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Although the atrioventricular node (AVN) plays a vital role in blocking many of the atrial impulses from reaching the ventricles during atrial fibrillation (AF), a rapid irregular ventricular rate nevertheless persists. The goals of the present study were to explore the feasibility of novel epicardial selective vagal nerve stimulation for slowing of the ventricular rate during AF and to characterize the hemodynamic benefits in vivo. Electrophysiological-echocardiographic experiments were performed on 11 anesthetized open-chest dogs. Hemodynamic measurements were performed during three distinct periods: 1) sinus rate, 2) AF, and 3) AF with vagal nerve stimulation. AF was associated with significant deterioration of all measured parameters (P < 0.025). The vagal nerve stimulation produced slowing of the ventricular rate, significant reversal of the pressure and contractile indexes (P < 0.025), and a sharp reduction in one-half of the abortive ventricular contractions. The present study provides comprehensive evidence that slowing of the ventricular rate during AF by selective ganglionic stimulation of the vagal nerves that innervate the AVN successfully improved the hemodynamic responses.  相似文献   

Coupled pacing (CP), a method for controlling ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation (AF), consists of a single electrical stimulation applied to the ventricles after each spontaneous activation. CP results in a mechanical contraction rate approximately one-half the rate during AF. Paired stimulation in which two electrical stimuli are delivered to the ventricles has also been proposed as a therapy for heart failure. Although paired stimulation enhances contractility, it greatly increases energy consumption. The primary hypothesis of the present study is that CP improves cardiac function during acute AF without a similar increase in energy consumption because of the reduced rate of ventricular contractions. In a canine model, CP was applied during four stages: sinus rhythm (SR), acute AF, cardiac dysfunction (CD), and AF in the presence of cardiac dysfunction. The rate of ventricular contraction decreased in all four stages as the result of CP. In addition, we determined the changes in external cardiac work, myocardial oxygen consumption, and myocardial efficiency in the each of four stages. CP partially reversed the effects of AF and CD on external cardiac work, whereas myocardial oxygen consumption increased only moderately. In all stages but SR, CP increased myocardial efficiency because of the marked increases in cardiac work compared with the moderate increases in total energy consumed. Thus this pacing therapy may be a viable therapy for patients with concurrent atrial fibrillation and heart failure.  相似文献   

The activation patterns underlying the electrical activity of the heart during atrial fibrillation (AF) are not entirely random. The aim of this study was to assess the local organization of the activation processes during AF by estimating the non-linear coupling between activation sequences (ASs) in two atrial sites. To quantitatively estimate the degree of non-linear coupling we extracted two indices based on a multivariate embedding procedure and on the estimation of the correlation dimension (CD) and correlation entropy (CE), termed independence of complexity and of independence of predictability, respectively. We analysed AS in two atrial sites in 30 informed subjects during chronic AF of type I, II and III (Wells' classification), ten 6-s-long episodes of each type. Surrogates were used to reject the hypothesis that the time series were generated by linear stochastic dynamics. We estimated CD and CE according to the coarse-grained approach, which leads to a fixed high value for the embedding dimension in all the analysed ASs, and a typical value for the distance between the two ASs in the phase space. Various degrees of organization, ranging from completely synchronized to fully de-coupled signals, were observed: significant degrees of non-linear coupling were found in segments belonging in types I and II AF, whereas type III electrograms always turned out to be weakly coupled. This finding links the morphology of single electrograms to the synchronization between pairs of closely spaced electrograms. Our bivariate approach suggests that the measurement of organization during AF should be based on the estimation of the non-linear coupling between two sites. This approach appears to be more reliable and sensitive than non-linear analysis of single electrograms or linear analysis of their coupling.  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) diastolic function during atrial fibrillation (AF) remains poorly understood due to the complex interaction of factors and beat-to-beat variability. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the physiological determinants of beat-to-beat changes in LV diastolic function during AF. The RR intervals preceding a given cardiac beat were measured from the right ventricular electrogram in 12 healthy open-chest mongrel dogs during AF. Doppler echocardiography and LV pressure and volume beat-to-beat analyses were performed. The LV filling time (FT) and early diastolic mitral inflow velocity-time integral (E(vti)) were measured using the pulsed Doppler method. The LV end-diastolic volume (EDV), peak systolic LV pressure (LVP), minimum value of the first derivative of LV pressure curve (dP/dt(min)), and the time constant of LV pressure decay (tau) were evaluated with the use of a conductance catheter for 100 consecutive cardiac cycles. Beat-to-beat analysis revealed a cascade of important causal relations. LV-FT showed a significant positive linear relationship with E(vti) (r = 0.87). Importantly, there was a significant positive linear relationship between the RR interval and LV-EDV in the same cardiac beat (r = 0.53). Consequently, there was a positive linear relationship between LV-EDV and subsequent peak systolic LVP (r = 0.82). Furthermore, there were significant positive linear and negative curvilinear relationships between peak systolic LVP and dP/dt(min) (r = 0.95) and tau (r = -0.85), respectively, in the same cardiac beat. In addition, there was a significant negative curvilinear relationship between dP/dt(min) and tau (r = -0.86). We have concluded that the determinants of LV diastolic function in individual beats during AF depend strongly on the peak systolic LVP. This suggests that the major benefit of slower ventricular rate appears related to lengthening of LV filling interval, promoting subsequent higher peak systolic LVP and greater LV relaxation.  相似文献   



Although warfarin has been extensively studied in clinical trials, little is known about rates of hemorrhage attributable to its use in routine clinical practice. Our objective was to examine incident hemorrhagic events in a large population-based cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation who were starting treatment with warfarin.


We conducted a population-based cohort study involving residents of Ontario (age ≥ 66 yr) with atrial fibrillation who started taking warfarin between Apr. 1, 1997, and Mar. 31, 2008. We defined a major hemorrhage as any visit to hospital for hemorrage. We determined crude rates of hemorrhage during warfarin treatment, overall and stratified by CHADS2 score (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 yr, diabetes mellitus and prior stroke, transient ischemic attack or thromboembolism).


We included 125 195 patients with atrial fibrillation who started treatment with warfarin during the study period. Overall, the rate of hemorrhage was 3.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.8%–3.9%) per person-year. The risk of major hemorrhage was highest during the first 30 days of treatment. During this period, rates of hemorrhage were 11.8% (95% CI 11.1%–12.5%) per person-year in all patients and 16.7% (95% CI 14.3%–19.4%) per person-year among patients with a CHADS2 scores of 4 or greater. Over the 5-year follow-up, 10 840 patients (8.7%) visited the hospital for hemorrhage; of these patients, 1963 (18.1%) died in hospital or within 7 days of being discharged.


In this large cohort of older patients with atrial fibrillation, we found that rates of hemorrhage are highest within the first 30 days of warfarin therapy. These rates are considerably higher than the rates of 1%–3% reported in randomized controlled trials of warfarin therapy. Our study provides timely estimates of warfarin-related adverse events that may be useful to clinicians, patients and policy-makers as new options for treatment become available.Atrial fibrillation is a major risk factor for stroke and systemic embolism, and strong evidence supports the use of the anticoagulant warfarin to reduce this risk.13 However, warfarin has a narrow therapeutic range and requires regular monitoring of the international normalized ratio to optimize its effectiveness and minimize the risk of hemorrhage.4,5 Although rates of major hemorrhage reported in trials of warfarin therapy typically range between 1% and 3% per person-year,611 observational studies suggest that rates may be considerably higher when warfarin is prescribed outside of a clinical trial setting,1215 approaching 7% per person-year in some studies.1315 The different safety profiles derived from clinical trials and observational data may reflect the careful selection of patients, precise definitions of bleeding and close monitoring in the trial setting. Furthermore, although a few observational studies suggest that hemorrhage rates are higher than generally appreciated, these studies involve small numbers of patients who received care in specialized settings.1416 Consequently, the generalizability of their results to general practice may be limited.More information regarding hemorrhage rates during warfarin therapy is particularly important in light of the recent introduction of new oral anticoagulant agents such as dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban, which may be associated with different outcome profiles.1719 There are currently no large studies offering real-world, population-based estimates of hemorrhage rates among patients taking warfarin, which are needed for future comparisons with new anticoagulant agents once they are widely used in routine clinical practice.20We sought to describe the risk of incident hemorrhage in a large population-based cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation who had recently started warfarin therapy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年人房颤急性发作期的处理及护理对策.方法:对62例老年房颤急性发作患者,根据血流动力学进行不同的处理和护理措施.结果:62例房颤患者急性期处理后全部恢复,未发生并发症.结论:急性房颤的处理宜个体化.血流动力学稳定的急性房颤,应控制心室率,转复窦性心律;血流动力学不稳定的急性房颤,给予同步直流电复律.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac complication of hyperthyroidism and occurs in 15% of patients with hyperthyroidism. It is associated with a higher risk of thromboembolism that often involves the central nervous system. Oral anticoagulation is important in the majority of these patients to prevent thromboembolic complications. These patients require adjustment in the dose of various rate-controlling agents because of increased clearance associated with hyperthyroidism and a decrease in warfarin dosage because of increased clearance of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. The management of thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation is summarized in this clinical review.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) induces a progressive dilatation of the atria which in turn might promote the arrhythmia. The mechanism of atrial dilatation during AF is not known. To test the hypothesis that loss of atrial contractile function is a primary cause of atrial dilatation during the first days of AF, eight goats were chronically instrumented with epicardial electrodes, a pressure transducer in the right atrium, and piezoelectric crystals to measure right atrial diameter. AF was induced with the use of repetitive burst pacing. Atrial contractility was assessed during sinus rhythm, atrial pacing (160-, 300-, and 400-ms cycle length), and electrically induced AF. The compliance of the fibrillating right atrium was measured during unloading the atria with diuretics and loading with 1 liter of saline. All measurements were repeated after 6, 12, and 24 h of AF and then once a day during the first 5 days of AF. Recovery of the observed changes after spontaneous cardioversion was also studied. After 5 days of AF, atrial contractility during sinus rhythm or slow atrial pacing was greatly reduced. During rapid pacing (160 ms) or AF, the amplitude of the atrial pressure waves had declined to 20% of control. The compliance of the fibrillating atria increased twofold, whereas the right atrial pressure was unchanged. As a result, the mean right atrial diameter increased by approximately 12%. All changes were reversible within 3 days of sinus rhythm. We conclude that atrial dilatation during the first days of AF is due to an increase in atrial compliance caused by loss of atrial contractility during AF. Atrial compliance and size are restored when atrial contractility recovers after cardioversion of AF.  相似文献   

Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living microorganism, normally exposed to diverse environmental conditions; it has a versatile energy-generating metabolism. This bacterium is capable of exploiting a wide range of energy resources by using appropriate oxidases and reductases. This allows C. violaceum to live in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In aerobic conditions, C. violaceum is able to grow in a minimal medium with simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose, galactose, and ribose; both Embden-Meyerhoff, tricarboxylic acid and glyoxylate cycles are used. The respiratory chain supplies energy, as well as substrates for other metabolic pathways. Under anaerobic conditions, C. violaceum metabolizes glucose, producing acetic and formic acid, but not lactic acid or ethanol. C. violaceum is also able to use amino acids and lipids as an energy supply.  相似文献   

Antithrombotic prophylaxis with long term warfarin or aspirin reduces thromboembolic risk in atrial fibrillation. Identification, risk assessment, and regular review of all patients with atrial fibrillation should be routine in general and hospital practice. Risk stratification is easily performed on clinical grounds--echocardiography may refine it.  相似文献   



The influence of new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) on the long-term prognosis of nonagenarians who survive acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not been demonstrated.


Our aim was to study the association between new-onset AF and long-term prognosis of nonagenarians who survive AMI.


From a total of 96 patients aged ≥89 years admitted during a 5-year period, 64 (67 %) were discharged alive and are the focus of this study.


Mean age was 91.0 ± 2.0 years, and 39 patients (61 %) were women. During admission, 9 patients (14 %) presented new-onset AF, 51 (80 %) did not present AF, and 4 (6 %) had chronic AF. During follow-up (mean 2.3 ± 2.6 years; 6.6 ± 3.6 years in survivors), 58 patients (91 %) died, including the 9 patients with new-onset AF. Cumulative survival at 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months was 68.3 %, 57.2 %, 49.2 %, 47.6 %, and 31.8 %, respectively. The only two independent predictors of mortality in the multivariate analysis were age (hazard ratio [HR] 1.14; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.01–1.28; p = 0.04) and new-onset AF (HR 2.3; 95 % CI 1.1–4.8; p = 0.02).


New-onset AF is a marker of poor prognosis in nonagenarians who survive AMI.  相似文献   

In this study we applied both linear and nonlinear spatial correlation measures to characterize epicardial activation patterns of sustained atrial fibrillation in instrumented conscious goats. It was investigated if nonlinearity was involved in the spatial coupling of atrial regions and to what extent fibrillation was organized in the experimental model of sustained atrial fibrillation (AF) in instrumented goats. Data were collected in five goats during experiments to convert AF by continuous infusion of cibenzoline. Spatial organization during AF was quantified with the linear spatial cross correlation function and the nonlinear spatial cross redundancy which was calculated using the Grassberger-Procaccia correlation integral. Two different types of correlation were evaluated to distinguish simultaneous interaction from non-simultaneous interaction, for instance resulting from propagation of fibrillation waves. The nonlinear association length and the linear correlation length were estimated along the principal axes of iso-correlation contours in two-dimensional correlation maps of the nonlinear spatial redundancy and the linear spatial correlation function, respectively. To quantitatively assess the degree of nonlinearity, the association length was also estimated from the linearized spatial redundancy using multivariate surrogate data. The differences between the nonlinear and linearized association lengths indicated that a nonlinear component in the spatial organization of AF predominantly existed in the right atrium. The degree of organization characterized by association length along the short principal axis was higher in the right atrium (15 +/- 7 mm) than in the left atrium (8 +/- 4 mm). The spatial extension of coherent atrial patches was estimated from a surface of association equal to the area spanned by the principal axes of iso-correlation contours from the redundancy, including the effects from non-simultaneous interaction. Interpreting this area as the spatial domain of a fibrillation wavelet, the results suggest that the mapped region was activated on average by two wavelets in the left atrium and by one wavelet in the right atrium. Therefore, the activation pattern of sustained AF in goats was relatively organized, consistent with type II of AF. It is suggested that the surface of association is a measure of the number of independent wavelets present in the atria during sustained AF, and that larger association lengths result from fewer and larger reentrant circuits.  相似文献   

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