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Hydropathic anti-complementarity of amino acids based on the genetic code   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
An interesting pattern in the genetic code has been discovered. Codons for hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acids on one strand of DNA are complemented by codons for hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids on the other DNA strand, respectively. The average tendency of codons for "uncharged" (slightly hydrophilic) amino acids is to be complemented by codons for "uncharged" amino acids.  相似文献   

The standard genetic code is known to be much more efficient in minimizing adverse effects of misreading errors and one-point mutations in comparison with a random code having the same structure, i.e. the same number of codons coding for each particular amino acid. We study the inverse problem, how the code structure affects the optimal physico-chemical parameters of amino acids ensuring the highest stability of the genetic code. It is shown that the choice of two or more amino acids with given properties determines unambiguously all the others. In this sense the code structure determines strictly the optimal parameters of amino acids or the corresponding scales may be derived directly from the genetic code. In the code with the structure of the standard genetic code the resulting values for hydrophobicity obtained in the scheme “leave one out” and in the scheme with fixed maximum and minimum parameters correlate significantly with the natural scale. The comparison of the optimal and natural parameters allows assessing relative impact of physico-chemical and error-minimization factors during evolution of the genetic code. As the resulting optimal scale depends on the choice of amino acids with given parameters, the technique can also be applied to testing various scenarios of the code evolution with increasing number of codified amino acids. Our results indicate the co-evolution of the genetic code and physico-chemical properties of recruited amino acids.  相似文献   

Chemical language of the genetic code is suggested in which elementary information code units are presented by functional groups of amino acids and nucleotides. Using this language, the existence of correspondence and conformity of chemical parameters of amino acids and of central nucleotides of their anticodons was demonstrated. These findings confirm the idea that the genetic code is determined by chemical properties of amino acids and nucleotides and that this determination is the result of direct specific interactions between amino acids and nucleotide triplets at the stage of the origin of the code. The data obtained reveal primary role of anticodon triplets in the origin of the code. Key role of the central nucleotide in triplets for amino acid coding is confirmed.  相似文献   

The genetic code, understood as the specific assignment of amino acids to nucleotide triplets, might have preceded the existence of translation. Amino acids became utilized as cofactors by ribozymes in a metabolically complex RNA world. Specific charging ribozymes linked amino acids to corresponding RNA handles, which could basepair with different ribozymes, via an anticodon hairpin, and so deliver the cofactor to the ribozyme. Growing of the 'handle' into a presumptive tRNA was possible while function was retained and modified throughout. A stereochemical relation between some amino acids and cognate anticodons/codons is likely to have been important in the earliest assignments. Recent experimental findings, including selection for ribozymes catalyzing peptide-bond formation and those utilizing an amino acid cofactor, hold promise that scenarios of this major transition can be tested.  相似文献   

In this paper the partition metric is used to compare binary trees deriving from (i) the study of the evolutionary relationships between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, (ii) the physicochemical properties of amino acids and (iii) the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. If the tree defining the evolutionary relationships between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is assumed to be a manifestation of the mechanism that originated the organization of the genetic code, then the results appear to indicate the following: the hypothesis that regards the genetic code as a map of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids seems to explain the organization of the genetic code, at least as plausibly as the hypotheses that consider the physicochemical properties of amino acids as the main adaptive theme that lead to the structuring of the code.  相似文献   

At earlier stages in the evolution of the universal genetic code, fewer than 20 amino acids were considered to be used. Although this notion is supported by a wide range of data, the actual existence and function of the genetic codes with a limited set of canonical amino acids have not been addressed experimentally, in contrast to the successful development of the expanded codes. Here, we constructed artificial genetic codes involving a reduced alphabet. In one of the codes, a tRNAAla variant with the Trp anticodon reassigns alanine to an unassigned UGG codon in the Escherichia coli S30 cell-free translation system lacking tryptophan. We confirmed that the efficiency and accuracy of protein synthesis by this Trp-lacking code were comparable to those by the universal genetic code, by an amino acid composition analysis, green fluorescent protein fluorescence measurements and the crystal structure determination. We also showed that another code, in which UGU/UGC codons are assigned to Ser, synthesizes an active enzyme. This method will provide not only new insights into primordial genetic codes, but also an essential protein engineering tool for the assessment of the early stages of protein evolution and for the improvement of pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

A novel method of the in vitro incorporation of two nonnatural amino acids into proteins through extension of the genetic code was developed. The streptavidin mRNA containing AGGU and CGGG, and chemically aminoacylated tRNA(ACCU) and tRNA(CCCG) were prepared, then they were added into E. coli in vitro protein synthesizing system. As a result, two nonnatural amino acids were successfully incorporated into desired sites of streptavidin.  相似文献   

The sophistication of the editing mechanisms that prevent gene translation errors indicates that amino acid misincorporation is generally a problem to be avoided. Mistranslation is considered invariably deleterious and often caused by confusion between similar proteogenic amino acids. These views are being challenged. The evidence linking misincorporation of dietary non‐proteogenic amino acids to human disease continues to grow, and a report in this issue of The EMBO Journal demonstrates the importance of preventing non‐proteogenic amino acid misincorporation for cellular homeostasis (Cvetesic et al, 2014 ).  相似文献   

Summary The 20 naturally occurring amino acids are characterized by 20 variables: pKNH 2, pKCOOH, pI, molecular weight, substituent van der Waals volume, seven1H and13C nuclear magnetic resonance shift variables, and eight hydrophobicity-hydrophilicity scales. The 20-dimensional data set is reduced to a few new dimensions by principal components analysis. The three first principal components reveal relationships between the properties of the amino acids and the genetic code. Thus the amino acids coded for by adenosine (A), uracil (U), or cytosine (C) in their second codon position (corresponding to U, A, or G in the second anticodon position) are grouped in these components. No grouping was detected for the amino acids coded for by guanine (G) in the second codon position (corresponding to C in the second anticodon position). The results show that a relationship exists between the physical-chemical properties of the amino acids and which of the A (U), U (A), or C (G) nucleotide is used in the second codon (anticodon) position. The amino acids coded for by G (C) in the second codon (anticodon) position do not participate in this relationship.  相似文献   

The chemical language of genetic code is proposed. As a result of chemical language application for the analysis of the modern genetic code, the existence of an unambiguous correspondence between the chemical properties of amino acids and their coding triplets (codons and anticodons) is shown. This confirms the hypothesis of the code chemical determination. The complementarity between the chemical properties of amino acids and their anticodons (but not the codons) has been found also to exist. This observation supports the hypothesis of the genetic code determination by the direct recognition and also underlines the primary role of anticodon in the origin of genetic code in comparison with codons.  相似文献   

We describe a detailed protocol for incorporating non-natural amino acids, 3-iodo-L-tyrosine (IY) and p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (pBpa), into proteins in response to the amber codon (the UAG stop codon) in mammalian cells. These amino acids, IY and pBpa, are applicable for structure determination and the analysis of a network of protein-protein interactions, respectively. This method involves (i) the mutagenesis of the gene encoding the protein of interest to create an amber codon at the desired site, (ii) the expression in mammalian cells of the bacterial pair of an amber suppressor tRNA and an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase specific to IY or pBpa and (iii) the supplementation of the growth medium with these amino acids. The amber mutant gene, together with these bacterial tRNA and synthetase genes, is introduced into mammalian cells. Culturing these cells for 16-40 h allows the expression of the full-length product from the mutant gene, which contains the non-natural amino acid at the introduced amber position. This method is implemented using the conventional tools for molecular biology and treating cultured mammalian cells. This protocol takes 5-6 d for plasmid construction and 3-4 d for incorporating the non-natural amino acids into proteins.  相似文献   

The distribution of amino acids within the rat retina   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  

To understand more fully how amino acid composition of proteins has changed over the course of evolution, a method has been developed for estimating the composition of proteins in an ancestral genome. Estimates are based upon the composition of conserved residues in descendant sequences and empirical knowledge of the relative probability of conservation of various amino acids. Simulations are used to model and correct for errors in the estimates. The method was used to infer the amino acid composition of a large protein set in the Last Universal Ancestor (LUA) of all extant species. Relative to the modern protein set, LUA proteins were found to be generally richer in those amino acids that are believed to have been most abundant in the prebiotic environment and poorer in those amino acids that are believed to have been unavailable or scarce. It is proposed that the inferred amino acid composition of proteins in the LUA probably reflects historical events in the establishment of the genetic code.  相似文献   

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