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The biogeography of naturalization in alien plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Aim  This paper reviews the main geographical determinants of naturalization in plants.
Location  Global.
Methods  Comparative studies of large data sets of alien floras are the main source of information on global patterns of naturalization.
Results  Temperate mainland regions are more invaded than tropical mainland regions but there seems to be no difference in invasibility of temperate and tropical islands. Islands are more invaded than the mainland. The number of naturalized species in temperate regions decreases with latitude and their geographical ranges increase with latitude. The number of naturalized species on islands increases with temperature. Naturalized species contribute to floristic homogenization, but the phenomenon is scale-dependent.
Main conclusions  Some robust patterns are evident from currently available data, but further research is needed on several aspects to advance our understanding of the biogeography of naturalization of alien plants. For example, measures of propagule pressure are needed to determine the invasibility of communities/ecosystems/regions. The patterns discussed in this paper are derived largely from numbers and proportions of naturalized species, and little is known about the proportion of introduced species that become naturalized. Further insights on naturalization rates, i.e. the proportion of aliens that successfully naturalize within regions, and on geographical and other determinants of its variation would provide us with better understanding of the invasion process. Comparative studies, and resulting generalizations, are almost exclusively based on numbers of species, but alien species differ in their impact on native biodiversity and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Aim Early assessment of the impact of invasive alien species is crucial to set up timely management, but often the impact is evident when it is too late for action. We evaluated relationships between the alien crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, the distribution of native amphibians, and the abundance of their larvae. We assessed whether considering measures of reproductive success provide a more prompt measure of impact than considering just species distribution. Location One hundred and twenty‐five wetlands in Northern Italy, in an area recently invaded by P. clarkii. Methods We surveyed wetlands to assess the presence of breeding activity of amphibians and the distribution of P. clarkii. We measured the abundance of amphibian larvae before metamorphosis through pipe sampling. We built models analysing the relationships between amphibian and crayfish distribution, while taking into account spatial autocorrelation and environmental features. Analyses were performed at both the species level (generalized linear models and spatial eigenvector mapping) and community level (constrained redundancy analysis). Results In terms of breeding site distribution, only two amphibians (Lissotriton vulgaris and Hyla intermedia) were negatively associated with P. clarkii, while the relationships between other the species and P. clarkii were positive or not significant. However, larval abundance for all amphibian species was negatively associated with the alien crayfish. Analyses performed at community and single species levels yielded consistent results. Main conclusions Procambarus clarkii impacts amphibians through different processes. Newts probably avoid invaded wetlands for breeding. Other species attempt breeding in wetlands with crayfish, but suffer very low success. Considering distribution data alone would not provide a correct picture of the impact of this alien species; measures of reproductive success may allow a more accurate assessment of the impact.  相似文献   

广西的外来入侵植物   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过野外调查,结合相关文献资料,发现广西目前有外来入侵植物约74种,隶属于57属26科,其中,菊科的种类最多,有19种,其次是禾本科,有10种。草本植物最多,占总数的78.4 %。从来源看,大多来源于美洲。在广西,危害较为严重的外来入侵植物主要是紫茎泽兰、飞机草、银胶菊、凤眼莲等11种。此外,还进一步论述了外来植物在广西的基本特征和入侵成因,分析其在广西的发展状况,预测其可能入侵的区域,并提出了有关的防治对策。  相似文献   

Because most macroecological and biodiversity data are spatially autocorrelated, special tools for describing spatial structures and dealing with hypothesis testing are usually required. Unfortunately, most of these methods have not been available in a single statistical package. Consequently, using these tools is still a challenge for most ecologists and biogeographers. In this paper, we present sam (Spatial Analysis in Macroecology), a new, easy-to-use, freeware package for spatial analysis in macroecology and biogeography. Through an intuitive, fully graphical interface, this package allows the user to describe spatial patterns in variables and provides an explicit spatial framework for standard techniques of regression and correlation. Moran's I autocorrelation coefficient can be calculated based on a range of matrices describing spatial relationships, for original variables as well as for residuals of regression models, which can also include filtering components (obtained by standard trend surface analysis or by principal coordinates of neighbour matrices). sam also offers tools for correcting the number of degrees of freedom when calculating the significance of correlation coefficients. Explicit spatial modelling using several forms of autoregression and generalized least-squares models are also available. We believe this new tool will provide researchers with the basic statistical tools to resolve autocorrelation problems and, simultaneously, to explore spatial components in macroecological and biogeographical data. Although the program was designed primarily for the applications in macroecology and biogeography, most of sam 's statistical tools will be useful for all kinds of surface pattern spatial analysis. The program is freely available at http://www.ecoevol.ufg.br/sam (permanent URL at http://purl.oclc.org/sam/ ).  相似文献   

植物功能性状与外来植物入侵   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
揭示影响外来植物入侵性的功能性状及其生态机制是入侵植物生态学的核心任务之一。本文综述了植物功能性状与外来植物入侵性的研究进展, 通过分析植物功能性状对外来植物入侵的贡献以及外来植物的不同入侵阶段对其功能性状的需求, 探讨植物功能性状与外来植物入侵的相关性及其入侵机理。迄今研究较多的影响外来植物入侵性的功能性状主要包括形态性状、生长性状、生理性状、繁殖性状、种子性状、克隆性状、表型可塑性和遗传变异等。这些功能性状对外来植物入侵的贡献随着入侵阶段的不同而变化。在传播到达阶段, 种子性状对入侵具有重要影响; 在定居建群阶段, 与植物抗逆性和适应性相关的生理性状和繁殖性状发挥主要作用; 在扩散入侵阶段, 克隆性状和影响植物竞争能力的生理性状对植物成功入侵具有重要贡献。由于植物入侵性是其功能性状和环境因素互作的结果, 且功能性状的作用随环境因素和入侵阶段不同而异, 因此, 结合外来植物入侵阶段, 并考虑功能性状与环境因子的互作, 是入侵生物学中植物功能性状研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Eradication of alien species is a key conservation tool to mitigate the impacts caused by biologic invasions. The aim of the present paper is to review the eradications successfully completed in Europe and to discuss the main limits to a wider application of this management option in the region. On the basis of the available literature – including conference proceedings, national reports to the Bern Convention, etc. – a total of 37 eradication programmes have been recorded. Thirty-three eradications were carried out on islands and four on the mainland. The rat (Rattus spp.) has been the most common target (n = 25, 67%), followed by the rabbit (n = 4). In many cases, these eradications determined a significant recovery of native biodiversity. Differently to other regions of the world, no eradications of alien invertebrates and marine organisms have been recorded; regarding invasive alien plants, it appears that only some very localized removals have been completed so far in Europe. The limited number of eradications carried out in Europe so far is probably due to the limited awareness of the public and the decision makers, the inadequacy of the legal framework, and the scarcity of resources. Synthetic guidelines for improving the ability of European states to respond to aliens incursions are presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Regression analysis of spatial data   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Spatial analyses are indispensable analytical tools in biogeography and macroecology. In a recent Guest Editorial, Hawkins (Journal of Biogeography, 2012, 39 , 1–9) raised several issues related to spatial analyses. While we concur with some points, we here clarify those confounding (1) spatial trends and spatial autocorrelation, and (2) spatial autocorrelation in the response variable and in the residuals. We argue that recognizing spatial autocorrelation in statistical modelling is not only a crucial step in model diagnostics, but that disregarding it is essentially wrong.  相似文献   

空间分析方法在微生物生态学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微生物生态正在受到越来越多的关注,对其研究也渐趋深入。然而由于微生物个体微小的特点及研究手段的限制,多数研究还停留在探索阶段,研究方法也在不断完善当中。近年来,较多的研究开始探讨空间因素在微生物多样性和分布中的影响,对空间分布的探讨有助于更好地认识生态过程,是一种有力的研究手段。微生物空间分析方法已经成为微生物生态学领域中重要的研究方向之一,我国空间方法在微生物生态研究中的应用还没有得到普遍的重视。从不同研究角度出发,结合空间统计的作用,对空间统计方法在微生物生态研究中的应用的必要性及现状做了评述。介绍了空间自相关性的检验,方差图,Mantel检验,Kriging插值等方法在微生物生态研究中的应用,并论述了微生物研究中的尺度问题。这一梳理,对丰富微生物生态学研究中的新方法、新手段具有一定价值。  相似文献   

Abstract. Since its introduction in the late 1800s, the perennial tussock grass Cortaderia jubata (Lemoine) Stapf has become an increasingly frequent member of coastal plant communities in California and Oregon. In this study, the community changes associated with C. jubata invasion into the mediterranean-type vegetation of Vandenberg Air Force Base, California were examined. Pristine plots of maritime chaparral were compared with spatially and topographically matched plots dominated by C. jubata . Aerial photographs indicated that the invaded plots had previously been shrubland. C. jubata invasion created a structurally less complex perennial grassland that was markedly depauperate in native shrub species. The absence of native shrubs depressed native richness in jubata grassland, but the greater richness of both native and alien herbaceous species made overall richness in jubata grassland indistinguishable from maritime chaparral. Vegetational differences were associated with differences in arthropod and small mammal populations between vegetation types. Arthropod abundance and order diversity were lower in plots dominated by C. jubata than in adjacent chaparral. Insect traps in C. jubata plots contained a significantly smaller proportion of Hymenoptera and Homoptera and a significantly greater proportion of Aràneae than traps in maritime chaparral. Rodent activity was significantly lower while rabbit activity was significantly greater in jubata grassland compared to maritime chaparral. This study indicates that the presence of C. jubata can dramatically alter the mediterranean-type landscape of central California. While it is likely that the initial establishment of C. jubata is associated with disturbances that are common in this ecosystem, the ability of C. jubata to expand from founding populations and to persist for long periods of time pose a serious threat to the native diversity of these unique systems.  相似文献   

The advent of GIS technology and the World Wide Web, respectively, facilitate analysing geographical relationships and electronically storing and exchanging biogeographic data. This paper illustrates GIS technology with a study of the subgenus Anisodactylus Dejean (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: genus Anisodactylus). Species are concentrated in three centres of biodiversity in North America and in four in lands near the western Mediterranean. These centres largely correspond to current areas of wetlands. Eurasia has fewer species than expected based on its area, probably because large portions have habitats unfavourable for the subgenus and/or are poorly collected for Carabidae. Members of the subgenus are primarily adapted to areas with January temperatures between ?10 and 10 °C, July temperatures from 10 to 30 °C and mean annual precipitation from 20 to 200 mm. Cold is apparently a major limiting factor because it typically occurs during several consecutive months of winter and is difficult to escape except by hibernation. Heat is less of a stress when moisture is sufficient. The size of geographical ranges is often larger in the North than in the South and correlates with the latitude of the centre of ranges at r =0.42 (level of significance=0.05). Geographic ranges are often smaller in western North America and in the western Mediterranean than elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Explanations for the smaller sizes include portions of western North America having unfavourable desert or montane habitats, the Rocky Mountains and deserts barring eastward dispersal of species, and the smaller size and more patchy distribution of climatic zones and habitats. In North America geographical ranges west of the Rocky Mountains are north–south elongated because they track primarily north–south orientated climatic zones and because mountains and deserts bar eastward extension. Ranges in north-eastern and north-central North America tend to extend east–west along temperature isotherms. In Eurasia many ranges are stretched east–west because of the shape of the continent and because many northern and southern areas lack suitable habitats. Species with relatively high numbers of apomorphic character states cluster in western Eurasia and to a lesser extent in western North America. The North American centres of biodiversity are post-Wisconsin phenomena while those near the western Mediterranean probably date from the Oligocene or Miocene.  相似文献   

Modelling the distribution of invasive alien species is widely used for predicting future dispersal, response to climate change, and effects of management, but little information is available on the scale dependence of spatial models. This study is focused on Heracleum mantegazzianum , a problematic invasive plant in central and north-western Europe. The main objective was to model the current distribution of this species at national (43,000 km2) and regional scale (4900 km2) using autologistic regression with a Danish data set. Presence–absence data were used in a grid system with 5 × 5 km2 or 2 × 2 km2 as basic units. To avoid misleading presence–absence models and unreliable probability values due to unbalanced data, the prevalence was used as cut-off value, and a favourability function was applied to the model predictions. The national model showed a widespread distribution of H. mantegazzianum with highest habitat suitability in the eastern and northern parts of the country where human population density is high, winters more severe and/or loamy soils more common. At a regional scale the distribution of H. mantegazzianum is associated with alluvial sand cover, high human population density, spring precipitation, and presence of the species in neighbour grid units. The observed widespread national distribution is likely the result of anthropogenic spread of this ornamental plant, while the locally clumped distribution suggests that H. mantegazzianum naturally spreads mainly over short distances. The current distribution in Denmark resembles an intermediate invasion stage where long-distance dispersal is less important, while spread from suitable neighbour habitats is significant. The study demonstrates that the favourability function leads to improved mapping standards for invasive species.  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent a serious menace to local species assemblages, mainly due to interspecific relationships such as competition and predation. One important invasive species worldwide is Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), which has invaded many regions of the world, threatening the native and endemic coccinellid assemblages due to negative interspecific interactions. These interactions have been widely studied at a local scale, but have been less studied at regional scales. Our aim was to estimate and analyse the potential spatial interaction associated with the co‐occurrence of H. axyridis with native and endemic species in Chile, considering bioclimatic and land cover variables. First, we created species distribution models (SDM) for H. axyridis, native and endemic coccinellids and six representative coccinellid species using maximum entropy technique. Then, we overlapped each SDM with land cover types to estimate the bioclimatic suitability within each land cover type. Finally, we identified the co‐occurrences of organisms according to the SDM and the land cover types, estimating in what land covers H. axyridis and the other coccinellids are more likely to co‐occur. Our results show that the suitable area for H. axyridis occurs from 30° to 42°S in Chile, while for native and endemic species this area is greater. The six selected species are mainly concentrated in central Chile, but differ in their potential suitable areas; Adalia angulifera Mulsant and Scymnus bicolor (Germain) have the largest range, and Mimoscymnus macula (Germain) has the most restricted one. The highest level of potential spatial interactions with H. axyridis occurs in central Chile, specifically in croplands and scrublands, and the lowest in primary native forest for all the species. Our results provide a spatially explicit baseline for coccinellid conservation and management of this invasive species.  相似文献   

Aim Understanding the importance of ecological factors in the origin and maintenance of patterns of phenotypic variation among populations, in an explicit geographical context, is one of the main goals of human biology, ecology and evolutionary biology. Here we study the ecological factors responsible for craniofacial variation among human populations from South America. Location South America. Methods We studied a dataset of 718 males from 40 South American populations, coming from groups that inhabited different geographical and ecological regions. Cranial size and shape variation were studied using 30 cranial measurements. We first used spatial correlograms and interpolated maps to address spatial patterns. We then regressed the shape (principal component scores) and size variables against ecology (mean annual temperature and diet) using multiple and multivariate spatial regression. Finally, the expected magnitudes of shape and size divergence under the influence of genetic drift and mutations alone were evaluated using neutral expectation for the divergence rate. Results The spatial correlograms showed a cline affecting the entire South American distribution. Interpolated maps showed that size and allometric shape vary from south‐east to north‐west. Multiple and multivariate regression analyses suggested that diet has the largest and most significant effect on this pattern of size and allometric shape variation. Finally, the results of the divergence rate test suggested that random processes alone cannot account for the morphological divergence exhibited by cranial size and allometric shape scores among southernmost populations. Main conclusions Correlograms, spatial regression and divergence rate analyses showed that although local factors (neutral processes or local environmental conditions) are important to explain spatial interpopulation differentiation in cranial characteristics among these populations, there is significant correlation of cranial size and allometric shape variation with diet. Gene flow among human populations, or local environmental conditions, could explain spatial variation mainly at smaller spatial scales, whereas the large‐scale pattern of the South American dataset is mainly related to the high proportion of carbohydrates and low proportion of proteins consumed.  相似文献   

We assessed the importance of host trees in influencing invasion patterns of the alien tree Schinus molle L. ( Anacardiaceae ) in semi-arid savanna in South Africa. Recruitment of S. molle is dependent on trees in its invaded habitat, particularly Acacia tortilis Hayne. Another leguminous tree, the invasive alien mesquite ( Prosopis sp.), has become common in the area recently, but S. molle rarely recruits under canopies of this species. Understanding of the association between these species is needed to predict invasion dynamics in the region. We conducted experiments to test whether: (i) seedling survival of S. molle is better beneath A. tortilis than beneath mesquite canopies; (ii) growth rates of S. molle seedlings are higher beneath A. tortilis than beneath mesquite. Results showed that growth and survival of S. molle did not differ significantly beneath the native A. tortilis and the alien Prosopis species. This suggests that microsites provided by canopies of mesquite are as good for S. molle establishment as those provided by the native acacia. Other factors, such as the failure of propagules to arrive beneath mesquite trees, must be sought to explain the lack of recruitment beneath mesquite.  相似文献   

该研究基于文献、数据库和标本记录等资料的查询,统计得出云南省入侵植物共247种,隶属51科149属。菊科、禾本科和豆科是优势科,超过一半的入侵植物起源于美洲,入侵植物的生物学性状主要体现为一年生或短期多年生草本的生活型、种子繁殖、分蘖型的克隆方式、花果期集中于夏秋两季、短花期、黄白的花色及具有表面结构和附属物的特殊性状等。按照云南省入侵植物分布的县(市、区)的数量、生物学性状、对环境的危害程度以及是否列入"世界100种危害最严重的入侵种名单"和是否列入"国家环保总局和中国科学院联合发布的四批中国外来入侵物种名单"5个指标进行赋值。把入侵植物分为四个风险等级,其中恶性入侵植物有18种。严重入侵植物有23种,一般入侵植物有188种,有待观察类有18种,恶性和严重入侵植物与云南全部入侵植物的主要生物学性状表征具有一致性。结合入侵植物的生物学性状特征和风险等级,及时开展对云南入侵植物的有效防控管理极为重要。  相似文献   

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