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J. Gaillochet 《Planta》1981,151(6):544-548
LiCl inhibits the nyctinastic closure of folioles of excised leaves and enhances their opening, if there are 3 h before the light is switched off or on; the minimal concentration for significant effects on closure is 3·10-4 M, and on opening 3·10-3. The use of chlorides of other cations and other Li salts showed specificity of the lithium for the closure movement, the effect being reversed by KCl and NaCl. For the opening movement the Li effect is less specific. These results are compared to those obtained in other phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf movement kinetics in five species of Rhododendron were studied in response to leaf temperature, leaf freezing point, and leaf water deficit. There was a gradient in the degree of leaf curling among species in the following order from the greatest curling to the least curling: Rhododendron catawbiense, R. maximum, R. minus, R. macrophyllum, R. ponticum. Those species found to be tolerant of winter conditions had the most intense leaf movements (both curling and angle) while those species with minimal cold tolerance had limited or no leaf movements. Leaf curling occurred at leaf temperatures above the tissue freezing points in all species. Athough leaf angle was influenced by leaf turgor, general tissue desiccation was not the ultimate cause for thermotropic leaf curling in any species tested. Those species with the greatest leaf curling and angle movements had the highest osmotic potential, the lowest water deficit at the turgor loss point, and the lowest symplastic water fraction. These data suggest that there is a trade off in Rhododendron leaf physiology between cold tolerance (due to leaf movements) and water stress tolerance (due to turgor maintenance mechanisms).  相似文献   

Summary Paired leaflets ofAlbizzia julibrissin spread apart (open) in the daytime and fold together (close) at night. We examined the structure of cells in open and closedAlbizzia motor organs (pulvini) to identify reversible changes in structure associated with motility. Pulvini were fixed in glutaraldehyde and stained using conventional methods. The pulvinus has a central vascular cylinder bordered by thick-walled collenchyma cells, in turn surrounded by an endodermis and many layers of cortical parenchyma. Cortical cells in the extensor undergo large changes in shape during leaflet closure linked with: formation of wall infoldings, development of a large periplasmic space filled with fibrils and membranes, development of lobes on the nucleus, evagination of the nuclear outer envelope membrane, break-up of the large central vacuole to form many small vacuoles, and linking of the plasmalemma to inner regions of the cytoplasm by microfilaments. Cortical cells in the flexor, by contrast, remain relatively stable during leaflet movement. Microtubules are present near the plasmalemma in both extensor and flexor cells; in the extensor, spherical coated vesicles are located near the microtubules. The possible function of these structures in regulating intracellular shuttling processes is discussed.  相似文献   

O. B. Lyshede 《Planta》1977,133(3):255-260
The structure and ultrastructure of epidermal cells with thick mucilaginous inner walls were investigated in leaves ofSpartocytisus filipes. Identification of the main constituents of the wall was attempted by means of histochemistry and polarized light and compared with the ultrastructure of the wall, which showed a mosaic structure alternating with electron dense bands.  相似文献   

Root segments or entire roots of Albizziajulibrissin formed shoot-buds; the former were more responsive thanthe latter. The regeneration capacity of root segments increased with anincreasing distance from the meristem. Shoot regeneration on N6mineral formulation required either a cytokinin (BAP) or thidiazuron (TDZ); thelatter was more effective than the former, inducing a higher number of shoots ata low concentration (0.1 M) in the light as well as in thedark. The frequency of shoot formation was reduced when the auxin inhibitorsmaleic hydrazide (MH) or triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) were included, indicating anindirect role of auxin in shoot morphogenesis. Inhibitors of calcium uptake(lanthanum) and calmodulin, trifluoperazine (TFP) or chlorpromazine (CPZ) atvery low levels, resulted in inhibition to reduction in frequency of shootmorphogenesis. This indicates that TDZ-induced shoot formation may be acalcium-mediated response. Increasing the level of calcium in the medium did notpromote shoot formation in the presence of TDZ (0.1 M). At areduced level of calcium, which was ineffective in the presence of low TDZ (0.1M), shoot-buds appeared when the concentration of TDZ wasraised to 1.0 M. This provides indirect evidence that TDZmodulates the tissue level of calcium needed for shoot formation.  相似文献   

Tubular extensions of the plasmalemma in leaf cells of Zea mays L.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Leaf tissues of Zea mays were examined with a transmission electron microscope and a high-voltage electron microscope. Tubular extensions (invaginations) of the plasmalemma were found in vascular parenchyma cells and thick-walled, lateformed sieve elements of intermediate and small veins, and in epidermal, mesophyll, and sheath cells of all leaves examined. No continuity seems to exist between the tubules and other cellular membranes.  相似文献   

The water relations of leaves of Tradescantia virginiana were studied using the miniaturized pressure probe (Hüsken, E. Steudle, Zimmermann, 1978 Plant Physiol. 61, 158–163). Under well-watered conditions cell turgor pressures, P o, ranged from 2 to 8 bar in epidermal cells. In subsidiary cells P o was about 1.5 to 4.5 bar and in mesophyll cells about 2 to 3.5 bar. From the turgor pressure, relaxation induced in individual cells by changing the turgor pressure directly by means of the pressure probe, the half-time of water exchange was measured to be between 3 and 100 s for the epidermal, subsidiary, and mesophyll cells. The volumetric elastic modulus, , of individual cells was determined by changing the cell volume by a defined amount and simultaneously measuring the corresponding change in cell turgor pressure. The values for the elastic modulus for epidermal, subsidiary, and mesophyll cells are in the range of 40 to 240 bar, 30 to 200 bar, and 6 to 14 bar, respectively. Using these values, the hydraulic conductivity, L p, for the epidermal, subsidiary, and mesophyll cells is calculated from the turgor pressure relaxation process (on the basis of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes) to be between 1 and 55·10-7 cm s-1 bar-1. The data for the volumetric elastic modulus of epidermal and subsidiary cells indicate that the corresponding elastic modulus for the guard cells should be considerably lower due to the large volume changes of these cells during opening or closing. Recalculation of experimental data obtained by K. Raschke (1979, Encycl. Plant Physiol. N.S., vol. 7, pp 383–441) on epidermal strips of Vicia faba indicates that the elastic modulus of guard cells of V. faba is in the order of 40–80 bar for closed stomata. However, with increasing stomatal opening, i.e., increasing guard cell volume, decreases. Therefore, in our opinion Raschke's results would indicate a relationship between guard cell volume and which would be inverse to that for plant cells known in the literature. assumes values between 20–40 bar when the guard cell colume is soubled.  相似文献   

H. D. Gregor  R. Gmelin 《Protoplasma》1979,99(1-2):117-124
Summary The distribution of C-S lyase activity in root cells ofAlbizzia lophanta Benth. plantlets was investigated histochemically. H2S formed upon cleavage of exogenously applied L-cysteine was precipitated by Pb++ in a capture reaction at the site of its formation. Enzyme activity was found to be localized at the root tip and in a layer of cortex cells adjacent to the endodermis throughout the whole length of the root. Distinct areas within the exodermis, distributed in a regular pattern on the root surface, also exhibited the specific reaction. In vivo roots ofAlbizzia lophanta actively excrete the strongly smelling methylene dithiol, formed by enzymatic cleavage of djenkolic acid, the natural substrate of C-S lyase inAlbizzia. The physiological meaning of this compound, as well as the localization and intracellular distribution of C-S lyase activity are discussed.  相似文献   

The changes in the levels of proline, sugar and soluble protein during leaf rolling and its relationship to osmotic adjustment were studied in laboratory conditions. Upon irrigation of plants which have rolled leaves, many sugar crystals occurred on the abaxial surface of the leaves in Ctenanthe setosa (Rosc.) Eichler. The sugar crystals were determined to have sucrose, glucose and fructose. The levels of reducing sugars and proline are higher in rolled leaves while soluble protein levels in rolled leaves are lower than those of unrolled leaves. It was found 1–3, 9–13, 16–21 and 24–28 crystals at degree of leaf rolling 23, 28, 47 and 52%, respectively. Finally, we found a significant correlation between the crystal number and degree of leaf rolling in Ctenanthe setosa. In addition, soluble sugars are found predominant accumulating solute in the plant and are of major importance as a contributor to osmotic adjustment during leaf rolling.  相似文献   

Water relation parameters of leaf cells of the aquatic plant Elodea densa have been measured using the pressure probe. For cells in both the upper and lower epidermis it was found that the elastic modulus () and the hydraulic conductivity (Lp) were dependent on cell turgor (P). Lp was (7.8±5.5)·10-7 cm s-1 bar-1 (mean±SD; n=22 cells) for P>4 bar in cells of the upper epidermis and was increasing by a factor of up to three for P0 bar. No polarity of water movement or concentration dependence of Lp was observed. For cells of the lower epidermis the Lp-values were similar and the hydraulic conductivity also showed a similar dependence on turgor. No wall ingrowth or wall labyrinths (as in transfer cells) could be found in the cells of the lower epidermis. The elastic modulus () of cells of the upper epidermis could be measured over the whole pressure range (P=0–7 bar) by changing the osmotic pressure of the medium. increased linearly with increasing turgor and ranged between 10 and 150 bar. For cells of the lower epidermis the dependence of on P was similar, although the pressure dependence could not be measured on single cells. The Lp-values are compared with literature data obtained for Elodea by a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-technique. The dependence of Lp on P is discussed in terms of pressure dependent structural changes of the cell membranes and interactions between solute and water transport.Abbreviations P cell turgor pressure - Lp hydraulic conductivity - volumetric elastic modulus - T 1/2 half-time of water exchange of individual cell  相似文献   

G. Jung  A. Hellmann  W. Wernicke 《Planta》1993,190(1):10-16
Changes in the density of microtubular mesh-works were analysed in mesophyll cells and mesophyll derived protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum L. and Triticum aestivum L. during leaf development. The main purpose of this study was to test whether the low density, if not lack, of microtubular networks recently described in protoplasts that had been isolated from fully differentiated mesophyll cells happened during protoplast isolation or whether the loss of microtubules actually occurred during differentiation of the leaf tissue. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that the density of the microtubular cytoskeleton in the leaf tissue decreased steadily after cessation of cell growth in both species. Nevertheless, in Triticum microtubule disappearance was swifter and occurred along a gradient from the base to tip of the leaf, a phenomenon reflecting the differences in the ontogeny between the dicotyledonous Nicotiana and the mono-cotyledonous Triticum leaves. Protein extraction from leaf tissues and Western blot analysis indicated that in both species the disappearance of microtubules was the result of a degradation of tubulin and not only due to a depolymerisation into tubulin subunits. When the cell walls were removed from live cells and the protoplasts released, the original patterns of the microtubules became obscured and, particularly in differentiated cells, the integrity and density of the microtubule strands deteriorated. The potential application of the density of the microtubular cytoskeleton as a marker in studies on differentiation and dedifferentiation in mesophyll cells and protoplasts is discussed.We wish to thank Silke Heichel for excellent technical assistance. We also express our thanks to the group of A.M. Lambert at CNRS, Strasbourg, France, for advice during establishment of our Western blot system. The work was supported by a grant of the German Ministry of Science and Technology (BMFT).  相似文献   

Morphology, water relations, and xylem anatomy of high-light (sun)- and low-light (shade)-grown Vitis vinifera L. shoots were studied to determine the effects of shading on the hydraulic conductance of the pathway for water flow from the roots to the leaves. Shade shoots developed leaf area ratios (leaf area: plant dry weight) that were nearly threefold greater than sun shoots. Water-potential gradients (·m–1) in the shoot xylem accounted for most of the ·m–1 between soil and shoot apex at low and high transpiration rates in both sun and shade shoots, but the gradients were two- to fourfold greater in shade-grown plants. Low light reduced xylem conduit number in petioles, but had an additional slight effect on conduit diameter in internodes. The hydraulic conductance per unit length (Kh) and the specific hydraulic conductivity (ks, i.e. Kh per xylem cross-sectional area) of internodes, leaf petioles, and leaf laminae at different developmental stages leaf plastochron index was calculated from measurements of water potential and water flow in intact plants, from flow through excised organs, and from vessel and tracheid lumen diameters according to Hagen-Poiseuille's equation. For all methods and conductance parameters, the propensity to transport water to sink leaves was severalfold greater in internodes than in petioles. The Kh and ks increased logarithmically until growth ceased, independent of treatment and measurement method, and increased further in pressurized-flow experiments and Hagen-Poiseuille predictions. However, the increase was less in shade internodes than in sun internodes. Mature internodes of shade-grown plants had a two- to fourfold reduced Kh and significantly lower ks than sun internodes. Except very early in development, leaf lamina conductance and ks from shade-grown plants was also reduced. The strong reduction in Kh with only a slight reduction in leaf area (17% of sun shoots) in the shade shoots indicated a decoupling of water-transport capacity from the transpirational surface supplied by that capacity. This decoupling resulted in strongly reduced leaf specific conductivities and Huber values for both internodes and petioles, which may increase the likelihood of cavitation under conditions of high evaporative demand or soil drought.Abbreviations Ac total cross-sectional area (internodes, petioles, leaf laminae) - Ax xylem cross-sectional area - HV Huber value - Kh hydraulic conductance per unit length - ks specific hydraulic conductivity - LPI leaf plastochron index - LSC leaf specific conductivity - water potential - water-potential gradient - q volume flow of water per unit time Hans R. Schultz was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Ki-114/8-1). We wish to thank Dr. Thomas Geier, Institut für Biologie, Forschungsanstalt D-6222 Geisenheim, Germany for his advice on sample preparation and microscopy, and two anonomous reviewers for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton in plant cells is a dynamic structure that can rapidly respond to extracellular stimuli. Alteration of the organization of microtubules and actin microfilaments was examined in mesophyll cells of flax, Linum usitatissimum L., during attempted infection by the flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini (Ehrenb.) Lev. Flax leaves that had been inoculated with either a compatible (yielding a susceptible reaction) or an incompatible (yielding a resistant reaction) strain of M. lini were embedded in butyl-methylmethacrylate resin; sections of this material were immunofluorescently labelled with anti-tubulin or anti-actin and examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy. In uninfected leaves, microtubules in the mesophyll cells formed a transverse array in the cell cortex. Microfilaments radiated through the cytoplasm from the nucleus. In an incompatible interaction, microtubules and microfilaments were extensively reorganized in mesophyll cells that were in contact with fungal infection hyphae or haustorial mother cells before penetration of the cell by the infection peg. After the initiation of haustorium development, microtubules disappeared from the infected cells, and growth of the haustoria ceased. In an incompatible interaction, hypersensitive cell death occurred in more than 70% of infected cells but occurred in less than 20% of cells in compatible interactions. After the infected cell had undergone hypersensitive cell death, the cytoskeleton in neighbouring cells became focused on the walls shared with the necrotic cell. In compatible interactions, reorganization of the cytoskeleton was either not observed at all or was observed much less frequently up to 48 h after inoculation.Abbreviations FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - WGA wheatgerm agglutinin We thank Dr. G.J. Lawrence for providing valuable discussions and materials.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization of partially O-methylated flavonol glucosides was studied inChrysosplenium americanum leaves using caffeine as stabilizing and visualizing reagent. Electron microscopic observations and chromatographic data indicated that intracellular flavonoids were found to accumulate mainly within the walls of epidermal and mesophyll cells. Various membrane profiles and associated vesicles appeared to be involved in the packaging and channelling of the electron-dense material towards the cell wall. There was no evidence to suggest the participation of chloroplasts in these processes. The significance of flavonoid accumulation in cell walls was discussed in relation to the nature of these compounds and their possible ecophysiological role in this plant.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

M. Bodson 《Planta》1977,135(1):19-23
Vegetative plants of Sinapis alba L. were induced to flower by a single long day of 20 h or by a single short day of 8 h starting at an unusual time of the 24-h cycle (displaced short day). The soluble sugar and starch contents of the just-expanded leaf and the apical bud were measured at various times after the start of each of these two photoinductive treatments. Associated with the induction of flowering there were temporary increases in the soluble sugar and starch contents of the leaf and of the bud. These increases were apparent 14 h after the start of the long day and 12 h after the start of the displaced short day. The starch content of the bud increased later. These results indicate that an increase of the soluble sugar content of the bud is required for its transition from the vegetative to the reproductive condition.  相似文献   

Paves H  Truve E 《Protoplasma》2007,230(3-4):165-169
Summary. Chloroplasts alter their distribution within plant cells depending on the external light conditions. Myosin inhibitors 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and 1-(5-iodonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-1H-hexahydro-1,4-diazepine hydrochloride (ML-7) were used to study the possible role of myosins in chloroplast photorelocation in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll cells. None of these agents had an effect on the chloroplast high-fluence-rate avoidance movement but all of the three myosin inhibitors blocked the accumulation movement of chloroplasts after a high-fluence-rate irradiation of the leaves. The results suggest that myosins have a role in A. thaliana chloroplast photorelocation. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn, University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 15, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia.  相似文献   

Branch architecture, leaf photosynthetic traits, and leaf demography were investigated in saplings of two woody species, Homolanthus caloneurus and Macaranga rostulata, co-occurring in the understory of a tropical mountain forest. M. rostulata saplings have cylindrical crowns, whereas H. caloneurus saplings have flat crowns. Saplings of the two species were found not to differ in area-based photosynthetic traits and in average light conditions in the understory of the studied site, but they do differ in internode length, leaf emergence rate, leaf lifespan, and total leaf area. Displayed leaf area of H. caloneurus saplings, which have the more rapid leaf emergence, was smaller than that of M. rostulata saplings, which have a longer leaf lifespan and larger total leaf area, although M. rostulata saplings showed a higher degree of leaf overlap. Short leaf lifespan and consequent small total leaf area would be linked to leaf overlap avoidance in the densely packed flat H. caloneurus crown. In contrast, M. rostulata saplings maintained a large total leaf area by producing leaves with a long leaf lifespan. In these understory saplings with a different crown architecture, we observed two contrasting adaptation strategies to shade which are achieved by adjusting a suite of morphological and leaf demographic characters. Each understory species has a suite of morphological traits and leaf demography specific to its architecture, thus attaining leaf overlap avoidance or large total leaf area.  相似文献   

Jan Marc  Wesley P. Hackett 《Planta》1991,185(2):171-178
The transition from spiral to distichous leaf arrangement during gibberellic-acid (GA3)-induced rejuvenation in Hedera was studied in detail by scanning electron microscopy of the shoot apical meristem. The transition, which involves the initiation of about 14 new leaf primordia, is accomplished by progressive increments in the divergence angle between the leaf primordia from an initial average value of 138.9 ° until it approaches 180 °. This process is preceded, as well as accompanied, by an increased radial displacement of young leaf primordia away from the apical meristem. Although the width of the leaf primordia also increases, this is unlikely to be a causal factor since it occurs only late in the transition. The size of the primordium-free area of the apical meristem is also unlikely to be involved. Quantitative analysis shows that the divergence angle of consecutive leaf primordia commonly fluctuates between relatively large and small values. Thus the transitional stages form a spirodistichous arrangement in which the divergence angle within each pair of leaves is large relative to that between leaf pairs. The stimulation of the radial displacement of the leaf primordia and the associated phyllotactic transition may involve GA3-induced modification in the spatial organization of cortical microtubules in the apical meristem and related changes in directional cell expansion.Abbreviations DA divergence angle - GA3 gibberellic acid We thank Mr. Gilbert Ahlstrand for his advice regarding scanning electron microscopy. This paper is contribution of the University of Minnesota Agricultural Experimental Station No. 18,726.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence emission at 680 nm (F680) and the rate of CO2 fixation were measured simultaneously in sections along the length of wheat and maize leaves. These leaves possess a basal meristem and show a gradation in development towards the leaf tip. The redox state of the primary electron acceptor, Q, of photosystem II was estimated using a non-invasive method. Distal mature leaf sections displayed typical F680 induction curves which were generally anti-parallel with CO2 fixation and during which Q became gradually oxidised. In leaf-base sections net assimilation of CO2 was not detectable, F680 quenched slowly and monotonously without displaying any of the oscillations typical of mature tissue and Q remained relatively reduced. Sections cut from mid-regions of the leaf showed intermediate characteristics. There were no major differences between the wheat and maize leaf in the parameters measured. The results support the hypothesis that generation of the transthylakoid proton gradient and associated ATP production is not a major limitation to photosynthesis during leaf development in either C3 or C4 plants. Removal of CO2 from the mature leaf sections caused little change in steady-state F680 and produced about 50% reduction of Q. When O2 was then removed, F680 rose sharply and Q became almost totally reduced. In immature tissue unable to assimilate CO2, removal of O2 alone caused a similar large rise in F680 and reduction of Q whilst removal of CO2 had negligible effects on F680 and the redox state of Q. It is concluded that in leaf tissue unable to assimilate CO2, either because CO2 is absent or the tissue is immature, O2 acts as an electron acceptor and maintains Q in a partially oxidised state. The important implication that O2 may have a role in the prevention of photoinhibition of the photochemical apparatus in the developing leaf is discussed.Abbreviations F680 chlorophyll fluorescence emission at 680 nm - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - Q PSII primary electron acceptor - pH transthylakoid proton gradient  相似文献   

The loading and transport functions of vascular bundles in maize (Zea mays L.) leaf strips were investigated by microautoradiography after application of 14CO2. The concentrations of 14C-contents in thin-walled sieve tubes of individual bundles in the loading and transport regions were determined by digital image analysis of silver-grain density over the sieve tubes and compared. In the loading region, relatively high concentrations of 14C-contents were found in the thin-walled sieve tubes of small bundles and in the small, thin-walled sieve tubes of the intermediate bundles; the concentration of 14C-label in large bundles was very low. In the transport region, at a transport distance of 2 cm, all of the small bundles contained 14C-assimilates, but generally less than the same bundles did in the loading region; by comparison, at that distance intermediate and large bundles contained two-to threefold more 14C-assimilates than the same bundles in the loading region. The lateral transfer of assimilates from smaller to larger bundles via transverse veins could be demonstrated directly in microautoradiographs. A reverse transport from larger to smaller bundles was not found. At a transport distance of 4 cm, all large and intermediate bundles were 14C-labeled, but many of the small bundles were not. Although all longitudinal bundles were able to transport 14C-asimilates longitudinally down the blade, it was the large bundles that were primarily involved with longitudinal transport and the small bundles that were primarily involved with loading.  相似文献   

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