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In Phase I of this study to enhance ovulation rate and hence litter size, gilts received 0 (sham control), 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 or 5.0 mg epostane/kg body weight on Days 10, 11 and 12 of the oestrous cycle (5 gilts/group). After epostane treatment, plasma progesterone concentrations were reduced (P less than 0.01) in a dose-related manner, % progesterone decline = 21.30 x square root of (dose) + 10.45, R2 = 0.70, but recovered to pretreatment levels by 24 h. In Phase II the effects of epostane on ovulation rate and litter size were tested at two study centres. At each centre 108 gilts were treated with the same doses of epostane as used in Phase I and the doses were given for 7 days (Days 15-21) or 12 days (Days 10-21) during the first oestrous cycle. Gilts were inseminated twice during the oestrus after treatment and were slaughtered 30 days later. Mean (+/- s.d.) ovulation rate was 16 +/- 2.7 (N = 8) and 21 +/- 4.0 (N = 61) for control and epostane-treated gilts in Centre A and 12 +/- 2.4 (N = 5) and 17 +/- 3.8 (N = 55) respectively in Centre B (P less than 0.01 for both) and was dose related (ovulation rate = 3.38 x square root of (dose) + 16.17, R2 = 0.31). The effects of 7- or 12-day epostane treatment on ovulation rate were not different (P greater than 0.05), indicating that effects of treatment after Day 14 of the oestrous cycle are most important to subsequent ovulation frequency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of (1-benzoyl-1H-indazol-3-yl)oxylacetate L-Lysine (bendazac-lysine) on some enzymatic activities involved in the metabolism of reduced glutathione (GSH) was studied in the rabbit lens during developing cataract induced by a single dose of X-rays (2000 rads). The specific activities of glutathione reductase (G.R.), glutathione peroxidase (GSH.Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GSHS-tr.) do not change following irradiation and treatment with bendazac-lysine. The activity of the same enzymes expressed as a function of water soluble proteins (WSP) per lens significantly decreases (P less than 0.01) as compared to controls in the irradiated lens not treated with bendazac-lysine (ILNTB) at the 8th week, whereas no significant decrease as compared to controls is observed in the irradiated lens treated with bendazac-lysine (ILTB). In the ILNTB the specific activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) is reduced by 10% after 0.3 weeks and by 29% after 12 weeks. In the ILTB the specific activity of G6PDH is reduced by 8% after 0.3 weeks and by 14.5% after 12 weeks. The specific activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the ILNTB is reduced by 19% after 0.3 weeks and reached 31% after 12 weeks. In the ILTB the specific activity of SOD is reduced by 11% after 0.3 weeks and 19.8% after 12 weeks. The mechanism of protective effect of bendazac-lysine on cataract is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The enzymehistochemical maturation of the cerebellar cortex was studied at 8, 16 and 30 days in rats whose cerebellar area was irradiated with 1,000 r at 2 days of age, and was compared with that in normal animals.After irradiation, the granule cells and basket and stellate neurones are absent due to lethal damage to their precursors. Only large neurones, glial cells and bloodvessels are present in a disorderly arrangement; the laminar pattern of the cortex and specialized structures such as the glomeruli do not develop.Enzymehistochemically the absence of specialized structures such as the molecular layer and the glomeruli is reflected in a uniformly strong diffuse activity of most of the dehydrogenases studied. AMPase-activity shows a strong positive correlation with the presence of granule cells. High subcortical activity of AChE in the posterior half of the vermis is presumed to be located within mossy fibres which lack their normal goal: the granule cells. Capillaries in the irradiated cortex show a close spatial relation to Purkinje cells. The development of the cytoplasmic organization of the Purkinje cells as demonstrated by TPPase and AcPase activities proceeds in a normal way. Some enzymes can be used as markers of certain cell-types in the irradiated cortex: ICDH and G6PDH of Bergmann glial cells, AcPase of Golgi cells.It is suggested that enzymehistochemical studies of experimentally disturbed development may lead to better understanding of normal maturation.  相似文献   

Measurements of metabolic rate in rats: a comparison of techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two different open-circuit techniques of measuring metabolic rate were examined in rats at rest and during exercise. With one technique ambient air was drawn through a tightly fitting mask that was secured to the rat's head, whereas with the other technique the rat was placed into and ambient air was drawn through a Plexiglas box. Two series of experiments were performed. In series I, two groups were studied that consisted of rats that had received myocardial infarctions produced by coronary arterial ligations and rats that had received sham operations. In this series of experiments O2 uptake (VO2) and CO2 production (VCO2) were measured at rest, during four levels of submaximal exercise, and during maximal treadmill exercise in the same group of rats by use of both techniques in random order. VO2, VCO2, and the calculated respiratory exchange ratio (R) were similar at rest, during the highest level of submaximal exercise (20% grade, 37 m/min), and during maximal exercise; however, VO2 and VCO2 were significantly lower with the metabolic box technique compared with the mask technique during the three lowest work loads (5% grade, 19 m/min; 10% grade, 24 m/min; and 15% grade, 31 m/min). These differences appeared to be associated with a change in gait produced when the mask was worn. In series II, the arterial blood gas and acid-base responses to both submaximal and maximal exercise were measured using both techniques in a group of instrumented rats that had a catheter placed into the right carotid artery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ecologists interested in studying fluctuating relationships between consumers and nutrient sources are increasingly involved in modeling the rate at which consumers incorporate dietary components. In mammals a correlation between resting metabolic rate (RMR) and tissue turnover may exist across a range of species. Less is known about the variation of tissue turnover rate within a species, and how that correlates with RMR. Here we examine two strains of rats (Rattus norvegicus) with different RMR to test whether variation in RMR is positively correlated with tissue turnover rate within a species. If RMR, a relatively simple measurement, can be correlated with tissue turnover, then this relationship could be used to better interpret ecological functions, including impact of migratory or seasonally available nutrient sources. Here, the changing isotope signature in rat whole blood was modeled using a modified exponential decay equation and a reaction progress variable model. The modeled rate of turnover, metabolic rate (O2 consumed), and mass were then compared between strains of rats. The mass and RMRs (conditions during which RMRs were determined modified from the ideal, as outlined in the Methods) were significantly different between strains, but half-life and the metabolic tissue replacement component of turnover (as opposed to turnover from mass gain) were not. No significant correlation was found between RMR and metabolic tissue replacement between the strains. Results suggest that within a species showing a range of RMRs, blood tissue turnover should not vary significantly.  相似文献   

Sex proportion in swine after paternal X-irradiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Five-week-old male Crj:CD (SD) rats were treated with excess sodium chloride after abdominal X-irradiation. The gastric regions of the rats were irradiated with a total dose of 20 Gy given in two equal fractions separated by 3 days. After X-irradiation, animals were fed a diet containing 10% sodium chloride. Red blood cell anemia appeared 22 weeks after the last irradiation. By gross observation, the mesenteric arteries became reddish in color, and bead- or lead pipe-like nodular thickenings were present. Microscopically, these nodularly thickened mesenteric arteries showed fibrinoid necrosis with massive inflammatory infiltration including eosinophils and neutrophils. In more advanced lesions, elastica interna and externa and medial smooth muscle cells disappeared completely and were replaced by granulation tissue. In old lesions, arterial walls were markedly thickened with fibrous or fibromuscular tissue. These findings were quite similar to those of the human periarteritis nodosa. These arterial lesions could not be found in the rats with X-irradiation only, sodium chloride only, or in nontreated animals. This study demonstrates X-ray-induced, NaCl-promoted periarteritis nodosa-like lesions in rats.  相似文献   

Impaired regulation of salt and water balance in left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure can lead to pulmonary and peripheral edema and hyponatremia. Previous studies of disordered water regulation in heart failure have used models of low cardiac output with normal cardiac function (e.g., inferior vena cava ligation). We investigated thirst and vasopressin (AVP) secretion in a rat myocardial infarction model of chronic left ventricular dysfunction/heart failure in response to a 24-h water deprivation period. Thirst (implied from water drunk), hematocrit, plasma renin activity, and plasma AVP concentrations increased with water deprivation vs. ad libitum water access. Thirst and plasma AVP concentrations were significantly positively correlated with infarct size after 24-h water deprivation but not under ad libitum water access conditions. The mechanism by which this occurs is unclear but could involve increased osmoreceptor sensitivity, altered stimulation of baroreceptors, the renin-angiotensin system, or altered central neural control.  相似文献   

One hour urine C-peptide and creatinine clearance rates were determined simultaneously in 25 hospitalized patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) undergoing sulfonylurea and/or diet treatment. The studies had been performed after an overnight fast on the second day of admission and on a day soon before discharge, with intervals of 18.9 +/- 7.0 days. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values decreased significantly at the second examination as compared to the initial values (FPG: 101 +/- 20 mg/dl vs. 161 +/- 47 mg/dl, p less than 0.005; HbA1c: 7.3 +/- 1.5% vs. 8.4 +/- 1.7%, p less than 0.005). The urine C-peptide clearance rate also decreased significantly after metabolic control (0.75 +/- 0.36 l/hr vs. 1.06 +/- 0.54 l/hr, p less than 0.005). Meanwhile, the urine creatinine clearance rate tended to decrease, but the difference was not significant (3.69 +/- 2.04 l/hr vs. 4.87 +/- 2.98 l/hr) at the second examination. The data suggest that the urine C-peptide clearance rate is susceptible to the effects of the fluctuation of metabolic states in NIDDM patients. In order to use urinary C-peptide for a follow up study of pancreatic B-cell secretion, the changes in C-peptide clearance under various metabolic conditions must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration and is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly defined. This study tested the hypothesis that increased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in early MetS is associated with renal adiposity and microvascular proliferation. Twelve MetS-prone Ossabaw pigs were randomized to 10 wk of a standard (lean, n = 6) or atherogenic (MetS, n = 6) diet. Kidney hemodynamics and function, perirenal fat volume, and tubular dynamics were assessed in vivo by multidetector computed tomography (CT) and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)-MRI. Microvascular architecture was assessed ex vivo with micro-CT. Candidate injury mechanisms were evaluated in kidney tissue by Western blotting and histology. Basal GFR, renal blood flow, and renal cortical perfusion and volume were elevated in the MetS group. Perirenal and kidney tissue fat, proximal-nephron intratubular fluid concentration, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression were increased in MetS. GFR levels correlated with tissue triglyceride levels. Elevated spatial density of 20- to 40-μm cortical microvessels was accompanied by mild oxidative stress, inflammation, and with proximal tubular vacuolization. Medullary size and perfusion were relatively preserved, and BOLD-MRI showed intact medullary tubular response to furosemide. Increased GFR in early MetS is associated with renal adiposity and microvascular proliferation, which involve mainly the renal cortex and precede significant activation of oxidative stress and inflammation. Renal adiposity and proliferative microvessels may represent novel therapeutic targets for preserving renal function in early MetS.  相似文献   

Yeast cells, Saccharomyces uvarum, were irradiated with X-rays and grown in liquid suspension. Glucose as the only carbon source was limited to 12.5 mM. Under these conditions giant cells are formed. Cell number, glucose utilization, ethanol production and oxygen consumption are measured during the time of growth. The mean weight of single cells in the stationary phase increases up to 75 krad and is not due to an uptake of water. In irradiated cultures oxygen consumption and glucose utilization per cell are higher than in control cells. The data demonstrate that synthesis- and energy-metabolism during the formation of non-dividing, radiation-induced giant cells is increased.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of X-irradiation on ovulation rate, cyclicity and progesterone and FSH levels in Ile-de-France ewes (4 control and 16 irradiated) after they were treated during the breeding season. The doses used (800 and 2 400 R) destroyed 50% of all size classes of the follicular population. Ovulation occurred in 87% of the treated ewes (ovulation rate = 1) when they were irradiated 24 h after luteolysis; 78% of the corpora lutea resulting from these ovulations were normal as to length and progesterone production. FSH in treated ewes started to increase 20 h after treatment and remained higher than in the controls until ovulation time. Later, while these levels were similar between groups on the day of ovulation, high ovulatory levels persisted in irradiated ewes. In the next cycles, the length of the follicular phases, ovulation rate and progesterone and FSH levels were similar between groups.  相似文献   

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