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Pigeons lowest in their homeloft dominance hierarchies were either injected with testosterone, conditioned to peck the more dominant birds, or both, and were then returned to their homelofts. Frequency of pecks and threats received by each animal was recorded. Testosterone alone had no effect. Conditioned birds were pecked significantly fewer times after treatment. The combination of hormone treatment and conditioning produced the greatest enhancement in dominance. Differences in the patterns of fighting behavior are noted and results are discussed in a discrimination learning framework as an interaction between androgen and learned responses.  相似文献   

We tested the challenge hypothesis for the hormonal regulation of aggression in chicks of the black-headed gull, Larus ridibundus. Chicks of this species are highly aggressive toward conspecifics, but never to peers that hatched from the same clutch (modal clutch size is three). Therefore, in the first experiment small families were housed together in large groups (challenged condition) and compared to families kept isolated (nonchallenged condition). As expected, in the challenged condition during the initial stage of territory establishment basal levels of testosterone (T) were clearly higher than those in the nonchallenged condition. In the second experiment we tested the effect of a short social challenge on short-term T-fluctuations. The design was based on an earlier experiment, showing that after temporary T-treatment chicks become very sensitive to social challenges while having low basal T-levels. We now show that these social challenges induce brief elevations in plasma T-levels. These peaks are similar to those in previously untreated chicks but untreated chicks do not respond with aggression to a challenge. Therefore, we conclude that the initial exposure to elevated T-levels increases the sensitivity to brief changes in T induced by social challenges. In this way exposure to T, that may be detrimental for development, is minimized while birds remain able to defend territories. This is the first report showing that the challenge hypothesis as established for adult birds, is also applicable for aggressive behavior in young birds outside the sexual context. Furthermore we suggest that a phase of priming with T is necessary to obtain the high behavioral responsiveness to a challenge.  相似文献   

A changing climate may directly or indirectly influence biological invasions by altering the likelihood of introduction or establishment, as well as modifying the geographic range, environmental impacts, economic costs or management of alien species. A comprehensive assessment of empirical and theoretical evidence identified how each of these processes is likely to be shaped by climate change for alien plants, animals and pathogens in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments of Great Britain. The strongest contemporary evidence for the potential role of climate change in the establishment of new alien species is for terrestrial arthropods, as a result of their ectothermic physiology, often high dispersal rate and their strong association with trade as well as commensal relationships with human environments. By contrast, there is little empirical support for higher temperatures increasing the rate of alien plant establishment due to the stronger effects of residence time and propagule pressure. The magnitude of any direct climate effect on the number of new alien species will be small relative to human‐assisted introductions driven by socioeconomic factors. Casual alien species (sleepers) whose population persistence is limited by climate are expected to exhibit greater rates of establishment under climate change assuming that propagule pressure remains at least at current levels. Surveillance and management targeting sleeper pests and diseases may be the most cost‐effective option to reduce future impacts under climate change. Most established alien species will increase their distribution range in Great Britain over the next century. However, such range increases are very likely be the result of natural expansion of populations that have yet to reach equilibrium with their environment, rather than a direct consequence of climate change. To assess the potential realised range of alien species will require a spatially explicit approach that not only integrates bioclimatic suitability and population‐level demographic rates but also simulation of landscape‐level processes (e.g. dispersal, land‐use change, host/habitat distribution, non‐climatic edaphic constraints). In terms of invasive alien species that have known economic or biodiversity impacts, the taxa that are likely to be the most responsive are plant pathogens and insect pests of agricultural crops. However, the extent to which climate adaptation strategies lead to new crops, altered rotations, and different farming practices (e.g. irrigation, fertilization) will all shape the potential agricultural impacts of alien species. The greatest uncertainty in the effects of climate change on biological invasions exists with identifying the future character of new species introductions and predicting ecosystem impacts. Two complementary strategies may work under these conditions of high uncertainty: (i) prioritise ecosystems in terms of their perceived vulnerability to climate change and prevent ingress or expansion of alien species therein that may exacerbate problems; (ii) target those ecosystem already threatened by alien species and implement management to prevent the situation deteriorating under climate change.  相似文献   

Studies on the relationship between female testosterone (T) measures and behavior, particularly in free-ranging primate populations, remain scant. In this study we used fecal steroid analysis to examine the effects of seasonal, reproductive, and social factors on female T in a group of free-ranging hybrid baboons (Papio sp.) in the Awash National Park of Ethiopia. We collected behavioral and hormonal data from 25 adult females across an 11-month period. Solid phase extraction and radioimmunoassay (RIA) techniques were used to quantify T in 776 fecal samples collected weekly from each female. The results indicate that 1) the females had elevated T during pregnancy and during the wet season relative to other periods, 2) female dominance rank was positively related to T measures, and 3) female T and aggression were positively related within subjects but not across subjects. Higher T concentrations during pregnancy are consistent with other published profiles of pregnancy in primates. In combination with data on foraging, wet season increases in T may indicate contest competition for females. The rank-T relationship may be mediated by supplants or aggression. Finally, we discuss the different interpretations of the hormone-behavior relationship based on within- and across-subject analyses.  相似文献   

A contribution to a special issue on Hormones and Human Competition.We investigated the effects of competition on men's testosterone levels and assessed whether androgen reactivity was associated with subsequent emotion recognition and reactive and proactive aggression. We also explored whether personalized power (p Power) moderated these relationships. In Study 1, 84 males competed on a number tracing task and interpreted emotions from facial expressions. In Study 2, 72 males competed on the same task and were assessed on proactive and reactive aggression. In both studies, contrary to the biosocial model of status (Mazur, 1985), winners' testosterone levels decreased significantly while losers' levels increased, albeit not significantly. Personalized power moderated the effect of competition outcome on testosterone change in both studies. Using the aggregate sample, we found that the effect of decreased testosterone levels among winners (compared to losers) was significant for individuals low in p Power but not for those with medium or high p Power. Testosterone change was positively related to emotion recognition, but unrelated to either aggression subtype. The testosterone-mediated relationship between winning and losing and emotion recognition was moderated by p Power. In addition, p Power moderated the direct (i.e., non-testosterone mediated) path between competition outcome and emotion recognition and both types of aggression: high p-Power winners were more accurate at deciphering others' emotions than high p-Power losers. Finally, among high p-Power men, winners aggressed more proactively than losers, whereas losers aggressed more reactively than winners. Collectively, these studies highlight the importance of implicit power motivation in modulating hormonal, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes arising from human competition.  相似文献   

As outlined in the trade-off hypothesis of testosterone (T) secretion, fluctuations in T during the breeding season might reflect how males allocate their time and energy to competitive behaviors for mates and territories, associated with high T levels, and parental activities, associated with low T levels. In the present study, great tit, Parus major, males were implanted with T-filled or empty silastic capsules at the start of the breeding season and the behavior of these two male categories was compared during the entire breeding season. As a measure of competitive behavior we looked at song behavior and territorial responsiveness to a male decoy, during the three main stages of the breeding period (the egg-laying, incubation, and nestling stages). As a measure of parental care we looked at feeding behavior during the nestling stage. Our results only partly supported the trade-off hypothesis. T implants increased plasma androgen levels and enhanced spontaneous song activity and the production of aggressive vocalizations in response to a decoy. However, our results suggest that the degree of physical aggression might be less than fully coupled with T. First, approach to the decoy was not affected by the treatment. Second, although T levels are known to vary from high during egg laying to low while feeding young, control and T-treated males spent similar amounts of time close to the decoy in the three breeding stages. Our results thus suggest that vocal and physical aggression might be regulated differently in the great tit. Furthermore, in contrast with most other studies on temperate bird species but in agreement with a previous study on the great tit, T treatment did not affect male feeding rates. As the dose of T we used was lower than that typically used in other studies, we cannot at present completely exclude the possibility that the latter result reflects this lower dose of T rather than the species used.  相似文献   

Urine from female mice injected with 24 daily doses of 0, 1, 10, 50, and 100 μg testosterone propionate (TP) was applied to the coat of castrate males, and the aggressive response of fighter mice toward these castrates recorded. Some antiaggressive property in castrate female urine was confirmed, and this was neutralized by only 1 μg daily TP. Urine from the 50 μg group greatly increased the aggression response, but 100 μg had no additional effect.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is a critical endocrine factor for the activation of many aspects of reproductive behavior in vertebrates. Castration completely eliminates the display of aggressive and sexual behaviors that are restored to intact level by a treatment with exogenous T. There is usually a tight correlation between the temporal changes in plasma T and the frequency of reproductive behaviors during the annual cycle. In contrast, individual levels of behavioral activity are often not related to plasma T concentration at the peak of the reproductive season suggesting that T is available in quantities larger than necessary to activate behavior and that other factors limit the expression of behavior. There is some indication from work in rodents that individual levels of brain aromatase activity (AA) may be a key factor that limits the expression of aggressive behavior, and in agreement with this idea, many studies indicate that estrogens produced in the brain by the aromatization of T may contribute to the activation of reproductive behavior, including aggression. We investigated here in pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) the relationships among territorial aggression, plasma T, and brain AA at the peak of the reproductive season. In a first experiment, blood samples were collected from unpaired males holding a primary territory and, 1 or 2 days later, their aggressive behavior was quantified during standardized simulated territorial intrusions. No relationship was found between individual differences in aggressive behavior and plasma T or dihydrotestosterone levels but a significant negative correlation was observed between number of attacks and plasma corticosterone. In a second experiment, aggressive behavior was measured during a simulated territorial intrusion in 22 unpaired males holding primary territories. They were then immediately captured and AA was measured in their anterior and posterior diencephalon and in the entire telencephalon. Five males that had attracted a female (who had started egg-laying) were also studied. The paired males were less aggressive and correlatively had a lower AA in the anterior diencephalon but not in the posterior diencephalon and telencephalon than the 22 birds holding a territory before arrival of a female. In these 22 birds, a significant correlation was observed between number of attacks/min displayed during the simulated territorial intrusion and AA in the anterior diencephalon but no correlation was found between these variables in the two other brain areas. Taken together, these data indicate that the level of aggression displayed by males defending their primary territory may be limited by the activity of the preoptic aromatase, but plasma T is not playing an important role in establishing individual differences in aggression. Alternatively, it is also possible that brain AA is rapidly affected by agonistic interactions and additional work should be carried out to determine whether the correlation observed between brain AA and aggressive behavior is the result of an effect of the enzyme on behavior or vice versa. In any case, the present data show that preoptic AA can change quite rapidly during the reproductive cycle (within a few days after arrival of the female) indicating that this enzymatic activity is able to regulate rapid behavioral transitions during the reproductive cycle in this species.  相似文献   

The ‘challenge hypothesis’ posits that variation in male testosterone levels is more closely associated with aggression in reproductive contexts than it is with changes in reproductive physiology. Numerous bird studies support this idea, but few tests have been conducted with primates. We conducted behavioural observations and noninvasive hormone sampling of 11 male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, in the Kanyawara study site, Kibale National Park, to test predictions of the challenge hypothesis. Results indicated that adult male chimpanzees showed significant testosterone increases during periods when parous females showed maximally tumescent sexual swellings. These periods were also marked by increased rates of male aggression. Male testosterone levels did not increase in the presence of maximally tumescent nulliparous females. Such females are less attractive to males: they are not mate-guarded, nor do rates of male aggression increase when they are swelling. Male chimpanzees copulate with parous and nulliparous females at similar rates, however, suggesting that testosterone increases in the presence of cycling parous females are associated with aggression rather than sexual behaviour. High-ranking chimpanzees were more aggressive than low-ranking males and produced higher levels of urinary testosterone. Thus, the predictions of the challenge hypothesis were generally upheld. This suggests that the hypothesis may have wider applicability among primates, including humans.  相似文献   

A cooperative behavior, coordinated shuttling by pairs of laboratory rats in a rectangular chamber, can be influenced strongly by an interaction between housing and sex. Males and females learn readily when housed together socially, but individual housing ("isolation") causes severe deficits selectively in males. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of testosterone in the differential effects of housing on cooperation learning. Males of a Sprague-Dawley derived strain were housed socially or individually and treated daily in one of three ways (six groups, n = 6 per group): (1) castrated, injected with oil vehicle (without testosterone); (2) castrated, injected with 500 micrograms testosterone propionate (exogenous TP); and (3) sham operated, injected with oil (intact, endogenous testosterone). Socially housed pairs learned readily in all treatment groups, using strategies of coordination in which stereotyped contact or aggressive interactions were interpolated. Individual housing was associated with a deficit, but only in the TP-treated and intact groups in which some pairs either did not learn or performed poorly. The deficit was associated with violent fighting and extreme and stable differentiation into dominants and subordinates, the latter exhibiting prolonged freezing. Oil-treated castrates, when housed individually, were unimpaired and actually surpassed their socially housed counterparts on some measures. Their success was associated with an increase only in low-level aggression. The housing-hormone interaction in male rats suggests that testosterone influences the capacity to develop cooperative behavior by modulating both aggression and its consequences for the relationship between partners. The use of social interaction models, including cooperation, for the study of behavior-hormone interactions was also discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in the investment of maternal resources in eggs, such as proteins and lipids, can have a profound influence on the growth and development of young. Maternal resources transferred to eggs also include androgens found in the yolk. In several species of birds the concentration of testosterone in the yolk either increases or decreases with laying order. Yolk testosterone has been shown to have various effects on the young including enhanced growth and dominance as well as reduced survival. Previous work suggested that the concentration of testosterone in the yolk may be influenced by the female's social conditions, specifically the frequency of aggressive interactions. In tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor, we found that yolk testosterone was correlated with the aggressive interactions of the female before and during egg laying. In contrast to other species, yolk testosterone did not vary with laying order in tree swallows. Thus, patterns of yolk testosterone are more variable than thought previously and may be influenced by the social conditions experienced by the female during laying.  相似文献   

Sodium arachidonate (i.v.) has previously been shown to induce pulmonary emboli formation and a dose dependent cyanosis and respiratory depression in mice. Subsequently, we found that male mice are significantly more sensitive to arachidonate than females. Aspirin given orally 2 hours prior to arachidonate administration inhibits the responses of both males and females. Pretreatment with depo-testosterone markedly increases the effect or arachidonate in both males and females and depo-estradiol pretreatment reduces the responses in all mice. This exacerbation by testosterone of the arachidonate response and the attenuating effects of estradiol is consistent with data reported using other thrombogenic techniques.  相似文献   

Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) show intense territorial activity in the autumn as newcomers attempt to establish space within resident populations. Examination of autumnal territorial behavior showed that unmated males sing more and engage in more territorial fights than mated males. Newcomers that have just acquired space also sing more and show more territorial fights than birds resident to the population for at least one prior season. Among established residents, the average number of territorial fights was greater in birds that shared more territory boundaries with new residents. Radioimmunoassay of plasma samples taken from males during the molt and following the onset of territorial defense showed that during both periods plasma concentrations of testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and estradiol were basal or below the sensitivity of the assay system. Moreover, groups of males that differed in song and territorial aggression did not differ in plasma concentrations of T, DHT, or luteinizing hormone (LH). Hormone analyses confirm measurements on several other avian species suggesting that sex steroid concentrations are low in the fall and winter and that variations in aggressive behavior at this time of year may be unrelated to LH and androgen levels. Our observations contribute to a growing body of work in temperate passerines indicating that the role of androgens in mediating aggressive challenge may be restricted to the breeding season. The possible hormonal basis (if any) of song and territorial aggression in mockingbirds outside the breeding season remains obscure.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) has been found to have a stimulating effect on aggressive behavior in a wide range of vertebrate species. There is also some evidence of a positive relationship in humans, albeit less consistently. In the present study we investigated the relationship between T and aggression, dominance and delinquency over time, covering a period from early adolescence to adulthood. From a large population-based sample (n = 1.161) a subgroup of 96 boys was selected whose behavior had been assessed repeatedly by different informants from age 12 to 21 years, and who had provided multiple T samples over these years of assessment. On the whole, a decrease in aggressive and delinquent behavior was observed in a period in which T rises dramatically. Boys who developed a criminal record, had higher T levels at age 16. In addition, positive associations were observed between T and proactive and reactive aggression and self-reported delinquent behavior. Over the pubertal years different forms of aggressive and delinquent behavior were positively related to T, which may indicate that specific positive links are dependent on the social setting in which this relationship is assessed.  相似文献   


Existing data linking testosterone (T) and aggression in human adult males are surprisingly tenuous. In one of the few studies based on adolescent males, Olweus et al. (1988) demonstrated strong relationships between concurrent measures of T and aggression. However, the conclusions that could be drawn regarding developmental change were limited. Using data from a three‐year panel study of 100 adolescent males (ages 12 to 13 at study entry), we examined whether there are significant relationships between concurrently collected measures of T and self‐ratings of aggression, and whether the dramatic pubertal rise in T predicts subsequent change in aggression ratings. Panel analyses incorporating concurrent, lagged, and change measures found few significant relationships between aggression and T or pubertal development. The general absence of T/aggression relationships is discussed in the context of other empirical findings, the aggression measures used, and prepubertal differentiation on aggression.  相似文献   


An investigation was conducted into human fear of dogs and experiences of canine aggression in an adult community sample (n = 292). Consistent with expectations, it was found that, while fear of dogs was relatively common (present in almost half the respondents), fear of dog attacks was less so, and extreme fear of dog attacks was very rare. Women, middle-aged and older adults were more likely to fear dogs than men and younger adults, while older people were more likely than younger ones to fear dog attacks. Reported encounters with canine aggression, particularly threatening behavior, were relatively common, but having been attacked by a dog was less strongly related to fear of dogs than having been threatened by a dog. Logistic regression analyses revealed that being female, having been threatened by a dog, and being older were strong predictors of dog-related fear, while being older and obtaining higher scores on a measure of trait anxiety predicted fear of dog attacks.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated whether testosterone itself or its metabolites activate aggression and dominance in white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis. Groups of five to six sparrows, each treated with a different steroid implanted subcutaneously, were observed in outdoor aviaries during late winter to determine the birds' rates of aggression (supplantations and attacks scaled to the number of available subordinates) and dominance rankings with opponents not previously encountered. In Experiment 1, testosterone (T) had a greater effect on aggression and dominance than did androstenedione, 5α-dihydrotestosterone (D), androsterone, or estradiol (E). In Experiment 2, birds with T or D + E had higher aggression scores and dominance ranks than birds with either D or E alone. Birds with T and D + E did not differ. The testosterone metabolites, D and E, thus acted synergistically to determine rates of aggression and dominance ranks. To corroborate these results, in Experiment 3 we treated T-implanted birds with the following blocking agents: ATD, expected to reduce conversion of T to E (AT birds); progesterone, expected to reduce conversion of T to D (PT birds); or both (APT birds). The APT birds had lower aggression scores and dominance ranks than did AT or PT birds, despite having higher mean levels of circulating T than AT or PT birds or birds implanted with T alone. Cyproterone acetate also reduced aggression scores and dominance in T-implanted birds. We conclude that the hormonal control of aggression and dominance in these birds requires conversion of testosterone to both androgenic and estrogenic metabolites.  相似文献   

The relationship between self-esteem and aggression has yielded mixed results and generated much recent debate in the social psychology literature. Based on an evolutionary-psychological theory of self-esteem, Kirkpatrick et al. [Kirkpatrick, L. A., Waugh, C. E., Valencia, A., Webster, G., 2002. The functional domain-specificity of self-esteem and the differential prediction of aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 825, 756–767] showed that multiple, functionally distinct self-esteem mechanisms predict aggression differentially: e.g., “self-perceived superiority” is positively related, and “social inclusion” inversely related, to behavioral aggression. The present study extends this research by further differentiating two distinct forms of “superiority,” dominance and prestige [Henrich, J., Gil-White, F. J. 2001. The evolution of prestige: Freely conferred deference as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission. Evolution and Human Behavior 22, 165–196], in the prediction of aggression in men and women and testosterone levels (measured in saliva samples) in men. Dominance was positively related, but prestige was either unrelated or inversely related, to self-report aggression measures. Dominance was unrelated but prestige inversely related to testosterone levels in men, perhaps suggesting a method of testosterone inhibition in individuals attaining prestige-based superiority. In addition to contributing to the growing literature on the aggression–self-esteem link, the results provide validation for the prestige–dominance distinction and support, but also suggest an important refinement to, a theory of self-esteem as a collection of functionally distinct adaptations.  相似文献   

Castration and testosterone (T) replacement were used to study developmental changes in aggressive behavioral responsiveness to androgenic stimulation. Male mice castrated at birth were less sensitive to circulating T than were prepubertal or adult castrates, but fighting was induced in neonatal castrates with a dose of androgen that produced hypertrophy of the accessory organ system in adult castrates. Gonadectomy shortly prior to pubertal increases in serum T concentration also reduced behavioral responsiveness to androgen administration. Intermale aggression was induced in prepubertal castrates only with T treatment that maintained accessory organ growth in adult castrates. The aggressive behavior of males castrated after the pubertal surge in serum T was supported with circulating levels of androgen that failed to stimulate the accessory organ system above that of oil-treated castrates. It was concluded that T stimulation during neonatal or pubertal life is not totally crucial for organization of neural substrates that mediate the ultimate expression of intermale aggression, but exposure to androgen from birth throughout pubertal development is normally required to produce maximal aggressive behavioral responsiveness to circulating T encountered in adulthood.  相似文献   

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