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Ruedi M  Castella V 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(6):1527-1540
Analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region polymorphism and of variation at 10 nuclear microsatellite loci were used to investigate the mechanisms and genetic consequences of postglacial expansion of Myotis myotis in Europe. Initial sampling consisted of 480 bats genotyped in 24 nursery colonies arranged along a transect of approximately 3000 km. The phylogeographical survey based on mtDNA sequences revealed the existence of major genetic subdivisions across this area, with several suture zones between haplogroups. Such zones of secondary contact were found in the Alps and Rhodopes, whereas other potential barriers to gene flow, like the Pyrenees, did not coincide with genetic discontinuities. Areas of population admixture increased locally the genetic diversity of colonies, which confounded the northward decrease in nucleotide diversity predicted using classical models of postglacial range expansion. However, when analyses were restricted to a subset of 15 nurseries originating from a single presumed glacial refugium, mtDNA polymorphism did indeed support a northwards decrease in diversity. Populations were also highly structured (PhiST = 0.384). Conversely, the same subset of colonies showed no significant latitudinal decrease in microsatellite diversity and much less population structure (FST = 0.010), but pairwise genetic differentiation at these nuclear markers was strongly correlated with increasing geographical distance. Together, this evidence suggests that alleles carried via male bats have maintained enough nuclear gene flow to counteract the effects of recurrent bottlenecks generally associated with recolonization processes. As females are highly philopatric, we argue that the maternally transmitted mtDNA marker better reflects the situation of past, historical gene flow, whereas current levels of gene flow are better reflected by microsatellite markers.  相似文献   

Vicariance and dispersal can strongly influence population genetic structure and allopatric speciation, but their importance in the origin of marine biodiversity is unresolved. In transitional estuarine environments, habitat discreteness and dispersal barriers could enhance divergence and provide insight to evolutionary mechanisms underlying marine and freshwater biodiversity. We examined this by assessing phylogeographic structure in the widespread amphipod Gammarus tigrinus across 13 estuaries spanning its northwest Atlantic range from Quebec to Florida. Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I and nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1 phylogenies supported deep genetic structure consistent with Pliocene separation and cryptic northern and southern species. This break occurred across the Virginian-Carolinian coastal biogeographic zone, where an oceanographic discontinuity may restrict gene flow. Ten estuarine populations of the northern species occurred in four distinct clades, supportive of Pleistocene separation. Glaciation effects on genetic structure of estuarine populations are largely unknown, but analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) supported a phylogeographic break among clades in formerly glaciated versus nonglaciated areas across Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This finding was concordant with patterns in other coastal species, though there was no significant relationship between latitude and genetic diversity. This supports Pleistocene vicariance events and divergence of clades in different northern glacial refugia. AMOVA results and private haplotypes in most populations support an allopatric distribution across estuaries. Clade mixture zones are consistent with historical colonization and human-mediated transfer. An isolation-by-distance model of divergence was detected after we excluded a suspected invasive haplotype in the St. Lawrence estuary. The occurrence of cryptic species and divergent population structure support limited dispersal, dispersed habitat distribution, and historical factors as important determinants of estuarine speciation and diversification.  相似文献   

Research investigating the geographical context of speciation has primarily focused on abiotic factors such as the role of Pleistocene glacial cycles, or geotectonic events. Few study systems allow a direct comparison of how biological differences, such as dispersal behaviour, affect population genetic structure of organisms that were subdivided during the Pleistocene. Mormon crickets exist in solitary and gregarious 'phases', which broadly correspond with an east-west mtDNA division across the Rocky Mountains. Gregarious individuals form bands that can move up to 2 km daily. This study assessed whether population genetic structure results mainly from deep Pleistocene vicariance or if we can also detect more recent genetic patterns due to phase and dispersal differences superimposed on the older, deeper divisions. We found that separation in refugia was a more important influence on genetic divergence than phase, with the Rockies acting as a barrier that separated Mormon cricket populations into eastern and western refugia during Pleistocene glacial cycles. However, patterns of isolation by distance differ between eastern and western clades for both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, with greater divergence within the eastern, solitary clade. An mtDNA haplotype mismatch distribution is compatible with historical population expansion in the western clade but not in the eastern clade. A persistent (and possibly sex-biased) difference in dispersal ability has most likely influenced the greater population genetic structure seen in the eastern clade, emphasizing the importance of the interaction of Quaternary climate fluctuations and geography with biotic factors in producing the patterns of genetic subdivision observed today.  相似文献   

Hybridization is increasingly seen as a trigger for rapid evolution and speciation. To quantify and qualify divergence associated with recent homoploid hybrid speciation, we compared quantitative trait (QT) and molecular genetic variation between the homoploid hybrid species Senecio squalidus and its parental species, S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius, and also their naturally occurring Sicilian hybrids. S. squalidus originated and became invasive in the United Kingdom following the introduction of hybrid plants from Mount Etna, Sicily, about 300 years ago. We recorded considerable molecular genetic differentiation between S. squalidus and its parents and their Sicilian hybrids in terms of both reduced genetic diversity and altered allele frequencies, potentially due to the genetic bottleneck associated with introduction to the United Kingdom. S. squalidus is also distinct from its parents and Sicilian hybrids for QTs, but less so than for molecular genetic markers. We suggest that this is due to resilience of polygenic QTs to changes in allele frequency or lack of selection for hybrid niche divergence in geographic isolation. While S. squalidus is intermediate or parental-like for most QTs, some trangressively distinct traits were observed, which might indicate emerging local adaptation in its invasive range. This study emphasizes the important contribution of founder events and geographic isolation to successful homoploid hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

Populations of migratory birds differ in their direction of migration with neighbouring populations often migrating in divergent directions separated by migratory divides. A total of 26% of 103 passerine bird species in Europe had migratory divides that were located disproportionately often along a longitudinal gradient in Central Europe, consistent with the assumption of a Quaternary glacial origin of such divides in the Iberian and Balkan peninsulas followed by recolonization. Given that studies have shown significant genetic differentiation and reduced gene flow across migratory divides, we hypothesized that an absence of migratory divides would result in elevated rates of gene flow and hence a reduced level of local adaptation. In a comparative study, species with migratory divides had larger population sizes and population densities and longer dispersal distances than species without migratory divides. Species with migratory divides tended to be habitat generalists. Bird species with migratory divides had higher richness of blood parasites and higher growth rates of Staphylococcus on their eggs during the incubation period. There was weaker cell-mediated immunity in adults and stronger cell lysis in species with migratory divides. These findings may suggest that migratory divides constitute barriers to dispersal with consequences for ecology and evolution of distributions, population sizes, habitats and parasite-host interactions. They also suggest that migratory divides may play a role in local adaptation in host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

African mole-rats are subterranean Hystricomorph rodents, distributed widely throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and displaying a range of social and reproductive strategies from solitary dwelling to the 'insect-like' sociality of the naked mole-rat, Heterocephalus glaber. Both molecular systematic studies of Rodentia and the fossil record of bathyergids indicate an ancient origin for the family. This study uses an extensive molecular phylogeny and mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12s rRNA molecular clocks to examine in detail the divergence times, and patterns of speciation of the five extant genera in the context of rift valley formation in Africa. Based on a value of 40-48 million years ago (Myr) for the basal divergence of the family (Heterocephalus), we estimate divergence times of 32-40 Myr for Heliophobius, 20-26 Myr for Georychus/Bathyergus and 12-17 Myr for Cryptomys, the most speciose genus. While early divergences may have been independent of rifting, patterns of distribution of later lineages may have been influenced directly by physical barriers imposed by the formation of the Kenya and Western Rift, and indirectly by accompanying climatic and vegetative changes. Rates of chromosomal evolution and speciation appear to vary markedly within the family. In particular, the genus Cryptomys appears to have undergone an extensive radiation and shows the widest geographical distribution. Of the two distinct clades within this genus, one exhibits considerable karyotypic variation while the other does not, despite comparatively high levels of sequence divergence between some taxa. These different patterns of speciation observed both within the family and within the genus Cryptomys may have been a result of environmental changes associated with rifting.  相似文献   

In this issue, Flaxman et al. ( 2014 ) report the results of sophisticated whole‐genome simulations of speciation with gene flow, enhancing our understanding of the process by building on previous single‐locus, multilocus and analytical works. Their findings provide us with new insights about how genomes can diverge and the importance of statistical and chromosomal linkage in facilitating reproductive isolation. The authors characterize the conditions under which, even with high gene flow and weak divergent selection, reproductive isolation between populations can occur due to the emergent stochastic process of genomewide congealing, where numerous statistically or physically linked loci of small effect allow selection to limit effective migration rates. The initial congealing event can occur within a broad range conditions, and once initiated, the self‐reinforcing process leads to rapid divergence and ultimately two reproductively isolated populations. Flaxman et al.'s ( 2014 ) work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of speciation with gene flow and in making a more predictive field of evolutionary genomics and speciation.  相似文献   

The chloroplast phylogeography of two peat mosses (Sphagnum fimbriatum and Sphagnum squarrosum) with similar distributions but different life history characteristics was investigated in Europe. Our main aim was to test whether similar distributions reflect similar phylogeographic and phylodemographic processes. Accessions covering the European distributions of the species were collected and approx. 2000 bp of the chloroplast genome of each species was sequenced. Maximum parsimony, statistical parsimony and phylodemographic analyses were used to address the question of whether these species with similar distributions show evidence of similar phylogeographic and phylodemographic processes. The chloroplast haplotypes of the currently spreading species S. fimbriatum showed strong geographic structure, whereas those of S. squarrosum, which has stable historical population sizes, showed only very weak geographic affinity and were widely distributed. We hypothesize that S. fimbriatum survived the last glaciations along the Atlantic coast of Europe, whereas S. squarrosum had numerous, scattered refugia in Europe. The dominance of one haplotype of S. fimbriatum across almost all of Europe suggests rapid colonization after the last glacial maximum. We hypothesize that high colonizing ability is an inherent characteristic of the species and its recent expansion in Europe is a response to climate change.  相似文献   

Ren GP  Abbott RJ  Zhou YF  Zhang LR  Peng YL  Liu JQ 《Heredity》2012,108(5):552-562
Although homoploid hybrid speciation in plants is probably more common than previously realized, there are few well-documented cases of homoploid hybrid origin in conifers. We examined genetic divergence between two currently widespread pines in Northeast China, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and Pinus densiflora, and also whether two narrowly distributed pines in the same region, Pinus funebris and Pinus takahasii, might have originated from the two widespread species by homoploid hybrid speciation. Our results, based on population genetic analysis of chloroplast (cp), mitochondrial (mt) DNA, and nuclear gene sequence variation, showed that the two widespread species were divergent for both cp- and mtDNA variation, and also for haplotype variation at two of eight nuclear gene loci surveyed. Our analysis further indicated that P. sylvestris var. mongolica and P. densiflora remained allopatric during the most severe Quaternary glacial period that occurred in Northeast China, but subsequently exhibited rapid range expansions. P. funebris and P. takahasii, were found to contain a mixture of chlorotypes and nuclear haplotypes that distinguish P. sylvestris var. mongolica and P. densiflora, in support of the hypothesis that they possibly originated via homoploid hybrid speciation following secondary contact and hybridization between P. sylvestris var. mongolica and P. densiflora.  相似文献   

Wang HW  Ge S 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4109-4122
Cathaya argyrophylla is an endangered conifer restricted to subtropical mountains of China. To study phylogeographical pattern and demographic history of C. argyrophylla, species-wide genetic variation was investigated using sequences of maternally inherited mtDNA and biparentally inherited nuclear DNA. Of 15 populations sampled from all four distinct regions, only three mitotypes were detected at two loci, without single region having a mixed composition (G(ST) = 1). Average nucleotide diversity (theta(ws) = 0.0024; pi(s) = 0.0029) across eight nuclear loci is significantly lower than those found for other conifers (theta(ws) = 0.003 approximately 0.015; pi(s) = 0.002 approximately 0.012) based on estimates of multiple loci. Because of its highest diversity among the eight nuclear loci and evolving neutrally, one locus (2009) was further used for phylogeographical studies and eight haplotypes resulting from 12 polymorphic sites were obtained from 98 individuals. All the four distinct regions had at least four haplotypes, with the Dalou region (DL) having the highest diversity and the Bamian region (BM) the lowest, paralleling the result of the eight nuclear loci. An AMOVA revealed significant proportion of diversity attributable to differences among regions (13.4%) and among populations within regions (8.9%). F(ST) analysis also indicated significantly high differentiation among populations (F(ST) = 0.22) and between regions (F(ST) = 0.12-0.38). Non-overlapping distribution of mitotypes and high genetic differentiation among the distinct geographical groups suggest the existence of at least four separate glacial refugia. Based on network and mismatch distribution analyses, we do not find evidence of long distance dispersal and population expansion in C. argyrophylla. Ex situ conservation and artificial crossing are recommended for the management of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Distribution of mobile organisms on near-continent islands is mainly shaped by factors operating over ecological rather geological time. However, the phylogeography of single species has the potential to expose historical factors at work. In the present study, West Mediterranean populations of the butterfly Maniola jurtina are studied using geometric morphometrics. The distribution of the two well established lineages ( Maniola jurtina jurtina in the Atlanto–Mediterranean area and Maniola jurtina janira in the Central–Eastern-Mediterranean area) on 12 islands and the adjoining continents are compared. The south-western lineage unexpectedly occurs on islands close to shores occupied by the eastern lineage. We have modelled the distribution of the lineages using three different hypotheses: (1) a contemporary isolation model, which predicts lineage occupancy of islands is linked to relative distances from neighbouring continental areas; (2) a refugial hypothesis, which predicts one lineage to be the ancestral one for the whole region studied, and then successively replaced over part of it; (3) a changing geography hypothesis, which predicts the two lineages to have evolved in their currently occupied areas, continuously sourcing islands subsequent to the Würm maximum glaciation. Of the three models, the refugial hypothesis is most highly correlated with the observed pattern, suggesting that Mediterranean islands may function as refugia during cold periods, much as the three mainland peninsulas of Iberia, Italy and Greece are known to have done. Thereafter, hybridization on the nearest and smallest islands has occurred, with the entire process supporting the notion of the joint influence of factors in ecological and geological time.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 677–692.  相似文献   

In the last decade a number of studies has illustrated quite different phylogeographical patterns amongst plants with a northern present‐day geographical distribution, spanning the entire circumboreal region and/or circumarctic region and southern mountains. These works, employing several marker systems, have brought to light the complex evolutionary histories of this group. Here I focus on one circumboreal plant species, Chamaedaphne calyculata (leatherleaf), to unravel its phylogeographical history and patterns of genetic diversity across its geographical range. A survey of 29 populations with combined analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and AFLP markers revealed structuring into two groups: Eurasian/north‐western North American, and north‐eastern North American. The present geographical distribution of C. calyculata has resulted from colonization from two putative refugial areas: east Beringia and south‐eastern North America. The variation of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and ITS sequences strongly indicated that the evolutionary histories of the Eurasian/north‐western North American and the north‐eastern North American populations were independent of each other because of a geographical disjunction in the distribution area and ice‐sheet history between north‐eastern and north‐western North America. Mismatch analysis using ITS confirmed that the present‐day population structure is the result of rapid expansion, probably since the last glacial maximum. The AFLP data revealed low genetic diversity of C. calyculata (P = 19.5%, H = 0.085) over the whole geographical range, and there was no evidence of loss of genetic diversity within populations in the continuous range, either at the margins or in formerly glaciated and nonglaciated regions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 761–775.  相似文献   

Climatic oscillations throughout the Pleistocene combined with geological and topographic complexity resulted in extreme habitat heterogeneity along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Inferring how these historic landscape patterns have structured the current diversity of the region's biota is important both for our understanding of the factors promoting diversification, as well as the conservation of this biodiversity hotspot. Here we evaluate potential historical scenarios of diversification in the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil by investigating the population genetic structure of a frog endemic to the region. Using mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, we generated a Bayesian population-level phylogeny of the Thoropa miliaris species complex. We found deep genetic divergences among five geographically distinct clades. Southern clades were monophyletic and nested within paraphyletic northern clades. Analyses of historical demographic patterns suggest an overall north to south population expansion, likely associated with regional differences in habitat stability during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. However, genetic structure among southern populations is less pronounced and likely represents more recent vicariant events resulting from Holocenic sea-level oscillations. Our analyses corroborate that the Atlantic Coastal Forest has been a biogeographically dynamic landscape and suggest that the high diversity of its fauna and flora resulted from a combination of climatic and geologic events from the Pliocene to the present.  相似文献   

Knowledge of genetic connectivity dynamics in the world's large‐bodied, highly migratory, apex predator sharks across their global ranges is limited. One such species, the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), occurs worldwide in warm temperate and tropical waters, uses remarkably diverse habitats (nearshore to pelagic) and possesses a generalist diet that can structure marine ecosystems through top‐down processes. We investigated the phylogeography and the global population structure of this exploited, phylogenetically enigmatic shark by using 10 nuclear microsatellites (= 380) and sequences from the mitochondrial control region (CR,= 340) and cytochrome oxidase I gene (= 100). All three marker classes showed the genetic differentiation between tiger sharks from the western Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific ocean basins (microsatellite FST > 0.129; CR ΦST > 0.497), the presence of North vs. southwestern Atlantic differentiation and the isolation of tiger sharks sampled from Hawaii from other surveyed locations. Furthermore, mitochondrial DNA revealed high levels of intraocean basin matrilineal population structure, suggesting female philopatry and sex‐biased gene flow. Coalescent‐ and genetic distance‐based estimates of divergence from CR sequences were largely congruent (dcorr = 0.0015–0.0050), indicating a separation of Indo‐Pacific and western Atlantic tiger sharks <1 million years ago. Mitochondrial haplotype relationships suggested that the western South Atlantic Ocean was likely a historical connection for interocean basin linkages via the dispersal around South Africa. Together, the results reveal unexpectedly high levels of population structure in a highly migratory, behaviourally generalist, cosmopolitan ocean predator, calling for management and conservation on smaller‐than‐anticipated spatial scales.  相似文献   

The Balkan Peninsula is one of three major European refugial areas. It has high biodiversity and endemism, but data on the age and origin of its fauna, especially endemics, are limited. Mitochondrial sequence data (COI and 16S genes) were used to study the population structure and phylogeography of the caddisfly Drusus croaticus and the phylogeny and divergence of seven other Drusus species, mostly range-restricted endemics of the Dinaric region of the Balkan Peninsula. The divergence of D. croaticus populations in Croatia and allopatric Drusus species in Bosnia dated to the Pleistocene, showing the importance of this time period for the origin and diversification of Balkan endemic taxa. The divergence of more distantly related species dated to the Late Miocene/Early Pliocene. Population genetic and phylogeographic analysis of 115 individuals from 11 populations of D. croaticus revealed a high level of genetic differentiation and absence of gene flow between populations separated by more than 10 km. The existence of allopatrically fragmented lineages in D. croaticus and the endemic Bosnian species is most likely the result of long-term isolation in multiple microrefugia, probably due to the specific habitat requirements and life-history traits of Drusinae coupled with the topographic complexity and historical changes in geomorphology of the region. Overall, these findings shed light on the processes generating the high genetic complexity of this refugial region that parallels the 'refugia within refugia' pattern widely reported from the Iberian refugium.  相似文献   

1. Coenagrion mercuriale is one of Europe's most threatened damselflies. There is concern for the long‐term persistence of many of its U.K. colonies because adult lifetime movement is limited, making isolated populations susceptible to extinction. 2. Using 14 microsatellite loci we characterised levels of genetic diversity, evidence for a recent decline and the spatial genetic structure for C. mercuriale population in Wales, U.K. 3. Spatial isolation is not an absolute predictor of low genetic diversity at either local or regional scales. 4. One population inhabiting a remote, edge of range site is genetically impoverished with levels of variability (at microsatellite loci) among the lowest reported for any insect species. 5. Agricultural land and high ground are physical barriers to dispersal by adults. 6. Consistent with work from elsewhere, movement by mature C. mercuriale in Pembrokeshire is sufficient to prevent significant genetic differentiation throughout a habitat matrix of some 3–4 km if the suitable habitat sites are <2 km apart and lack barriers to movement. Even within a good habitat matrix, however, genetic isolation by distance develops within 10 km.  相似文献   

Phlebotomus ariasi is one of the two sandflies transmitting the causative agent of zoonotic leishmaniasis, Leishmania infantum, in France and Iberia, and provides a rare case study of the postglacial re-colonization of France by a Mediterranean species. Four DNA sequences were analysed—mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b), nuclear elongation factor-1α (EF-1α) and two anonymous nuclear loci—for 14–15 French populations and single populations from northeast Spain, northwest Spain, Portugal and Morocco. The presence of cryptic sibling species was not revealed by phylogenetic analyses and testing for reproductive isolation between sympatric populations defined by the two most divergent cyt b haplogroups. No locus was shown to be under positive directional or balancing selection and, therefore, molecular variation was explained demographically. Each nuclear locus showed shallow isolation by distance from Portugal to the French Pyrenees, but for both cyt b and EF-1α there was then a step change to the upland Massif Central, where leading-edge populations showed low diversity at all loci. Multiple genetic divergences and population expansions were detected by analyses of cyt b and dated to the Pleistocene. Endemicity of one cyt b sub-lineage suggested the presence of a refuge north of the Pyrenees during the last glacial period. Monopolization of the Massif Central by genetically differentiated populations of P. ariasi might possibly hinder the northwards spread of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Habitat configuration is expected to have a major influence on genetic exchange and evolutionary divergence among populations. Aquatic organisms occur in two fundamentally different habitat types, the sea and freshwater lakes, making them excellent models to study the contrasting effects of continuity vs. isolation on genetic divergence. We compared the divergence in post-glacial populations of a cosmopolitan aquatic plant, the pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus that simultaneously occurs in freshwater lakes and coastal marine sites. Relative levels of gene flow were inferred in 12 lake and 14 Baltic Sea populations in northern Germany using nine highly polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for P. pectinatus. We found highly significant isolation-by-distance in both habitat types (P < 0.001). Genetic differentiation increased approximately 2.5-times faster among freshwater populations compared with those from the Baltic Sea. As different levels of genetic drift or population history cannot explain these differences, higher population connectivity in the sea relative to freshwater populations is the most likely source of contrasting evolutionary divergence. These findings are consistent with the notion that freshwater angiosperms are more conducive to allopatric speciation than their life-history counterparts in the sea, the relative species poor seagrasses. Surprisingly, population pairs from different habitat types revealed almost maximal genetic divergence expected for complete reproductive isolation, regardless of their respective geographical distance. Hence, the barrier to gene flow between lake and sea habitat types cannot be due to dispersal limitation. We may thus have identified a case of rapid incipient speciation in post-glacial populations of a widespread aquatic plant.  相似文献   

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