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The cylindrical chaperonin GroEL and its lid-shaped cofactor GroES of Escherichia coli have an essential role in assisting protein folding by transiently encapsulating non-native substrate in an ATP-regulated mechanism. It remains controversial whether the chaperonin system functions solely as an infinite dilution chamber, preventing off-pathway aggregation, or actively enhances folding kinetics by modulating the folding energy landscape. Here we developed single-molecule approaches to distinguish between passive and active chaperonin mechanisms. Using low protein concentrations (100 pM) to exclude aggregation, we measured the spontaneous and GroEL/ES-assisted folding of double-mutant maltose binding protein (DM-MBP) by single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. We find that GroEL/ES accelerates folding of DM-MBP up to 8-fold over the spontaneous folding rate. Accelerated folding is achieved by encapsulation of folding intermediate in the GroEL/ES cage, independent of repetitive cycles of protein binding and release from GroEL. Moreover, photoinduced electron transfer experiments provided direct physical evidence that the confining environment of the chaperonin restricts polypeptide chain dynamics. This effect is mediated by the net-negatively charged wall of the GroEL/ES cavity, as shown using the GroEL mutant EL(KKK2) in which the net-negative charge is removed. EL(KKK2)/ES functions as a passive cage in which folding occurs at the slow spontaneous rate. Taken together our findings suggest that protein encapsulation can accelerate folding by entropically destabilizing folding intermediates, in strong support of an active chaperonin mechanism in the folding of some proteins. Accelerated folding is biologically significant as it adjusts folding rates relative to the speed of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Microbial rhodopsins are a family of seven-helical transmembrane proteins containing retinal as chromophore. Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) triggers two very different responses upon light excitation, depending on the presence or the absence of its cognate transducer HtrII: Whereas light activation of the NpSRII/NpHtrII complex activates a signalling cascade that initiates the photophobic response, NpSRII alone acts as a proton pump.Using single-molecule force spectroscopy, we analysed the stability of NpSRII and its complex with the transducer in the dark and under illumination. By improving force spectroscopic data analysis, we were able to reveal the localisation of occurring forces within the protein chain with a resolution of about six amino acids. Distinct regions in helices G and F were affected differently, depending on the experimental conditions. The results are generally in line with previous data on the molecular stability of NpSRII. Interestingly, new interaction sites were identified upon light activation, whose functional importance is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Proteins fold on timescales from hours to microseconds. In addition to protein size, sequence, and topology, the environment represents an equally important factor in determining folding speed. This is particularly relevant for proteins that require a lipid membrane or a membrane mimic to fold. However, only little is known about how properties of such a hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface modulate the folding landscape of membrane-interacting proteins. Here, we studied the influence of different membrane-mimetic micellar environments on the folding and unfolding kinetics of the helical-bundle protein Mistic. Devising a single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy approach, we extracted folding and unfolding rates under equilibrium conditions and dissected the contributions from different detergent moieties to the free-energy landscape. While both polar and nonpolar moieties contribute to stability, they exert differential effects on the free-energy barrier: Hydrophobic burial stabilizes the folded state but not the transition state in reference to a purely aqueous environment; by contrast, zwitterionic headgroup moieties stabilize the folded state and, additionally, lower the free-energy barrier to accelerate the folding of Mistic to achieve ultrafast folding times down to 35 μs.  相似文献   

Phenol-soluble modulin α3 (PSMα3) is a functional amyloid secreted by the pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. This 22-residue peptide serves as a key virulence determinant, toxic to human cells via the formation of unique cross-α amyloid-like fibrils. We demonstrate that bilayer vesicles accelerated PSMα3 fibril formation, and the fibrils, in turn, inserted deeply into bilayers mimicking mammalian cell membranes, accounting for PSMα3 cellular toxicity. Importantly, a mere amphipathic helical conformation was not a sufficient determinant for membrane-activity of PSMα3, pointing to the functional role of cross-α fibrils. In contrast to deep insertion of PSMα3 into mammalian membrane bilayers, the peptide only interacted with the surface of bilayers mimicking bacterial membranes, which might be related to its lack of antibacterial activity. Together, our data provide mechanistic insight into species-specific toxicity of a key bacterial amyloid virulence factor via reciprocal interactions with membranes, and open new perspectives into amyloid-related cytotoxicity mediated by helical fibril structures.  相似文献   

Single-molecule fluorescence has the unique ability to quantify small oligomers and track conformational changes at a single-protein level. Here we tackled one of the most extreme protein behaviors, found recently in an inflammation pathway. Upon danger recognition in the cytosol, NLRP3 recruits its signaling adaptor, ASC. ASC start polymerizing in a prion-like manner and the system goes in “overdrive” by producing a single micron-sized “speck.” By precisely controlling protein expression levels in an in vitro translation system, we could trigger the polymerization of ASC and mimic formation of specks in the absence of inflammasome nucleators. We utilized single-molecule spectroscopy to fully characterize prion-like behaviors and self-propagation of ASC fibrils. We next used our controlled system to monitor the conformational changes of ASC upon fibrillation. Indeed, ASC consists of a PYD and CARD domains, separated by a flexible linker. Individually, both domains have been found to form fibrils, but the structure of the polymers formed by the full-length ASC proteins remains elusive. For the first time, using single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer, we studied the relative positions of the CARD and PYD domains of full-length ASC. An unexpectedly large conformational change occurred upon ASC fibrillation, suggesting that the CARD domain folds back onto the PYD domain. However, contradicting current models, the “prion-like” conformer was not initiated by binding of ASC to the NLRP3 platform. Rather, using a new method, hybrid between Photon Counting Histogram and Number and Brightness analysis, we showed that NLRP3 forms hexamers with self-binding affinities around 300 nM. Overall our data suggest a new mechanism, where NLRP3 can initiate ASC polymerization simply by increasing the local concentration of ASC above a supercritical level.  相似文献   

Single-molecule force spectroscopy is a unique method that can probe the structural changes of single proteins at a high spatiotemporal resolution while mechanically manipulating them over a wide force range. Here, we review the current understanding of membrane protein folding learned by using the force spectroscopy approach. Membrane protein folding in lipid bilayers is one of the most complex biological processes in which diverse lipid molecules and chaperone proteins are intricately involved. The approach of single protein forced unfolding in lipid bilayers has produced important findings and insights into membrane protein folding. This review provides an overview of the forced unfolding approach, including recent achievements and technical advances. Progress in the methods can reveal more interesting cases of membrane protein folding and clarify general mechanisms and principles.  相似文献   

Proteins belonging to the BCL2 family are key modulators of apoptosis that establish a complex network of interactions among themselves and with other cellular factors to regulate cell fate. It is well established that mitochondrial membranes are the main locus of action of all BCL2 family proteins, but it is difficult to obtain a precise view of how BCL2 family members operate at the native mitochondrial membrane environment during apoptosis. Here, we used minimalist model systems and multiple fluorescence-based techniques to examine selected membrane activities of MCL1 and BAK under apoptotic-like conditions. We show that three distinct apoptosis-related factors (i.e. the BCL2 homology 3 ligand cBID, the mitochondrion-specific lipid cardiolipin, and membrane geometrical curvature) all promote membrane association of BCL2-like structural folds belonging to both MCL1 and BAK. However, at the same time, the two proteins exhibited distinguishing features in their membrane association modes under apoptotic-like conditions. In addition, scanning fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy and FRET measurements revealed that the BCL2-like structural fold of MCL1, but not that of BAK, forms stable heterodimeric complexes with cBID in a manner adjustable by membrane cardiolipin content and curvature degree. Our results add significantly to a growing body of evidence indicating that the mitochondrial membrane environment plays a complex and active role in the mode of action of BCL2 family proteins.  相似文献   

When influenza A virus infects host cells, its integral matrix protein M2 forms a proton-selective channel in the viral envelope. Although X-ray crystallography and NMR studies using fragment peptides have suggested that M2 stably forms a tetrameric channel irrespective of pH, the oligomeric states of the full-length protein in the living cells have not yet been assessed directly. In the present study, we utilized recently developed stoichiometric analytical methods based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer using coiled-coil labeling technique and spectral imaging, and we examined the relationship between the oligomeric states of full-length M2 and its channel activities in living cells. In contrast to previous models, M2 formed proton-conducting dimers at neutral pH and these dimers were converted to tetramers at acidic pH. The antiviral drug amantadine hydrochloride inhibited both tetramerization and channel activity. The removal of cholesterol resulted in a significant decrease in the activity of the dimer. These results indicate that the minimum functional unit of the M2 protein is a dimer, which forms a complex with cholesterol for its function.  相似文献   

Biomolecular phase separation that contributes to the formation of membraneless organelles and biomolecular condensates has recently gained tremendous attention because of the importance of these assemblies in physiology, disease, and engineering applications. Understanding and directing biomolecular phase separation requires a multiscale view of the biophysical properties of these phases. Yet, many classic tools to characterize biomolecular properties do not apply in these condensed phases. Here, we discuss insights obtained from spectroscopic methods, in particular nuclear magnetic resonance and optical spectroscopy, in understanding the molecular and atomic interactions that underlie the formation of protein-rich condensates. We also review approaches closely coupling nuclear magnetic resonance data with computational methods especially coarse-grained and all-atom molecular simulations, which provide insight into molecular features of phase separation. Finally, we point to future methodolical developments, particularly visualizing biophysical properties of condensates in cells.  相似文献   

The rate of folding of globular proteins depends on specific local and nonlocal intramolecular interactions. What is the relative role of these two types of interaction at the initiation of refolding? We address this question by application of a “double kinetics” method based on fast initiation of refolding of site specifically labeled protein samples and detection of the transient distributions of selected intramolecular distances by means of fast measurements of time‐resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer. We determined the distribution of the distance between the ends of a 44‐chain segment that includes the AMPbind domain, by labeling residues 28 and 71, in Escherichia coli adenylate kinase (AK) and the distribution of the distance between residues 18 and 203, which depends on the overall order of the molecule. That distribution shows two-state transition to the native intramolecular distance at the same rate as that of the cooperative refolding transition of the AK molecule. In sharp contrast, the distance distribution between residues 28 and 71 is already native like at the end of the dead-time of the mixing device. This fast formation of native short distance between two widely separated chain sections can be either dependent on fast folding of the AMPbind domain or a result of a very effective nonlocal interaction between specific short clusters of hydrophobic residues. Further experiments on studying the kinetics of folding of selected structural elements in the protein will help determination of the driving force of this early folding event.  相似文献   

The factors controlling the stability, folding, and dynamics of integral membrane proteins are not fully understood. The high stability of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR), an archetypal member of the rhodopsin photoreceptor family, has been ascribed to its covalently bound retinal cofactor. We investigate here the role of this cofactor in the thermodynamic stability and folding kinetics of bR. Multiple spectroscopic probes were used to determine the kinetics and energetics of protein folding in mixed lipid/detergent micelles in the presence and absence of retinal. The presence of retinal increases extrapolated values for the overall unfolding free energy from 6.3 ± 0.4 kcal mol− 1 to 23.4 ± 1.5 kcal mol− 1 at zero denaturant, suggesting that the cofactor contributes 17.1 kcal mol− 1 towards the overall stability of bR. In addition, the cooperativity of equilibrium unfolding curves is markedly reduced in the absence of retinal with overall m-values decreasing from 31.0 ± 2.0 kcal mol− 1 to 10.9 ± 1.0 kcal mol− 1, indicating that the folded state of the apoprotein is less compact than the equivalent for the holoprotein. This change in the denaturant response means that the difference in the unfolding free energy at a denaturant concentration midway between the two unfolding curves is only ca 3-6 kcal mol− 1. Kinetic data show that the decrease in stability upon removal of retinal is associated with an increase in the apparent intrinsic rate constant of unfolding, kuH2O, from ~1 × 10− 16 s− 1 to ~1 × 10− 4 s− 1 at 25 °C. This correlates with a decrease in the unfolding activation energy by 16.3 kcal mol− 1 in the apoprotein, extrapolated to zero SDS. These results suggest that changes in bR stability induced by retinal binding are mediated solely by changes in the activation barrier for unfolding. The results are consistent with a model in which bR is kinetically stabilized via a very slow rate of unfolding arising from protein-retinal interactions that increase the rigidity and compactness of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

The heat-shock proteins (Hsp) are a family of molecular chaperones, which collectively form a network that is critical for the maintenance of protein homeostasis. Traditional ensemble-based measurements have provided a wealth of knowledge on the function of individual Hsps and the Hsp network; however, such techniques are limited in their ability to resolve the heterogeneous, dynamic and transient interactions that molecular chaperones make with their client proteins. Single-molecule techniques have emerged as a powerful tool to study dynamic biological systems, as they enable rare and transient populations to be identified that would usually be masked in ensemble measurements. Thus, single-molecule techniques are particularly amenable for the study of Hsps and have begun to be used to reveal novel mechanistic details of their function. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of the chaperone action of Hsps and how gaps in the field can be addressed using single-molecule methods. Specifically, this review focuses on the ATP-independent small Hsps and the broader Hsp network and describes how these dynamic systems are amenable to single-molecule techniques.  相似文献   



Biological molecular machines support various activities and behaviors of cells, such as energy production, signal transduction, growth, differentiation, and migration.

Scope of review

We provide an overview of single-molecule imaging methods involving both small and large probes used to monitor the dynamic motions of molecular machines in vitro (purified proteins) and in living cells, and single-molecule manipulation methods used to measure the forces, mechanical properties and responses of biomolecules. We also introduce several examples of single-molecule analysis, focusing primarily on motor proteins and signal transduction systems.

Major conclusions

Single-molecule analysis is a powerful approach to unveil the operational mechanisms both of individual molecular machines and of systems consisting of many molecular machines.

General significance

Quantitative, high-resolution single-molecule analyses of biomolecular systems at the various hierarchies of life will help to answer our fundamental question: “What is life?” This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Biophysical Exploration of Dynamical Ordering of Biomolecular Systems" edited by Dr. Koichi Kato.  相似文献   

Many of the unanswered questions associated with hepatitis C virus assembly are related to the core protein (HCVcp), which forms an oligomeric nucleocapsid encompassing the viral genome. The structural properties of HCVcp have been difficult to quantify, at least in part because it is an intrinsically disordered protein. We have used single-molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer techniques to study the conformational dimensions and dynamics of the HCVcp nucleocapsid domain (HCVncd) at various stages during the RNA-induced formation of nucleocapsid-like particles. Our results indicate that HCVncd is a typical intrinsically disordered protein. When it forms small ribonucleoprotein complexes with various RNA hairpins from the 3′ end of the HCV genome, it compacts but remains intrinsically disordered and conformationally dynamic. Above a critical RNA concentration, these ribonucleoprotein complexes rapidly and cooperatively assemble into large nucleocapsid-like particles, wherein the individual HCVncd subunits become substantially more extended.  相似文献   

In situ investigations in living cell membranes are important to elucidate the dynamic behaviors of membrane proteins in complex biomembrane environments. Protein-specific labeling is a key technique for the detection of a target protein by fluorescence imaging. The use of post-translational labeling methods using a genetically encodable tag and synthetic probes targeting the tag offer a smaller label size, labeling with synthetic fluorophores, and precise control of the labeling ratio in multicolor labeling compared with conventional genetic fusions with fluorescent proteins. This review focuses on tag–probe labeling studies for live-cell analysis of membrane proteins based on heterodimeric peptide pairs that form coiled-coil structures. The robust and simple peptide–peptide interaction enables not only labeling of membrane proteins by noncovalent interactions, but also covalent crosslinking and acyl transfer reactions guided by coiled-coil assembly. A number of studies have demonstrated that membrane protein behaviors in live cells, such as internalization of receptors and the oligomeric states of various membrane proteins (G-protein-coupled receptors, epidermal growth factor receptors, influenza A M2 channel, and glycopholin A), can be precisely analyzed using coiled-coil labeling, indicating the potential of this labeling method in membrane protein research.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are fibrillar aggregates of denatured proteins associated with a large number of amyloidoses. The formation of amyloid fibrils has been considered to occur by nucleation and elongation. Real-time imaging of the elongation as well as linear morphology of amyloid fibrils suggests that all elongation events occur at the growing ends of fibrils. On the other hand, we suggested that monomers also bind to the lateral sides of preformed fibrils during the seed-dependent elongation, diffuse to the growing ends, and finally make further conformation changes to the mature amyloid fibrils. To examine lateral binding during the elongation of fibrils, we used islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), which has been associated with type II diabetes, and prepared IAPP modified with the fluorescence dye, Alexa532. By monitoring the elongation process with amyloid specific thioflavin T and Alexa532 fluorescence, we obtained overlapping images of the two fluorescence probes, which indicated lateral binding. These results are similar to the surface diffusion-dependent growth of crystals, further supporting the similarities between amyloid fibrillation and the crystallization of substances.  相似文献   

Amyloidogenic intrinsically disordered proteins, α-synuclein and tau are linked to Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, respectively. A body of evidence suggests that α-synuclein and tau, both present in the presynaptic nerve terminals, co-aggregate in many neurological ailments. The molecular mechanism of α-synuclein-tau hetero-assembly is poorly understood. Here we show that amyloid formation is synergistically facilitated by heterotypic association mediated by binding-induced misfolding of both α-synuclein and tau K18. We demonstrate that the intermolecular association is largely driven by the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged C-terminal segment of α-synuclein and the positively charged tau K18 fragment. This heterotypic association results in rapid formation of oligomers that readily mature into hetero-fibrils with a much shorter lag phase compared to the individual proteins. These findings suggested that the critical intermolecular interaction between α-synuclein and tau can promote facile amyloid formation that can potentially lead to efficient sequestration of otherwise long-lived lethal oligomeric intermediates into innocuous fibrils. We next show that a well-known familial Parkinson's disease mutant (A30P) that is known to aggregate slowly via accumulation of highly toxic oligomeric species during the long lag phase converts into amyloid fibrils significantly faster in the presence of tau K18. The early intermolecular interaction profoundly accelerates the fibrillation rate of A30P α-synuclein and impels the disease mutant to behave similar to wild-type α-synuclein in the presence of tau. Our findings suggest a mechanistic underpinning of bypassing toxicity and suggest a general strategy by which detrimental amyloidogenic precursors are efficiently sequestered into more benign amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

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