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The development of methods to separate, analyse and monitor changes in glycoform populations is essential if a more detailed understanding of the structure, function and processing of glycoproteins is to emerge. In this study, intact ribonuclease B was resolved by borate capillary electrophoresis into five populations according to the particular oligomnnose structure associated with each glycoform. The relative proportions of these populations are correlated with the percentages obtained indirectly by analysis of the hydrazine released oligosaccharides using Bio-Gel P-4 gel filtration, matrix assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry and high performance anion exchange chromatography. Alterations in the composition of the glycoform populations during digestion of ribonuclease B withA. saitoi (1–2)mannosidase were monitored by capillary electrophoresis (CE). Digestion of the free oligosaccharides under the same conditions, monitored by anion exchange chromatography, revealed a difference in rate, allowing some insight into the role of the protein during oligosaccharide processing. In conjunction with other methods, this novel application of CE may prove a useful addition to the techniques available for the study of glycoform populations.  相似文献   

Site-specific presentation of oligosaccharides in the context of carrier proteins can influence markedly their recognition by carbohydrate-binding proteins. On RNaseB, the Man5-9 N-glycans at Asn-34 are bound by the serum lectin conglutinin when the glycoprotein is reduced and denatured, but there is no binding to the N-glycans on the native form of RNaseB. The RNaseB Man8, which is a glycoform preferentially bound by conglutinin, is the subject of the present study. The conformational behavior of the protein-linked oligosaccharide Man8 is investigated on the native and on the reduced and denatured RNaseB, using a combination of NMR and theoretical calculations. Quantitative data on the NOESY crosspeaks have been obtained, thereby allowing the comparison of mobilities of homologous linkages within the glycan chain. Oligosaccharide conformations compatible with the NMR data have been explored by molecular modeling of the free oligosaccharide, using two different force fields (AMBER and SYBYL). There are some differences between the results produced by the two force fields, the AMBER simulations providing a better agreement with the experimental data. The results indicate that both on the native and on the reduced heat-denatured glycoprotein, the RNase Man8 oligosaccharide exhibits a conformational behavior very similar to that of the free oligosaccharide. However, this conformational freedom of the N-glcyan does not amount to full availability for carbohydrate-recognition proteins and enzymes.  相似文献   

Structural information over the entire course of binding interactions based on the analyses of energy landscapes is described, which provides a framework to understand the events involved during biomolecular recognition. Conformational dynamics of malectin’s exquisite selectivity for diglucosylated N-glycan (Dig-N-glycan), a highly flexible oligosaccharide comprising of numerous dihedral torsion angles, are described as an example. For this purpose, a novel approach based on hierarchical sampling for acquiring metastable molecular conformations constituting low-energy minima for understanding the structural features involved in a biologic recognition is proposed. For this purpose, four variants of principal component analysis were employed recursively in both Cartesian space and dihedral angles space that are characterized by free energy landscapes to select the most stable conformational substates. Subsequently, k-means clustering algorithm was implemented for geometric separation of the major native state to acquire a final ensemble of metastable conformers. A comparison of malectin complexes was then performed to characterize their conformational properties. Analyses of stereochemical metrics and other concerted binding events revealed surface complementarity, cooperative and bidentate hydrogen bonds, water-mediated hydrogen bonds, carbohydrate–aromatic interactions including CH–π and stacking interactions involved in this recognition. Additionally, a striking structural transition from loop to β-strands in malectin CRD upon specific binding to Dig-N-glycan is observed. The interplay of the above-mentioned binding events in malectin and Dig-N-glycan supports an extended conformational selection model as the underlying binding mechanism.  相似文献   

Cyanovirin-N (CVN) is a novel cyanobacterial protein that selectively binds with nanomolar affinities the mammalian oligosaccharides Man(8) and Man(9). Consequently, CVN potently blocks HIV entry through highly avid carbohydrate-mediated interactions with the HIV-envelope glycoprotein gp120, and is under preclinical investigation as an anti-HIV microbicide. CVN contains two non-overlapping carbohydrate-binding sites that bind the disaccharide Manalpha(1-2)Manalpha (which represents the terminal disaccharide of all three arms of Man(9)) with low to sub-micromolar affinities. The solution structure of a 1:2 CVN:Manalpha(1-2)Manalpha complex revealed that CVN recognizes the stacked conformation of Manalpha(1-2)Manalpha through a deep hydrophilic-binding pocket on one side of the protein (site 2) and a semi-circular cleft on the other (site 1). With the prominent exception of the C1 hydroxyl group of the reducing mannopyranose ring, the bound disaccharide is positioned so that each hydroxyl group is involved in a direct or water-mediated hydrogen bond to the polar or charged side-chains comprising the binding pocket. Thus, to determine whether the next-most reducing mannopyranose ring will augment CVN affinity and selectivity, we have characterized by NMR and ITC the binding of CVN to three synthetic trisaccharides representing the full-length D1, D2 and D3 arms of mammalian oligomannosides. Our findings demonstrate that site 1 is able to discriminate between the three related trisaccharides methyl Manalpha(1-2)Manalpha(1-2)Man, methyl Manalpha(1-2)Manalpha(1-3)Man and methyl Manalpha(1-2)Manalpha(1-6)Man with remarkable selectivity, and binds these trisaccharides with K(A) values ranging from 8.1x10(3)M(-1) to 6.6x10(6)M(-1). Site 2 is less selective in that it binds all three trisaccharides with similar K(A) values ranging from 1.7 to 3.7(+/-0.3)x10(5)M(-1), but overall binds these trimannosides with higher affinities than site 1. The diversity of pathogenic organisms that display alpha(1-2)-linked mannosides on their cell surfaces suggests a broad defensive role for CVN in its cyanobacterial source.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are naturally occurring polypeptide scaffolds with considerable importance for human health and disease. These supermolecular assemblies are β-sheet rich and characterized by a high structural order. Clinical diagnosis and emerging therapeutic strategies of amyloid-dependent diseases, such as Alzheimer's, rely on the specific recognition of amyloid structures by other molecules. Recently, we generated the B10 antibody fragment, which selectively binds to Alzheimer's Aβ(1-40) amyloid fibrils but does not explicitly recognize other protein conformers, such as oligomers and disaggregated Aβ peptide. B10 presents poly-amyloid specific binding and interacts with fibrillar structures consisting of different polypeptide chains. To determine the molecular basis behind its specificity, we have analyzed the molecular properties of B10 with a battery of biochemical and biophysical techniques, ranging from X-ray crystallography to chemical modification studies. We find that fibril recognition depends on positively charged residues within the B10 antigen binding site. Mutation of these basic residues into alanine potently impairs fibril binding, and reduced B10-fibril interactions are also observed when the fibril carboxyl groups are covalently masked by a chemical modification approach. These data imply that the B10 conformational specificity for amyloid fibrils depends upon specific electrostatic interactions with an acidic moiety, which is common to different amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN) is an oligomeric, processive and cap-interacting 3' exoribonuclease that efficiently degrades mRNA poly(A) tails. Here we show that the RNA recognition motif (RRM) of PARN harbors both poly(A) and cap binding properties, suggesting that the RRM plays an important role for the two critical and unique properties that are tightly associated with PARN activity, i.e. recognition and dependence on both the cap structure and poly(A) tail during poly(A) hydrolysis. We show that PARN and its RRM have micromolar affinity to the cap structure by using fluorescence spectroscopy and nanomolar affinity for poly(A) by using filter binding assay. We have identified one tryptophan residue within the RRM that is essential for cap binding but not required for poly(A) binding, suggesting that the cap- and poly(A)-binding sites associated with the RRM are both structurally and functionally separate from each other. RRM is one of the most commonly occurring RNA-binding domains identified so far, suggesting that other RRMs may have both cap and RNA binding properties just as the RRM of PARN.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein D (SP-D) and serum conglutinin are closely related members of the collectin family of host defense lectins. Although normally synthesized at different anatomic sites, both proteins participate in the innate immune response to microbial challenge. To discern the roles of specific domains in the function of SP-D in vivo, a fusion protein (SP-D/Cong(neck+CRD)) consisting of the NH(2)-terminal and collagenous domains of rat SP-D (rSP-D) and the neck and carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) of bovine conglutinin (Cong) was expressed in the respiratory epithelium of SP-D gene-targeted (SP-D(-/-)) mice. While SP-D/Cong(neck+CRD) fusion protein did not affect lung morphology and surfactant phospholipid levels in the lungs of wild type mice, the chimeric protein substantially corrected the increased lung phospholipids in SP-D(-/-) mice. The SP-D/Cong(neck+CRD) fusion protein also completely corrected defects in influenza A clearance and inhibited the exaggerated inflammatory response that occurs following viral infection. However, the chimeric protein did not ameliorate the ongoing lung inflammation, enhanced metalloproteinase expression, and alveolar destruction that characterize this model of SP-D deficiency. By contrast, a single arm mutant (RrSP-D(Ser15,20)) partially restored antiviral activity but otherwise failed to rescue the deficient phenotype. Our findings directly implicate the CRDs of both SP-D and conglutinin in host defense in vivo. Our findings also strongly suggest that the molecular mechanisms underlying impaired pulmonary host defense and abnormal lipid metabolism are distinct from those that promote ongoing inflammation and the development of emphysema.  相似文献   

Ermakova EA 《Biofizika》2006,51(2):242-249
A comparative study of the association of two ribonucleases, barnase and binase, with the polypeptide inhibitor barstar has been performed by the Brownian dynamics simulation method. It was shown that the method adequately reproduced the dependence of the association rate on pH and ionic strength of solution and the influence of mutations of some ribonuclease amino acids. Two types of energetically favorable complexes of binase-barstar encounter were determined. In the type I complex, the amino acids of binase active center take part in the complex formation. In the second complex, the active center is free. It was supposed that the temporary binding of barstar into complex of type II is competitive relative to the inhibition reaction. This can partially explain the decrease in the rate of binase inhibition as compared with the corresponding reaction of barnase.  相似文献   

A poorly understood aspect of DNA repair proteins is their ability to identify exceedingly rare sites of damage embedded in a large excess of nearly identical undamaged DNA, while catalyzing repair only at the damaged sites. Progress toward understanding this problem has been made by comparing the structures and biochemical behavior of these enzymes when they are presented with either a target lesion or a corresponding undamaged nucleobase. Trapping and analyzing such DNA-protein complexes is particularly difficult in the case of base extrusion DNA repair proteins because of the complexity of the repair reaction, which involves extrusion of the target base from DNA followed by its insertion into the active site where glycosidic bond cleavage is catalyzed. Here we report the structure of a human 8-oxoguanine (oxoG) DNA glycosylase, hOGG1, in which a normal guanine from DNA has been forcibly inserted into the enzyme active site. Although the interactions of the nucleobase with the active site are only subtly different for G versus oxoG, hOGG1 fails to catalyze excision of the normal nucleobase. This study demonstrates that even if hOGG1 mistakenly inserts a normal base into its active site, the enzyme can still reject it on the basis of catalytic incompatibility.  相似文献   

The conformational changes of poly(dA-dT) from random coil to ordered structure with stacked bases produce important changes in the Raman line intensities (hypochromism) when the polymer is excited under the preresonance Raman conditions (λ excitation = 300 nm). Poly(dA-dT)–RNase and poly(dA-dT)–histone H1 interactions have been studied as models of mechanisms of destabilization and stabilization by proteins of the DNA secondary structure, respectively, following this intense preresonance Raman hypochromism. In addition, the specific variation of the intensity of the 1582-cm?1 line of adenine is interpreted in terms of the interaction of the amino group with the RNase (thus involving the large groove). In the poly(dA-dT)–H1 complex, the intensity of the 1665-cm?1 line of thymine increases. This increase appears to involve the C2?O group of thymine, located in the narrow groove.  相似文献   

The effects of modification of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A by monomethoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (MPEG) were examined for changes in recognition by antiRNase antibodies, enzymatic activity against low and high molecular weight substrates and conformational stability to temperature elevation. Modified forms of RNase were prepared containing an average of 4, 9, and 11 mol of MPEG/mol protein, by amino group modification. These were analysed by binding to RNase antibodies crosslinked to solid phase-immobilized protein A. The affinity column was incorporated into a high performance liquid chromatograph and the RNase species were studied by both zonal and frontal analytical affinity chromatography. An antibody dissociation constant of 7.6 x 10(-8) M was found for unmodified RNase, as compared to values of 1.3 x 10(-7) and 1.2 x 10(-6) M for RNase with 4 and 9 covalently bound MPEG chains, respectively. Modification also led to progressive loss of enzymatic activity against RNA, down to 3% for the most highly modified enzyme. In contrast, enzymatic activity against cytidine-2',3'-cyclic monophosphate was suppressed to a maximum of only 33% at the highest modification level, and the stability to temperature, as followed by circular dichroism, was reduced only partially, from 67 degrees C for native protein to 57 degrees C for RNase with 11 mol equivalents MPEG incorporated. The above differential effects on enzymatic activity, antibody binding and temperature effects are consistent with the view that MPEG modification has relatively small effects on conformational stability and small molecule accessibility, but more dramatic effects on large molecule (substrate as well as antibody) accessibility.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interactions of potassium tetrachloropalladate(II) with the B6 vitamins pyridoxal, pyridoxine, and pyridoxamine in 1:1 molar ratio have been studied. From DMF solutions, the ionic trichloro (pyridoxal or pyridoxine) palladates(II) were isolated. Pyridoxamine, on the other hand, in aqueous solutions gave the dimeric complex bis [mu-chloro-pyridoxaminato-palladium(II)]. In the first two complexes, the ligands coordinated to palladium through their pyridine nitrogen while, in the last one, pyridoxamine acted as a chelating ligand through its phenolic oxygen and aminomethyl nitrogen. All three complexes reacted with nucleosides, yielding the complexes [Pd(PL)(Nucl)Cl2], [Pd(PN)(Nucl)Cl2], and [Pd(PM-H+)(Nucl)Cl], respectively. Those complexes with one ionizable N(1)H imino proton underwent deprotonation, and the new mixed ligand complexes [Pd(PL)(Nucl-H+)Cl], [Pd(PN)(Nucl-H+)], and [Pd(PM-H+)(Nucl-H+)] were formed. In all mixed ligand complexes, the B6 vitamins maintained their coordination modes. The nucleosides, on the other hand, exhibited their usual coordination sites, i.e., in the nondeprotonated complexes, purine nucleosides coordinated only through their N7 atom. In the deprotonated complexes, they acted as bidentate ligands and coordinated through their N7 and O6 atoms. All complexes were characterized with elemental analyses, conductivity measurements, and various spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific interactions between proteins and DNA are essential for a variety of biological functions. The (cytosine-C5)-methyltransferase from HhaI (M.HhaI) specifically modifies the second base in GCGC sequences, employing a base flipping mechanism to access the target base being chemically modified. The mechanism of sequence-specific recognition of M.HhaI is not evident based on crystallographic structures, leading to the suggestion that recognition is linked to the flipping event itself, a process that may be referred to as energetic recognition. Using computational methods, it is shown that the free energy barriers to flipping are significantly higher in non-cognate versus the cognate sequence, supporting the energetic recognition mechanism. Energetic recognition is imparted by two protein "selectivity filters" that function via a "web" of protein-DNA interactions in short-lived, high energy states present along the base flipping pathway. Other sequence-specific DNA binding proteins whose function involves significant distortion of DNA's conformation may use a similar recognition mechanism.  相似文献   

Equilibrium binding is believed to play an important role in directing the subsequent covalent attachment of many carcinogens to DNA. We have utilized UV spectroscopy to examine the non-covalent interactions of aflatoxin B1 and B2 with calf thymus DNA, poly(dAdT):poly(dAdT), and poly(dGdC):poly(dGdC), and have utilized NMR spectroscopy to examine non-covalent interactions of aflatoxin B2 with the oligodeoxynucleotide d(ATGCAT)2. UV-VIS binding isotherms suggest a greater binding affinity for calf thymus DNA and poly(dAdT):poly(dAdT) than for poly(dGdC):poly(dGdC). Scatchard analysis of aflatoxin B1 binding to calf thymus DNA in 0.1 M NaCl buffer indicates that binding of the carcinogen at levels of bound aflatoxin less than 1 carcinogen per 200 base pairs occurs with positive cooperativity. The cooperative binding effect is dependent on the ionic strength of the medium; when the NaCl concentration is reduced to 0.01 M, positive cooperativity is observed at carcinogen levels less than 1 carcinogen per 500 base pairs. The Scatchard data may be fit using a "two-site" binding model [L.S. Rosenberg, M.J. Carvlin, and T.R. Krugh, Biochemistry 25, 1002-1008 (1986)]. This model assumes two independent sets of binding sites on the DNA lattice, one a high affinity site which binds the carcinogen with positive cooperativity, the second consisting of lower affinity binding sites to which non-specific binding occurs. NMR analysis of aflatoxin B2 binding to d(ATGCAT)2 indicates that the aflatoxin B2/oligodeoxynucleotide complex is in fast exchange on the NMR time scale. Upfield chemical shifts of 0.1-0.5 ppm are observed for the aflatoxin B2 4-OCH3, H5, and H6a protons. Much smaller chemical shift changes (less than or equal to 0.06 ppm) are observed for the oligodeoxynucleotide protons. The greatest effect for the oligodeoxynucleotide protons is observed for the adenine H2 protons, located in the minor groove. Nonselective T1 experiments demonstrate a 15-25% decrease in the relaxation time for the adenine H2 protons when aflatoxin B2 is added to the solution. This result suggests that aflatoxin B2 protons in the bound state may be in close proximity to these protons, providing a source of dipolar relaxation. Further experiments are in progress to probe the nature of the aflatoxin B1 and B2 complexes with polymeric DNA and oligodeoxynucleotides, and to establish the relationship between the non-covalent DNA-carcinogen complexes observed in these experiments, and covalent aflatoxin B1-guanine N7 DNA adducts.  相似文献   

E. A. Ermakova 《Biophysics》2006,51(2):202-208
A comparative study of the interaction of two RNases (binase and barnase) with the polypeptide inhibitor barstar was performed by Brownian dynamics simulation. It was demonstrated that this method adequately reproduced the dependence of the association rate on the pH of solution as well as the effect of mutations at individual amino acid residues on the inhibition of barnase by barstar. Two types of energy-favorable binase-barstar encounter complexes were found. In type I complex, the amino acid residues of the binase active center are involved in formation of the complex; in type II complex, the active center remains free. It is suggested that temporary binding of free barstar into type II complex competes with the inhibition reaction. Presumably, this explains the decrease in the rate of binase inhibition by barstar as compared with the analogous reaction of barnase.  相似文献   

Endurance trained people exhibit low levels of postprandial lipemia. However, this favorable situation is rapidly reversed with de-training and it is likely that the triglyceride (TG) lowering effects of exercise are mainly the result of acute metabolic responses to recent exercise rather than long-term training adaptations. A large body of evidence suggests that postprandial lipemia can be attenuated following an individual exercise session, with the energy expended during exercise being an important determinant of the extent of TG lowering. Increased lipoprotein lipase-mediated TG clearance and reduced hepatic TG secretion are both likely to contribute to the exercise-induced TG reductions. These changes may occur in response to post-exercise substrate deficits in skeletal muscle and/or the liver. In addition, regular exercise can oppose the hypertriglyceridaemia sometimes seen with low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets. Levels of physical activity should therefore be taken into account when considering nutritional strategies for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

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