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The B to Z conformational transition of (dG-dC)n.(dG-dC)n and a 157 bp DNA restriction fragment were followed using Raman spectroscopy. The 157 bp DNA has a 95 bp segment from the E. coli lactose operon sandwiched between 26 and 32 bp of (dC-dG) sequences. Raman spectra of the DNAs were obtained at varying sodium chloride concentrations through the region of the transition. A data analysis procedure was developed to subtract the background curves and quantify Raman vibrational bands. Profiles of relative intensity vs. sodium chloride concentration are shown for bands at 626, 682, 831-833 and 1093 cm-1. Both (dG-dC)n.(dG-dC)n and the 157 bp DNA show changes in the guanine vibration at 682 cm-1 and backbone band at 831-3 cm-1 preceding a highly cooperative change in the 1093 cm-1 PO2- vibration. This result indicates that there are at least two conformational steps in the B to Z conformational pathway. We review the effect of the (dC-dG) portion of the 157 bp DNA on the 95 bp segment. Comparison of Raman spectra of the 157 bp DNA, the 95 bp fragment and (dG-dC)n.(dG-dC)n indicate that in 4.5 M NaCl the (dC-dG) segments are in a Z-conformation. Base stacking in the 95 bp portion of the 157 bp DNA appears to maintain a B-type conformation. However, a substantial portion of this region no longer has a B-type backbone vibration.  相似文献   

A major class of tumors lack expression of the transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP). These proteins are essential for delivery of antigenic peptides into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and subsequent assembly with nascent major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, which results in cell surface presentation of the trimeric complex to cytolytic T lymphocytes. Cytolytic T lymphocytes are major effector cells in immunosurveillance against tumors. Here we have tested the hypothesis that TAP downregulation in tumors allows immunosubversion of this effector mechanism, by establishing a model system to examine the role of TAP in vivo in restoring antigen presentation, immune recognition, and effects on malignancy of the TAP-deficient small-cell lung carcinoma, CMT.64. To test the potential of providing exogenous TAP in cancer therapies, we constructed a vaccinia virus (VV) containing the TAP1 gene and examined whether VV-TAP1 could reduce tumors in mice. The results demonstrate that TAP should be considered for inclusion in cancer therapies, as it is likely to provide a general method for increasing immune responses against tumors regardless of the antigenic complement of the tumor or the MHC haplotypes of the host.  相似文献   

背角无齿蚌基因组(GT)n微卫星DNA特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用磁珠富集法筛选背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)的微卫星分子标记,采用Sau3A1酶对完整DNA进行酶切,以生物素标记的(GT)15寡核苷酸探针从酶切片段中筛选微卫星序列.洗脱的杂交片段克隆到PGEM-T载体上构建富集微卫星基因组文库后,通过菌液PCR筛选检测出阳性克隆进行测序.结果表明:在筛选的18...  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of natural polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine to provoke a left-handed Z-DNA conformation in a recombinant plasmid (pDHg16) with a 23-base pair insert of (dG-dC)n.(dG-dC)n sequences. Using a monoclonal anti-Z-DNA antibody (Z22) and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay protocol, we found that spermidine and spermine were capable of converting pDHg16 to the Z-DNA form. The concentrations of spermidine and spermine at the midpoint of the B-DNA to Z-DNA transition were 280 and 5 microM, respectively, in buffer containing 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM sodium cacodylate, and 0.15 mM EDTA, pH 7.4. A plot of ln[Na+] versus ln [spermine4+], where [Na+] is the bulk NaCl concentration and [spermine4+] is the spermine concentration at the midpoint of the B-DNA to Z-DNA transition, gave a straight line with a slope of 1.2. Structural specificity was clearly evident in the efficacy of three spermidine homologs to induce the Z-DNA conformation in pDHg16. Putrescine and acetylspermidines had no effect on the conformation of the plasmid DNA up to a 3 mM concentration. Control experiments with the parental plasmid (pDPL6) showed no binding of the plasmid DNA with Z22. These results indicate that spermidine and spermine are capable of provoking the left-handed Z-DNA conformation in small blocks of (dG-dC)n sequences embedded in a right-handed B-DNA matrix. Since blocks of (dG-dC)n sequences are found in certain native DNAs, conformational alterations of these regions to the Z-DNA form in the presence of polyamines may have important gene regulatory effects.  相似文献   

Although the sphere culture system has been widely used in stem cell biology, its application for drug screening is limited due to lack of standardized, rapid analytical tools. To optimize sphere cultures for in vitro screening of drugs, we evaluated the properties of primary tumor cells growing as tumorspheres and compared their chemosensitivity to those of cells growing in monolayer. Most cells in tumorsphere cultures were quiescent whereas cells in monolayer culture had a high mitotic index. Moreover, doxorubicin showed better cytotoxicity than paclitaxel in the sphere cultures, but their efficacy was reversed in the monolayer cultures. Importantly, the response of cytotoxic outcomes for suspension cultures matched the in vivo response better than monolayer cultures, providing support for the use of short term suspension cultures of primary cells as a model for drug testing.  相似文献   

Photochemical alterations following ultraviolet irradiation of the alternating copolymer d(GT)n.d(CA)n were studied. We found that in solution conditions which produced circular dichroism spectra compatible with B-form or A-form DNA, no interstrand cross-linking or photoproduct formation could be demonstrated. Zimmer et al. (Zimmer, C., Tymen, S., Marck, C., and Guschlbaumer, W. (1982) Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 1081-1091) and Vorlickova et al. (Vorlickova, M., Kypr, J., Sotkrova, S., Sponar, J. (1982) Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 1071-1080) have reported a number of solution conditions which produce a structural transition of this polymer characterized by a negative deviation of the circular dichroism spectrum in the region of 280 nm. The nature of this transition has not yet been elucidated. Following ultraviolet irradiation of d(GT)n.d(CA)n under two conditions which produce this transition (manganese solution or ethanol plus trace salts solution) we found ultraviolet dose-dependent interstrand cross-linking as well as dose-dependent formation of thymine-containing photoproduct. Interstrand cross-linking is demonstrated by two criteria: increase in polymer size as detected by alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis, and generation of intermediate density material in alkaline cesium sulfate isopycnic gradients. The thymine-containing photo-product was demonstrated by thin layer chromatography of acid hydrolysates of the polymer. The photo-product is at least partially photoreversible. These findings suggest that the geometry of the alternative conformation is such that pyrimidines from different strands are closely approximated, allowing for photodimerization.  相似文献   

OsO4 in the presence of pyridine specifically modifies the structural distortions of the primary helix of supercoiled pRW777 near the (dA-dC)32 sequence. Modification occurs at the same negative superhelix density value as required for formation of the Z-helix within the polymer block. Fine mapping of the distorted regions, which are probably the B-Z junctions, is presented. OsO4 reactions provide a powerful and sensitive chemical approach to study DNA polymorphism in solution.  相似文献   

The ability of oligonucleotides 3'-d(GT)5pO(CH2)6Opd(GT)5-5' (anti[d(GT)]) and 3'-d(GT)5pO(CH2)6Opd(GT)5-3' (par[par[d(GT)]) to form tertiary structures has been studied. Circular dichroism (CD) as well as the fluorescence of the ethidium bromide (EtBr) complexes with oligonucleotides and hydrodynamic volume measurements in solutions containing 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH 7 and NaCl in concentrations from 0.1 M to 1 M, have been used. The data obtained in the temperature interval from 3 degrees C to 10 degrees C are in good agreement with the structure suggested earlier where the par[d(GT)] and anti[d(GT)] form structures with four parallel strands in which layers of four G-residues alternate with unpaired bulged-out T-residues. Ethidium bromide interacts with the structure in a cooperative manner. Two ethidium bromide molecules intercalate between two layers of four G-residues.  相似文献   

A quantitative technique for the assessment of sporozoite infectivity in vivo, using intra-cecal inoculation of Eimeria tenella sporozoites, has been developed. Evaluation of the infection using cecal lesion scores and oocyst counts showed that this technique should be useful for the quantitation of sporozoite viability and thus for the anti-sporozoite activity of different treatments prior to inoculation. Pre-treatment of sporozoites with heat-inactivated hyperimmune antisera neutralized sporozoite infectivity in vivo and indicated that antibodies in the absence of complement inhibited sporozoite infectivity in vivo.  相似文献   

Alternating repeated d(CA.GT)n and d(CG.GC)n sequences constitute a significant proportion of the simple repeating elements found in eukaryotic genomic DNA. These sequences are known to form left-handed Z-DNA in vitro. In this paper, we have addressed the question of the in vivo determination of the Z-DNA-forming potential of such sequences in eukaryotic chromatin. For this purpose, we have investigated the ability of a d(CA.GT)30 sequence and a d(CG.GC)5 sequence to form left-handed Z-DNA when cloned into simian virus 40 (SV40) minichromosomes at two different positions: the TaqI site, which occurs in the intron of the T-antigen gene, and the HpaII site, which is located in the late promoter region within the SV40 control region. Formation of Z-DNA at the inserted repeated sequences was analyzed through the change in DNA linkage associated with the B to Z transition. Our results indicate that regardless of: (1) the site of insertion (either TaqI or HpaII), (2) the precise moment of the viral lytic cycle (from 12 h to 48 h postinfection) and (3) the condition of incorporation of the SV40 recombinants to the host cells (either as minichromosomes or as naked DNA, relaxed or negatively supercoiled), neither the d(CA.GT)30 nor the d(CG.GC)5 sequence are stable in the left-handed Z-DNA conformation in the SV40 minichromosome. The biological relevance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

A set of 52 (CT)n and 23 (GT)n microsatellites in honeybee, 24 (CT)n and 2 (GT)n microsatellites in bumble-bee (n > 6) have been isolated from partial genomic libraries and sequenced. On average, (CT)n and (GT)n microsatellites occur every 15 kb and 34 kb in honeybee and every 40 kb and 500 kb in bumble-bee, respectively. The prevailing categories are imperfect repeats for (CT)n microsatellites in bumble-bee, and perfect repeats for both (CT)n and (GT)n microsatellites in honey-bee. Comparisons with data available in vertebrates indicate a lower proportion of perfect repeats in bees but length distributions are very similar regardless the phylum. This result extends to insects the concept of an evolutionary conservation for quantitative and qualitative characteristics of (CT)n and (GT)n microsatellites. Many (CT)n and (GT)n repeats are surrounded with various types of microsatellites, revealing an associative distribution of short repeat sequences. As expected, a high level of intrapopulational polymorphism has been found with one tested honeybee microsatellite. Also, flanking regions of this microsatellite are similar enough to allow PCR amplification in several other species of Apis and Bombus.  相似文献   

During microsatellite polymerase chain reaction (PCR), insertion–deletion mutations produce stutter products differing from the original template by multiples of the repeat unit length. We analyzed the PCR slippage products of (CA)n and (A)n tracts cloned in a pUC18 vector. Repeat numbers varied from two to 14 (CA)n and four to 12 (A)n. Data was generated on approximately 10 single molecules for each clone type using two rounds of nested PCR. The size and peak areas of the products were obtained by capillary electrophoresis. A quasi- likelihood approach to the analysis of the data estimated the mutation rate/repeat/PCR cycle. The rate for (CA)n tracts was 3.6 × 10–3 with contractions 14 times greater than expansions. For (A)n tracts the rate was 1.5 × 10–2 and contractions outnumbered expansions by 5-fold. The threshold for detecting ‘stutter’ products was computed to be four repeats for (CA)n and eight repeats for (A)n or ~8 bp in both cases. A comparison was made between the computationally and experimentally derived threshold values. The threshold and expansion to contraction ratios are explained on the basis of the active site structure of Taq DNA polymerase and models of the energetics of slippage events, respectively.  相似文献   

Divalent metal ions are essential for maintaining functional states of the DNA molecule. Their participation in DNA structure is modulated by the base sequence and varies depending on the nature of the ion. The present investigation addresses the interaction of Ca2+ ions with a tandem repeat of two CA dinucleotides, (CA)2/(TG)2. The binding of Ca2+ to the repeat is monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy using chemical shift mapping. Parallel experiments monitor binding of Mg2+ ions to the repeat as well as binding of each ion to a DNA duplex in which the (CA)2/(TG)2 repeat is eliminated. The results reveal that the direction and the magnitude of chemical shift changes induced by Ca2+ ions in the NMR spectra of the repeat are different from those induced by Mg2+ ions. The differences between the two cations are significantly diminished by the elimination of the (CA)2/(TG)2 repeat. These findings suggest a specific interaction of Ca2+ ions with the (CA)2/(TG)2 motif. The specificity of the interaction resides in the two A-T base pairs of the repeat, and it involves the major groove of the first A-T base pair and both grooves of the second A-T base pair.  相似文献   

Generation time (GT) of normal human bone marrow cells cultured in the CFC-gm assay was measured by using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and sister chromatid differential staining. Cells were cultured in methylcellulose for 72 hr prior to the addition of BrdU and then harvested at 6-12 hr intervals for up to 72 hr. The time interval between the appearance of second and third division metaphases at the 50% level gave mean GTs which ranged from 32 to 43 hr. These values are longer than those reported for myeloblasts and promyelocytes but shorter than those previously reported for myelocytes.  相似文献   

A partial genomic DNA library of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was screened with an (AC)11 probe for the presence of (CA/GT)n simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Based on the frequency of these repeats in the partial genomic library, we estimate that (CA/GT)n repeats occur at a rate of about one every 17.7 kb in the C. reinhardtii genome. Ten positive clones were sequenced and four polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sets flanking (CA/GT)n sequences were constructed for four loci. The PCR was used to specifically amplify these regions from multiple isolates of C. reinhardtii. All four loci were highly polymorphic in the C. reinhardtii isolates. A simple Mendelian inheritance pattern was found for all four loci, which showed 2:2 segregation in the tetrads resulting from a cross between C. reinhardtii and C. smithii. Our results suggest that these simple sequence repeat DNA loci will be useful for identity testing, population studies, linkage analysis, and genome mapping in Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

The reaction of bromoacetaldehyde (BAA) was investigated further with recombinant plasmids containing tracts of (CG)16, in pRW756, or (CA)32, in pRW777, which adopt left-handed Z-structures under the influence of negative supercoiling. The cruciform structures adopted by the inverted repeat sequences near the replication origins of the pBR322 vectors served as internal controls for the number of unpaired bases. The extent of reaction with the B-Z junctions and the cruciforms was dependent on the reaction and analysis conditions, the method of preparation of BAA, ionic conditions, and the amount of negative supercoiling. In contrast to the previous results of Kang and Wells, B-Z junctions in addition to cruciforms do react with BAA. However, more forcing conditions are required to detect this reaction since B-Z junctions appear to be less reactive than the single stranded loops of cruciforms. The site of reaction with DNA was readily mapped with high precision at the nucleotide level. Also, a simple method is described for determining the concentration of BAA as well as its intrinsic reactivity in a given ionic medium.  相似文献   

Transition of a cloned d(AT)n-d(AT)n tract to a cruciform in vivo.   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
A 34 base pair tract of the simple repeating dinucleotide d(AT)n-d(AT)n cloned into a 2.4 kb polylinker plasmid vector undergoes a structural transition in response to negative superhelical coiling. The transition has been characterized by 2 dimensional gel electrophoresis, mapping of S1, P1 and T7 endonuclease 1 sensitive sites, and mapping of sites that are sensitive to modification by bromoacetaldehyde. After S1 nuclease treatment it is possible to trap supercoiled species that are nicked on one or both strands near the center of the palindrome. These data show that the alternate state adopted by the d(AT)n-dAT)n insert is a cruciform rather than a Z conformation. Unlike other B-cruciform transitions the transition in d(AT)n-d(AT)n has a low activation energy and the transition is facilitated by the presence of magnesium ions. Evidence from in-vivo topoisomer distributions is presented which shows that under conditions of blocked protein synthesis the d(AT)n-d(AT)n insert will spontaneously adopt the cruciform state in-vivo in E. coli.  相似文献   

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