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We show that bacteriophage λ DNA fragments microinjected into the macronucleus of the ciliated protozoan Paramecium can replicate as unit-length linear molecules. These linear DNA molecules are substrates for the addition of Paramecium telomeres by an endogenous telomerase. The linear DNA pieces can exist at copy numbers much higher than that of typical endogenous macronuclear chromosomes. We show that the copy number of injected DNA many fissions after microinjection reflects that of the original input copy number, suggesting that active control of copy number does not occur. Instead, the results suggest that injected DNA is replicated once per cell division. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda DNA: the beginning of the end.   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

Minichromosomes, i.e. plasmids that can replicate from an integrated oriC, have been puzzling because of their high copy numbers compared to that of the chromosomal oriC, their lack of incompatibility with the chromosome and their high loss frequencies. Using single cell resistance to tetracycline or ampicillin as an indicator of copy number we followed the development of minichromosome distributions in Escherichia coli cells transformed with minichromosomes and then allowed to grow towards the steady state. The final copy number distribution was not reached within 15 to 20 generations. If the minichromosome carried the sop (partitioning) genes from plasmid F, the development of the copy number distribution was further drastically delayed. We conclude that E. coli cells have no function that directly controls minichromosomal copy numbers, hence the absence of incompatibility in the sense of shared copy number control. We suggest that minichromosomes are subject to the same replication control as the chromosome but segregate randomly in the absence of integrated partitioning genes. This, combined with evidence that the lowest copy number classes are normally present despite high average copy numbers, can account for the high loss frequencies.  相似文献   

Number matters: control of mammalian mitochondrial DNA copy number   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis is essential for proper cellular functioning. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion and the resulting mitochondrial malfunction have been implicated in cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes, aging, and many other human diseases. Although it is known that the dynamics of the mammalian mitochondrial genome are not linked with that of the nuclear genome, very little is known about the mechanism of mtDNA propagation. Nevertheless, our understanding of the mode of mtDNA replication has ad- vanced in recent years, though not without some controversies. This review summarizes our current knowledge of mtDNA copy number control in mammalian cells, while focusing on both mtDNA replication and turnover. Although mtDNA copy number is seemingly in excess, we reason that mtDNA copy number control is an important aspect of mitochondrial genetics and biogenesis and is essential for normal cellular function.  相似文献   

The study of bacteriophage lambda has provided key insights into fundamental biological processes. This review recalls some highlights in the history of lambda research, and relates how simple (but elegant) experiments yielded major scientific breakthroughs. What we know about recombination, gene regulation, and protein folding, for example, derives in large part from bacteriophage lambda genetics. Lambda not only represents a model system of scientific logic in a technology-driven age, but continues to reveal new principles of molecular biology.  相似文献   

In conjugating pairs of Paramecium caudatum, the micronuclear events occur synchronously in both members of the pair. To find out whether micronuclear behavior is controlled by the somatic macronucleus or by the germinal micronucleus, and whether or not synchronization of micronuclear behavior is due to intercellular communication between conjugating cells, the behavior of the micronucleus was examined after removal of the macronuclei from either or both cells of a mating pair at various stages of conjugation. When macronuclei were removed from both cells of a pair, micronuclear development was arrested 1 to 1.5 hr after macronuclear removal. When the macronucleus of a micronucleate cell mating with an amicronucleate cell was removed later than 3 to 3.5 hr of conjugation, that is, an early stage of meiotic prophase of the micronucleus, micronuclear events occurred normally in the operated cell. These results suggest that most micronuclear events are under the control of the macronucleus and that the gene products provided by the macronucleus are transferable between mating cells. One such product is required for induction of micronuclear division and is provided just before metaphase of the first meiotic division of the micronucleus. This factor is effective at a lower concentration in the cytoplasm and/or is more transferable between mating cells than the factors required for other stages. This factor, which seems to be present at least until the stage of micronuclear disintegration, is able to induce repeated micronuclear division as long as it remains active. The factor can act on a micronucleus which has not passed through a meiotic prophase. Moreover, the results suggest the existence of a second factor which is provided by the macronucleus after the first meiotic division that inhibits further micronuclear division.  相似文献   

A procedure for the quantitation of reactions between specific members of a set of DNA restriction fragments is presented. Quantitation of the cohesive fragments in NruI nuclease digests of lambda DNA is used as an example. Restriction fragments are resolved on agarose gels and their amounts are estimated from densitometer scans of photographic negatives of ethidium bromide-stained gels. A linear relationship is found between the peak height of given fragment on the scan and the logarithm of the molecular weight of the fragment, arising in part from the stoichiometry of the digest; this relationship allows simple interpolation between the peak heights of the nonreacting fragments in each gel lane to determine the theoretical maximal amount of each reactive fragment in that gel lane. Similar procedures should be applicable to enzymatic ligation or to site-specific cleavage of specific restriction fragments or to autoradiographic detection of the fragments. Since each lane of the gel is analyzed independently, the method is largely self-correcting for variations in amounts applied to the gel.  相似文献   

During macronuclear development in hypotrichous ciliated protozoans, several thousand macronuclear DNA molecules are amplified several-hundred fold. We investigated the regulation of this amplification by determining the copy numbers of three different macronuclear DNA molecules in the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes crassus. Two of the macronuclear DNA molecules were present in approximately 1,000 copies per cell, while the third was present in approximately 6,500 copies per cell. These reiteration levels were achieved either during macronuclear development, or shortly thereafter, and were maintained during vegetative growth. The most abundant macronuclear DNA molecule is present as a single-copy sequence in the micronuclear genome. Thus, its high copy number results from differential amplification. These results indicate that DNA amplification during macronuclear development is regulated individually for each macronuclear DNA molecule.  相似文献   

DNA molecules injected into the macronucleus of Paramecium primaurelia replicate either as free linear telomerized or chromosome integrated molecules. In the present study we show that when a 1.77 kb BamHI DNA fragment harbouring the his3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was microinjected into the macronucleus, a fraction of the molecules are integrated into the chromosome via an illegitimate recombination process. The injected molecules were mostly inserted at their extremities at multiple points in the genome by replacing the Paramecium sequences. However, insertion sites were not totally at random. Roughly 30% of the molecules were integrated next to or in telomeric repeats. These telomeric repeats were not at the extremities of chromosomes but occupy an internal or interstitial position. We argue that such sites are hotspots for integration as the probability of random insertion near or in an interstitial telomeric site, of which there are 25-60 in a macronucleus is between 5 x 10(-4) and 3 x 10(-5).  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena, the DNA of the macronucleus exists as very large (100 to 4,000-kb) linear molecules that are randomly partitioned to the daughter cells during cell division. This genetic system leads directly to an assortment of alleles such that all loci become homozygous during vegetative growth. Apparently, there is a copy number control mechanism operative that adjusts the number of each macronuclear DNA molecule so that macronuclear DNA molecules (with their loci) are not lost and aneuploid death is a rare event. In comparing Southern analyses of the DNA from various species of Tetrahymena using histone H4 genes as a probe, we find different band intensities in many species. These differences in band intensities primarily reflect differences in the copy number of macronuclear DNA molecules. The variation in copy number of macronuclear DNA molecules in some species is greater than an order of magnitude. These observations are consistent with a developmental control mechanism that operates by increasing the macronuclear copy number of specific DNA molecules (and the genes located on these molecules) to provide the relatively high gene copy number required for highly expressed proteins.  相似文献   

DNA packaging by large DNA viruses such as the tailed bacteriophages and the herpesviruses involves DNA translocation into a preformed protein shell, called the prohead. Translocation is driven by an ATP hydrolysis-powered DNA packaging motor. The bacteriophages encode a heterodimeric viral DNA packaging protein, called terminase. The terminases have an ATPase center located in the N terminus of the large subunit implicated in DNA translocation. In previous work with phage lambda, lethal mutations that changed ATP-reactive residues 46 and 84 of gpA, the large terminase subunit, were studied. These mutant enzymes retained the terminase endonuclease and helicase activities, but had severe defects in virion assembly, and lacked the terminase high-affinity ATPase activity. Surprisingly, in the work described here, we found that enzymes with the conservative gpA changes Y46F and Y46A had only mild packaging defects. These mild defects contrast with their profound virion assembly defects. Thus, these mutant enzymes have, in addition to the mild DNA packaging defects, a severe post-DNA packaging defect. In contrast, the gpA K84A enzyme had similar virion assembly and DNA packaging defects. The DNA packaging energy budget, i.e. DNA packaged/ATP hydrolyzed, was unchanged for the mutant enzymes, indicating that DNA translocation is tightly coupled to ATP hydrolysis. A model is proposed in which gpA residues 46 and 84 are important for terminase's high-affinity ATPase activity. Assembly of the translocation complex remodels this ATPase so that residues 46 and 84 are not crucial for the activated translocation ATPase. Changing gpA residues 46 and 84 primarily affects assembly, rather than the activity, of the translocation complex.  相似文献   

Summary The purified bacteriophage replication proteins O and P sediment separately in metrizamide gradients of low ionic strength as dimers. Together they interact with each other forming an oligomer, composed of two molecules of O and one molecule of P. The O-P oligomer is active in the in vitro replication of ori-containing DNA.Equilibrium sedimentation in preformed metrizamide density gradients under conditions that separate DNA-protein complexes from free proteins was employed in order to study possible interactions among the replication proteins and ori DNA. It was found that the P protein binds specifically to ori-containing plasmid DNA only in the presence of O protein. About 100 molecules of O and 10 molecules of P form a complex with the ori DNA. The DNA-O-P complex was shown to be active in an in vitro replication system.Since the physical interactions between ori and O and between P and the Escherichia coli dnaB replication protein are well documented, the evidence for a O-P interaction presented in this paper provides the missing link in the molecular mechanism that enables to direct the host replication machinery to the replication of its own DNA.  相似文献   

Perelson & Brendel (1989, J. molec. Biol. 208, 245-255) have proposed kinetic models for the control of plasmid copy number, based on experiments by J. Tomizawa and his associates. The quasi-steady-state assumptions (QSSA) made in the analysis of these models are justified in the present paper, thereby providing an example of how QSSA can provide a powerful and reliable tool in the analysis of biological kinetics.  相似文献   

Hypothesis: hypersensitive plasmid copy number control for ColE1.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content is important for understanding many cellular processes. Several pre-analytical factors, from sample collection to DNA extraction can affect measurement of mtDNA copy number. In the present study, whole blood samples yielded a higher mtDNA copy number than buffy coat samples. mtDNA content is affected by the cell separation method used and the time between blood withdrawal and cell separation. Thus, reference values must be established with the same type of sample. As to the DNA isolation and purification method, the manual phenol method can give randomly false high values. The QIAamp DNA Mini Kit provided the most highly reproducible mtDNA/nDNA yield.  相似文献   

A method for the amplification of a single DNA strand at low copy number is described. It is a wholly PCR based approach which involves an initial linear amplification of the target using a tagged strand specific primer. This is followed by classical PCR amplification of the progeny using a pair of primers, one specific for the sequence tagged onto the 5' end of the first round primer, the second specific for the target sequence. Given the protocol used the ratio of the two strands in the final amplification product was 50:1.  相似文献   

S B Lee  J E Bailey 《Plasmid》1984,11(2):166-177
A mathematical model based on the molecular control mechanisms for lambda dv plasmid replication in a single Escherichia coli cell has been applied to simulate replication of mutant lambda dv plasmids. Model simulations of changes in repressor level and copy number resulting from mutations in the promoter-operator PROR region are consistent with experimental data. Calculated effects on lambda dv plasmid copy number of oligomer formation and of alternations in termination efficiency at tR1 also agree with experiment. The model has been employed to simulate the influence of cro mutants and of cro and tR1 double mutants on copy number and stable maintenance of lambda dv plasmid copy number. The genetic structure included in formulation of the replicon model provides a framework for relating changes in specific genetic loci on the plasmid with resulting alterations in host-plasmid system function.  相似文献   

Direct injection into the macronucleus of Paramecium tetraurelia of DNA molecules coding for the A-antigen leads to expression of the gene and autonomous replication. When injected into Paramecium primaurelia DNA from probably any origin, procaryote or eucaryote, can replicate as linear telomerized molecules and the number of copies maintained can be very high (up to 20000 copies). We present here evidence that if the injected linear DNA molecules harbour preexisting telomeres at both extremities they are protected from degradation, the number of DNA molecules maintained being 15- to 30-fold higher than if the molecules are injected without telomeres. Some of the injected molecules replicate as multimers, but, only when the fused ends are devoid of preexisting telomeric repeats.  相似文献   

Strain d48 of Paramecium tetraurelia contains the A i-antigen gene in the micronucleus, but the gene is lost when micronuclear products develop into the macronucleus. It has recently been shown that when injected into d48, macronucleoplasm from the wild type transforms d48 cells to wild type. It is shown here that wild-type cytoplasm can also bring about transformation, with a marked stage-specific sensitivity for both donor and recipient. It was also found that a plasmid containing the cloned A gene could transform d48 to wild type. Injection of nucleoplasm from animals in the vegetative stage of the cell cycle into the cytoplasm of recipients at various stages of autogamy caused high-frequency transformation of cells able to express the A serotype both before and after the next autogamy. Injection of nucleoplasm into vegetative macronuclei produced over 70% transformants able to express the A serotype after the next autogamy. The ability of nucleoplasm to transform was acquired at the second cell cycle after autogamy and was maintained throughout the vegetative stage. When cytoplasm was obtained from donors during autogamy and injected into the cytoplasm of recipients 1 to 2 h after the sensitive period, quite high frequencies of stable revertants were found when tested both before and after the next autogamy. Cells that were injected into the macronucleus with the cloned A plasmid expressed the A serotype after five fissions in over 20% of the lines and maintained this ability through successive fissions; all transformants except one stably expressed the A serotype even after the next autogamy.  相似文献   

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