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褐飞虱两过线虫寄生前期幼虫的形态和数量性状观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
索科线虫的形态结构,目前只有少量报道,大多数种的寄生前期幼虫的结构及数量性状都没有详细的研究.作者在1994-1996年间,对褐飞虱两索线虫(Amphimermis nilaparvata)寄生前期幼虫的形态结构和数量性状的观察和测量表明,两索线虫属与其它索科线虫在属间的形态结构有很大的差异,同属不同种间的幼虫结构较相似,但数量性状上却存在着较大的差异.利用寄生前期幼虫这两方面的差异可以进行属、种间的鉴别,有别于应用成虫期进行鉴别的常规方法,使鉴定依据更加充分和可靠.研究寄生前期幼虫的形态结构和数量性状,对索科线虫的活体、离体培养也有实际意义.  相似文献   

索线虫寄生前期幼虫的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对六索属、罗索属和两索属3属6种索线虫的寄生前期幼虫进行了观察比较,对索线虫寄生前期幼虫作为索科线虫属、种鉴别的可能性、分类鉴别方法和主要鉴别特征值等问题作了初步研究。  相似文献   

褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens在浙北稻区常年发生严重,在中晚稻后期常暴发成灾.病原线虫是褐飞虱短翅型成虫的主要寄生性天敌之一.由于短翅型成虫数量与下一代发生和为害动态关系密切,故研究线虫对该虫主害代前一代短翅型成虫的寄生情况,有助于剖析褐飞虱成灾的规律,也可为增强线虫这一重要生物因子对该虫的控制作用提供依据.作者调查了浙江安吉1985~1998年线虫对褐飞虱主害代前一代短翅型成虫的寄生情况,讨论了线虫对该虫主害代的控制作用.结果如下.  相似文献   

褐飞虱体内酵母类共生菌的形态观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
试验采用冷冻切片技术结合显微摄像系统观察研究了褐飞虱雌成虫体内酵母类共生菌的形态特性和在寄主虫体内的存在状态.光学显微镜观察证实,褐飞虱雌成虫的头部和胸部均未观察到共生菌,在其腹部脂肪体中却发现大量酵母类共生菌的存在,且有大量的菌胞出现.菌胞已经成为褐飞虱特有的细胞器,其发育可划分为发育初期、共生菌增殖适应期、对数增殖期(高峰期)、释放期和衰竭期5个阶段.按照形态划分,褐飞虱体内的酵母类共生菌有4大类型,即长梭形、杆状、卵形和球状.其中,长梭形和杆状个体最多、占绝大多数,卵形和球状个体很少见.此外,还发现具假膈梭形和不规则共生菌的存在.同时观察到该类共生菌通过多边芽殖进行无性繁殖,且以顶端芽殖(包括两端芽殖)为主.  相似文献   

为了摸清褐飞虱在我县的发生规律,及时准确地指导防治,确保晚稻增产丰收,1976年我们在其迁入前和迁入后进行了田间系统调查和室内饲养观察,现整理简报如下: 1.越冬问题 1975年底至1976年春,在李氏禾、狗牙根、莎草、狗尾草、千金子,双穗雀稗等多种杂草和残留稻草上进行了几次调查,土缝调查面积268平方尺。春后5月4日—7月15日在123块不同类型早稻田进行了网捕,尚未发现褐飞虱。因此褐飞虱在该县越冬的可能性极小。  相似文献   

<正> 经田间与室内观察,初步查明两索线虫Amphimermis sp.是寄生稻飞虱的较好天敌。褐稻虱被两索线虫寄生后双晚稻田第五、六代发生量可减少34.5±5.72%。现将观察结果整理如下。 一、两索线虫在稻田土壤内的分布 两索线虫除寄生期幼虫在寄主稻飞虱体内  相似文献   

褐飞虱的高空迁飞观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1977年,我站在黄山设置了高空捕虫网,进行褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal空高迁飞的观察,现将一年来的观察结果作一初报。 一、地点与条件 观察点设在我县境内黄山光明顶,位于北纬30.08度,东经118.09度,是我国著名风景区。这里山势笔直陡峭,峰顶直入云霄,海拔1,840米的光明顶四面开阔,气流畅通,全年大风天气在150天以上。 二、器材与方法 高空捕虫网〔见图1)为方锥型钢铁结构,接虫口径1.8×1.8米,全长3米,主骨架采用30×30毫米角铁焊制,每面用4根10×10毫米的方铁拉紧,中心采用  相似文献   

利用回交重组自交群体检测水稻抗褐飞虱数量性状基因座   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
利用由98个系组成的Nipponbare/Kasalath//Nipponbare回交重组自交系(Backcross Inbred lines,BILs)作图群体(BC1F9),进行水稻抗褐飞虱数量性状基因座(Quantative Trait Locus,QTL)的检测和遗传效应分析。采用苗期集团鉴定方法,并以死苗率作为抗褐飞虱表型值,分析亲本和98个BILs抗褐飞虱表现。共检测到3个苗期抗褐飞虱QTL,分别位于2、10和12染色体上,各QTL的LOD值为2.01~2.33,贡献率为10.4%~16.6%,可解释群体总表型变异的39.0%。这3个数量性状基因座对褐飞虱的抗性均来自抗虫亲本Kasalath。与这些数量性状基因座连锁的分子标记可望应用于聚合多个抗性基因,培育对褐飞虱具有水平抗性水稻新品种的育种实践中。  相似文献   

索科线虫是一类具有很大生防潜力的昆虫(如棉铃虫等)天敌资源,但由于其体外培养尚未获得成功,阻碍了商业化生产和大规模应用,究其原因主要是体外培养的线虫不能完成雌雄性别分化。因此,研究该类线虫性别分化机制成为近年本领域的热点课题。该文以中华卵索线虫为实验材料,采用mRNA差异显示的方法,分析了中华卵索线虫性别分化关键时期雌、雄寄生后期幼线虫的基因表达差异。在雌雄线虫体内得到具有表达差异的基因片段20条。其中8条在雄虫体内特异性表达,12条在雌虫体内特异性表达。利用信息生物学技术对所分离到的差异片段进行了序列分析。其中,Ensembl分析发现4个片段与秀丽线虫X染色体具有可匹配片段,推测这些片段可能是影响中华卵索线虫性别分化的重要基因。这些结果将为后续研究提供思路。  相似文献   

蜂王幼虫与工蜂幼虫发育期食物消耗量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica雌性幼虫为试验材料,用鲜王浆、葡萄糖、果糖和酵母抽提物分别配制不同日龄的蜂王幼虫食物和工蜂幼虫食物,采用室内人工饲养蜜蜂幼虫技术饲养12h以内的蜂王幼虫和工蜂幼虫,直到幼虫出现排便和吐丝行为,记录幼虫生长发育期间消耗的总食物量。结果表明:1只蜂王幼虫在生长发育期平均消耗196.8mg蜂王幼虫食物,而1只工蜂幼虫在生长发育期平均消耗139.4mg工蜂幼虫食物。  相似文献   

Laboratory studies reveal that in several rodent species the females prefer dominant males as mating partners. Here we investigate the correlation between bank vole males’ social rank and their sperm quality and quantity. We used agonistic encounters to determine males’ social status. Sperm quality was assessed by its motility, viability, maturity, morphology and sperm tail membrane integrity. Relatively more dominant males were heavier than males of lower social status. The males’ social position affected the testes, seminal vesicles and coagulation gland development. The weights of these reproductive organs were significantly higher in more dominant males than in more subordinate males. Sperm counts and the values of the other parameters describing sperm quality were higher in high-ranking males than in subordinates. Our results suggest that bank vole females benefit from choosing and mating with high-ranking males by obtaining more and better-quality sperm.  相似文献   

In cattle, follicle dimension has been used as the main criterion for selection of oocytes for in vitro embryo production. However, follicles with similar diameters may be in very different physiologic phases. The aim of this study was to investigate whether morphology and developmental competence of cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) are related to the phase of development of the follicle, and presence of the corpus luteum (CL) or the dominant follicle in the ovary from which the COCs were collected. Cows (n = 143) were given a luteolytic dose of PGF(2alpha) and 8 days later underwent transvaginal ultrasound guided ablation of follicles > or =4mm to induce emergence of a new follicular wave. Cows (n = 10-20 per replicate) were slaughtered on Day 2, 3, 5 or 7 (Day 0 = follicular wave emergence), equivalent to the growing, early static, late static, and regressing phases of subordinate follicle development. COCs were collected from subordinate follicles > or =3mm, were classified as denuded, degenerated or healthy, and underwent IVM-IVF-IVC. The proportion of oocytes that developed to the blastocyst stage was higher (P<0.05) in those collected on Day 5 after wave emergence (23%) than on Day 2 (12%), 3 (13%) or 7 (16%). Data did not support the hypothesis of a local effect of the CL or dominant follicle. We conclude that a positive relationship exists between early follicular regression and oocyte competence. Moreover, morphologic characteristics of oocyte quality used in this study were not predictive in identifying competent oocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to determine the relationship between the morphology of the cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) and the meiotic configuration of oocytes as an LH peak mimicked by hCG. Estrus was synchronized in a total of 29 crossbred Landrace gilts by feeding Regumate for 15 d and administering 1000 IU PMSG. The LH peak was simulated by treatment with 500 IU hCG at 80 h after PMSG. Endoscopic oocyte recovery was carried out 2 h before and 10, 22 and 34 h after hCG. Only macroscopically healthy follicles with a diameter of more than 5 mm were punctured. Altogether, 410 follicles from 57 ovaries were punctured and 251 COCs were aspirated. Oocyte recovery rate increased from 48.5% (P < 0.01) of the early, not yet preovulatory follicles (2 h before hCG) to 80.8% of late preovulatory follicles (34 h after hCG). Cumulus morphology in COCs recovered 2 h before and 10 h after hCG was heterogeneous, with most (72.9 to 57.4%; P < 0.01) showing a compact or slightly expanded cumulus. Starting at about 22 h after hCG, COC morphology changed dramatically (86.7% of COCs with expanded cumulus; P < 0.01), and 34 h after hCG, 98.3% of the COCs had only an expanded cumulus. The percentage of oocytes with a mature meiotic configuration increased (11.2; 7.1; 41.4 and 70.2%, respectively, n = 238 oocytes; P < 0.01) as the interval post hCG increased (-2, 10, 22, 34 h, respectively). Meiotic configuration was related to COC morphology: compact COCs--88.9% diplotene, expanded COCs--53.8% metaphase II (M-II), and denuded oocytes--69.2% degenerated chromatin. These results indicate that there is a relationship between oocyte recovery rate, COC morphology, and meiotic configuration and preovulatory follicle maturation after the application of hCG.  相似文献   

Examination of plastic-embedded rhesus monkey and baboon blastocysts through the implantation period has provided information on normal differentiation and development. The blastocysts show many features in common with non-primate laboratory animals, including differentiation of endoderm and its extension beyond the inner cell mass prior to implantation. However, there appears to be more cell death, and more aberrations in development. Implantation involves the adherence of trophoblast to healthy uterine luminal epithelial cells, and intrusion of syncytial trophoblast between these cells, followed by lateral expansion of the site of invasion prior to penetration of the uterine epithelial basal lamina. An amnionic cavity is formed within the inner cell mass, and is preceded by establishment of cell polarity. The definitive yolk sac is formed by an aggregation of endodermal cells adjacent to the inner cell mass. The trophoblast does not give rise to mesodermal cells, but some of these cells may be formed from endoderm prior to primitive streak formation. In both rhesus monkey and baboon, syncytial trophoblast taps the maternal vascular system relatively rapidly. In the baboon in particular large blood-filled spaces elevate the implantation site from the level of the endometrium at the stage of primary and secondary villus formation.  相似文献   

Examination of some freshwater and brackishwater (estuarine) fishes in South Carolina in October 2009 yielded, in addition to other parasites, 2 little-known nematode species identified as Dichelyne fastigatus Chandler, 1935 (Cucullanidae), from the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Linnaeus), from an estuary, and Rhabdochona ovifilamenta Weller, 1938 (Rhabdochonidae), from the shorthead redhorse, Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur), from Lake Moultrie. Light and scanning electron microscopy (the latter used for the first time for these species) made it possible to describe several important, but previously unreported, taxonomic features in D. fastigatus, such as the location of the excretory pore and deirids, the shape of deirids and a gubernaculum, the shape and size of eggs, the presence of precloacal ventral oblique muscle bands, and 11 pairs of caudal papillae and a pair of phasmids. It distinctly differs from the most similar Dichelyne cotylophora (Ward and Magath, 1917), a parasite of North American freshwater percids, in the number and arrangement of postanal papillae and by a markedly elevated cloacal region. Records of Dichelyne lintoni Barreto, 1922, from S. ocellatus probably concern D. fastigatus. Examination of R. ovifilamenta revealed a high degree of morphologic and biometric variability in this species. Based on our analysis, Rhabdochona laurentiana Lyster, 1940 , Rhabdochona milleri Choquette, 1951, and Rhabdochona catostomi Kayton, Kritsky, and Tobias, 1979, are synonymized with R. ovifilamenta Weller, 1938, typically a parasite of North American catostomids.  相似文献   

ADAM 12 is a member of a family of disintegrin-containing metalloproteases that have been implicated in a variety of diseases including Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and cancer. We purified ADAM 12 from the urine of breast cancer patients via Q-Sepharose anion exchange and gelatin-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Four peptides were identified that spanned the amino acid sequence of ADAM 12. Immunoblot analysis using ADAM 12-specific antibodies detected an approximately 68-kDa band identified as the mature form of ADAM 12. To characterize catalytic properties of ADAM 12, full-length ADAM 12-S was expressed in COS-7 cells and purified. Substrate specificity studies demonstrated that ADAM 12-S degrades gelatin, type IV collagen, and fibronectin but not type I collagen or casein. Gelatinase activity of ADAM 12 was completely abrogated by zinc chelators 1,10-phenanthroline and EDTA and was partially inhibited by the hydroxamate inhibitor Marimastat. Endogenous matrix metalloprotease inhibitor TIMP-3 inhibited activity. To validate our initial identification of this enzyme in human urine, 117 urine samples from breast cancer patients and controls were analyzed by immunoblot. The majority of samples from cancer patients were positive for ADAM 12 (67 of 71, sensitivity 0.94) compared with urine from controls in which ADAM 12 was detected with significantly lower frequency. Densitometric analyses of immunoblots demonstrated that ADAM 12 protein levels were higher in urine from breast cancer patients than in control urine. In addition, median levels of ADAM 12 in urine significantly increased with disease progression. These data demonstrate for the first time that ADAM 12 is a gelatinase, that it can be detected in breast cancer patient urine, and that increased urinary levels of this protein correlate with breast cancer progression. They further support the possibility that detection of urinary ADAM 12 may prove useful in the development of noninvasive diagnostic and prognostic tests for breast and perhaps other cancers.  相似文献   

嗜尸性蚤蝇是掩埋尸体上常见的法医昆虫。利用嗜尸性蚤蝇发育规律推断埋后间隔时间的前提是对其幼期种属的准确鉴定。本文对墓地栅蚤蝇和柏林克虼蚤蝇幼期主要形态特征进行了描述。结果显示:根据口器、节间突起、呼吸角等特征不仅可以区分虫龄,还可以对2种蚤蝇进行鉴别。  相似文献   

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