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Studies on the aphid, Cavariella aegopodii Scop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Representative varieties from the carrot groups, Chantenay, Nantes, Berlikum and Autumn King, together with three Australian varieties, were tested for susceptibility to attack by Cavariella aegopodii (Scop.). Tests were done at different average temperatures in cages in the insectary by inoculating plants with apterous forms of the aphid and frequently checking the extent of colonization over the next 20 or so days. Field sowings of the varieties were also made in each of 3 years, and over the immigration period and the subsequent population development and decline of the aphid, regular counts were made of the alates settling on a standard number of plants of each variety, and of the progeny produced. Some differences in susceptibility to attack were noted but, because the main development of C. aegopodii on field carrots is limited to two generations, these were too small to be of practical value in terms of plant resistance, and on all varieties large numbers of aphids could be found. Although the Australian variety Osborne Park was thought to have some resistance to C. aegopodii in New Zealand, it proved to be of average susceptibility. Autumn King appeared to be the most aphidsusceptible variety but could be tolerant to motley dwarf virus. Nantes was not as tolerant to aphid attack as the other varieties and as it is also intolerant to motley dwarf virus, might suffer much damage in years favouring aphid expansion. Berlikum seemed to be the least susceptible to aphid attack. Temperature differences affected expressions of varietal susceptibility less than they affected aphid fecundity and a few degrees increase in temperature more than halved the number of young born in a generation.  相似文献   

During a study of the biology of Cavariella aegopodii Scop. (Dunn, 1965) aspects of the role of this aphid as a virus vector have been investigated each year by briefly exposing a succession of potted carrot plants in the field to the incoming winged forms of the aphid (Dunn & Kempton, 1966). Generally fifty plants of each of two different heights, within a range of 1–5 in, have been exposed simultaneously and when the alate C. aegopodii on these have been counted 3–4 days later, the aphid appeared always to have been differentially attracted to the larger plants. This seemed unlikely to be true, however, because as a crop young carrots suffer more severely from this pest than carrots which are a few weeks older, but for some years the aphid was not abundant enough for the situation to be investigated.  相似文献   

Studies with Scottish isolates of carrot red leaf (CRLV) and carrot mottle (CMotV) viruses confirmed the dependency of CMotV on CRLV for transmission by the aphid Cavariella aegopodii. CMotV was transmitted by aphids only when the two viruses were present in the same source plant, and its transmission was not assisted by anthriscus yellows virus, which acts as a helper for parsnip yellow fleck virus. Some test plants became infected with CRLV alone, and a few with CMotV alone. In winter, aphid transmission of CRLV and CMotV was greatly increased when the source plants received supplementary lighting whereas the CMotV infectivity of sap was not increased. C. aegopodii acquired CRLV and CMotV after minimum acquisition access times of 30 min and inoculated them after minimum inoculation access times of 2 min. There was a minimum latent period of 7–18 h. The viruses were retained by the aphid after moulting and are therefore circulative in the vector, but were not transmitted to progeny insects. Aphids allowed 24 h to acquire the viruses continued to transmit them for at least 12 days, but some aphids allowed 6 h or less for virus acquisition ceased to transmit after 3 or 4 days. CRLV is considered a tentative member of the luteovirus group.  相似文献   

The residual effectiveness of demeton-methyl and menazon sprays applied to carrot plants was compared in the laboratory using Cavariella aegopodii Scop, and more observations were made in the field, where applications of both insecticides were timed in relation to the observed immigration period of the aphid. The relative field performances confirmed those found in the laboratory and, as the aphid population control exercised was inversely proportional to the amount of alate immigration occurring after the sprays had become ineffective, the more persistent menazon was progressively superior to demeton-methyl the nearer they were applied to the beginning of immigration. A single spray application of either material towards the end of immigration gave a similar overall control of aphid numbers to that given by disulfoton granules applied at sowing time. To minimize colonization, two spray applications spanning the immigration peak were required and, with 2 weeks between the demeton-methyl sprays and 3 between those of menazon, the highest degree of control was obtained when the first application was made 7–10 days after the beginning of immigration.  相似文献   

Transmission of parsnip yellow fleck virus (PYFV) by the aphid Cavariella aegopodii occurs only when the aphids are also carrying the helper virus, anthriscus yellows (AYV). None of five other viruses tested was able to act as helper. In experiments in which aphids were allowed to feed through membranes on crude or treated extracts from infected plants, aphids already carrying AYV acquired PYFV, but virus-free aphids failed to acquire either AYV or PYFV. PYFV was not transmitted by insects injected with haemolymph from aphids carrying both viruses, or with purified preparations of PYFV. PYFV was transmitted when AYV-carrying aphids, except those whose stylets had been removed, were contaminated externally with PYFV preparations. Ultraviolet irradiation of infected leaves did not prevent aphids from acquiring AYV, presumably because it is confined to deeply-lying tissues. AYV-carrying aphids could acquire PYFV from u.v.-irradiated leaves after acquisition access times of 2 h but not after feeds of only 2 or 15 min (which are adequate on unirradiated leaves), suggesting that PYFV is present in all parts of the leaf. No ‘helper agent’ distinct from AYV itself was detected in these experiments or in experiments on minimum acquisition feeding time or maximum period of persistence in the aphid. U.v.-inactivated PYFV competed with infective PYFV for retention sites in AYV-carrying aphids, whereas AYV apparently did not. It is suggested that there is no helper agent for PYFV, other than AYV particles. The possibility that there is one for AYV is not excluded.  相似文献   

Ethylene has been shown to induce carrot tissues to synthesize 8-hydroxy-6-methoxy-3-methyl-3,4-dihydroisocoumarin and 5-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-methylchromone or eugenin. Our present data showed that the induction of isocoumarin formation could also be obtained by treating carrot slices with dinitrophenol and methylene blue. Methylene blue enhanced ethylene production, but dinitrophenol did not, therefore the action of the latter could not be mediated by ethylene. Arsenite inhibited isocoumarin synthesis, indicating the involvement of the glycolysis pathway. Assays on the pattern of derivation of isocoumarin from glucose lent support to the idea that isocoumarin is formed predominantly through the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. Dinitrophenol-induced enhancement of both respiratory activity and isocoumarin formation indicates that the operation of the Krebs cycle and subsequently of the electron transport chain oxidations is required to provide acetate, the precursor of isocourmarin, as well as the energy necessary for the synthesizing process. The long initial lag phase as well as the mode of inhibition by cycloheximide seem to indicate that the ethylene-induced synthesis of isocoumarin is a sequential process.  相似文献   

The antibiotic terramycin at 0.2% concentration was consistently effective in greatly reducing the populations of Aphis fabae on Vicia faba when sprayed on larvae on and off the plant. The insects were not killed, but their fertility was decreased by over 97% in the first generation, leading to total sterility in the second generation. At 0.01% concentration, terramycin was not effective and only moderately so at 0.1% Larval development was invariably delayed by 1 day and the weight and size of the resulting adults were significantly reduced. After the most effective treatments, the adults were very inactive in their feeding and excretion, and sometimes became completely sterile. Even when the aphids reproduced, they ceased to do so after 6–10 days in different terramycin treatments and frequently the larvae were born dead. The affected insects could not, apparently, regain their reproductive capacity even after their transfer to untreated plants. When the insects were sprayed on the plants, terramycin in water was as effective as with surfactants: but when the insects were sprayed off the plants an oxyethyl phenol derivative (NP 10) greatly increased the efficiency of terramycin: surfactants alone had no effect on the insects. The other four antibiotics, namely tetracycline, aureomycin, chloramphenicol and reverin were not effective at the 0.2% concentration when the plants alone were sprayed before introducing the apids. The addition of glycerin to the antibiotics and keeping plants in a high humidity for 24 hr. after the treatment also had no effect.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Homoptera: Aphididae), reproduces parthenogenetically in North America and must survive year-round on host plants, including in late summer when small grains are not in cultivation. During this time, cool-season perennial wheatgrasses (Poaceae: Triticeae) contribute substantially to aphid survival, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron spp.) particularly. In greenhouse studies, the number of aphids per plant was measured after four infestation periods on unvernalized and vernalized wheatgrasses. Before placement on these test plant species, aphids were reared either on winter wheat or on the grass host species on which aphid progeny were counted. On vernalized plants, aphids reared on wheat resulted in more aphids per test plant than when the aphids were reared on wheatgrasses, but on unvernalized plants the number of aphids per test plant did not differ significantly regardless of rearing host. Aphids on crested wheatgrass were similar in number to the other grasses when plants were unvernalized. However, when plants were vernalized, crested wheatgrass supported significantly more aphids than some of the other hosts. Aphid numbers increased on all test species as infestation period lengthened, and plant growth was largely unaffected by aphid feeding. These results suggest if sufficient moisture is available during summer when small grains are not in cultivation, all host species observed are capable of sustaining aphids. Crested wheatgrass is an abundant and important host of the Russian wheat aphid in its northern range of the western United States, but other less prevalent wheatgrasses also may contribute to aphid survival during late summer when small grains are not in cultivation.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of direct single exposure to beta-radiation of 0.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 Gy on development and reproduction of Aphis fabae Scop. (Aphididae, Homoptera). The numbers of bean aphid are prognosticated with regard to the radiation dose applied.  相似文献   

In order to reduce parasite‐induced mortality, hosts may be involved in mutualistic interactions in which the partner contributes to resistance against the parasite. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Hemiptera: Aphididae), harbours secondary bacterial endosymbionts, some of which have been reported to confer resistance against aphid parasitoids. Although this resistance often results in death of the developing parasitoid larvae, some parasitoid individuals succeed in developing into adults. Whether these individuals suffer from fitness reduction compared to parasitoids developing in pea aphid clones without symbionts has not been tested so far. Using 30 pea aphid clones that differed in their endosymbiont complement, we studied the effects of these endosymbionts on aphid resistance against the parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), host–parasitoid physiological interactions, and fitness of emerging adult parasitoids. The number of symbiont species in an aphid clone was positively correlated with a number of resistance measurements but there were also clear symbiont‐specific effects on the host–parasitoid interaction. As in previous studies, pea aphid clones infected with Hamiltonella defensa Moran et al. showed resistance against the parasitoid. In addition, pea aphid clones infected with Regiella insecticola Moran et al. and co‐infections of H. defensaSpiroplasma, R. insecticolaSpiroplasma, and R. insecticolaH. defensa showed reduced levels of parasitism and mummification. Parasitoids emerging from symbiont‐infected aphid clones often had a longer developmental time and reduced mass. The number of teratocytes was generally lower when parasitoids oviposited in aphid clones with a symbiont complement. Interestingly, unparasitized aphids infected with Serratia symbiotica Moran et al. and R. insecticola had a higher fecundity than unparasitized aphids of uninfected pea aphid clones. We conclude that in addition to conferring resistance, pea aphid symbionts also negatively affect parasitoids that successfully hatch from aphid mummies. Because of the link between aphid resistance and the number of teratocytes, the mechanism underlying resistance by symbiont infection may involve interference with teratocyte development.  相似文献   

The effect of black bean aphids on the photosynthesis of sugar beet plants was studied under glasshouse and field conditions. The presence of up to several hundred aphids per leaf had no significant effect on CO2 exchange rates over a range of light intensities between complete darkness and light saturation. Artificially prepared honeydew, sprayed onto leaves in the same amounts and composition as was found on severely aphid-infested plants, covered 30% of the stomata on the upper epidermis but did not significantly alter the rate of photosynthesis of these leaves in the light or the rate of respiration in the dark. The stomata on the lower epidermis were uncovered and functional. High pressure liquid chromatography of aphid-produced honeydew detected 20 different amino-acids. Three amino-acids, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and gluta-mine, made up the bulk of the amino-acid weight in the honeydew produced on young plants, up till the 8 leaf-stage. In the 10 to 12 leaf-stage, several different amino-acids occurred in substantial amounts. The amino-acids to sugars ratio of the honeydew produced by the aphids decreased strongly as the sugar beet plants aged: from 1:6 in plants with 3 or 4 leaves to 1:25 in plants having 10 to 12 leaves.  相似文献   

棉蚜性蚜的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵惠燕  汪世泽 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):145-148
调查了棉蚜性蚜的种群动态,对性母、性雄、性雌内外生殖系统进行了研究、观察、解剖与描述,并对性雌产卵习性、产卵量以及交配习性进行了研究。讨论了性蚜产生的生态条件及性雄、性雌性别决定先后次序和来源问题。  相似文献   

Females ofEphedrus cerasicola Stary were released into small glasshouses (13.6 m3) or cages (0.125 m3) which contained paprika plants in 2 of the following categories: fresh plants (without honeydew and aphids), honeydew-contaminated plants (aphids removed) and aphid-infested plants (with honeydew). Two hundred females were released into each glasshouse with 20 plants, 10 of each category, while 10 females were released into the cages with 2 plants, one of each category. Control experiments with only fresh plants were conducted in both the glasshouses and the cages. The female parasitoids on each plant were counted at regular intervals for 24 or 48 h in the glasshouse and for 4 h in the cage experiments; this number was used as an indicator of plant preferences. The following preferences were established (preferred plant > less preferred plant): honeydew-plant > fresh plant, aphid-plant > fresh plant, aphid-plant > honeydew-plant. The number of females on the aphid-plants increased throughout the experimental period, whereas the number on the honeydew-plants tended to be more stable.   相似文献   

Autumn populations of Aphis fabae Scop, on the primary host Euonymus europaeus L. were little affected by natural enemies, most of which had begun to hibernate before the aphid populations developed. The size of the population in spring was usually determined by the number of overwintering eggs on a bush. The fundatrices hatched about 3–6 weeks before natural enemies became common. The growth of large A. fabae populations was first halted by the effects of intra-specinc competition, notably by the production and departure of emigrant alatae and by adult apterae reproducing more slowly. Later, natural enemies, especially Adalia 2-punctata (L.), Syrphidae and the parasite Trioxys sp. (near angelicae), multiplied and accelerated the decline in the aphid populations, which usually disappeared in June leaving many immature natural enemies. Larval A. 2-punctata began to eat parasitized aphids and cannibalized other larvae and pupae. The small populations of A. fabae that develop from few overwintering eggs are at greater risk from natural enemies than are large ones. Intraspecific competition still slowed population increase, because most aphids remained crowded on the few originally colonized twigs. Such populations produced very few emigrant alatae before they were exterminated by the combination of T. angelicae with specific and non-specific predators. Adult Cantharidae killed many of the aphids, especially in hedgerow habitats, where they were abundant. Coccinellidae, Anthocoridae and syrphid larvae, and the adults of nonspecific predators, notably Cantharidae, prevented recolonization of E. europaeus throughout July and August. Leaves of E. europaeus may remain physiologically suitable for A. fabae throughout July but begin to deteriorate in August when A. fabae kept on them become less fecund. Experiments using exclusion techniques provided evidence that natural enemies which attack A. fabae on E. europaeus and on summer hosts cause the common 2-year cycle of aphid abundance. Individual E. europaeus differ consistently in the extent to which they are colonized by A. fabae. Conditions are discussed that should govern the choice of E. europaeus bushes on which the A. fabae populations can be used as sensitive indicators of later crop infestations.  相似文献   

Females of the aphid parasitoid Ephedrus cerasicola were released into small glasshouses containing 20–25 paprika plants (Capsicum annuum L.), either aphid-free (controls) or infested with different numbers of Myzus persicae (Sulzer), i.e. from 0 to about 1000 aphids per plant. The number of parasitoids per plant were counted 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h, 6 h, 8 h and about 24 h after the release. During the last inspection (24 h) the parasitoids were removed. In the aphid-infested houses, the parasitoids soon gathered on the most heavily infested plants (500–1000 aphids per plant), while the aphid-free and low-infested plants (50–200 aphids per plant) were almost free from parasitoids. In the aphid-free houses, a significantly lower portion of the released parasitoids were found on the plants, and they did not show any preference for certain plants. The percentage parasitism, based on mummies on the plants, was rather density independent after a slight peak on plants with about 50 aphids. No superparasitism was found by dissection of aphids.
Résumé Des femelles de l'aphidophage Ephedrus cerasicola ont été lachées dans de petites serres contenant 20 à 25 pieds de paprika (Capsicum annuum), contaminés par des effectifs de 0 (témoins) à 1000 pucerons (Myzus persicae) par pied. Le nombre de parasitoïdes par plante a été rélevé 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h, 6 h, 8 h, et environ 24 h après leur libération. Les E. cerasicola adultes ont été retirés lors de la dernière inspection (24 h). Dans les serres infestées, les femelles se rassemblent sur les plantes les plus contaminées (500 à 1000 pucerons par pied), tandis que les plantes sans pucerons ou faiblement contaminées (50 à 200 par plante) n'en avaient presque pas. Dans les serres sans pucerons, des femelles en proportion significativement plus faible ont été trouvées sur les plantes, sans qu'elles aient manifesté une préférence pour certaines d'entre elles. Le taux de parasitisme, d'après le nombre de momies par plante, est apparu plutôt indépendant de la densité, après un faible pic pour les plantes avec environ 50 pucerons. Les dissections de pucerons n'ont révélé aucun superparasitisme.

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