movement pathway onto the normal to the purple membrane were measured. The dielectric permeability of the terminal site of the semichannel Schiff base external surface of the purple membrane was noticeably higher than in the center of the membrane.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 69, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1725–1728.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Khitrina, Ksenofontov.  相似文献   

This review begins with a brief history of early studies on the involvement of lipids in certain bacteriorhodopsin (BR) properties. Such properties include the regulation of the pK for the purple to blue transition caused by deionization, and the reformation of trimers from monomers after exposure of the purple membrane to Triton X-100. Most of the review is devoted to newer studies which indicate an important role for the neutral lipid squalene in the functional stability of the fast-decaying M-intermediate, for its decay through a pathway involving the O-intermediate, and for the regulation of the relative amounts of slow-decaying and fast-decaying forms of M. Participation of a peripheral acidic amino acid in the overall expression of fast-decaying M is also discussed. Initial studies suggest that the acidic amino acid may be Asp36 and/or Asp38.  相似文献   

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