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Success of embryonic development of reciprocal hybrids of bream Abramis brama and white bream Blicca bjoerkna was tested under laboratory conditions. Fertilization and embryonic development success of hybrids until hatching was high and comparable to that of pure species.  相似文献   

The growth of bream, Abrumis brumu (L.), in a gravel pit lake was considered to be good in 1982/1983 (Lx=663cm, K=0.105). Theadult breampopulationwasdominated by the 1973and 1976 year-classes. These year classes still formed most of the spawning population in 1987, but had grown very little (<2 cm) in the previous 5 years. In November 1987, 158 kg ha−1 of bream were removed from this lake and in I988 the remaining bream population showed an increase in growth (mean length by 2.7 cm and mean weight by 0.5 kg) and condition (1.87 in 1987 to 2.09 in 1988) in one growing season. This additional growth of an ageing stunted bream population is considered to be the result of an increased food supply after reducing the fish density.  相似文献   

Bream Abramis brama , white bream Blicca bjoerkna and roach Rutilus rutilus all undertook spawning migrations from the River Rhine into oxbows. Adult white bream and roach returned to the river after spawning. This indicates an annual change of habitat allowing the use of optimal conditions in oxbows for spawning and growth of juvenile fish, and the use of feeding grounds rich in benthos in the main river by the adults. In contrast, adult bream were still present in large numbers in the oxbows over the summer. Juvenile bream (0+ and 1+) migrated to the main river. Bream aged 2+ to 4+ were not found in the oxbows, whereas they occurred frequently in the river. Thus bream show ontogenetic changes in their use of the main river and oxbows. The young fish spend their long juvenile phase in the river after leaving the oxbows. Reproduction in oxbows is ensured by mature fish migrating in for a short period from the river as well as by other adults (≥5+) that live permanently in the oxbows. The strong tendency of adult bream to develop permanent stocks in the oxbows gives this species a reproductive advantage, since many oxbows are accessible to Rhine fish only occasionally in the present hydrological situation.  相似文献   

Significant seasonal differences in intra- and interorgan prevalence, abundance and distribution of rodlet cells (RC) were observed in freshwater bream caught in May and August 1997 from a PCB-polluted lake, Lake Kernaala, Finland. In May, the majority of RCs in liver were seen in blood vessel endothelium, while in August most cells were located in the epithelium of the intrahepatic biliary ducts. In kidney, a significant increase in RCs in the columnar epithelium of the collecting ducts was observed from May to August. RCs in spleen were extremely rare in May, but were seen frequently in the endothelium of the splenic blood vessels in August. In gill and intestine, RCs were found in every tissue sample studied, with no statistical differences in their abundance or distribution between seasons. No RCs were seen in gonads. Total numbers of RCs increased dramatically from May to August in kidney and in spleen. The frequency of RCs corresponded strongly with the current phase of parasitic infections in liver, kidney, and spleen. It is concluded that RCs play a role in host defence mechanisms in fish, displaying induced expression at the times of peak parasitic prevalences.  相似文献   

The technique of X-ray cinematography was used to study pharyngeal movements in Abramis brama (L.). The theoretical and practical problems in X-ray cinematography of feeding fish are discussed, as well as criteria for the selection of images suited for detailed measurements.
Respiration and filter-feeding on Daphnia pulex (length c . 1 mm) show different gill arch movement patterns in bream. Slits between gill-arches are kept smaller during filter-feeding. In addition, during filter-feeding, this inter-arch distance decreases considerably in a posterior direction. The hypothesis that particle retention occurs on the slits formed between adjacent gillarches and their gill-rakers is not supported by the present results.  相似文献   

A novel method, heteroduplex analysis, was applied for detecting variation in an amplified growth hormone (GH) gene segment of common bream Abramis brama. Two-allele polymorphism was detected within a 262 bp restriction fragment. The frequency of the variant haplotype in the Main River was 0–50 and in the Danube River 0–32, but the difference was Statistically not significant.  相似文献   

The body attack angle of common bream Abramis brama varied with swimming speed and was best described by θ = −3·32 (±0·24) − 9·23 (±0·54)e− u ( r 2 = 0·56, P  < 0·0001; ±1 s . e . given in parentheses), where θ is the body attack angle and u is swimming speed. The hypothesis that neutrally buoyant fishes may swim with body attack angles deviating increasingly from 0° as the swimming speed decreases is supported.  相似文献   

During observations of the River Ourthe, Belgium, 70 spawning attempts were recorded during the reproductive period of the European grayling. Thirty-six per cent of the spawning attempts proceeded to completion, while interference by another male may explain some of the incomplete acts. Sneaking behaviour was observed and one spawning act included two males and one female.  相似文献   

Niche variation between hybrid taxa and their parental species has been deemed imperative to the persistence of hybrid populations in nature. However, the ecological factors promoting hybrid establishment remain poorly understood. Through the application of a multidisciplinary approach integrating genetics, morphometry, life‐history, and trophic ecology, we studied the hybrids of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.), and their parental species inhabiting an Irish lake. The roach × bream hybrid exhibited a body shape intermediate of that of the parental species. Diet analyses depicted the hybrid as a generalist, feeding on all prey items consumed by either parental species. Stable isotope data confirm the trophic niche breadth of hybrids. A significant correlation between body shape and diet was detected, suggesting that the intermediate phenotype of hybrids might play a role in their feeding abilities, resulting in the utilization of a broader trophic spectrum than the parental species. Growth and age class structure analyses also yielded a scenario that is consistent with the ecological success of hybrids. Genetic analyses suggest that the majority of hybrids result from first‐generation crosses between the parental species; however, a potentially significant proportion of back‐crosses with bream were also detected. The recent introduction of roach and bream into Irish waters, as well as the climatic and ecological features of the colonized habitats, can explain the remarkable success of the roach × bream hybrid in Ireland. The adaptive significance of hybridization and its demographic consequences for the parental species are discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 768–783.  相似文献   

The humphead wrasse Cheilinus undulatus formed resident spawning aggregations daily after high tide at specific locations along the seaward edge of the Palau barrier reef. The location and extent of one aggregation site remained consistent for 6 years with no physical features distinguishing it from adjacent areas. Spawning was documented most months and probably occurred year round with possible seasonal and lunar variation. Spawning males arrived first at the site, followed by females and potentially small primary males. The aggregation female to male sex ratio was estimated to be between 6:1 and 10:1. A maximum of 15 males and 100–150 females were observed at the site. A male courtship posture with the anal fin pointed, the caudal fin folded down and the dorsal fin folded against the body was maintained while swimming a few metres off the bottom in view of females. When ready to spawn females rose up as the posturing male passed and the pair released gametes in a relatively sedate fashion near the surface along the shelf break. No attempted predation on spawning adults was seen. Egg predation after spawning was uncommon. On days with early to mid‐day high tides the spawning period started 2·0–2·5 h after high tide when the speed of lagoon–ocean tidal currents peaked and lasted c. 1 h. On days with later afternoon high tides, spawning occurred sooner after high tide and before current speeds peaked. Other fishes with planktonic eggs spawned at the site as pairs or small groups in a rough succession after high tide with C. undulatus, the last species to spawn.  相似文献   

The livers of bream (Abramis brama) from the Oder River near the town of Schwedt (Germany), were investigated for their content of macrophage centres (MCs). The investigations were carried out for a period of 18 months. The mean MC-number was 20 ± 14 MCs per mm2 in females and 13 ± 11 MCs per mm2 in males. These values are regarded as normal for adult bream of the Oder River. The diameter of the MCs ranged between 8 and 160 μm for both sexes. The study showed positive correlations between the MC-response and water pH as well as water temperature. Different correlations existed between males and females and the water temperature. The use of histological analyses of liver MC-size and -number as a biomarker is discussed. Currently the MC-response is only regarded as an unspecific biomarker on environmental stress.  相似文献   

The abundance of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and the relative abundance of zooplankton taxa were compared with the diet of bream, tench. perch and roach from two gravel pit lakes during May-July 1986 and 1987. Significant food preferences were demonstrated between species and between lakes. Chironomid pupae dominated the macroinvertebrate diet of perch, roach, ate predominantly either Spirogyra sp. (St Peters Lake) or Daphniu hyalina (Main Lake).
The Main Lake, bream fed largely upon chironomid larvae and the bivalve Sphuerium but in St Peters Lake they positively selected a variety of less abundant benthic invertebrate taxa. Bream switched from benthos to zooplankton in the Main Lake in 1986. Tench ate large numbers of Aselhs and showed positive selection of various macroinvertebrate prey in St Peters but ate D. hjulim in Main Lake. Tropic overlap for chironomids and other macroinvertebrate prey was demonstrated between perch, bream and tench, and potentially with wildfowl which used the gravel pits for breeding and wintering.  相似文献   

Spawning behaviour of the blue sprat Spratelloides gracilis was observed at shallow reefs of Kuchierabu‐jima Island, southern Japan. The fish carried out promiscuous spawning behaviour on substrata covered with algal mats mainly in the intertidal region of a shallow inlet. The spawning events occurred only at predawn (20–50 min before sunrise) and daily for c . 25 days from mid‐June to mid‐July.  相似文献   

How alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) are maintained in wildlife populations is one of the major questions in evolutionary biology. As a dominant status, territoriality is typically linked to increased mating opportunities, and one explanation why this behaviour coexists with other tactics is that dominance implies survival costs. Such a trade-off may occur in the Northern chamois Rupicapra rupicapra, as reproductive advantages of territorial males over non-territorial males could be counterbalanced by a reduction in survival mediated through energy expenditure, stress and parasitic infections, ultimately favouring ART coexistence. Here, we analysed age-dependent survival probabilities of territorial (n = 15) and non-territorial (n = 16) adult chamois using information collected over 12 years between 2010 and 2021 in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Western Italian Alps). Survival rates were estimated with a CMR approach using Burnham's joint modelling of live encounter and dead recovery data. The model selection procedure, based on AICc value minimisation, supported a linear decrease of survival with age but the results did not match our predictions, as territorial chamois did not have lower survival rates than non-territorial chamois. In contrast, territorial males appeared to enjoy reproductive success at lower survival costs. This, in turn, supports the role of other factors, such as snow-dependent environmental stochasticity, in the maintenance of ARTs in chamois populations. The limited sample size, however, calls for caution in interpretation, and long-term studies of lifetime reproductive success and survival are necessary to clarify the mechanisms underlying the expression and coexistence of different reproductive behaviours in this species.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the hybrid Abramis brama × Scardinius erythrophthalmus and a single specimen of the hybrid A. brama × Rutilus rutilus are reported and described from Lake Volvi, Macedonia, Greece. This is the first occurrence of either hybrid in Greek fresh waters.  相似文献   

The influence of overripening on salmonid egg quality has often been described in artificial breeding. However, no information exists on the impact of this factor on fish reproducing naturally, although it is likely to be critical, especially in disturbed environments. Pairs of Atlantic salmon in which the size of the male and the female was evenly matched were released in a spawning channel from 1 to 12 days after ovulation. Handling did not affect egg quality. Overripening had a negative effect on egg viability. Egg mortality, infertility and malformations increased with the number of days after ovulation. In females which had just matured, 16·7% of their recovered eggs were dead, 3·1% were unfertilized and 1·7% were malformed, as compared to 25·4, 9·7 and 5·4%, respectively, in females that had been mature for at least a week. Overripening played a role in both female spawning behaviour and capacity to spawn, as females which had been mature for over a week released their eggs more quickly while they retained more ova in their abdominal cavity than early spawning females. Thus, in studies of reproductive behaviour and in particular of sexual selection, it is critical to take into account the maturation status of females since the duration of spawning activity is used by various authors to determine female sexual motivation. Alternatively, overripening may decrease the female selectivity for mates.  相似文献   

Although the total migratory activity of fishes from floodplain lakes in the Lower Rhine (Germany) into the connected drainage channels, estimated using electrofishing, fyke nets and visual observations, was low during summer 1997, conspicuous diel migrations of adult bream Abramis brama in June and July were recorded in one of the channels studied. A considerable proportion of the population of the floodplain lake immigrated into the channel at dusk and left it at dawn. During two winters (1994–1995, 1997–1998) the abundance of fishes increased considerably in the channels. The winter migrations, studied in detail in one of the channels in 1997–1998, started in late October, when the water temperature dropped below 10° C. In contrast to the mean of 500 fishes per 100 m channel length between May and October, >5000 fishes were found from November to March, with maximum values of >50 000 fishes per 100 m channel length in February 1998. More than 90% of these shoals were 0+ year fishes, dominated by roach Rutilus rutilus , bream, perch Perca fluviatilis and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus . These shoals entered the channel at sunrise and left it around sunset. Generally, the 0+ year fishes in the shoals swam separately from the older fishes, and different reactions towards the attack of predatory fishes were observed. The migrating shoals of juvenile fishes during the winter were interpreted as a strategy to minimize predation risk.  相似文献   

Parameters k and L in the Von Bertalanffy equation and their derivatives =kL, = logk + 2logL; as well as slopes bL/t of the regression L=atb (t, years), relative increments (CI=[L2–L1]/L1), specific growth rates (Cv=InL2–InL1), growth characteristics (Clh = CvxL1) and growth constants (Clt=Cvx[t2 + t1]/2) were analyzed. A total of 121 bream Abramis brama stocks in the first 10 years of life were studied. At the same real growth rate (the average absolute linear annual increments, mm year–1) the values of k, L, , , bL/t, CI, Cv and Clt in different stocks vary within almost the whole range. The main reason is the natural process of growth self-regulation: the relation between the average body lengths in the first year (L1) and the relative growth rates (slopes bL/t) is negative (bL/t = exp[0.1183–0.0053L1], r=0.76). The above relation defines 4 principal types of the Ford-Walford lines. Thirty four percent of the stocks have rather steep slopes of the lines and even parallel the absolute slope of 45°, so the L values of these stocks have no biological significance. The authors recommend a simple and more precise, from a biological point of view, approach for comparing fish population growth rates.  相似文献   

A group of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis)was studied for 2 years in the Malay Peninsula. The behavior of the gibbons during territorial disputes is described, the relationships with neighbors are investigated, and the frequency and duration of disputes are analyzed. The nature of the territorial boundary and the type of territorial behavior exhibited by the gibbons are discussed. An attempt is made to identify the immediate precursors of disputes, and some suggestions are given to explain why disputes occur so frequently and are of such long duration.  相似文献   

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