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Mechanism of resistance to benzalkonium chloride by Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mechanisms of resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to benzalkonium chloride (BC) were studied. The effluence of cell components was observed in susceptible P. aeruginosa by electron microscopy, but resistant P. aeruginosa seemed to be undamaged. No marked changes in cell surface potential between Escherichia coli NIHJC-2 and a spheroplast strain were found. The contents of phospholipids (PL) and fatty and neutral lipids (FNL) in the cell walls of resistant P. aeruginosa were higher than those in the cell walls of susceptible P. aeruginosa. The amounts of BC adsorbed to PL and FNL of cell walls of BC-resistant P. aeruginosa were lower than those for BC-susceptible P. aeruginosa. Fifteen species of cellular fatty acids were identified by capillary gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The ability of BC to permeate the cell wall was reduced because of the increase in cellular fatty acids. These results suggested that the resistance of P. aeruginosa to BC is mainly a result of increased in the contents of PL and FNL. In resistant P. aeruginosa, the decrease in the amount of BC adsorbed is likely to be the result of increases in the contents of PL and FNL.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aims of this study were to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine diacetate (CHX) and benzalkonium chloride (BZK) for strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibiting increased minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for CHX, and to determine whether residues of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG) and Hibiscrub (Hib, a formulation containing CHG) affect the susceptibility of P. aeruginosa to these biocides and a number of antibiotics. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bactericidal activity of CHX and BZK was evaluated for strains of P. aeruginosa exhibiting increased MIC for CHX with established suspension and surface disinfection tests. None of the strains of P. aeruginosa exhibiting raised MIC for CHX was less sensitive than the parent strain to CHX or BZK in either method. A test was designed to investigate the effects of dried CHG and Hib residues on P. aeruginosa cells. Exposure of P. aeruginosa to dried residues of CHG or Hib did not result in the organism becoming less sensitive to either biocide or a number of antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with raised MIC to CHX were no less sensitive than the parent strain to CHX and BZK in bactericidal investigations. Exposure to dried residues of CHG and Hib did not render P. aeruginosa less sensitive to either of these agents or a number of antibiotics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: An increase in the MIC for a biocide in a micro-organism does not necessarily result in a failure of the biocide to effectively kill the organism. The residue that remains after the use of an antimicrobial agent can be at a far lower concentration than that initially applied and this study highlights the necessity for further investigations into the effect of residues, at low concentration, on bacterial populations and their role, if any, in the continued problem of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to benzalkonium chloride (BC) underwent unique ultrastructural reorganizations when they were grown in the presence of 1 mg of BC/ml. The resistant cells usually contained a single, centrally positioned pseudovacuole. The pseudovacuole was surrounded by a diffuse substance that spread irregularly throughout the cytoplasm. The presence of the pseudovacuole seemed to cause a physical compartmentalization of the cytoplasm into random pockets of ribosomes and nuclear material. Contained within the pseudovacuole was a horseshoe-shaped, electron-dense body which was bounded by a trilaminar membrane 5.2 nm in width. These bodies averaged 77 nm when measured through the long axis. The surfaces of resistant cells were covered by an additional layer not found in sensitive cells. Thin sections of sensitive cells which had been treated with 1 mg of BC/ml showed little or no lysis. The cytoplasm appeared to be deeply stained and coagulated. Ribosomes were no longer distinctly visible. Although the cell wall remained intact, the cell membrane was dissolved and fragmented. BC-grown resistant cells could not be successfully stained by standard techniques; however, details were demonstrated with the aid of a combination of 1.5% glutaraldehyde, 1% osmium tetroxide, and 1% phosphotungstic acid prepared in 0.1 m sodium dimethylarsonate buffer (pH 6.8).  相似文献   

Waltho, Judith A. (University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), and B. W. Holloway. Suppression of fluorophenylalanine resistance by mutation to streptomycin resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Bacteriol. 92:35-42. 1966.-Fluorophenylalanine-resistant mutants (fpa-r) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been isolated. By cotransduction analysis, the mutations were shown to have at least two chromosomal locations. One locus (fpaA) showed linkage to three other markers, str, try-3bi, and arg-3, and the order of these four linked markers was found to be try-3bi, arg-3, fpaA, str. The linkage relationships of the other fpa loci are not yet known. The phenotypic expression of resistance at the fpaA locus can be suppressed by mutation of the str locus from str-s to str-r, whereas that at an unlinked fpa locus cannot.  相似文献   

Abstract Resistance to chromate in five independent Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates was transferred by conjugation to P. aeruginosa strain PU21. All chromate-resistant transconjugants contained large plasmids that also conferred resistance to inorganic mercury. One of these plasmids, pUM505, increased the resistance to CrO42− and decreased the accumulation of intracellular 51CrO42− by the host cells as compared to the plasmidless strain PU21.  相似文献   

Benzalkonium chloride (BAC), used to extract intracellular ATP, interferes with subsequent firefly luciferase-luciferin assays. There was a significant difference among wild-type luciferases with respect to BAC resistance. Luciola lateralis luciferase (LlL) was the most tolerant, followed by Luciola cruciata luciferase (LcL) and Photinus pyralis luciferase. Random mutagenesis of thermostable mutants of LcL showed that the Glu490Lys mutation contributes to improved resistance to BAC. The corresponding Glu490Lys mutation was introduced into thermostable mutants of LlL by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that the resultant LlL-217L490K mutant, having both an Ala217Leu and a Glu490Lys mutation, showed the highest resistance to BAC, with an initial remaining bioluminescence intensity of 87.4% and a decay rate per minute of 29.6% in the presence of 0.1% BAC. The Glu490Lys mutation was responsible for increased resistance to inactivation but not inhibition by BAC. The LlL-217L490K had identical thermostability and pH stability to the parental thermostable mutant. From these results, it was concluded that the LlL-217L490K enzyme is advantageous for hygiene monitoring and biomass assays based on the ATP-bioluminescence methodology. This is the first report demonstrating improved resistance to BAC of the firefly luciferase enzyme.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis to oligopeptides by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A number of peptides were evaluated as chemoattractants for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Several strains recognized tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexapeptides in a capillary tube assay. Tripeptides altered at the carboxyl terminus were good attractants, whereas tripeptides altered at the amino terminus did not serve as chemoattractants. Methionine-containing peptides were relatively poor attractants. Arginine-containing peptides gave the best responses. Reduced responses to larger peptides suggest that porin penetration is required. No extracellular peptidase activity was detected. We conclude that oligopeptides are good attractants and that specificity for chemotactic recognition of oligopeptides exists.  相似文献   

A Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, PFRB, which we previously isolated as a contaminant in a batch of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) stock solution, exhibits high-level resistance, not only to BAC, but also to other cationic surfactants belonging to disinfectants classified as quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs). In this study, we analyzed the resistance mechanism of the strain to BAC and other disinfectants. We obtained results suggesting that two different mechanisms, reduced adsorption of BAC to the cell surface and an energy-dependent mechanism which is most probably an efflux system, were implicated in the high-level resistance to BAC. Reduced adsorption of BAC is likely due to the decreased negative cell surface charge of the strain. The putative efflux system seems to be unique in that it excretes only a certain range of cationic membrane-acting disinfectants belonging to QACs.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated that bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes, are capable of adapting to disinfectants used in industrial settings after prolonged exposure to sublethal concentrations. However, the consequent alterations of the cell surface due to sanitizer adaptation of this pathogen are not fully understood. Two resistant and four sensitive L. monocytogenes strains from different sources were progressively subcultured with increasing sublethal concentrations of a surfactant, benzalkonium chloride (BC). To evaluate the effects of acquired tolerance to BC, parent and adapted strains were compared by using several morphological and physiological tests. Sensitive strains showed at least a fivefold increase in the MIC, while the MIC doubled for resistant strains after the adaptation period. The hydrophobicities of cells of parent and adapted strains were similar. Serological testing indicated that antigen types 1 and 4 were both present on the cell surface of adapted cells. The data suggest that efflux pumps are the major mechanism of adaptation in sensitive strains and are less important in originally resistant isolates. A different, unknown mechanism was responsible for the original tolerance of resistant isolates. In an originally resistant strain, there was a slight shift in the fatty acid profile after adaptation, whereas sensitive strains had similar profiles. Electron micrographs revealed morphological differences after adaptation. The changes in cell surface antigens, efflux pump utilization, and fatty acid profiles suggest that different mechanisms are used by resistant and sensitive strains for adaptation to BC.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas cepacia that survived for 14 years (1963 to 1977) as a contaminant in an inorganic salt solution which contained commercial 0.05% benzalkonium chloride (CBC) as an antimicrobial preservative, was compared to a recent clinical isolate of P. cepacia. Ammonium acetate was present in the concentrated stock CBC solution, and served as a carbon and nitrogen source for growth when carried over into the salts solution with the CBC. The isolate's resistance to pure benzalkonium chloride was increased step-wise to a concentration of 16%. Plate counts showed 4 x 10(3) colony-forming units per ml in the salts solution. Comparison of growth rates, mouse virulence, antibiotics resistance spectra, and substrate requirements disclosed no differences between the contaminant and a recently isolated clinical strain of P. cepacia. The results indicate that it is critical that pharmaceutical solutions containing benzalkonium chloride as an antimicrobial preservative be formulated without extraneous carbon and nitrogen sources or be preserved with additional antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas cepacia that survived for 14 years (1963 to 1977) as a contaminant in an inorganic salt solution which contained commercial 0.05% benzalkonium chloride (CBC) as an antimicrobial preservative, was compared to a recent clinical isolate of P. cepacia. Ammonium acetate was present in the concentrated stock CBC solution, and served as a carbon and nitrogen source for growth when carried over into the salts solution with the CBC. The isolate's resistance to pure benzalkonium chloride was increased step-wise to a concentration of 16%. Plate counts showed 4 x 10(3) colony-forming units per ml in the salts solution. Comparison of growth rates, mouse virulence, antibiotics resistance spectra, and substrate requirements disclosed no differences between the contaminant and a recently isolated clinical strain of P. cepacia. The results indicate that it is critical that pharmaceutical solutions containing benzalkonium chloride as an antimicrobial preservative be formulated without extraneous carbon and nitrogen sources or be preserved with additional antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa: all roads lead to resistance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is often resistant to multiple antibiotics and consequently has joined the ranks of 'superbugs' due to its enormous capacity to engender resistance. It demonstrates decreased susceptibility to most antibiotics due to low outer membrane permeability coupled to adaptive mechanisms and can readily achieve clinical resistance. Newer research, using mutant library screens, microarray technologies and mutation frequency analysis, has identified very large collections of genes (the resistome) that when mutated lead to resistance as well as new forms of adaptive resistance that can be triggered by antibiotics themselves, in in vivo growth conditions or complex adaptations such as biofilm growth or swarming motility.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Chemotaxis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa RM46 has been studied, and conditions required for chemotaxis have been defined, by using the Adler capillary assay technique. Several amino acids, organic acids, and glucose were shown to be attractants of varying effectiveness for this organism. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was absolutely required for chemotaxis, and magnesium was also necessary for a maximum response. Serine taxis was greatest when the chemotaxis medium contained 1.5 X 10(-5) M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and 0.005 M magnesium chloride. It was not necessary to include methionine in the chemotaxis medium. The strength of the chemotactic responses to glucose and to citrate was dependent on prior growth of the bacteria on glucose and citrate, respectively. Accumulation in response to serine was inhibited by the addition of succinate, citrate, malate, glucose, pyruvate, or methionine to the chemotaxis medium. Inhibition by succinate was not dependent on the concentration of attractant in the capillary. However, the degree to which glucose and citrate inhibited serine taxis was dependent on the carbon source utilized for growth. Further investigation of this inhibition may provide information about the mechanisms of chemotaxis in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

This review examined 3655 articles on benzalkonium chloride (BKC), benzethonium chloride (BZT) and chloroxylenol (CHO) aiming to understand their impact on antimicrobial resistance. Following the application of inclusion/exclusion criteria, only 230 articles were retained for analysis; 212 concerned BKC, with only 18 for CHO and BZT. Seventy-eight percent of studies used MIC to measure BKC efficacy. Very few studies defined the term ‘resistance’ and 85% of studies defined ‘resistance’ as <10-fold increase (40% as low as 2-fold) in MIC. Only a few in vitro studies reported on formulated products and when they did, products performed better. In vitro studies looking at the impact of BKC exposure on bacterial resistance used either a stepwise training protocol or exposure to constant BKC concentrations. In these, BKC exposure resulted in elevated MIC or/and MBC, often associated with efflux, and at time, a change in antibiotic susceptibility profile. The clinical relevance of these findings was, however, neither reported nor addressed. Of note, several studies reported that bacterial strains with an elevated MIC or MBC remained susceptible to the in-use BKC concentration. BKC exposure was shown to reduce bacterial diversity in complex microbial microcosms, although the clinical significance of such a change has not been established. The impact of BKC exposure on the dissemination of resistant genes (notably efflux) remains speculative, although it manifests that clinical, veterinary and food isolates with elevated BKC MIC carried multiple efflux pump genes. The correlation between BKC usage and gene carriage, maintenance and dissemination has also not been established. The lack of clinical interpretation and significance in these studies does not allow to establish with certainty the role of BKC on AMR in practice. The limited literature and BZT and CHO do not allow to conclude that these will impact negatively on emerging bacterial resistance in practice.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Resistance to antimicrobial agents is the most important feature of biofilm infections. As a result, infections caused by bacterial biofilms are persistent and very difficult to eradicate. Although several mechanisms have been postulated to explain reduced susceptibility to antimicrobials in bacterial biofilms, it is becoming evident that biofilm resistance is multifactorial. The contribution of each of the different mechanisms involved in biofilm resistance is now beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

The effects of chlorhexidine diacetate and benzalkonium chloride on the viability of a wild type strain and its envelope mutants of both Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are described. The nature of the findings in relation to outer membrane penetrability is considered, as is the effect of solid and liquid media on the action of the inhibitors.  相似文献   

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