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This paper introduces the first stage of the NHS Revalidation Support Team's (RST) proposals to strengthen medical appraisal. It reports on four focus groups held at London Deanery in 2010, with the aim of gauging initial reactions from general practitioners (GPs). The four groups consisted of two groups of appraisers and two groups of appraisees. After presentation of the proposals to strengthen appraisal, participants were invited to make comparisons between existing appraisal, and the new proposals, Interestingly, the matter which attracted most discussion was a proposal to include an element of self-assessment by the appraisee prior to appraisal, and not, as might have been expected, the proposals for assessment of the appraisee's progress towards revalidation by the appraiser. Since these focus groups, the model of strengthened medical appraisal referred to in this paper has been the subject of testing in the pathfinder pilot, a large scale pilot involving 3000 doctors in various settings in England. The evaluation of the pathfinder pilot was published (July 2011). After further refinement of the appraisal process, including taking into account new GMC and Royal College publications and more testing and piloting, the final version of medical appraisal to support revalidation, known as the Medical Appraisal Guide (MAG) is due to be published in March 2012, in time to permit the expected commencement of revalidation in late 2012.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to all general practitioner principals in Leicestershire and Lincolnshire (n = 669) to determine (a) the extent to which they would participate in quality assessment activities based on objective evidence of performance and (b) the personal and professional characteristics of interested doctors. The overall response rate to the questionnaire was 76% (508 replies). The highest response rates were recorded by trainers (100%), principals in training practices (94%), and younger doctors (80-86%), the lowest by overseas graduates (59%) and older doctors (65%). Distinctive patterns of interest and participation in three types of audit activities were clearly evident. Overall, 61% (310) of respondents wished to be provided with profiles of practice activity from their family practitioner committees, 36% (183) volunteered to participate in a prescribing study, and 34% (172) expressed interest in carrying out an audit in depth. Proportionately, the most enthusiastic and active groups were trainers 88%, 70%, 62%), principals in training practices (74%, 49%, 47%), and members or fellows of the Royal College of General Practitioners (71%, 50%, 45%). Also active were younger doctors, vocationally trained doctors, and principals in large group practices. These figures suggest that roughly 15 000 general practitioners in the United Kingdom would be prepared to participate in performance review activities using information provided by external agencies, 10 000 would if they had to generate some of the information, and 7500 would if they had to produce all the information themselves.  相似文献   

Of 1,700 women booked for delivery by general practitioner obstetricians in a consultant unit, 1,399 had uncomplicated deliveries and the co-operation between practitioner and consultant was an obvious advantage for the 257 who were transferred completely to consultant care during pregnancy, labour, or puerperium. The scheme, which started in 1964, has enabled general practitioners to continue to give complete obstetric care to their patients. The number of participating practitioners has, however, declined from 80 to 16 indicating that many preferred to concentrate on antenatal work.  相似文献   

Hantaviruses are endemic throughout the world and hosted by rodents and insectivores. Two human zoonoses, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), are caused by hantaviruses and case fatality rates have reached 12% for HFRS and 50% for HPS in some outbreaks. Symptomatic hantavirus infections in Europe are summarised as HFRS mainly due to Puumala, Dobrava-Belgrade and Saaremaa virus. While HFRS has an overall low incidence in Europe, the number of cases varies from 100 per year in all Eastern and Southern Europe up to 1,000 per year only in Finland. To assess the quality of hantavirus diagnostics, the European Network for the Diagnostics of "Imported" Viral Diseases (ENIVD) organised a first external quality assurance (EQA) in 2002. The purpose of this second EQA study is to collect updated information on the efficiency and accurateness of hantavirus serological methods applied by expert laboratories. A serum panel of 14 samples was sent to 28 participants in Europe of which 27 sent results. Performance in hantavirus diagnosis varied not only on the method used but also on the laboratories and the subclass of antibodies tested. Commercial and in-house assays performed almost equally. Enzyme immunoassays were mainly used but did not show the best performances while immunoblot assays were the less employed and showed overall better performances. IgM antibodies were not detected in 61% of the positive IgM samples and IgM detection was not performed by 7% of the laboratories indicating a risk of overlooking acute infections in patients. Uneven performances using the same method is indicating that there is still a need for improving testing conditions and standardizing protocols.  相似文献   

A Limiting Case Model has been developed which describes the dependence on radiation dose of the proportion of items, in a population of items subjected to irradiation, which are contaminated by one or more organisms. This model is independent of the initial distribution of numbers of micro-organisms on items and represents a conservative approach to estimation of the proportions of non-sterile items in an irradiated population of items.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the phenotype of a child having a recombinant chromosome 3 with a duplication 3q13.2 q25 derived from a paternal inv ins(3)(p25.3q25q13.2). A review of 27 reported cases of intrachromosomal insertions has revealed that for a carrier of intrachromosomal insertion the risk of a child with an unbalanced karyotype is 15%. This risk may be higher for particular insertions. The recombinant chromosome can have a duplication or a deletion of different segments depending on whether the insertion is direct or inverted, paracentric or pericentric, and whether there is meiotic crossing over in the inserted or the interstitial non-inserted segment. Several of the insertions have been difficult to interpret and some of them have been mistaken for paracentric inversions. Caution is therefore indicated in interpreting parental karyotypes of a child with a deletion or a duplication, particularly if it is interstitial. This is because, whereas a risk of recurrence of a child with an unbalanced karyotype is low in de novo cases and for carriers of paracentric inversions, it is high for carriers of insertions.  相似文献   

The usefulness of latex beads of defined concentration was assessed as a substitute for sperm in the performance of External Quality Assurance (EQA) and Internal Quality Control (IQC) of semen analysis. Within the EQA programme, mean±SEM bias (%) was significantly reduced in 2007 compared to 2002 for both specialist (6.0%±5.4% vs. 55.0%±5.9%) and non-specialist (18.4%±5.9% vs. 90.9%±13.4%) laboratories (both p<0.0001), indicating improved accuracy over time. Within the IQC programme, the beads were used in the appraisal of two scientists, one experienced and one inexperienced, against a known standard. Beads were also used to calibrate eleven counting chambers, resulting in one old chamber being discarded due to its poor performance. The present study has shown that the use of a defined concentration of beads is an excellent adjunct to IQC and EQA programmes enabling the performance of both people and equipment to be assessed in an objective manner.  相似文献   

Fermentation technology has become a modern method for food production the last decades as a process for enhancing product stability, safety and sensory standards. The main reason for this development is the increasing consumers’ demand for safe and high quality food products. The above has led the scientific community to the thorough study for the appropriate selection of specific microorganisms with desirable properties such as bacteriocin production, and probiotic properties. The main food products produced through fermentation activity are bread, wine, beer cheese and other dairy products. The microorganisms conducting the above processes are mainly yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. The end products of carbohydrate catabolism by these microorganisms contribute not only to preservation as it was believed years ago, but also to the flavour, aroma and texture and to the increase of the nutritional quality by thereby helping determine unique product characteristics. Thus, controlling the function of specific microorganisms or the succession of microorganisms that dominate the microflora is therefore advantageous, because it can increase product quality, functionality and value. Throughout the process of the discovery of microbiological diversity in various fermented food systems, the development of starter culture technology has gained more scientific attention, and it could be used for the control of the manufacturing operation, and management of product quality. In the frame of this review the presentation of the quality enhancement of most consumed fermented food products around the world is attempted and the new trends in production of fermented food products, such as bread is discussed. The review is focused in kefir grains application in bread production.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention in adolescent health designed for general practitioners, in accordance with evidence-based practice in continuing medical education. Design Randomized, controlled trial with baseline testing and 7- and 13-month follow-ups. Setting The intervention was delivered in local community settings to general practitioners in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. Participants A total of 108 self-selected general practitioners. Intervention A multifaceted educational program (2.5 hours per week for 6 weeks) in the principles of adolescent health care, followed 6 weeks later by a 2-hour session of case discussion and debriefing. Outcome measures Objective ratings of videotaped consultations with standardized adolescent patients and self-completion questionnaires were used to measure general practitioners' knowledge, skill, and self-perceived competency; satisfaction with the program; and self-reported change in practice. Results 103 of 108 physicians (95%) completed all phases of the intervention and evaluation protocol. The intervention group showed significantly greater improvements than the control group in all outcomes at the 7-month follow-up (all subjects P<0.03), except for the standardized patients' rating of rapport and satisfaction (P=0.12). 104 participants (96%) found the program appropriate and relevant. At the 13-month follow-up, most improvements were sustained, the standardized patients' rating of confidentiality fell slightly, and the objective assessment of competence further improved. 106 physicians (98%) reported a change in practice attributable to the intervention. Conclusions General practitioners were willing to complete continuing medical education in adolescent health and its evaluation. The design of the intervention, using evidence-based educational strategies, proved effective and expeditious in achieving sustainable and large improvements in knowledge, skill, and self-perceived competency.  相似文献   

In spite of its importance, no systematic and comprehensive quality assurance (QA) program for radiation oncology information systems (ROIS) to verify clinical and treatment data integrity and mitigate against data errors/corruption and/or data loss risks is available. Based on data organization, format and purpose, data in ROISs falls into five different categories: (1) the ROIS relational database and associated files; (2) the ROIS DICOM data stream; (3) treatment machine beam data and machine configuration data; (4) electronic medical record (EMR) documents; and (5) user-generated clinical and treatment reports from the ROIS. For each data category, this framework proposes a corresponding data QA strategy to very data integrity. This approach verified every bit of data in the ROIS, including billions of data records in the ROIS SQL database, tens of millions of ROIS database-associated files, tens of thousands of DICOM data files for a group of selected patients, almost half a million EMR documents, and tens of thousands of machine configuration files and beam data files. The framework has been validated through intentional modifications with test patient data. Despite the ‘big data’ nature of ROIS, the multiprocess and multithread nature of our QA tools enabled the whole ROIS data QA process to be completed within hours without clinical interruptions. The QA framework suggested in this study proved to be robust, efficient and comprehensive without labor-intensive manual checks and has been implemented for our routine ROIS QA and ROIS upgrades.  相似文献   

Technical external quality assurance (EQA) schemes are well established for histopathology and cervical cytology but, to date, sadly lacking for diagnostic cytology (DC). This timely review redresses the balance by describing the development and evaluation of a technical EQA scheme for DC available to the UK, Europe and beyond.  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发肾上腺淋巴瘤(PAL)的临床特点,提高对该病的认识.方法:对1例原发肾上腺淋巴瘤患者的资料进行分析,并结合国内外相关文献进行总结.结果:原发肾上腺淋巴瘤好发于老年男性,可表现为局部症状如腹痛,腰痛,也可表现为乏力,发热,体重减低等全身症状,50%病人可出现肾上腺功能不全的症状.一些病人是在行影像学检查时因偶然发现肾上腺的肿物,经病理检查而确诊的.该病多累及双侧肾上腺,最常见的病理类型是弥漫大B细胞型.原发肾上腺淋巴瘤的治疗包括手术、化疗、放疗以及它们的不同组合.该病恶性程度高,进展迅速,预后差.结论:原发肾上腺淋巴瘤虽然少见,但在肾上腺肿瘤,尤其是快速增长的肾上腺肿瘤的鉴别诊断中应考虑到它的可能,及时进行病理检查可尽早确诊.  相似文献   

Idiopathic juxtafoveolar retinal telangiectasis is a group of retinal vascular anomalies characterized by retinal vessel dilation and tortuosity, multiple aneurysm formations, varying degrees of vascular leakage and lipid exudate deposition. Idiopathic juxtafoveolar retinal telangiectasis may occur as a primary disorder (either congenital or acquired), or may be caused or accompanied by other systemic or ocular diseases. The visual prognosis and effectiveness of therapy is dependent upon the etiology of the retinal telangiectasis. Included in this review is a case report, as well as the classification system used to identify idiopathic juxtafoveolar retinal telangiectasia.  相似文献   

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