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Hatching experiments were conducted on sediment samples collectedon seven cruises between March 2002 and February 2003, at fourstations near Helgoland (54°11'N, 7°53'E). Samples wereincubated for up to 12 months and examined weekly for calanoidcopepod nauplii. 12807 nauplii hatched in total. Of these 36.43%were stage N1 (pooled), 44.08% were Temora longicornis (stageN2 and older), and 17.96% were Centropages hamatus (stage N2and older). Some Acartia spp. and an unidentified species werefound, too. Hatching varied significantly between sampling dates.At three stations, counts of all nauplii peaked in samples takenin April, while at one station the maximum was recorded in thesample collected in October. The seasonal pattern of hatchingwas similar in T. longicornis and C. hamatus. In March, April,October and February numbers of all nauplii were initially low,but increased over the following 2–3 weeks. In June, Augustand December, however, average numbers were comparatively highat first, but declined thereafter. In three of the four samplesthat were incubated for 12 months nauplii hatched from the sedimentfor the entire experimental period. Temora longicornis and C.hamatus displayed clearly distinct patterns of hatching in theselong-term incubations.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected in St. George's Bay In theGulf of St. Lawrence, during July, 1981. The level of chlorophyllplus phaeopigment was measured for Centropages hamatus and Temoralongicornis collected at three depths every 4–6 h fora 36 h sampling period. The results showed that these speciesfeed predominantly at night. Measurements were also made ofthe levels of digestive protease, laminarinase and amylase,in samples of animals with either full or empty guts. No significantdifferences in digestive enzyme acthities could be found suggestingthat digestive enzyme levels are not directly related to instantaneousdigestion rates. Nevertheless it is likely that feeding ratesand digestive enzyme levels are closely linked and a mechanismis proposed here which would explain this apparent inconsistency.  相似文献   

Hatching of fish eggs fertilized at the same time occurs overa period of several days. Differences in the escape responseof fish larvae during the hatching period have not hithertobeen studied. In this study, the escape response of walleyepollock (Theragra chalcogramma) larvae over the hatching periodwas examined. Escape speed, response to multiple touches witha fine probe, response to water currents generated by a predatorand predation by euphausiids (Thysanoessa inermis) and amphipods(Pleusirus secorrus) were measured in the laboratory. Otolithmeasurements of field-collected larvae support a broad hatchingperiod for walleye pollock eggs in the sea similar to that observedin the laboratory. The escape response of walleye pollock larvaewas affected by rank in the order of hatching, thus with respectto predation, hatching order may affect the survival of larvaein the sea. Early hatching larvae were smaller, less sensitiveto tactile stimulation, had a slower, weaker escape responseand higher laboratory rates of predation mortality than thosethat hatched later.  相似文献   

Experiments with the copepods Acartia clausi, Centropages hamatusand Pseudocalanus sp. were performed to assess the species-specificeffect of these copepods on the development of monospecificalgae (Nephroselmis pyriformis) and ciliate communities (Strombidiumvestitum, Strombidium conicum, Strombidium sp. and Lohmanniellaoviformis). It was hypothesized that potentially switching copepodslike A. clausi will stabilize the algal community by switchingbetween ciliate and algal food, in contrast to copepods withstereotypic filter feeding behaviour (Pseudocalanus sp.). Intreatments with Pseudocalanus sp. and C. hamatus, all ciliatespecies were wiped out in 2 days, resulting in blooms of N.pyriformis. In treatments with A. clausi, two of the ciliatespecies were able to persist, but the combined ciliate and copepodcommunity was not able to control the algal bloom. Ciliatesbecame abundant in control treatments without copepods, butonly S. vestitum and S. conicum seemed able to establish grazingcontrol. Hence, when evaluating the role of ciliates in foodwebs, their actual numbers and species composition should betaken into account. Likewise, the species composition of copepodsmay be crucial; these experiments demonstrate that small filterfeeding copepods may have tremendous impact on ciliate numbers.  相似文献   

Long-term dynamics of main mesozooplankton species in the central Baltic Sea   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Long-term dynamics (1959–1997) of the copepod speciesPseudocalanus elongatus, Temora longicornis, Acartia spp. andCentropages hamatus, as well as the taxonomic group of cladocerans,are described for the open sea areas of the central Baltic Sea.Differences between areas, i.e. Bornholm Basin, Gdansk Deepand Gotland Basin, as well as between 5 year periods, were investigatedby means of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). No significant differencesin mesozooplankton biomass between areas were found. On theother hand, clear time-trends could be demonstrated and relatedto salinity and temperature, with P.elongatus biomass mainlydependent on salinity and T.longicornis, Acartia spp. and cladoceransbiomasses dependent, to a large extent, on thermal conditions.Decreasing salinities since the early 1980s due to a lack ofmajor inflows of highly saline water from the North Sea andincreased river run-off, both triggered by meteorological conditions,obviously caused a decrease in biomass of P.elongatus. Contrarily,the standing stocks of the other abundant copepod species andcladocerans followed, to a large degree, the temperature developmentand showed, in general, an increase. The shift in species compositionduring this period is considered to be a reason for decreasinggrowth rates of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) since the early1980s, and for sprat (Sprattus sprattus) since the early 1990s.Generally, it is suggested that low mesozooplankton biomassesin the 1990s were caused, at least partially, by amplified predationby clupeid fish stocks.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods possess remarkable abilities to detect andescape from hydrodynamic disturbances, such as those createdby approaching predators. At the same time, a number of studiesin coastal ecosystems have suggested that gelatinous predators,including medusae in the Class Scyphozoa, exert top-down controlon copepod populations. Although prey escape behavior playsa critical role in predation models, we have relatively littleempirical data on how copepods respond to encounters with scyphomedusae.In this study, I used video to quantify encounter rates andescape behaviors of the copepod Acartia hudsonica during interactionswith two scyphomedusae, Aurelia aurita and Cyanea sp., in twoflow regimes. Escapes were complex, variable and effective.Fewer than 1% of encounters resulted in ingestion. Typically,A.hudsonica avoided contact by responding when predators remainedseveral body lengths (4 to 10 mm) distant and stringing togethermany escape jumps at submaximum velocities (33 to 59 mm s–1).In addition, copepodite stages behaved passively—or failedto respond—following encounters with medusae more oftenthan did adults. Because escape behavior exhibited by A.hudsonicawas so variable, it is unlikely that medusae capture copepodsusing a single, quantifiable mechanism. A range of responseswithin populations and individuals may be the best strategyfor zooplankton faced with strong predation pressure from avariety of predators.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of larval occurrence of brachyuran taxa weredescribed from Saco mangrove creek, Mozambique, based on planktonsamples. Brachyuran larvae were collected hourly in four 24h cycles during neap and spring tidal periods at a fixed station,in November 1997 and February 1998. Results indicate a semilunarcycle of larval release activity for most species. Newly-hatchedstages of sesarmids showed a peak occurrence in post-crepuscularebbing tides, Macrophthalmus spp. and Uca spp. showed highestdensities during ebbing tides at night. Dotilla fenestrata andPinnotheridae, in spite of showing a semilunar pattern, didnot display significant differences between day and night. Mostmangrove taxa showed thus a clear larval exportation behaviourduring ebb tides, with little return during the following floods,with varying degrees of dependence on the diel period. Megalopaewere restricted to the night period, and highest values wereobtained during spring tidal periods. However, maximum valuesof megalopae were obtained both during flood and ebb periods,contrary to most previous studies. This is interpreted as abi-directional transport of non-competent megalopae into andfrom the mangrove area.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were set up in order to determine andcompare developmental rates, growth rates, generation timesand egg production rates for the two calanoid copepod speciesCentropages typicus and Centropages hamatus. The nauplii showeda higher developmental rate than the copepodites for both specieswith quite different individual stage durations, which gaveno indication of isochronal development. For C typicus equiproportionaldevelopment was found. The growth rates were exponential andhighest for the largest species C typicus, and for both speciesthe juvenile growth rates were very similar to the egg productionrates of the adults.  相似文献   

Discrete-depth, hourly mesozooplankton samples were collectedover a 92 h period in May 1992 at an anchor station within theSeine Region of Freshwater Influence (ROFI) (English Channel).The mesozooplankton community defined as a euryhaline marineassemblage was dominated by the calanoid copepods Acartia spp.,Temora longicornis and Centropages hamatus, the cladoceran Evadnenordmanni and the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. The semi-diurnaltidal current was the dominant factor in determining the short-termtemporal changes in the community in terms of density and speciescomposition so that zooplankton patches displayed oscillatingmotion in relation to tidal advection. Although a few species(e.g. Pleurobrachia pileus) exhibited higher densities aroundlow tide, maximum densities were observed for most species (e.g.T.longicornis and E.nordmanni) around high tide, according tosalinity variations. Diurnal changes were only reported forcyclopoid copepods (i.e. Halicyclops sp. and Cyclopina sp.)which wer$$$ mainly endobenthic during the day and moved intothe water column at night. Besides temporal changes in depth-averageddensities, most species exhibited vertical migrations at dieland/or tidal periods. Tidal vertical migrations were reportedonly for a few taxa and could be the result of passive mechanisms(e.g. vertical mixing) rather than of active behaviour. Dielvertical migrations were observed in most of the abundant taxa.While this migration pattern did not appear to be an adaptationto predator avoidance within the Seine ROFI, it could regulatehorizontal transport of organisms and promote their retention.The consequences of the short-term mesozooplankton fluctuationsfor sampling designs are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of drought and recovery on cellular and spatial parametersof the growth process in tall fescue leaves was studied in twoexperiments. In both experiments plants grown on vermiculiteand maintained in a controlled environment were submitted toa 7 d drought period generated by withholding water. Droughtwas followed by a 3 d recovery period in experiment II. As leafelongation rate (LER) decreased during developing drought boththe growth zone length (initially 40 mm) and the maximum relativeelemental growth rate (initially 0.09 mm mm–1 h–1during the dark period of diurnal cycles) within the growthzone declined. But the growth zone still exhibited a lengthof approximately 15 mm when LER approached 0 under severe drought(–2.0 MPa predawn leaf water potential). The growth potentialof the basal 15-mm-long portion of the leaf was conserved duringthe period when drought effected the complete arrest of leafelongation. A (retrospective) analysis of the position-timerelationships of epidermal cells identified on leaf replicas(experiment II) indicated that the cell flux out of the growthzone responded very sensitively to drought. Before drought theflux was maximum at approximately 3.2 cells (cell file h)–1during the dark period. Flux decreased to 0 when leaf elongationstopped. Flux also varied diurnally both under well-wateredand droughted conditions. In well-watered conditions it wasabout 30% less during the light than the dark period. Cell elongationwas also sensitive to drought. Under well-watered conditionsepidermal cell elongation stopped when cells attained a lengthof approximately 480 µm. During developing drought cellsstopped elongating at progressively shorter lengths. When LERhad decreased to almost nil, cells stopped elongating at a lengthof approximately 250 µn. When drought was relieved followinga 2 d complete arrest of leaf elongation then cells shorterthan 250 µm were able to resume expansion. Following rewateringcell flux out of the growth zone increased rapidly to and abovethe pre-drought level, but there was only a slow increase overtime in the length at which cell elongation stopped. About 2d elapsed until the leaf growth zone produced cells of similarlength as before drought (i.e. approximately 480 µm). Key words: Epidermal cell length, cell flux, (leaf) growth zone, leaf elongation rate, relative elemental growth rate, position-time relationships (path line, growth trajectory), drought, water deficit  相似文献   

The threshold shear values needed to elicit the escape reactionto a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance were comparedbetween five free-swimming oceanic copepod species. The resultsindicate a significant difference in the threshold for differentspecies of copepods and between different age groups withina single species. In general, animals captured from more energeticregimes required a higher threshold than those captured frommore pacific locations. Labidocera madurae required the highestshear values with 51.5 s–1 for 50% of the animals testedto elicit an escape reaction (S50). Acartia tonsa and Euchaetarimana, in contrast, were behaviorally the most sensitive requiringan S50 of only 1.5 and 4.1 s–1, respectively, to initiatean escape reaction. Pleuromamma xiphias and Oithona requiredintermediate shear values with an S50 of 7.2 and 8.1 s–1.When compared to literature values, the threshold needed toelicit an escape reaction was consistently higher than averageenvironmental shear values. Threshold shear values also variedsignificantly with developmental stage. Naupliar stages of A.tonsarequired greater than six times the S50 value required by adultsof the same species. This suggests that the higher vulnerabilityto predation of naupliar stages of copepods may not only reflectinferior escape strength, but may also result from the higherthreshold needed to elicit an escape reaction. This study supportsthe hypothesis that selective feeding patterns exhibited bypredators of copepods may be the result of the differentialbehavioral sensitivities of different species and developmentalstages of copepods.  相似文献   

Bunce, J. A. 1987. In-phase cycling of photosynthesis and conductanceat saturating carbon dioxide pressure induced by increases inwater vapour pressure deficit.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1413–1420. The leaf to air water vapour deficit was increased suddenlyfrom about 1·0 to 2·5 IcPa for single leaves ofsoybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) plants held at 30 °C, 2·0mmol m –2 s–1 photosynthetic photon flux density(PPFD) and carbon dioxide pressures saturating to photosynthesis.After a lag of about 10 min, photosynthetic rate and stomatalconductance to water vapour began to decrease, and then cycledin phase with each other. The period of the cydes was about20 min. During these cycles the substomatal carbon dioxide pressurewas constant in the majority of leaves examined, and was alwaysabove saturation for photosynthesis. Epidermal impressions showedthat most stomata changed in aperture during the cycles, andthat very few were ever fully closed. Water potential measuredon excised discs changed by at most 0·1 MPa from theminima to the maxima in transpiration rate. In contrast, forleaves of sunflower (Helianthus animus L.) grown at low PPFD,the increase in VPD led to leaf wilting and decreased photosynthesis,followed by recovery of turgor and photosynthesis as stomatalconductance began to decrease. In these leaves photosynthesisand conductance then cycled approximately 180° out of phase.It is suggested that in soybeans decreased leaf conductanceinduced by high VPD provided a signal which decreased the rateof photosynthesis at carbon dioxide saturation by a mechanismthat was not related to a water deficit in the mesophyll. Key words: Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, cycling, vapour pressure deficit  相似文献   

The disappearance of spawned copepod eggs can, at times, approach100% day–1 and may be a bottleneck to population recruitmentof marine copepods. We examined the egg production rate andegg hatching success of Centropages hamatus and Temora longicomis(Copepoda: Calanoida) on natural diets, and the role of delayedhatching combined with high sinking rates in removing theireggs from the water column. Cumulative hatching success withinIS days was consistently high from March to June 1996:  相似文献   

Monthly samples of L. australis, V. spongiartum, P. bicolorand D. cuneata were collected over a period of 12 months fromPrincess Royal Harbour, Western Australia. Preliminary informationon densities and biomass is given. Gonad histology points toseasonal reproductive cycles with autumn spawning in P. bicolorand D. cuneata and irregular spawning in V. spongiantm and L.australis. However, L. australis did show two peaks of larvalbrooding in the study period. Length-frequency data are discussedin the light of the proposed reproductive patterns for the fourspecies. Allometric relationships between length and both heightand width for all species are described and their value to eachspecies assessed. Populations of L. australis from differenthabitats show significant differences in shell shape. (Received 27 June 1983;  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of copepod adult stages and naupliihad been studied in a coastal water before and during homogenizationof the water column due to wind. When the water column was stratified,the vertical distribution of the zooplankton was also stratified,as is generally described in the literature. During homogenizationof the water column, different patterns of vertical distributionwere observed. The less active nauplius stage was evenly distributed,even though adult stages always exhibited a stratified distribution.Oithona similis and Microsetclla norvegica exhibited the samedistribution in stratified and unstratified water columns. Temoralongicomis and Pseudocalanus sp. were deeply distributed ina less turbulent area. The causes of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Analyses of boreal zooplankton of Shediac Bay demonstrate theabundance of copepods (81%) and meroplankters (18%). Whetherexclusively pelagic or not, 67 species are mentioned for thefirst time in this Northumberland Strait area, out of 76 recordedwithin 23 higher taxa. The fluctuations were observed from Mayto November and pointed out the dominance of such copepods asAcartia tonsa, A. clausi, Oithona similis and Centropages hamatusin relation with temperature, salinity and food distributions. 1Adresse actuelle: Station marine de Tul?ar, B.P. 141, Universit?de Madagascar, (R?p. Malgache)  相似文献   

We wished to determine whether the increased ACTH duringprolonged exercise was associated with changes in peripheralcorticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and/or argininevasopressin (AVP). Six male triathletes were studied during exercise: 1 h at 70% maximal oxygen consumption, followed by progressivelyincreasing work rates until exhaustion. Data obtained during theexercise session were compared with a nonexercise control session.Venous blood was sampled over a 2-h period for cortisol, ACTH, CRH,AVP, renin, glucose, and plasma osmolality. There were significantincreases by ANOVA on log-transformed data in plasma cortisol(P = 0.002), ACTH(P < 0.001), CRH(P < 0.001), and AVP(P < 0.03) during exercise comparedwith the control day. A variable increase in AVP was observed after the period of high-intensity exercise. Plasma osmolality rose with exercise(P < 0.001) and was related toplasma AVP during submaximal exercise(P < 0.03) but not with theinclusion of data that followed the high-intensity exercise. Thisindicated an additional stimulus to the secretion of AVP. The mechanismby which ACTH secretion occurs during exercise involves both CRH andAVP. We hypothesize that high-intensity exercise favors AVP release andthat prolonged duration favors CRH release.


The life cycles of Cyclops vicinus and Thermocyclops crassusin two shallow eutrophic habitats, Junsainuma and Naganuma Ponds,Hokkaido, Japan, were investigated. Both ponds exhibited similarseasonal patterns of temperature, oxygen levels and pH duringice-free periods; however, oxygen levels were extremely lowerunder the ice in Naganuma Pond. Cyclops vicinus showed differentlife cycles in the two ponds; in Junsainuma Pond, it reproducedin winter and spring (January-May) and entered diapause duringsummer and autumn (June-October) as copepodite IV stage, whileit reproduced in autumn (October-November) and spring (April-May),and entered diapause in summer (June-September) and winter (Januaryand February) as copepodite V stage in Naganuma Pond. Thermocyclopscrassus entered diapause during winter (December-April) as copepoditeIV and V stages in both ponds, and egg-bearing females appearedonly during the warmseason, from early May to late October,when water temperatures were >10°C. Summer diapause inC.vicinus was suggested to be an adaptation against fish predation,whereas C.vicinus entered winter diapause in Naganuma Pond probablyto avoid low oxygen levels. Thermocyclops crassus entered diapausein both ponds to avoid low water temperature. These resultssuggest that biotic and abiotic factors are important for leadingto specific life cycles of cyclopoid copepods in small waterbodies.  相似文献   

NWOKE  F. I. O. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(5):569-576
Plants of Corchorus olitorius, a short-day plant, were subjectedto varying numbers of short-day cycles before transfer to longdays. Treatments started after germination of the seeds at thetime of cotyledon release. Four short-day cycles (10 h naturaldaylight followed by 14 h darkness) were sufficient to induceflowering in all plants. The number of flowers and fruits producedon a plant increased as the number of short-day cycles was increasedfrom three to 30. Plants given three to seven short-day cyclesproduced flowers on the main stem only but when plants weremaintained in short days for longer periods, flowers were alsoproduced on the branches. The growth in d. wt of fruits wasgreatest when plants were maintained in short days throughout. Corchorus olitorius L., flowering, fruit development, photoperiodism  相似文献   

Female mosquitoes dramatically increase their mass when bloodfeeding on their hosts. Such an increase could impact mosquitomortality risk by reducing escape speed and/or agility. We usedtwo laboratory-based experiments to test this notion. In thefirst, we allowed mature female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoesto feed from 0 to 4 min and then attacked those females withan artificial predator. We videotaped subsequent escape responseof each mosquito. Analysis of those responses clearly demonstratedan inverse relationship between increased mass and escape speed.In the second experiment, we exposed both blood-engorged andunfed A.gambiae females to single zebra spiders (Salticus scenicus)in small plexiglass cages. Here, we focused on mosquito escapesfrom searching and pouncing spiders. We found that engorgedmosquitoes were three times less likely to escape searchingspiders compared to unfed conspecifics. Thus we conclude thatblood feeding has substantial state-dependent risk both at thehost (experiment 1) and after feeding (experiment 2). Such riskcan be extended to a broad range of taxa.  相似文献   

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