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J. C. Lee 《Oecologia》1980,44(2):171-176
Summary In a habitat judged to be energetically costly for thermoregulation, mean body temperatures (MBT's) ofAnolis sagrei are significantly higher than those ofA. distichus. As indexed by the slope of the regression of body temperatures (T b ) on substrate temperature (T s ),A. sagrei is more dependent upon environmental temperatures thanA. distichus.In a habitat judged to be less costly for thermoregulation and where interspecific competition for perch sites may be less, MBT's ofA. sagrei are significantly higher, proportionally more lizards occupy sunny perches, and the slope of the regression of T b on T s is significantly less, than for conspecifics in the costly habitat.As indexed by length-specific fat body weights, well-nourished lizards in the costly habitat have T b 's which are independent of environmental temperature; T b 's of poorly-nourished lizards are highly dependent upon environmental temperature. This relationship does not hold for lizards in the low-cost habitat.These results corroborate the hypothesis that energetic costs are important in controlling the extent to which lizards thermoregulate. In high-cost habitats lizards thermoregulate less precisely than in low-cost habitats. Lizards that exploit the habitat as if it were highly productive thermoregulate more precisely than lizards that exploit the environment as if it were of low productivity.  相似文献   

To determine whether the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia lusitaniae is associated with lizards, we compared the prevalence and genospecies of spirochetes present in rodent- and lizard-associated ticks at a site where this spirochete frequently infects questing ticks. Whereas questing nymphal Ixodes ricinus ticks were infected mainly by Borrelia afzelii, one-half of the infected adult ticks harbored B. lusitaniae at our study site. Lyme disease spirochetes were more prevalent in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) and common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) than in small rodents. Although subadult ticks feeding on rodents acquired mainly B. afzelii, subadult ticks feeding on lizards became infected by B. lusitaniae. Genetic analysis confirmed that the spirochetes isolated from ticks feeding on lizards are members of the B. lusitaniae genospecies and resemble type strain PotiB2. At our central European study site, lizards, which were previously considered zooprophylactic for the agent of Lyme disease, appear to perpetuate B. lusitaniae.  相似文献   

The distribution of vector meals in the host community is an important element of understanding and predicting vector-borne disease risk. Lizards (such as the western fence lizard; Sceloporus occidentalis) play a unique role in Lyme disease ecology in the far-western United States. Lizards rather than mammals serve as the blood meal hosts for a large fraction of larval and nymphal western black-legged ticks (Ixodes pacificus--the vector for Lyme disease in that region) but are not competent reservoirs for the pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi. Prior studies have suggested that the net effect of lizards is to reduce risk of human exposure to Lyme disease, a hypothesis that we tested experimentally. Following experimental removal of lizards, we documented incomplete host switching by larval ticks (5.19%) from lizards to other hosts. Larval tick burdens increased on woodrats, a competent reservoir, but not on deer mice, a less competent pathogen reservoir. However, most larvae failed to find an alternate host. This resulted in significantly lower densities of nymphal ticks the following year. Unexpectedly, the removal of reservoir-incompetent lizards did not cause an increase in nymphal tick infection prevalence. The net result of lizard removal was a decrease in the density of infected nymphal ticks, and therefore a decreased risk to humans of Lyme disease. Our results indicate that an incompetent reservoir for a pathogen may, in fact, increase disease risk through the maintenance of higher vector density and therefore, higher density of infected vectors.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen-fixing activity in hardwood forests of the northeastern United States occurred in wood litter, greater than 2 cm in diameter. Activity in large dead wood was independent of species, in the case of deciduous wood litter, but was restricted to partially decayed wood with a high moisture content. Maximum rates of activity were observed in the summer months, minimum rates in the winter. Evidence from six stands of varying ages showed that fixation in large wood litter occurred in only 25% of the samples assayed.Fixation was highest in the youngest, 4 years, and oldest, over 200 years, stands; being about 2 kg/ha/yr. The quantity of nitrogen fixed appears to be related to the biomass of dead wood. Large amounts of wood litter in the youngest stands were from slash left after cutting. As the supply of slash is exhausted by decay, nitrogen fixation decreases, with a low around year 20. Fixation then gradually increases as natural thinning adds wood to the litter compartment.Apparently, the amount of nitrogen fixed in dead wood the first 20 years following clearcutting can only replace a modest fraction of the amount lost as a result of the cutting and product removal. Finally, the results indicate that nitrogen fixation in wood litter does not equal nitrogen fixation in a northern hardwood forest calculated using a mass balance approach, suggesting that additional nitrogen inputs exist.  相似文献   

The accumulated data indicate that mesostomid flatworms are efficient predators of mosquito larvae. This paper presents the 1st published records for 3Mesostoma Ehrenberg, including 2 predators of mosquitoes.Mesostoma californicum Hyman,Mesostoma vernale Hyman, andMesostoma sp. cf.lingua Abildgaard were discovered in a temporary pool in Massachusetts.M. californicum andM. sp. cf.lingua were found to be efficient predators on mosquitoe larvae.
Résumé Les observations accumulées indiquent que les larves des Plathelminthes mesostomides sont des prédateurs efficaces des larves de moustiques. Cette note présente les premières mentions de 3Mesostoma Ehrenberg incluant 2 prédateurs de moustiques.Mesostoma californicum Hyman,Mesostoma vernale Hyman, etMesostoma sp. cf.lingua Abildgaard furent découverts dans une mare temporaire du Massachusetts.M. californicum etM. sp. cf.lingua ont été reconnus comme des prédateurs efficaces des larves de moustiques.

Brugia sp. microfilariae were observed in more than 60% of wild rabbits collected on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. The microfilariae measured 294-344 microns in length and had the characteristic subterminal and terminal nuclei observed in other Brugia microfilariae. The microfilaria is similar to those described for Brugia leporis in rabbits in Louisiana. This may be the Brugia species responsible for 21 documented cases of human infection in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes four decades of in situ vegetation change in a post-agricultural site in southern New England where the role of the introduced vine, Celastrus orbiculatus, has drastically modified the course of vegetation development. An initial perennial forb-grassland community was replaced by two strikingly different physiognomic vegetation types-an early hardwood forest and a vine community occupying the same site 40 yr later. This ecological phenomenon was unpredictable since Celastrus was not recorded at the site until the 1970s. Within the young hardwood forest dominated by Prunus serotina and Acer rubrum, a few old field species (five) persist, whereas 17 forest herbs have become established. Typical forest shrubs are rare or absent. The Celastrus-dominated vine community has suppressed or eliminated pre-existing growth to form a relatively stable community where a forest vegetation is the regional vegetation type. Celastrus also appears to be facilitating a native vine (Vitis labrusca) by forming a ‘ladder’ for its advance. Although A. rubrum and Quercus spp. could ultimately dominate the forest community, the contiguous and aggressive nature of Celastrus makes predictions questionable. This long-term study highlights the unpredictable nature of old field succession and the role of an exotic species in threatening the natural vegetation development.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus and epizootic hemorrhagic disease (HD) virus are globally distributed, vector‐borne viruses that infect and cause disease in domestic and wild ruminant species. The forces driving increases in resulting HD may be linked to weather conditions and increasing severity has been noted in northerly latitudes. We evaluated the role of drought severity in both space and time on changes in HD reports across the eastern United States for a recent 15 year period. The objectives of this study were to: (a) develop a spatiotemporal model to evaluate if drought severity explains changing patterns of HD presence; and (b) determine whether this potential risk factor varies in importance over the present range of HD in the eastern United States. Historic data (2000–2014) from an annual HD presence–absence survey conducted by the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study and from the United States Drought Monitor were used for this analysis. For every county in 23 states and for each of 15 years, data were based on reported drought status for August, wetland cover, the physiographic region, and the status of HD in the previous year. We used a generalized linear mixed model to explain HD presence and evaluated spatiotemporal predictors across the region. We found that drought severity was a significant predictor of HD presence and the significance of this relationship was dependent on latitude. In more northerly latitudes, where immunological naivety is most likely, we demonstrated the increasing strength of drought severity as a determinant of reported HD and established the importance of variation in drought severity as a risk factor over the present range of HD in the eastern United States. Our research provides spatially explicit evidence for the link between climate forces and emerging disease patterns across latitude for a globally distributed disease.  相似文献   

Aim Our main goals were to develop a map of the life zones for the conterminous United States, based on the Holdridge Life Zone system, as a tool for ecosystem mapping, and to compare the map of Holdridge life zones with other global vegetation classification and mapping efforts. Location The area of interest is the forty-eight contiguous states of the United States. Methods We wrote a PERL program for determining life zones from climatic data and linked it to the image processing workbench (IPW). The inputs were annual precipitation (Pann), biotemperature (Tbio), sea-level biotemperature (T0bio), and the frost line. The spatial resolution chosen for this study (2.5 arc-minute for classification, 4-km for mapping) was driven by the availability of current state-of-the-art, accurate and reliable precipitation data. We used the Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model, or PRISM, output for the contiguous United States downloaded from the Internet. The accepted standard data for air temperature surfaces were obtained from the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modelling and Analysis Project (VEMAP). This data set along with station data obtained from the National Climatic Data Center for the US, were used to develop all temperature surfaces at the same resolution as the Pann. Results The US contains thirty-eight life zones (34% of the world's life zones and 85% of the temperate ones) including one boreal, twelve cool temperate, twenty warm temperate, four subtropical, and one tropical. Seventy-four percent of the US falls in the ‘basal belt’, 18% is montane, 8% is subalpine, 1% is alpine, and < 0.1% is nival. The US ranges from superarid to superhumid, and the humid province is the largest (45% of the US). The most extensive life zone is the warm temperate moist forest, which covers 23% of the country. We compared the Holdridge life zone map with output from the BIOME model, Bailey's ecoregions, Küchler potential vegetation, and land cover, all aggregated to four cover classes. Despite differences in the goals and methods for all these classification systems, there was a very good to excellent agreement among them for forests but poor for grasslands, shrublands, and nonvegetated lands. Main conclusions We consider the life zone approach to have many strengths for ecosystem mapping because it is based on climatic driving factors of ecosystem processes and recognizes ecophysiological responses of plants; it is hierarchical and allows for the use of other mapping criteria at the association and successional levels of analysis; it can be expanded or contracted without losing functional continuity among levels of ecological complexity; it is a relatively simple system based on few empirical data; and it uses objective mapping criteria.  相似文献   

Rockhouses are semicircular recesses extending far back under cliff overhangs that are large enough to provide shelter for humans. The largest sandstone rockhouses in the eastern United States are at the heads of gorges, and they are in stream valleys cut during the Pleistocene; most are formed in Mississippian and Pennsylvanian-age rocks. Compared to the surrounding environment, the interior of rockhouses is shaded, is warmer during winter and cooler during summer, and has lower evaporation rates and higher humidities. Water enters rockhouses primarily by groundwater seepage and by dripping from the ceiling. Soil consists mostly of sand with low pH, but high levels of some nutrients are associated with saltpeter earth and with ecofactual and artifactual remains left by human occupants during prehistoric time. Most plant taxa in sandstone rockhouses in eastern United States are native C3 phanerophytes or hemicryptophytes, and similarities in species composition among rockhouses are low. Eleven plant taxa belonging to eight families of flowering plants and ferns are endemic or nearly endemic to sandstone rockhouses in eastern United States. Three endemics are restricted to the gorges of a single river, and only one taxon ranges far north of the Wisconsinan Glacial Boundary. The endemic ferns are Tertiary relicts derived from tropical taxa. The majority of endemic flowering plants are derived from temperate taxa that grow in habitats in the vicinity of rockhouses; their relative age ranges from Late Tertiary to the Recent. All the endemic taxa are perennial; two ferns occur as independent gametophytes. The endemic taxa of rockhouses are threatened primarily by disturbances associated with recreation.  相似文献   

K. P. Able  B. R. Noon 《Oecologia》1976,26(3):275-294
Summary Breeding birds were censused along four elevational gradients in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, and the Green Mountains, Vermont. The bird communities of the four gradients were basically similar in species composition, richness and amplitude patterns. Three measures of species diversity decreased with increasing elevation. Low-elevation communities contained higher proportions of rare species and the relative abundances conformed to the broken-stick distribution. At higher elevations the communities showed greater dominance and the dominance-diversity curves approached geometric series. The species characteristic of high-elevation communities had the broadest altitudinal distributions.The upper and lower distributional limits of most species were independent of one another except at ecotones where marked changes in vegetation structure occurred. On each mountain, slightly more than half of the species limits coincided with ecotones. This is a significantly greater proportion than has been found in similar studies of tropical forest bird communities. In further contrast to tropical communities, we found no convincing cases of altitudinal competitive exclusion between species. Interspecific competition in the past seems to have been translated primarily into differences in habitat selection by temperate forest birds.Many of the differences between temperate forest breeding bird communities and tropical ones can be understood in terms of the migratory nature of most of the temperate species and the lower species richness in temperature forests.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Seasonal pools in the northeastern United States provide habitat for amphibians and invertebrates, but little is known about their importance as habitat for birds. We examined avian community composition at seasonal pools in Rhode Island to test the hypothesis that seasonal pools would support a greater abundance and diversity of birds than nearby upland sites. From mid‐May to June 2008, we conducted point counts at 33 paired sets of seasonal pools and upland sites that were 150 m apart. Bird abundance and diversity was significantly higher at seasonal pools than upland sites, whereas community composition as measured by evenness was similar. We also found that the mean abundance of birds was significantly greater at urban pools than rural pools. Our results suggest that birds preferentially use seasonal pools, particularly in more urban settings, adding to the body of evidence that supports the protection and restoration of small isolated wetlands in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in concentrations of available Ca in soils of redspruce forests have been documented, but remaining questions aboutthe magnitude and regional extent of these changes have precluded anassessment of the current and future status of soil Ca. To addressthis problem, soil samples were collected in 1992—93from 12 sites in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine toprovide additional data necessary to synthesize all availableresearch results on soil Ca in red spruce forests. Sites werechosen to encompass the range of environmental conditionsexperienced by red spruce. Concentrations of exchangeableCa ranged from 2.13 to 21.6 cmolckg–1 in the Oa horizon, and from 0.11 to 0.68cmolc kg–1 in the upper 10 cm of theB horizon. These measurements expanded the range of exchangeable Ca reported in the literature for both horizons in northeastern redspruce forests. Exchangeable Ca was the largest Ca fraction in theforest floor at most sites (92% ofacid-extractableCa), but mineral Ca was the largest fraction at the three sites that also had the highest mineral-matter concentrations. Theprimary factor causing variability in Ca concentrations among siteswas the mineralogy of parent material, but exchangeable concentrationsin the B horizon of all sites were probably reduced by acidicdeposition. Because the majority of Ca in the forest floor isin a readily leachable form, and Ca inputs to the forest floor from the mineral soil and atmospheric deposition have beendecreasing in recent decades, the previously documented decreasesin Ca concentrations in the forest floor over previous decades mayextend into the future.  相似文献   

Review The ecology of ticks transmitting Lyme borreliosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The main vectors of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the cause of Lyme borreliosis, are ixodid ticks of the Ixodes persulcatus species complex. These ticks, which occur throughout the northern temperate zone, have very similar life cycles and ecological requirements. All are three-host ticks, with the immature stages mainly parasitizing small to medium-sized mammals and birds and the adult females parasitizing large mammals such as deer, cattle, sheep and hares. The host-seeking stages show a distinct seasonality, which is regulated by diapause mechanisms and there appear to be major differences in this respect between the Old World and New World species. Most cases of human borreliosis are transmitted in the summer by the nymphal stages, with the exception of the Eurasian species, I. persulcatus, in which the adult females are mainly responsible. The ticks acquire the spirochaetes from a wide variety of mammals and birds but large mammals do not seem to be infective, so that t icks that feed almost exclusively on large mammals, for example in some agricultural habitats, are rarely infected. The greatest tick infection prevalences occur in deciduous woodland harbouring a diverse mix of host species and the diversity of the different genospecies of B. burgdorferi s.l. is also greatest in such habitats. There is evidence that these genospecies have different host predilections but, apart from the fact that I. persulcatus does not seem to be infected by B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, they do not seem to be adapted to different tick strains or species. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

In this study, variability in reported Lyme disease incidence between 1993 and 2001 was analyzed in seven states in the northeastern part of the USA. Positive significant correlations at p < 0.05 were found in all states between early summer disease incidence and the June moisture index in the region two years prior. These correlations may reflect an enhanced nymphal Ixodes scapularis survival under wetter conditions. In some states, significant correlations were observed related to warmer winter weather a year and a half prior to disease incidence, which may have been due to higher survival and activity levels of the white-footed mouse, an important host for I. scapularis ticks. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ecological studies of five species of lizards were carried out on the island of Praslin, central Seychelles between July and September 1976. Quadrat sampling within four vegetation types revealed distinct habitat preferences between species. Phelsuma sundbergi occurred at highest densities in coastal vegetation, particularly coconuts Cocos nucifera , whilst Phelsuma astriata occurred at highest densities in intermediate forest, particularly in endemic palms such as Lodoicea maldivica. Within each vegetation type, both species preferred particular tree species. In coastal coconuts and Lodoicea in intermediate forest, the two species tended to occur in different sized trees. Calculations of niche breadth indicated greatest values for P. sundbergi in coastal vegetation and for P. astriata in intermediate forest. Both Phelsuma species showed a diurnal pattern of activity with some indication of temporal displacement between species in lowland and intermediate forest. Ailuronyx sechellensis was nocturnal with a relict distribution on Praslin, occurring in the quadrats on only three endemic palm species in intermediate forest. Mabuya sechellensis was by far the commonest and most widespread of the two skink species, with highest density in intermediate forest where it was probably favoured by the high proportion of palm leaf litter. Scelotes gardineri was only recorded in lowland and intermediate forest, where it occurred at low densities. Both species were diurnal, although the latter was never recorded after midday. Intermediate forest had the highest lizard biomass and species diversity whilst eroded land had the lowest. The possible origins and relationships of the two closely related Phelsuma species are discussed, together with the roles that habitat modification, predation, and interspecific competition may play.  相似文献   

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