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Large-scale protein identifications from highly complex protein mixtures have recently been achieved using multidimensional liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS/MS) and subsequent database searching with algorithms such as SEQUEST. Here, we describe a probability-based evaluation of false positive rates associated with peptide identifications from three different human proteome samples. Peptides from human plasma, human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) lysate, and human hepatocyte (Huh)-7.5 cell lysate were separated by strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography coupled offline with reversed-phase capillary LC-MS/MS analyses. The MS/MS spectra were first analyzed by SEQUEST, searching independently against both normal and sequence-reversed human protein databases, and the false positive rates of peptide identifications for the three proteome samples were then analyzed and compared. The observed false positive rates of peptide identifications for human plasma were significantly higher than those for the human cell lines when identical filtering criteria were used, suggesting that the false positive rates are significantly dependent on sample characteristics, particularly the number of proteins found within the detectable dynamic range. Two new sets of filtering criteria are proposed for human plasma and human cell lines, respectively, to provide an overall confidence of >95% for peptide identifications. The new criteria were compared, using a normalized elution time (NET) criterion (Petritis et al. Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 1039-1048), with previously published criteria (Washburn et al. Nat. Biotechnol. 2001, 19, 242-247). The results demonstrate that the present criteria provide significantly higher levels of confidence for peptide identifications from mammalian proteomes without greatly decreasing the number of identifications.  相似文献   

Database-searching programs generally identify only a fraction of the spectra acquired in a standard LC/MS/MS study of digested proteins. Subtle variations in database-searching algorithms for assigning peptides to MS/MS spectra have been known to provide different identification results. To leverage this variation, a probabilistic framework is developed for combining the results of multiple search engines. The scores for each search engine are first independently converted into peptide probabilities. These probabilities can then be readily combined across search engines using Bayesian rules and the expectation maximization learning algorithm. A significant gain in the number of peptides identified with high confidence with each additional search engine is demonstrated using several data sets of increasing complexity, from a control protein mixture to a human plasma sample, searched using SEQUEST, Mascot, and X! Tandem database-searching programs. The increased rate of peptide assignments also translates into a substantially larger number of protein identifications in LC/MS/MS studies compared to a typical analysis using a single database-search tool.  相似文献   

Several methods have been used to identify peptides that correspond to tandem mass spectra. In this work, we describe a data set of low energy tandem mass spectra generated from a control mixture of known protein components that can be used to evaluate the accuracy of these methods. As an example, these spectra were searched by the SEQUEST application against a human peptide sequence database. The numbers of resulting correct and incorrect peptide assignments were then determined. We show how the sensitivity and error rate are affected by the use of various filtering criteria based upon SEQUEST scores and the number of tryptic termini of assigned peptides.  相似文献   

We describe the application of a peptide retention time reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) prediction model previously reported (Petritis et al. Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 1039) for improved peptide identification. The model uses peptide sequence information to generate a theoretical (predicted) elution time that can be compared with the observed elution time. Using data from a set of known proteins, the retention time parameter was incorporated into a discriminant function for use with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data analyzed with the peptide/protein identification program SEQUEST. For singly charged ions, the number of confident identifications increased by 12% when the elution time metric is included compared to when mass spectral data is the sole source of information in the context of a Drosophila melanogaster database. A 3-4% improvement was obtained for doubly and triply charged ions for the same biological system. Application to the larger Rattus norvegicus (rat) and human proteome databases resulted in an 8-9% overall increase in the number of confident identifications, when both the discriminant function and elution time are used. The effect of adding "runner-up" hits (peptide matches that are not the highest scoring for a spectra) from SEQUEST is also explored, and we find that the number of confident identifications is further increased by 1% when these hits are also considered. Finally, application of the discriminant functions derived in this work with approximately 2.2 million spectra from over three hundred LC-MS/MS analyses of peptides from human plasma protein resulted in a 16% increase in confident peptide identifications (9022 vs 7779) using elution time information. Further improvements from the use of elution time information can be expected as both the experimental control of elution time reproducibility and the predictive capability are improved.  相似文献   

A very popular approach in proteomics is the so-called "shotgun LC-MS/MS" strategy. In its mostly used form, a total protein digest is separated by ion exchange fractionation in the first dimension followed by off- or on-line RP LC-MS/MS. We replaced the first dimension by isoelectric focusing in the liquid phase using the Off-Gel device producing 15 fractions. As peptides are separated by their isoelectric point in the first dimension and hydrophobicity in the second, those experimentally derived parameters (pI and R(T)) can be used for the validation of potentially identified peptides. We applied this strategy to a cellular extract of Drosophila Kc167 cells and identified peptides with two different database search engines, namely PHENYX and SEQUEST, with PeptideProphet validation of the SEQUEST results. PHENYX returned 7582 potential peptide identifications and SEQUEST 7629. The SEQUEST results were reduced to 2006 identifications by validation with PeptideProphet. Validation of the PeptideProphet, SEQUEST and PHENYX results by pI and R(T) parameters confirmed 1837 PeptideProphet identifications while in the remainder of the SEQUEST results another 1130 peptides were found to be likely hits. The validation on PHENYX resulted in the fixation of a solid p-value threshold of <1 x 10(-04) that sets by itself the correct identification confidence to >95%, and a final count of 2034 highly confident peptide identifications was achieved after pI and R(T) validation. Although the PeptideProphet and PHENYX datasets have a very high confidence the overlap of common identifications was only at 79.4%, to be explained by the fact that data interpretation was done searching different protein databases with two search engines of different algorithms. The approach used in this study allowed for an automated and improved data validation process for shotgun proteomics projects producing MS/MS peptide identification results of very high confidence.  相似文献   



In proteomic analysis, MS/MS spectra acquired by mass spectrometer are assigned to peptides by database searching algorithms such as SEQUEST. The assignations of peptides to MS/MS spectra by SEQUEST searching algorithm are defined by several scores including Xcorr, ΔCn, Sp, Rsp, matched ion count and so on. Filtering criterion using several above scores is used to isolate correct identifications from random assignments. However, the filtering criterion was not favorably optimized up to now.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometers that provide high mass accuracy such as FT-ICR instruments are increasingly used in proteomic studies. Although the importance of accurately determined molecular masses for the identification of biomolecules is generally accepted, its role in the analysis of shotgun proteomic data has not been thoroughly studied. To gain insight into this role, we used a hybrid linear quadrupole ion trap/FT-ICR (LTQ FT) mass spectrometer for LC-MS/MS analysis of a highly complex peptide mixture derived from a fraction of the yeast proteome. We applied three data-dependent MS/MS acquisition methods. The FT-ICR part of the hybrid mass spectrometer was either not exploited, used only for survey MS scans, or also used for acquiring selected ion monitoring scans to optimize mass accuracy. MS/MS data were assigned with the SEQUEST algorithm, and peptide identifications were validated by estimating the number of incorrect assignments using the composite target/decoy database search strategy. We developed a simple mass calibration strategy exploiting polydimethylcyclosiloxane background ions as calibrant ions. This strategy allowed us to substantially improve mass accuracy without reducing the number of MS/MS spectra acquired in an LC-MS/MS run. The benefits of high mass accuracy were greatest for assigning MS/MS spectra with low signal-to-noise ratios and for assigning phosphopeptides. Confident peptide identification rates from these data sets could be doubled by the use of mass accuracy information. It was also shown that improving mass accuracy at a cost to the MS/MS acquisition rate substantially lowered the sensitivity of LC-MS/MS analyses. The use of FT-ICR selected ion monitoring scans to maximize mass accuracy reduced the number of protein identifications by 40%.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts were prepared according to standard protocols from Jurkat T cells stimulated via T cell receptor/CD28 cross-linking and from control (unstimulated) cells. Co-isolating proteins from the control and stimulated cell preparations were labeled with isotopically normal (d0) and heavy (d8) versions of the same isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT) reagent, respectively. Samples were combined, proteolyzed, and resultant peptides fractionated via cation exchange chromatography. Cysteine-containing (ICAT-labeled) peptides were recovered via the biotin tag component of the ICAT reagents by avidin-affinity chromatography. On-line micro-capillary liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry was performed on both avidin-affinity (ICAT-labeled) and flow-through (unlabeled) fractions. Initial peptide sequence identification was by searching recorded tandem mass spectrometry spectra against a human sequence data base using SEQUEST software. New statistical data modeling algorithms were then applied to the SEQUEST search results. These allowed for discrimination between likely "correct" and "incorrect" peptide assignments, and from these the inferred proteins that they collectively represented, by calculating estimated probabilities that each peptide assignment and subsequent protein identification was a member of the "correct" population. For convenience, the resultant lists of peptide sequences assigned and the proteins to which they corresponded were filtered at an arbitrarily set cut-off of 0.5 (i.e. 50% likely to be "correct") and above and compiled into two separate datasets. In total, these data sets contained 7667 individual peptide identifications, which represented 2669 unique peptide sequences, corresponding to 685 proteins and related protein groups.  相似文献   

Reliable statistical validation of peptide and protein identifications is a top priority in large-scale mass spectrometry based proteomics. PeptideProphet is one of the computational tools commonly used for assessing the statistical confidence in peptide assignments to tandem mass spectra obtained using database search programs such as SEQUEST, MASCOT, or X! TANDEM. We present two flexible methods, the variable component mixture model and the semiparametric mixture model, that remove the restrictive parametric assumptions in the mixture modeling approach of PeptideProphet. Using a control protein mixture data set generated on an linear ion trap Fourier transform (LTQ-FT) mass spectrometer, we demonstrate that both methods improve parametric models in terms of the accuracy of probability estimates and the power to detect correct identifications controlling the false discovery rate to the same degree. The statistical approaches presented here require that the data set contain a sufficient number of decoy (known to be incorrect) peptide identifications, which can be obtained using the target-decoy database search strategy.  相似文献   

Development of robust statistical methods for validation of peptide assignments to tandem mass (MS/MS) spectra obtained using database searching remains an important problem. PeptideProphet is one of the commonly used computational tools available for that purpose. An alternative simple approach for validation of peptide assignments is based on addition of decoy (reversed, randomized, or shuffled) sequences to the searched protein sequence database. The probabilistic modeling approach of PeptideProphet and the decoy strategy can be combined within a single semisupervised framework, leading to improved robustness and higher accuracy of computed probabilities even in the case of most challenging data sets. We present a semisupervised expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for constructing a Bayes classifier for peptide identification using the probability mixture model, extending PeptideProphet to incorporate decoy peptide matches. Using several data sets of varying complexity, from control protein mixtures to a human plasma sample, and using three commonly used database search programs, SEQUEST, MASCOT, and TANDEM/k-score, we illustrate that more accurate mixture estimation leads to an improved control of the false discovery rate in the classification of peptide assignments.  相似文献   

High-throughput protein identification in mass spectrometry is predominantly achieved by first identifying tryptic peptides by a database search and then by combining the peptide hits for protein identification. One of the popular tools used for the database search is SEQUEST. Peptide identification is carried out by selecting SEQUEST hits above a specified threshold, the value of which is typically chosen empirically in an attempt to separate true identifications from false ones. These SEQUEST scores are not normalized with respect to the composition, length and other parameters of the peptides. Furthermore, there is no rigorous reliability estimate assigned to the protein identifications derived from these scores. Hence, the interpretation of SEQUEST hits generally requires human involvement, making it difficult to scale up the identification process for genome-scale applications. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a method, which combines a neural network and a statistical model, for normalizing SEQUEST scores, and also for providing a reliability estimate for each SEQUEST hit. This method improves the sensitivity and specificity of peptide identification compared to the standard filtering procedure used in the SEQUEST package, and provides a basis for estimating the reliability of protein identifications.  相似文献   

Researchers have several options when designing proteomics experiments. Primary among these are choices of experimental method, instrumentation and spectral interpretation software. To evaluate these choices on a proteome scale, we compared triplicate measurements of the yeast proteome by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using linear ion trap (LTQ) and hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight (QqTOF; QSTAR) mass spectrometers. Acquired MS/MS spectra were interpreted with Mascot and SEQUEST algorithms with and without the requirement that all returned peptides be tryptic. Using a composite target decoy database strategy, we selected scoring criteria yielding 1% estimated false positive identifications at maximum sensitivity for all data sets, allowing reasonable comparisons between them. These comparisons indicate that Mascot and SEQUEST yield similar results for LTQ-acquired spectra but less so for QSTAR spectra. Furthermore, low reproducibility between replicate data acquisitions made on one or both instrument platforms can be exploited to increase sensitivity and confidence in large-scale protein identifications.  相似文献   

We report on the effectiveness of CID, HCD, and ETD for LC-FT MS/MS analysis of peptides using a tandem linear ion trap-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. A range of software tools and analysis parameters were employed to explore the use of CID, HCD, and ETD to identify peptides (isolated from human blood plasma) without the use of specific "enzyme rules". In the evaluation of an FDR-controlled SEQUEST scoring method, the use of accurate masses for fragments increased the number of identified peptides (by ~50%) compared to the use of conventional low accuracy fragment mass information, and CID provided the largest contribution to the identified peptide data sets compared to HCD and ETD. The FDR-controlled Mascot scoring method provided significantly fewer peptide identifications than SEQUEST (by 1.3-2.3 fold) and CID, HCD, and ETD provided similar contributions to identified peptides. Evaluation of de novo sequencing and the UStags method for more intense fragment ions revealed that HCD afforded more contiguous residues (e.g., ≥ 7 amino acids) than either CID or ETD. Both the FDR-controlled SEQUEST and Mascot scoring methods provided peptide data sets that were affected by the decoy database used and mass tolerances applied (e.g., identical peptides between data sets could be limited to ~70%), while the UStags method provided the most consistent peptide data sets (>90% overlap). The m/z ranges in which CID, HCD, and ETD contributed the largest number of peptide identifications were substantially overlapping. This work suggests that the three peptide ion fragmentation methods are complementary and that maximizing the number of peptide identifications benefits significantly from a careful match with the informatics tools and methods applied. These results also suggest that the decoy strategy may inaccurately estimate identification FDRs.  相似文献   

Current efforts aimed at developing high-throughput proteomics focus on increasing the speed of protein identification. Although improvements in sample separation, enrichment, automated handling, mass spectrometric analysis, as well as data reduction and database interrogation strategies have done much to increase the quality, quantity and efficiency of data collection, significant bottlenecks still exist. Various separation techniques have been coupled with tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) approaches to allow a quicker analysis of complex mixtures of proteins, especially where a high number of unambiguous protein identifications are the exception, rather than the rule. MS/MS is required to provide structural / amino acid sequence information on a peptide and thus allow protein identity to be inferred from individual peptides. Currently these spectra need to be manually validated because: (a) the potential of false positive matches i.e., protein not in database, and (b) observed fragmentation trends may not be incorporated into current MS/MS search algorithms. This validation represents a significant bottleneck associated with high-throughput proteomic strategies. We have developed CHOMPER, a software program which reduces the time required to both visualize and confirm MS/MS search results and generate post-analysis reports and protein summary tables. CHOMPER extracts the identification information from SEQUEST MS/MS search result files, reproduces both the peptide and protein identification summaries, provides a more interactive visualization of the MS/MS spectra and facilitates the direct submission of manually validated identifications to a database.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Li J  Xie H  Zhu Y  He F 《Proteomics》2007,7(22):4036-4044
Based on the randomized database method and a linear discriminant function (LDF) model, a new strategy to filter out false positive matches in SEQUEST database search results is proposed. Given an experiment MS/MS dataset and a protein sequence database, a randomized database is constructed and merged with the original database. Then, all MS/MS spectra are searched against the combined database. For each expected false positive rate (FPR), LDFs are constructed for different charge states and used to filter out the false positive matches from the normal database. In order to investigate the error of FPR estimation, the new strategy was applied to a reference dataset. As a result, the estimated FPR was very close to the actual FPR. While applied to a human K562 cell line dataset, which is a complicated dataset from real sample, more matches could be confirmed than the traditional cutoff-based methods at the same estimated FPR. Also, though most of the results confirmed by the LDF model were consistent with those of PeptideProphet, the LDF model could still provide complementary information. These results indicate that the new method can reliably control the FPR of peptide identifications and is more sensitive than traditional cutoff-based methods.  相似文献   

A notable inefficiency of shotgun proteomics experiments is the repeated rediscovery of the same identifiable peptides by sequence database searching methods, which often are time-consuming and error-prone. A more precise and efficient method, in which previously observed and identified peptide MS/MS spectra are catalogued and condensed into searchable spectral libraries to allow new identifications by spectral matching, is seen as a promising alternative. To that end, an open-source, functionally complete, high-throughput and readily extensible MS/MS spectral searching tool, SpectraST, was developed. A high-quality spectral library was constructed by combining the high-confidence identifications of millions of spectra taken from various data repositories and searched using four sequence search engines. The resulting library consists of over 30,000 spectra for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using this library, SpectraST vastly outperforms the sequence search engine SEQUEST in terms of speed and the ability to discriminate good and bad hits. A unique advantage of SpectraST is its full integration into the popular Trans Proteomic Pipeline suite of software, which facilitates user adoption and provides important functionalities such as peptide and protein probability assignment, quantification, and data visualization. This method of spectral library searching is especially suited for targeted proteomics applications, offering superior performance to traditional sequence searching.  相似文献   

用于串联质谱鉴定多肽的计量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已有多种对串联质谱与数据库中多肽的理论质谱的一致性进行评估的高通量计量算法用于鸟枪法蛋白质组学 (shotgunproteomics)研究。然而这些方法操作时存在大量错误的多肽鉴定。这里提出一种新的串联质谱识别多肽序列的计量算法。该算法综合考虑了串联质谱中不同离子出现的概率、多肽的酶切位点数、理论离子与实验离子的匹配程度和匹配模式。对大容量的串联质谱数据集的测试表明 ,根据算法开发的软件PepSearch比目前最常用的软件SEQUEST有更好的鉴定准确性。PepSearch可从http : compbio.sibsnet.org projects pepsearch下载。  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is frequently used in the identification of peptides and proteins. Typical proteomic experiments rely on algorithms such as SEQUEST and MASCOT to compare thousands of tandem mass spectra against the theoretical fragment ion spectra of peptides in a database. The probabilities that these spectrum-to-sequence assignments are correct can be determined by statistical software such as PeptideProphet or through estimations based on reverse or decoy databases. However, many of the software applications that assign probabilities for MS/MS spectra to sequence matches were developed using training data sets from 3D ion-trap mass spectrometers. Given the variety of types of mass spectrometers that have become commercially available over the last 5 years, we sought to generate a data set of reference data covering multiple instrumentation platforms to facilitate both the refinement of existing computational approaches and the development of novel software tools. We analyzed the proteolytic peptides in a mixture of tryptic digests of 18 proteins, named the "ISB standard protein mix", using 8 different mass spectrometers. These include linear and 3D ion traps, two quadrupole time-of-flight platforms (qq-TOF), and two MALDI-TOF-TOF platforms. The resulting data set, which has been named the Standard Protein Mix Database, consists of over 1.1 million spectra in 150+ replicate runs on the mass spectrometers. The data were inspected for quality of separation and searched using SEQUEST. All data, including the native raw instrument and mzXML formats and the PeptideProphet validated peptide assignments, are available at http://regis-web.systemsbiology.net/PublicDatasets/.  相似文献   

A concept of unique peptides(CUP)was proposed and implemented to identify whole-cell proteins from tandem mass spectrometry(MS/MS)ion spectra.A unique peptide is defined as a peptide,irrespective of its length,that exists only in one protein of a proteome of interest,despite the fact that this peptide may appear more than once in the same protein.Integrating CUP,a two-step whole-cell protein identification strategy was developed to further increase the confidence of identified proteins.A dataset containing 40,243 MS/MS ion spectra of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and protein identification tools including Mascot and SEQUEST were used to illustrate the proposed concept and strategy.Without implementing CUP,the proteins identified by SEQUEST are 2.26 fold of those identified by Mascot.When CUP was applied,the proteins bearing unique peptides identified by SEQUEST are3.89 fold of those identified by Mascot.By cross-comparing two sets of identified proteins,only 89 common proteins derived from CUP were found.The key discrepancy between identified proteins was resulted from the filtering criteria employed by each protein identification tool.According to the origin of peptides classified by CUP and the commonality of proteins recognized by protein identification tools,all identified proteins were cross-compared,resulting in four groups of proteins possessing different levels of assigned confidence.  相似文献   

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