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The polymorphism of C2 was studied by isoelectric focussing in 60 patients with Graves' disease and compared to 800 control sera. No difference in gene frequencies was observed.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of the third component of human complement (C3) has been considered as a powerful marker for population genetics. Some studies on the distribution of gene frequencies have been performed among numerous populations all over the world. This review takes stock of population genetic studies reported up to now and points out some remarks on the distribution of the observed allelic frequencies.  相似文献   

Complement, determined by hemolytic assay, and the third component of complement (C3), determined by radial immunodiffusion assay, were measured in nine nonhuman primate species. The species studied were the titi (Callicebus mollach). The sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys), the thick-tailed galago or bushbaby (Galago crassicaudatus panganiensis), the crab-eating monkey (Macaca fascicularis), the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), the bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata), the stumptailed macaque (Macaca speciosa), the yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus), and the black-and-red tamarin (Saguinus nigricollis). Both sheep and bovine erythrocytes were used in the hemolytic complement assays. With the sheep erythrocyte system, sera from four species (yellow baboon, sooty mangabey, bonnet monkey, black-and-red tamarin) had similar titers with both antibody sensitized and non-sensitized erythrocytes. In contrast, the titers obtained using sensitized bovine erythrocytes was always higher than the values obtained using non-sensitized bovine erythrocytes. In all species, the titers for non-sensitized sheep erythrocytes was higher than the titer for non-sensitized bovine erythrocytes. When the species were compared for cross reactivity using the radial immunodiffusion assay for human C3, the rhesus monkey showed the strongest cross reaction; the thick-tailed galago, a prosimian, showed no detectable cross reactivity; and the other species examined showed intermediate degrees of reactivity.  相似文献   

The properdin-binding site in the human third complement component (C3) was mapped by using isolated C3b, C3c, alpha- and beta-chains of C3 and C3 polypeptide fragments and an enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay procedure. The C3 chains and the polypeptide fragments were purified to homogeneity by preparative sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The alpha-chain polypeptides included a 68 kDa and a 43 kDa polypeptide, which were generated by cleavage of C3b with factors I and H, and a 40 kDa, 33 kDa (C3d) and 27 kDa polypeptide, which were generated by cleavage of C3b with porcine elastase. It was shown that properdin binds to C3b, C3c, alpha-chain, and to the 43 kDa (factor-I + H-derived), as well as to 40 kDa (elastase-derived) alpha-chain fragment, but not to the beta-chain 68 kDa, 33 kDa (C3d) and 27 kDa alpha-chain fragments. Thus the binding site for properdin resides on the 40-43 kDa C-terminal alpha-chain fragment of C3.  相似文献   

Structures of sugar chains of the third component of human complement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human C3, the third component of human complement, contained mannose and N-acetylglucosamine as sugar components. The sugar chains were liberated from the polypeptide chains by hydrazinolysis, and the free amino groups were N-acetylated. The reducing end residues of the sugar chains thus obtained were tagged with 2-aminopyridine, and the pyridylamino (PA-) derivatives of sugar chains were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of purified PA-sugar chains were analyzed by a combination of stepwise exoglycosidase digestions, size determination by paper electrophoresis, methylation analysis, Smith degradation, and partial acetolysis. These results showed that C3 contained two high-mannose type sugar chains ranging from Man5GlcNAc2 to Man9GlcNAc2. Analyses of the sugar chains of alpha- and beta-chains of C3 indicated that the alpha-chain contained mainly Man8GlcNAc2 and Man9GlcNAc2, while the beta-chain contained mainly Man5GlcNAc2 and Man6GlcNAc2.  相似文献   

C3-translational product, which was synthesized with rabbit liver mRNA in a reticulocyte lysate protein-synthesizing system, did not react with [14C]methylamine, indicating the lack of an internal thioester bond. Instead, the C3-translational product reacted with iodo[1-14C]acetamide, as determined by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate after immunoprecipitation of the product, indicating the presence of a reactive thiol group. When the C3-translational product was treated with rabbit liver homogenate, the product acquired reactivity with [14C]methylamine and lost the reactivity with iodo[1-14C]acetamide. Thus, the liver homogenate seemed to contain a factor (or factors) required for the formation of an internal thioester bond. The factor was partially purified from the liver homogenate by ammonium sulfate precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose.  相似文献   

Hereditary nephritis protein (HNP), an unusual urine protein from patients with hereditary nephritis (Alport Syndrome), was purified 120-fold to homogeneity. A slightly larger protein, pro-HNP, was similarly purified and was found to be a precursor of HNP. Both pro-HNP and HNP showed immunological identity to the third component of human complement, C3, and to its catabolite C3c. Pro-HNP had a molecular weight of 143,000 and, in equimolar ratio, polypeptide chains or fragments of molecular weights 75,000, 40,000, and 28,000. The largest and smallest chains contained carbohydrate. HNP had a molecular weight of 141,000 and fragments of molecular weights 60,000, 38,000, 26,000, and 17,000 in equimolar ratio; the two smallest fragments contained carbohydrate. Plasmin digestion of pro-HNP showed that the 75,000-Da chain, identical with the intact beta-chain of C3, broke down to the 60,000- and 17,000-Da fragments of HNP. In both pro-HNP and HNP, the polypeptide chains were linked by disulfide bonds, with the exception of the 17,000-Da fragment of HNP. This fragment was readily dissociated from the rest of the HNP molecule in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Amino acid analyses showed that both pro-HNP and HNP contained approximately 22 half-cystine residues per molecule. Extinction coefficients, epsilon 1% 1cm, at 280 nm were calculated to be 8.5 and 8.8 for pro-HNP and HNP, respectively.  相似文献   

We report here that complement receptor type one (CR1) binds to a region of C3b that is contained within the NH2 terminus of the alpha' chain. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, CR1 bound to C3b, iC3b, and C3c but not to C3d, and this binding was inhibited by soluble C3b and C3c. Further attempts to generate a small C3 fragment capable of binding CR1 were unsuccessful. However, elastase degradation of C3 generated four species of C3c (C3c I-IV), two of which bound CR1. NH2-terminal sequence analysis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis of the C3cs indicated that the beta chains and the 40,000-dalton COOH-terminal alpha' chain fragments were identical; the NH2-terminal alpha' chain fragments of C3c I-IV varied from 21,000 to 27,000 daltons and accounted for the differential binding to CR1. C3c-I and II, which do not bind CR1, were missing 8 and 9 residues from the NH2 terminus of the alpha' chain when compared with the intact alpha' chain of C3b. C3c-III and IV, which bind CR1, had NH2 termini identical to the intact NH2-terminal alpha' chain of C3b. Using iodinated concanavalin A and endoglycosidase H, we showed that the NH2-terminal alpha' chains of C3c-I and III were glycosylated, while C3c-II and IV were not. Therefore, these data indicated that the amino terminus of the NH2-terminal alpha' chain fragment of C3c was responsible for binding CR1 while the COOH terminus of this fragment was not involved since the presence or absence of this region in C3c did not affect CR1 binding to C3c. Subsequently, two peptides were synthesized from the NH2-terminal alpha' chain fragment of C3c: X42, 42 residues in length from the NH2 terminus and C30, 30 residues in length from the COOH terminus. X42 inhibited binding of CR1 to C3b, and this effect was also observed with antipeptide antibodies against the X42 peptide. The C30 and other C3-derived peptides and antipeptide antibodies had no effect on the binding of CR1 to C3b.  相似文献   

Purified human C3 was found to inhibit rat in vitro secondary antibody responses. Fifty percent inhibition of antibody-forming cell development occurred with C3 concentrations of 26 micrograms/ml. This decrease was not the result of a general toxicity or a shift in the antibody response kinetics. Using cell mixing experiments, we could not detect a C3-induced suppressor lymphocyte or macrophage. C3 was active when added to culture early (day 0 or 1 or during a 24-hr antigen prepulse) or late (day 3, 5, or 7)--the early addition being more suppressive. Regardless of the addition time, there was a characteristic 48- to 72-hr lag before the inhibitory effect was manifested. C3 could inhibit antibody-forming cell development after stimulation with the thymus-independent antigens, trinitrophenyl-Brucella abortus and dinitrophenyl-Ficoll, as well as the thymus-dependent antigens, dinitrophenyl-bovine gamma-globulin and chicken gamma-globulin suggesting that C3 was not selective for B memory cell subpopulations. Further characterization of our C3 preparation indicated that the majority of the suppressive activity resided in a small m.w. protein resembling the C3a fragment of C3. Human C3a preparations generated either by trypsin cleavage or zymosan activation of C3 were also tested in our antibody response system and were able to inhibit antibody-forming cell development. These data implicate C3 cleavage products as negative regulators of antibody formation.  相似文献   

The identification of the third component of complement (C3) of Japanese quails was attempted by using rabbit antiserum prepared against quail serum-treated zymosan (ZX) as an initial reagent. This antiserum (anti-ZX) had agglutinating activity on rabbit erythrocytes reacted with quail antibody and quail complement (EACq) but not on EAq, and developed two precipitin lines against quail serum at beta- and gamma-regions in crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Subsequently, monospecific antisera to each of these precipitin lines were prepared in rabbits, and quail serum proteins reactive with these antisera were purified by salt precipitation followed by Sephadex gel filtration and DEAE cellulose column chromatography. One protein with a m.w. of 184,000 (184K) resembled mammalian C3 in that: 1) monospecific antiserum (anti-184K protein serum) agglutinated EACq but not EAq; 2) treatment of fresh quail serum with either inulin or zymosan resulted in the conversion of the precipitin line developed against 184K protein from gamma to beta in crossed immunoelectrophoresis; 3) the 184K protein was shown to consist of two polypeptide chains of 110K and 73K linked by disulfide bonds. Furthermore, the 184K protein in serum was cleaved through the incubation with inulin to 174K and 140K proteins that might correspond to C3b and C3c of human complement; 4) the 184K protein bound to zymosan was eluted with hydrazine or methylamine but not with Nonidet P-40, indicating that 184K protein binds to zymosan by a covalent bond but not by a hydrophobic one; and 5) by treatment of fresh quail serum with methylamine, complement reactivity was reduced, although its activity was restored by the addition of purified 184K protein. These results suggest the 184K protein is the quail's equivalent to mammalian C3. When quail serum was reacted with cells that had complement-activating capacity, quail C3 deposited on their membrane as in mammalians; however, no conversion of quail C3 was noted by the reaction with CVF. Antibody to quail C3 failed to cross-react with that in mammals.  相似文献   

Location of the disulfide bonds connecting three polypeptide chains (alpha 3, 27kd; 2, 43kd; beta, 75kd) of C3c has been investigated by partial reduction with cysteine followed by alkylation with 14C-monoiodoacetic acid. Treatment of C3c with cysteine produced a partially reduced fragment, composed of disulfide-linked beta and alpha 3 chains. A single thiol residue was detected on the alpha 3 chain but not on the beta chain of the fragment, suggesting that the alpha 2 chain in C3c is linked through a single disulfide bond to the alpha 3 chain but not to the beta chain.  相似文献   

The binding site on the human third complement component for bovine conglutinin has been located. C3 fragments were purified to homogeneity by preparative SDS-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Only the N-terminal 27,000 dalton (Da) fragment of the alpha'-chain and the beta-chain were found to be glycosylated, and the carbohydrate was susceptible to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. This finding indicates that only high mannose or hybrid-type oligosaccharide chains are present on the C3 molecule. Binding to conglutinin was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and occurred with C3b, iC3b, C3c, the alpha-chain, and the 27,000 Da fragment of the alpha'-chain, but not with C3d or the C-terminal 40,000 Da fragment of the alpha'-chain. The beta-chain displayed very weak interaction. Binding to conglutinin could be inhibited by EDTA, N-acetylglucosamine, and to a lesser degree by mannose. Enzymatic removal of the carbohydrate from the C3 molecule abolished binding to conglutinin. It is concluded that bovine conglutinin binds to the carbohydrate moiety located on the N-terminal 27,000 Da polypeptide of the alpha-chain.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is a polygenic chronic enteropathy conferring an increased risk for various nutrient deficiency states. Hyperhomocysteinemia is a frequent finding in CD and may be related to the development of venous thrombosis, cardiovascular disease, and stroke in untreated CD patients. Recently, a possible excess in the frequency of the MTHFR c.677C>T (rs1801133) gene variant in CD patients was reported. The purpose of this study was to determine if there exist differences in the distribution of polymorphic variants of genes involved in homocysteine/methyl group metabolism between CD patients and the general population. A set of 10 gene polymorphisms (MTHFR rs1801133, MTR rs1805087, MTHFD1 rs2236225, MTRR rs1801394, CBS 844ins68, BHMT1 rs7356530 and rs3733890, BHMT2 rs526264 and rs625879, and TCN2 rs1801198) was tested in 134 patients with CD and 160 matched healthy controls. The frequency of the MTR rs1805087 GG genotype in CD patients was lower than in controls (0.01 and 0.06, respectively), although statistical significance was not achieved (P = 0.06). For the other analyzed polymorphisms, there was no evidence of difference in both allelic and genotypic distribution between cases and controls. The exhaustive Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction analysis revealed no combination of interactive polymorphisms predicting the incidence of CD. In contrast to the well-documented clinical observations of increased risks of vascular disease in patients with longstanding untreated CD, in our group of patients no significant association with CD was found for all tested polymorphic variants of genes involved in homocysteine metabolism. These findings should be replicated in studies with a larger sample size.  相似文献   

Pro-HNP, a urine protein isolated from hereditary nephritis patients, is derived from C3 and resembles the C3c domain. It contains disulfide-linked polypeptides of beta 75, alpha 40, and alpha 28. Plasmin degraded pro-HNP in vitro to HNP, which was also isolated from the urine of patients and which contained disulfide-linked polypeptides of beta 60, alpha 38, and alpha 26, and noncovalently bound polypeptide of beta 17. Amino terminal sequence analyses and amino acid compositions of the seven polypeptides isolated from pro-HNP and HNP show that beta 75 degrades to beta 60 and beta 17 (beta 17 locates at the amino end of beta 75), alpha 40 degrades to alpha 38 (both locate at the carboxyl end of the alpha-chain of C3), and alpha 28 degrades to alpha 26 (both are from the amino end of the alpha'-chain of C3b). These results confirm the enzymatic specificity of plasmin on pro-HNP. In HNP, the half-cystine contents of beta 60, alpha 38, alpha 26, and beta 17 were approximately 3, 12, 3, and 4, respectively. Partial reduction readily released alpha 40 from pro-HNP and alpha 38 from HNP. There were about five intra-chain disulfide bonds in alpha 40 or alpha 38; stepwise reduction of these intra-polypeptide bonds apparently accounted for multiple conformations of alpha 40 or alpha 38.  相似文献   

The functional analogy between cobra venom factor (CVF), the complement-activating protein in cobra venom, and C3b, the activated form of the third complement component, prompted us to conduct a comparative analysis of structural properties of the two proteins derived from two phylogenetically distant species. We subjected CVF and human C3 and its physiologic cleavage products, C3b and C3c, to a variety of biochemical analyses. We report here structural similarities of these proteins, which include similarities in amino acid composition, far and near UV circular dichroism spectra, secondary structure, band patterns and pI values from isoelectric focusing, immunochemical cross-reactivity, ultrastructural morphology, and amino-terminal amino acid sequences. Analysis of these data reveals that, structurally, CVF resembles C3c more than C3b. We conclude that CVF is not the product of a convergent evolution, but is, in all likelihood, derived from a common C3 ancestor protein.  相似文献   

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