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DAVID B. JACKSON 《Ibis》1994,136(4):463-473
Adult and post-natal breeding-dispersal movements of Redshank Tringa totanus , Dunlin Calidris alpina and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula were quantified in west Scotland. Data from 373 returning birds marked as breeding adults and 142 returning birds marked as chicks are presented. Unlike most previous studies, this study measured dispersal movements up to 40 km and attempted to overcome distance-related biases. For each species, adult males were significantly more nest site-faithful between years than were adult females. Likewise, first-time breeding males bred significantly closer to their natal site than did females. The settlement intensity per unit area of habitat showed marked differences between species, age classes and sex in the relative attractiveness of potential areas at different distances to settling birds. Adult dispersal was negatively and significantly related to breeding success in the previous year and positively related to capture on the nest in the previous year. Dispersal movements of adult Ringed Plover breeding on unstable cultivated habitats were significantly related to habitat quality (measured in terms of nest survival) and were always to habitat of better or equal quality.  相似文献   

G. MALAN  T. M. CROWE  R. BIGGS  J. J. HERHOLDT 《Ibis》1997,139(2):313-321
The social organization and reproductive strategy of the Pale Chanting Goshawk Melierax canorus were investigated in four southern African study areas. Territories supporting adults additional to the breeding pair were observed in two study areas. Within one of these areas, these additional adults were either non-breeders staying in their natal territory but actively excluded from the nesting area during the breeding season or a male cobreeder participating fully in reproductive activities with the breeding pair. Polyandrous trios were, however, observed in only one vegetation type in this area, Broken Veld. The annual number of offspring fledged per group did not differ significantly between vegetation types nor between polyandrous trios and monogamous pairs within Broken Veld. Pale Chanting Goshawks lay predominantly two-egg clutches. In 2 out of 5 years, breeding groups succeeded in laying, hatching and even fledging a second brood of young after successfully fledging their first brood. Double brooding occurred more frequently in Broken Veld and most frequently in polyandrous trios in this vegetation type. To accommodate their relatively long breeding cycle (>115 days) in this temperate study area with its limiting summer breeding period, double-brooding Pale Chanting Goshawks laid the first clutch in midwinter and the second, on average, 24 days after the offspring from the first brood left the nest.  相似文献   

Multiple brooding can substantially increase the annual reproductive output of birds, and the propensity for multiple brooding can vary geographically. Thus, studies attempting to understand the evolution of geographic variation in nesting success need to account for variation in re‐nesting potential. However, direct assessment of rates of multiple brooding requires individually recognizable breeding adults, which are not generally available. We explore the possibility of comparing relative indices of multiple broodedness across a latitudinal gradient from studies of un‐banded birds locally restricted to nest boxes. We analyzed nest box reoccupation by a multiple‐brooding species, the eastern bluebird Sialia sialis, reported by volunteers in a citizen‐participation project (1998–2002) in which nest boxes were monitored throughout much of the breeding range of the bluebirds. We found nest boxes in the southern portion of the bluebird range (30° latitude) had, on average 17–33% higher likelihood of repeated egg‐laying, brooding, and successful fledging events than boxes in the north (48° latitude). Latitudinal variation in the reoccupation of nest boxes may indicate that either (1) the number of broods per female varies with latitude, (2) female breeding dispersal/site fidelity varies with latitude, (3) the density, distribution, and/or availability of suitable nest sites varies with latitude, or (4) observer bias varies with latitude. Various lines of evidence suggest that nest re‐occupancy is a useful index of latitudinal variation in re‐nesting. During the time‐frame of second attempts, first‐time box occupancy was as likely as second occupancy and approximately 45% more likely in the south than north, suggesting that, despite considerable breeding dispersal, observed trends in box reoccupation conservatively reflect latitudinal trends in the number of nest attempts/broods per female. Furthermore, despite a compressed nesting cycle in the north (shorter incubation and re‐nesting interval), the shorter duration of the breeding season in the north restricted the potential number of broods. Studies of banded birds are necessary to confirm the behavior underlying the latitudinal trends in box reoccupation.  相似文献   

Species differ strongly in their life histories, including the probability of survival. Annual adult survival was investigated extensively in the past, whereas juvenile survival, and especially survival to independence, received much less attention. Yet, they are critical for our understanding of population demography and life‐history evolution. We investigated post‐fledging survival to independence (i.e. survival upon leaving the nest until nutritional independence) in 74 species of passerine birds worldwide based on 100 population level estimates extracted from published literature. Our comparative analyses revealed that survival to independence increased with the length of nestling period and relative fledging mass (ratio of fledging mass to adult body mass). At the same time, species with higher nest predation rates had shorter nestling periods and lower relative fledging mass. Thus, we identify an important trade‐off in life history strategies: staying longer in the nest may improve post‐fledging survival due to enhanced flight ability and sensory functions, but at the cost of a longer exposure to nest predators and increased mortality due to nest predation. Additionally, post‐fledging survival to independence did not differ between species from the northern temperate zone vs species from the tropics and southern hemisphere. However, analyses of post‐fledging survival curves suggest that 1) daily survival rates are not constant and improve quickly upon leaving the nest, and 2) species in the tropics and southern hemisphere have higher daily post‐fledging survival rates than northern temperate species. Nevertheless, due to the accumulation of mortality risk during their much longer periods of post‐fledging care, overall survival until independence is comparable across latitudes. Obtaining high‐quality demographic data across latitudes to evaluate the generality of these findings and mechanisms underlying them should be a research priority.  相似文献   

The sexes’ share in parental care and the social mating system in a marked population of the single‐brooded Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor were studied in 17 woodpecker territories in southern Sweden during 10 years. The birds showed a very strong mate fidelity between years; the divorce rate was 3.4%. In monogamous pairs, the male provided more parental care than the female. The male did most of the nest building and all incubation and brooding at night. Daytime incubation and brooding were shared equally by the sexes, and biparental care at these early breeding stages is probably necessary for successful breeding. In 42% of the nests, however, though still alive the female deserted the brood the last week of the nestling period, whereas the male invariably fed until fledging and fully compensated for the absent female. Post‐fledging care could not be quantified, but was likely shared by both parents. Females who ceased feeding at the late nestling stage resumed care after fledging. We argue that the high premium on breeding with the same mate for consecutive years and the overall lower survival of females have shaped this male‐biased organisation of parental care. In the six years with best data, most social matings were monogamous, but 8.5% of the females (N=59) exhibited simultaneous multi‐nest (classical) polyandry and 2.9% of the males (N=68) exhibited multi‐nest polygyny. Polyandrous females raised 39% more young than monogamous pairs. These females invested equal amounts of parental care at all their nests, but their investment at each nest was lower than that of monogamous females. The polyandrously mated males fully compensated for this lower female investment. Polygynous males invested mainly in their primary nest and appeared to be less successful than polyandrous females. Polyandry and polygyny occurred only when the population sex ratio was biased, and due to strong intra‐sexual competition this is likely a prerequisite for polygamous mating in Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers.  相似文献   

Juvenile survival and age at first breeding (i.e. recruitment) are critical parameters affecting population dynamics in birds, but high levels of natal dispersal preclude measurement of these variables in most species. We used multi‐state capture–recapture models to measure age‐specific survival and recruitment probabilities of piping plovers Charadrius melodus in the Great Lakes region during 1993–2012. This federally endangered population is thoroughly monitored throughout its entire breeding range, minimizing concerns that measures of survival and recruitment are confounded by temporary or permanent emigration. First‐year survival (± SE) averaged 0.284 ± 0.019 from mean banding age (9 d) and 0.374 ± 0.023 from fledging age (23 d). Factors that increased first‐year survival during the pre‐fledging period (9–23 d) included earlier hatching dates, older age at banding, greater number of fledglings at a given site, and better body condition at time of banding. However, when chicks that died prior to fledging were excluded from analysis, only earlier hatching dates improved first‐year survival estimates. Females had a higher probability (0.557 ± 0.066) of initiating breeding at age one than did males (0.353 ± 0.052), but virtually all plovers began breeding by age three. Adult survival was reduced by increased hurricane activity on the southeast U.S. Atlantic coast where Great Lakes piping plovers winter and by higher populations of merlins Falco columbarius. Mean annual adult survival declined from 1993 to 2012, and did not differ between males and females. Enhanced body condition led to higher survival to fledge and early breeding led to improved first‐year survival; therefore, management actions focused on ensuring access to quality feeding habitat for growing young and protecting early nests may increase recruitment in this federally endangered population.  相似文献   

D. A. SAUNDERS 《Ibis》1982,124(4):422-455
The breeding biology of the short-billed form of the White-tailed Black Cockatoo was studied at two main study areas, Coomallo Creek, an area with large tracts of uncleared lands, and Manmanning, an area of extensive clearing with little native vegetation remaining. The study was based on individually marked birds. The actions of females selecting and preparing their nest hollow ensured that other females were kept away from the area of that nest, resulting in nests being spaced out through the study areas. Eggs were laid between July and November with birds at Manmanning starting about four weeks after those at Coomallo Creek. Clutch size was a maximum of two and incubation took 28–29 days. Hatching success was higher for two-egg clutches than for one-egg clutches. There were no differences between fledging success for one-egg or two-egg clutches at either area, but fledging success at Manmanning was lower than that of Coomallo Creek. Rates of growth for weight and length of folded left wing were calculated for nestlings from both areas. These rates of growth were compared within areas between years and between areas within years. There were differences in rates of growth of nestlings from Coomallo Creek compared with those from Manmanning and these differences were related to shortages of food at Manmanning. The annual survival of tagged adults was calculated at 61–69% and that of juveniles over the first 12 months after fledging at 15%. The survival figures for adults seemed too low and it is suggested that the wearing of wing-tags may place the individual at a selective disadvantage compared with an untagged individual.  相似文献   

The Siberian Tit Parus cinctus population of Finland, and probably of the whole of Fennoscandia, has declined dramatically during this century. Understanding its population dynamics is essential for its conservation. We studied annual survival rate and dispersal distance of both breeding and fledgling Siberian Tits during 1989-97 in a moderately managed forest habitat near the southern border of its range in Kuusamo, northeastern Finland. Breeding density was low, averaging 0.51 pairs/km in a nestbox area of about 42 km2. This was probably an underestimate, because we did not search for nests in natural holes. However, following its population decline, overall densities at the southern border of the range are low. The study area was, however, suitable breeding habitat as reflected by their high nesting success. Brood size at fledging averaged 7.45 young, and reproductive output was 6.16 young per breeding pair, including failed nests. Clutch size adjustment was successful among pairs producing fledglings because, on average, 92.6% of the eggs laid produced young in successful broods. Median distance between consecutive breeding attempts was 100 m for both males and females (range 0–2500 m and 0–6000 m, respectively). Natal dispersal distance was significantly longer in females than in males. We applied Cormack-Jolly-Seber modelling to estimate survival and recapture probabilities separately. Survival of breeding birds was not sex-related, averaging 0.69 annually. Some of the ringed fledglings (3.0%) were later captured as breeders in the area. This is an underestimate of local survival rate due to incomplete recapturing of breeding birds. The implications of these results with respect to the conservation status of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed data on juvenile survival are rare in the literature. Although many studies estimate recruitment, if you cannot distinguish between permanent dispersal and mortality, the management implications for a population may be unclear. We estimated juvenile survival in a reintroduced North Island robin (Petroica longipes) population in a protected sanctuary surrounded by an unprotected landscape where the species is extirpated. The population has had marginal population growth due to poor recruitment so we modeled 3 types of data (resighting of fledglings, radio-telemetry of independent juveniles, resighting of adults) in an integrated framework to determine the life stages where high mortality was occurring, and to distinguish mortality from dispersal. Approximately 16% of birds that fledged (n = 109) were present at the start of the next breeding season, consistent with recruitment rates from previous years. Low survival in the first 6 weeks after fledging was the primary cause of poor recruitment. Only 50% survived to independence (4 weeks after fledging), and 18% survived to the end of the radio-tracking period (14 weeks), after which juvenile survival matched adult survival. No dispersal from the sanctuary occurred during the radio-tracking period. Juveniles moved between adjacent forest fragments within the sanctuary, but did not leave the sanctuary. This information, which demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between natal mortality and dispersal, is important for ongoing management of the site and selection of future reintroduction sites for this species. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Capsule Timing of breeding influenced wing-length at fledging, and egg size may be an indicator of fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks.

Aims To investigate chick growth, temporal patterns of chick food provisioning and the importance of indices of parental condition or quality, egg size and hatching date, to predict nestling body mass and wing-length at fledging, and compare breeding and chick feeding characteristics between colonies in the northeast Atlantic.

Methods A survey of Cory's Shearwater nests was carried out at Vila islet. A sample of 52 chicks, ringed and weighed at hatching, was selected to study chick growth and food provisioning.

Results Hatching success (51%) was much lower than fledging success (87%). Both hatching date and egg size contributed to explain wing-length at fledging, but hatching date, which was negatively correlated with wing-length at fledging, had the most important contribution (22%). There was some indication that egg size may explain variation in fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks. Food delivery and feeding frequency of chicks varied throughout the chick development stage and three phases were distinguished: (1) 0–29 days, the highest feeding frequency values and a linear increase in food delivery; (2) 30–69 days, an oscillation in food delivery and medium feeding frequencies; (3) 70–90+ days, a sharp decrease in both food delivery and feeding frequency.

Conclusion Variation in food availability did not seem sufficient to override the overall importance of indices of parental quality in determining reproductive measures and chick provisioning. Breeding and feeding characteristics were similar between colonies in the northeast Atlantic, with variability in chick provisioning higher further south.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key life-history trait because it influences population dynamics and population genetic structure. From a behavioural perspective, the study of natal dispersal requires some understanding of the mechanisms that affect individual movements, because movements of an animal form a path that is continuous throughout its life. Our aim was to investigate juvenile dispersal strategies in the western marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus , between fledging and first breeding attempt (from 1 to 4 years later, depending on the sex and individual). Using radio tracking, we monitored dispersing juvenile harriers and their home-range size variations within a sedentary population in central western France from 2001 to 2007. Juvenile dispersal strategy was mainly characterized by a very high natal philopatry (i.e. birds that remained within the study area) and short-distance dispersal. All but one bird (out of 39) remained within the study area between their first winter and their first spring, and 96.0% during their first spring. The distance moved at 2 years of age was significantly larger for males than for females (3800± sd 3593 m and 935± sd 481 m for seven males and six females, respectively), in contrast to most bird species studied so far. Home-range size was not sex biased and significantly decreased with age. In addition, non-breeding birds had larger home ranges (1603± sd 2128 ha) than breeders (349± sd 185 ha). Using data obtained from other populations, juvenile marsh harrier dispersal strategies appeared to be determined by migratory status (migratory birds dispersing farther) and demographic parameters (juvenile survival or fecundity).  相似文献   

The investigation of factors that cause differences in life-history traits between temperate and tropical birds is often hampered by a lack of knowledge about tropical species. Even within the well-known warblers of the genus Sylvia , which include resident species from temperate and tropical regions as well as migrants, there are few data from tropical species. We investigated the breeding biology of the tropical species Sylvia lugens and S. boehmi in a 2-year study in Kenya. Both species had a clutch size of 2.0 and laid c.  3.7 clutches per year. Breeding was characterized by long incubation periods ( S. lugens 14.5 days, S. boehmi 15.0 days), long nestling periods (16.0 and 12.9 days, respectively) and high predation rates (Mayfield nest success S. lugens 33.2%, S. boehmi 19.4%). Annual fecundity was 2.3 fledglings in S. lugens and 1.4 fledglings in S. boehmi . After fledging, the young birds were fed for 37.5 days ( S. lugens ) and 58.5 days ( S. boehmi ) (time to independence) and they stayed in their parents' territory for days or weeks, even after feeding had stopped. Fledgling survival until independence was 55.4% in S. lugens and 69.2% in S. boehmi . In general, S. lugens and S. boehmi have smaller but more numerous clutches, longer developmental periods, higher nest predation rates, lower annual fecundity and longer post-fledging care than their temperate congenerics.  相似文献   

Most wood‐warblers (Parulidae) are non‐migratory residents of the Neotropics and subtropics, and the demographic characteristics of these species are poorly known. I examined the annual survival, reproductive output, dispersal, age of first breeding, and other demographic characteristics of a permanently territorial non‐migratory tropical warbler, the Slate‐throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus), based on a 5‐yr study of a color‐banded population in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Territorial males showed strong site fidelity, but 26% of females engaged in short‐distance between‐year breeding dispersal. Estimated annual survival of territory holders, corrected for undetected female breeding dispersal, was 0.56 for males and 0.43 for females, values lower than expected and comparable to survival estimates for North American migrant warblers. The lower annual survival of females had two demographic consequences; unpaired territorial males were present in 3 of 5 yr, and some 1‐yr‐old males appeared to be floaters. Unpaired females or female floaters, however, were not observed. Mean natal dispersal distance was significantly greater for females (935 m) than males (485 m). Estimated first‐year survival was 0.29, but this is almost certainly an underestimate because of undetected long‐distance, female‐biased natal dispersal. Annual fecundity (fledglings per female) was 1.8, less than that of temperate warblers and attributable to small mean clutch sizes and a low incidence of double brooding. Estimated population growth rate (λ) was <1 for both males and females, suggesting that the study population was a demographic sink, most likely due to lower‐than‐expected adult survival.  相似文献   

DIETER RINKE 《Ibis》1989,131(2):238-249
On Eua, Red Shining Parrots Prosopeia tabuensis breed in the cool and dry season, i.e. from May to October. Climate is the main factor timing the breeding season, which gives additional evidence for an assumed origin of the genus from temperate regions. Two or three eggs are laid in cavities of forest trees; the incubation time is about 24 days. Only females were observed brooding and feeding the young. Nestlings were fed three times a day independently of age. Single nestlings and older siblings received almost twice as much food per feeding as younger siblings. Growth constants are presented for weight, the width of the upper mandible, and wing-length. The fledging age is reached after 7 weeks but none of the observed nests fledged young due to predation by man. Breeding success was calculated at more than 50% for those nestlings that would have fledged without human interference. The reproductive biology of the Red Shining Parrot does not, apparently, show island-specific adaptations such as a reduced clutch-size or a prolonged nestling period.  相似文献   

CôTé SD 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(4):813-821
King penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus, vigorously defend small territories in very dense colonies. The egg-laying season lasts approximately 4 months, but only pairs that reproduce during the first half of the period succeed in fledging a chick. I examined various factors affecting aggressiveness of king penguins during the breeding season and focused on the differences between central and peripheral territories. Pairs on peripheral territories experienced twice as many encounters with avian predators as did central birds. The vast majority of peripheral birds were late breeders, indicating that reproductive success was very low among penguins defending a territory on the edge of the colony. Time invested in territory defence and rate of agonistic encounters between breeding neighbours increased from the incubation to the brooding period. Parents gave most threat displays to territorial neighbours when the chick was very young and just before crèche formation. Distance to colony edge was not related to aggressiveness in incubating birds, however, the rate of pecking and flipper blows increased from the edge to the centre during brooding. In addition, aggressiveness of breeding penguins towards travelling birds trespassing into their territory increased with distance to edge. Early breeders were not more aggressive than late breeders but the proportion of time spent in territory defence increased with the number of days a bird had spent incubating. As expected, I did not detect any sex difference in aggressive behaviour. Birds occupying territories on the beach were generally more aggressive during the incubation period than those located on the valley sides. Reproductive status (incubating versus brooding) and territory location were the main factors explaining the various levels of aggressiveness observed in breeding king penguins. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The breeding biology and management of three wild-caught adult Common trumpeters (one male and two females) was documented at the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens, Seattle, from April, 1984 to August, 1986. A total of 27 eggs were laid, and eight young survived to fledging. Both sexes exhibited crane-like dances during courtship, but the male appeared to perform these behaviors more frequently and with greater intensity than the females. Courtship feeding and allo-preening also occurred. Nests consisted of simple scrapes on the ground, but the birds had no opportunity to rest in trees or other elevated sites. Clutches contained two or three eggs, and the incubation period was aproximately 28 days. Although the breeding pair was generally aggressive toward the second female, all three adults participated in incubation and in caring for the young. Parental behavior consisted of brooding, allopreening, and feeding. The male preened and fed one chick significantly more often than either of the females. Trumpeter chicks were highly precocial, but grew relatively slowly, reaching 50% of adult weight by 45 to 50 days of age. Trumpeters are difficult to maintain and breed in captivity and appear to be susceptible to mycotic diseases, such as aspergillosis. Changes in the social composition of captive groups may result in improved breeding.  相似文献   

RICHARD ZANN  DAVID RUNCIMAN 《Ibis》1994,136(2):136-143
Membership of three permanent breeding colonies of Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata studied in farmland changed continually due to arrival and departure of birds from distant colonies. Sixty-six percent of adults stayed for less than 1 month, and many that stayed longer disappeared for extended periods. Over 78% of adults captured were hatched in other colonies and only 23% made a breeding attempt in their natal colony. There was no sex-biased natal dispersal or philopatry, but there were sex differences in the timing of dispersal. Sex ratios at the end of parental care were variable and may depend on food resources. Adult ratios were slightly male-biased. Annual losses of adults ranged from 72 to 82% across colonies, but mortalities and dispersal were heavily confounded by high adult mobility. The oldest bird was more than 5 years old. A total of 67% of young were lost between fledging and nutritional independence at 35 days of age, and only 20% of fledglings survived to day 80, the age of first breeding. Artificial supplies of seed at baited walk-in traps prolonged the stay of dispersing adults from other colonies, enhanced the survivorship of young hatched in the colony and possibly affected the secondary sex ratio. In this southeast part of their Australia-wide distribution, Zebra Finch populations appear to be highly mobile over a very large home range with extensive free interchange of members among a number of permanent breeding colonies. High mobility may be adaptive for exploiting patches of seed and water in a highly erratic environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) has been the subject of considerable interest because of the impact of logging on this species' nesting habitat. However, few studies have examined movements of fledgling birds around the nest prior to independence, and even fewer have described resource requirements of young birds during their postfledging period. Over 3 years, we followed 31 radiotagged goshawk fledglings from 15 nests in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Of these birds, 26 survived to disperse. Between fledging and dispersal 95% of fledgling relocations (n = 1, 148) were within 450 m of the nest. Fledglings primarily remained within 298 m of the nest during the first 21 days postfledging and within 525 m of the nest between 21 days postfledging and dispersal. Fledglings' movements were highly directional, with individual and sibling movements away from any particular nest tending out in one direction. Postfledging areas averaged 36.7 ha in size (median = 23.1, inter-quartile range = 20.8–39.7 ha). Fledglings strongly avoided forest <40 years old and weakly selected young forests (40–80 yr), mature forests (>80 yr), and stands with >40% canopy cover during the first 21 days and after. We suggest forest managers wishing to conserve goshawk postfledging areas in the interior montane forests of British Columbia maintain forests >40 years old with high crown closure covering an area ≥21 ha and preferably >40 ha. This area should contain all identified occupied and alternative nest trees in a nest area. At least half this area should be forest >80 years old and contain existing nests and potential for future nest trees.  相似文献   

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