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The present paper describes intracellular changes in ribonuclease specific activity during Ca2+-induced sporangium formation in the water mold Achlya bisexualis. The enzymes undergo a decrease in activity prior to crosswall formation followed by an increase in activity during spore cleavage. As spore discharge occurs the RNase activity again decreases. A large percentage of the nuclease activity is associated with a lysosomal-like fraction of the cell, but there is also considerably activity associated with nuclear and microsomal fractions. Addition of cycloheximide or actinomycin D at various times during development prevents further decrease or increase in the enzyme activity. Mixing of cell extracts from different developmental stages provides evidence that inhibitors or activators of the enzyme activity are not responsible for the activity levels evident at the different stages. There is a change in the total levels of presumptive mRNA during Ca2+-induced sporangial formation which appears to be associated with the patterns of RNase activity. Utilizing total cellular RNA and Poly(A)+ RNA with the crude ribonuclease preparations, no substrate specificity could be ascertained.  相似文献   

Changes in the pattern of electric currents that accompany the transformation of growing hyphae of Achlya bisexualis into sporangia have been examined. When hyphae were transferred to a non-nutrient buffer, they continued to extend for several hours and then gave rise to sporangia. Throughout this process, current (positive charge) flowed into the apical region that corresponds approximately to the future sporangium. The current ceased after the crosswall appeared. The sporangium then remained electrically quiescent, except for a brief intense burst of outward current at the 'homogeneous' stage of spore cleavage. The inward current during sporangium formation largely represents an influx of protons. Addition of nitrate abolished the flow of electric current with little effect on sporulation. The late burst of outward current is most probably an artefact, generated by the discharge of salts from the sporangial vacuole. The transcellular electric current apparently plays no role in sporangium formation or in spore cleavage. Calcium ions, however, are required and may traverse the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The ribosomal cistrons of the water mold Achlya bisexualis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Total DNA was extracted from vegatative mycelia of the water mold Achlya bisexualis. Fractionation of the DNA in CsCl gradients resulted in two components: a major component with a buoyant density of 1.697 g cm?3 and a minor component with a density of 1.685 g cm?3. The minor component has been identified as mitochondrial DNA based on extractions from isolated mitochondria and Triton X-100 washed nuclei. Detergent washing of the nuclei yielded DNA in which the mitochondrial DNA component was absent, while the isolated mitochondrial preparations contained DNA enriched in the 1.685 g cm?3 component. Hybridization studies of A. bisexualis DNA to rRNA show that the ribosomal cistrons have a buoyant density coincident with that obtained with the nuclear DNA. In addition, preliminary evidence indicates that the mitochondrial DNA does not hybridize to the cytoplasmic RNA under the conditions used for this study. Ribosomal RNA hybridized to about 0.65% of the total DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The spatial organization of actin microfilaments during the asexual life cycle ofAchlya bisexualis has been examined by two methods. One is the standard procedure described by Heath [Eur J Cell Biol (1987) 44: 10–16], in which specimens are fixed with formaldehyde and then stained with rhodamine-phalloidin. In the other, introduced by Sonobe and Shibaoka [Protoplasma (1989) 148: 80–86], specimens are treated with the protein crosslinking agent MBS (m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide) before fixation and staining. Both methods display the actin-rich cleavage zones that outline the developing zoospores. However, in extending hyphae and young sporangia the images are significantly different. Specimens pretreated with MBS display more prominent axial microfilament cables than do standard specimens, while peripheral actin plaques are sparse or absent. The results suggest that actin microfilaments occur in several configurations, some of which may be obscured by the standard fixation procedure. Pretreatment with MBS, though probably subject to artefacts of its own, may help preserve some features that would otherwise be missed.Abbreviations Rh-Phal rhodamine phalloidin - MBS m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis [2-ethanesulfonic acid] - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethyl ether) N,N-tetraacetic acid - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide  相似文献   

Summary When the compound eyes of the fly Lucilia are fixed for electron microscopy with glutaraldehyde in common buffer solutions, artefactual whorls are liable to be formed from the photoreceptor microvilli. The whorls result from two factors: (i) a prolonged time interval prior to osmication, such as the overnight primary fixation or wash at 4° C commonly used in studies of compound eyes; (ii) as little as 1–2 mM Ca++ in the primary fixative and wash solutions. Osmication after short (1 h) glutaraldehyde fixation at 4° C, or omission of Ca++ and addition of 2 mM EGTA, prevent whorl-formation. In the tipulid fly Ptilogyna, similar artefacts are produced, but are confined to the distal zone of the microvilli that sheds during turnover.  相似文献   

Rolf Borchert 《Planta》1990,182(3):339-347
Changes in the spacing patterns of Ca-oxalate crystals during enlargement ofCarya ovata Mill. leaves were quantified by computerized image-analysis. Single Ca-oxalate crystals form in the vacuoles of young mesophyll cells transformed into crystal cells Crystals are very small in newly induced crystal cells and increase in size throughout leaf development. Crystal patterns thus reflect both induction and relative age of crystal cells. Shortly after the emergence of young leaves from the bud, very small crystals are formed in the mesophyll at high density. As leaves expand, these crystals grow larger and become separated by increasing distances. New small crystals appear in the gaps between the older, larger crystals. Later crystal patterns consist of widely spaced, larger crystals only. Finally, clusters of small crystals are formed again in the gaps between large crystals. No crystals were observed in young leaves expanding in a moist chamber, but large numbers of crystal cells were induced experimentally in sections of immature leaves floating on 4 mM Ca-acetate. The observations support the following mechanism of crystal-pattern formation: Ca2+ carried into leaves with the transpiration stream acts as the developmental signal inducing transdifferentiation of a few mesophyll cells into crystal cells when apoplastic [Ca2+] rises. Crystal cells precipitate absorbed Ca2+ as oxalate and, acting as Ca2+ sinks, inhibit crystal-cell induction in their vicinity by depleting apoplastic Ca2+. This prevents close spacing of crystal cells. New crystal cells form in the gaps between the depletion zones of older crystal cells when these move apart during leaf expansion. Later changes in crystal patterns result from increasing sink strength of crystal cells, lowered inducibility of mesophyll cells, and increased Ca2+ influx into leaves during intensive transpiration. Throughout leaf development, spacing of crystal cells permits rapid secretion of apoplastic Ca2+ as Ca-oxalate. Dedicated to Professor Erwin Bünning, University of Tübingen, Germany, who pioneered the analysis of spacing patterns  相似文献   

Samples from synchronized cultures of Blastocladiella emersonii were examined by electron microscopy from the late log phase to the completion of zoospore differentiation. Log-phase plants contain the usual cytoplasmic organelles but also have an unusual system of large tubules ca. 45 mμ diam that ramify in organized bundles throughout the protoplast. After induction, zoosporangium differentiation requires a 2-hr period in which the nuclei divide, a cross wall forms to separate the basal rhizoid region, and an apical papilla is produced. Nuclear division in B. emersonii is intranuclear with a typical microtubular spindle apparatus and paired, unequal, extranuclear centrioles at each pole. The papilla is formed by a process of localized cell wall breakdown and deposition of the papilla material by secretory granules. Differentiation of zoospores begins when one of the two centrioles associated with each nucleus elongates to form a basal body. The flagella fibers arise from the basal body and elongate into an expanding vesicle formed by the fusion of small secondary vesicles. The cleavage planes are formed by fusion of vesicles similar to those associated with flagellum initiation. When cleavage is complete, each sporangium contains ca. 250–260 uninucleate spore units with their flagella lying in the cleavage planes. Probable fusion of mitochondria to produce the single mitochondrion of the zoospore occurs after cleavage; the mitochondrion does not take its position around the basal body and rootlets until just before zoospore release. The ribosomal nuclear cap is organized and enclosed by a membrane formed through fusion of many small vesicles during a short period near the end of differentiation.  相似文献   

为明确晚成型小鼠胎后发育肠道消化酶活力的建立过程和发育模式,探讨其与适应性调节假说的关系,测定了从出生后至27日龄小鼠小肠前、中、后段的乳糖酶、蔗糖酶、麦芽糖酶和氨基肽酶的酶活力。结果发现单位组织酶活力方面,乳糖酶活力先增后降,小肠前段在9日龄而中后段在12日龄达到最高,至27日龄时仅中段有微弱的酶活力;蔗糖酶活力12日龄始出现,前段和后段自15日龄迅速升高,至18日龄达最高,但随后显著降低,而中段在15日龄后持续升高至21日龄达到最高,此后维持在较高水平;麦芽糖酶出生时已具有活力,但在15日龄前维持较低水平,此后迅速升高,前后段在18日龄,中段在21日龄达到峰值,此后下降;小肠前段的氨基肽酶活力出生后至27日龄持续下降,而后段和中段从出生到断乳前则持续升高,断乳后略有下降。除乳糖酶总酶活力先增后降,在15日龄达峰值外,其余3种酶的总酶活力均持续增加。在小肠不同位置4种酶活力的分布具有显著差异,且日龄对不同位置酶活力的影响趋势不同。总之,小鼠小肠4种消化酶的酶活力随时间的变化能够与其食物转变的消化需求相匹配,部分地支持适应性调节假说。  相似文献   

There are two contradictory explanations for central respiratory rhythmogenesis. One suggests that respiratory rhythm emerges from interaction between inspiratory and expiratory neural semicenters that inhibit each other and thereby provide reciprocal rhythmic activity (Brown 1914). The other uses bursting pacemaker activity of individual neurons to produce the rhythm (Feldman and Cleland 1982). Hybrid models have been developed to reconcile these two seemingly conflicting mechanisms (Smith et al. 2000; Rybak et al. 2001). Here we report computer simulations that demonstrate a unified mechanism of the two types of oscillator. In the model, we use the interaction of Ca++-dependent K+ channels (Mifflin et al. 1985) with Ca++-induced Ca++ release from intracellular stores (McPherson and Campbell 1993), which was recently revealed in neurons (Hernandez-Cruz et al. 1997; Mitra and Slaughter 2002a,b; Scornik et al. 2001). Our computations demonstrate that uncoupled neurons with these intracellular mechanisms show conditional pacemaker properties (Butera et al. 1999) when exposed to steady excitatory inputs. Adding weak inhibitory synapses (based on increased K+ conductivity) between two model neural pools surprisingly synchronizes the activity of both neural pools. As inhibitory synaptic connections between the two pools increase from zero to higher values, the model produces first dissociated pacemaker activity of individual neurons, then periodic synchronous bursts of all neurons (inspiratory and expiratory), and finally reciprocal rhythmic activity of the neural pools.  相似文献   

Effect of estrogen on lysosomal enzyme activities in rat heart   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activities per microgram DNA of five lysosomal enzymes [cathepsin D, cathepsin B, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (beta-NAG), beta-glucuronidase, and acid phosphatase] were measured in homogenates of female and male rat (Sprague-Dawley) hearts. Female rats were studied during stages of the estrous cycle and at 3 weeks after ovariectomy. Three-week-postovariectomized female rats and intact male rats were injected subcutaneously with 17 beta-estradiol-3-benzoate. Lysosomal enzyme activities in the male rat heart were more responsive to exogenous estradiol than were activities in the female rat heart. Cathepsin B, beta-NAG, and beta-glucuronidase were increased dramatically in the male rat heart upon short-term administration of estrogen (4 days). In both female and male rat hearts, activities of two lysosomal proteinases, cathepsins B and D, were reduced significantly (approximately 50%) by extended administration of estrogen for 10 days.  相似文献   

We show that two distinct distributions of F-actin are present in the hyphal apex of the oomycete Achlya bisexualis, that have been chemically fixed with a combination of methylglyoxal and formaldehyde and stained with Alexa phalloidin. In approximately one half of the hyphae examined, an F-actin depleted zone within the apical F-actin cap was observed. The remaining hyphae had a continuous apical cap. In live, growing hyphae two types of cytoplasmic organization were observed at the tips, one in which a clear zone was present which may correlate with the F-actin depleted zone, and one where no such clear zone existed which may represent the continuous cap. We suggest that the F-actin depleted zone may be a structural component of the actin network in a subpopulation of oomycete hyphae and may be comparable to similar F-actin depleted zones at the apices of other tip growing cells such as pollen tubes and root hairs. This observation has implications with regard to models of hyphal extension. Hyphae fixed with formaldehyde alone showed continuous apical F-actin caps. Our ability to resolve the F-actin depleted zone likely reflects the cross-linking capabilities of methylglyoxal. The methylglyoxal-formaldehyde combination fixative gave more stained hyphae, brighter staining and more complete staining of F-actin compared to formaldehyde alone.  相似文献   

The activities of several lysosomal enzymes were assayed in control and in exercise-hypertrophied cardiac muscle of mice (Mus musculus). The repeated running program increased the activity of beta-glucuronidase (16.1%) in mouse cardiac muscle. Decreased activities of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (10.8%), acid ribonuclease (10.7%), and arylsulphatase (14.2%) were observed in the hypertrophied myocardium. The activities of acid deoxyribonuclease, cathepsin C, cathepsin D, and p-nitrophenylphosphatase as well as the activities of citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase, mitochondrial enzymes, were unaffected in cardiac muscle. We suggest that lysosomal enzyme responses are selective and highly different in physiologically and pathologically induced cardiac hypertrophies.  相似文献   

Summary The fusion of cytochrome oxidase liposomes with liposomes reconstituted with mitochondrial hydrophobic protein is dependent on the presence of an acidic phospholipid in the liposomes and on the addition of Ca++ ions. Liposomes which have grown, by fusion, to diameters in excess of 1000 Å lose the ability to fuse further, unless an osmotic gradient across the liposome membrane is established, with the internal osmotic pressure higher than the external. At a given Ca++ concentration, the extent to which this second fusion step takes place is determined by the ratio of internal to external osmolarity. Single-walled liposomes with diameters exceeding 1 m have been produced by this technique. The data suggest that the thermodynamic driving force for the Ca++-induced fusion is an excess surface free energy which can be supplied by membrane curvature or transmembrane osmotic gradients.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles to the aqueous phase of a black lipid membrane (BLM) causes a large increase in BLM conductance within 10 min. The conductance increase is absolutely dependent on three conditions: The presence of at least 0.5mm Ca++, an acidic phospholipid such as phosphatidylserine or diphosphatidylglycerol in the BLM phospholipid mixture, and an osmotic gradient across the SR vesicle membrane, with the internal osmolarity greater than the external. These requirements are identical to conditions under which the fusion of phospholipid vesicles occurs.When the early part of the time course of conductance rise is examined at high sensitivity, the conductance is seen to increase in discrete steps. The probability of a step increases with the concentration of Ca++ in the medium, with the fraction of acidic phospholipid in the BLM, and with the size of the osmotic gradient across the SR vesicle membrane. On the other hand, the average conductance change per step is independent of the above parameters, but varies with the type and concentration of ions present in the aqueous phase. For a given ion, the mean specific conductance per step is independent of the ion's concentration between 10 and 100mm.The probability distribution of the step-conductances agrees well with the distribution of SR vesicle surface areas, both before and after sonication of the vesicles.The evidence indicates that SR vesicles fuse with the BLM, thereby inserting SR membrane conductance pathways into it. Each discrete conductance jump appears to be the result of the fusion of a single SR vesicle with the BLM. This technique may serve as a general method for inserting membrane vesicles into an electrically accessible system.  相似文献   

Activities of 10 lysosomal hydrolase enzymes (beta-hexosaminidase, beta-galactosidase, alpha-galactosidase, alpha-mannosidase, beta-mannosidase, alpha-L-fucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, alpha-glucosidase, alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, and acid phosphatase) were determined in eight organs (brain, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, skeletal muscle, lung, and testis) in males and females of six inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6J, C3H/HeJ, DBA/2J, BALB/cJ, P/J, and 129/J). Examples of enzyme-specific variation, organ-specific variation, and enzyme- and organ-specific variation were found. New enzyme-specific variants with the features of systemic regulators for alpha-L-fucosidase and beta-mannosidase were found. Known variants were detected. Organ-specific variants had some of the properties expected for a new class of genes affecting multiple enzymes: organ-specific regulators.  相似文献   

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