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Selective breeding of dogs over hundreds of years has inadvertently resulted in breed-specific propensities to particular diseases. Furthermore, it has likely induced more subtle affects on the physiology of certain breeds and moved them from their evolutionary optima. In the absence of obvious disease phenotypes such subtle changes could have yet unrecognised breed-specific implications for health and well-being. Here we have applied NMR metabolomics as a discovery-driven approach to identify the impact of breed on the urinary profile of dog and to determine if non-disease-related breed differences can be identified. Multiple urines were collected non-invasively over a two-week period from seven neutered male Labrador retrievers and miniature Schnauzers. Following NMR analyses by 1-dimensional 1H and 2-dimensional 1H J-resolved (JRES) spectroscopy, principal component analysis revealed that the metabolic variability within each individual is relatively small compared to inter-individual variability, and that some separation between breeds was evident. A supervised model, using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) with class based upon breed, was trained using the JRES data. The model predicted correctly the breed of seven additional urines, yielding a model sensitivity and specificity of 100%. Several significant metabolic differences between the breeds were identified. A second model was developed using PLS-DA with class based upon individual dogs, which again achieved high classification accuracy for the test set. Overall, this confirms that canine urine is information-rich and that breed is a major determinant of urinary metabolic fingerprints. In the future this may enable a more accurate development of specific nutritional care for an individual or breed.  相似文献   

The 1H NMR spectrum of urine exhibits a large number of detectable metabolites and is, therefore, highly suitable for the study of perturbations caused by disease, toxicity, nutrition or environmental factors in humans and animals. However, variations in the chemical shifts and intensities due to altered pH and ionic strength present a challenge in NMR-based studies. With a view towards understanding and minimizing the effects of these variations, we have extensively studied the effects of ionic strength and pH on the chemical shifts of common urine metabolites and their possible reduction using EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). 1H NMR chemical shifts for alanine, citrate, creatinine, dimethylamine, glycine, histidine, hippurate, formate and the internal reference, TSP (trimethylsilylpropionic acid-d4, sodium salt) obtained under different conditions were used to assess each effect individually. EDTA minimizes the frequency shifts of the metabolites that have a propensity for metal binding. Chelation of such metal ions is evident from the appearance of signals from EDTA complexed to divalent metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. Not surprisingly, increasing the buffer concentration or buffer volume also minimizes pH dependent frequency shifts. The combination of EDTA and an appropriate buffer effectively minimizes both pH dependent frequency shifts and ionic strength dependent intensity variations in urine NMR spectra. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sediment in urine may contain low-molecular-weight compounds that should be included in the analysis. To date, no systematic investigation has addressed this issue. We investigated three primary factors that influence the extraction efficiency of metabolites during preparation of urine samples for metabolomic research: centrifugation, pH, and extraction solvents. Obtained with the use of gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC/TOFMS) technique and principal component analysis (PCA), our results indicate that (1) conventional centrifugation causes an apparent loss of some metabolites, indicating that urine samples for metabolomic research should not be centrifuged before procedures are undertaken to recover the metabolites; (2) pH adjustment has a large impact on the recovery of metabolites and is therefore not encouraged; (3) with design of experiment analysis, methanol and water yield the optimal extraction efficiency. Differences between rat and human urine were observed and are discussed. Ninety-nine metabolites identified in rat and human urine are presented. An efficient protocol is proposed for the pretreatment of urine samples.  相似文献   

Urine contains a clear individual metabolic signature, although embedded within a large daily variability. Given the potential of metabolomics to monitor disease onset from deviations from the “healthy” metabolic state, we have evaluated the effectiveness of a standardized lifestyle in reducing the “metabolic” noise. Urine was collected from 24 (5 men and 19 women) healthy volunteers over a period of 10 days: phase I, days 1–7 in a real-life situation; phase II, days 8–10 in a standardized diet and day 10 plus exercise program. Data on dietary intake and physical activity have been analyzed by a nation-specific software and monitored by published protocols. Urine samples have been analyzed by 1H NMR followed by multivariate statistics. The individual fingerprint emerged and consolidated with increasing the number of samples and reaches ~100 % cross-validated accuracy for about 40 samples. Diet standardization reduced both the intra-individual and the interindividual variability; the effect was due to a reduction in the dispersion of the concentration values of several metabolites. Under standardized diet, however, the individual phenotype was still clearly visible, indicating that the individual’s signature was a strong feature of the metabolome. Consequently, cohort studies designed to investigate the relation of individual metabolic traits and nutrition require multiple samples from each participant even under highly standardized lifestyle conditions in order to exploit the analytical potential of metabolomics. We have established criteria to facilitate design of urine metabolomic studies aimed at monitoring the effects of drugs, lifestyle, dietary supplements, and for accurate determination of signatures of diseases.  相似文献   

An efficient mammalian cell system for producing bioproducts should retain high cell viability and efficient use of energy sources rendering the need to understand the effects of various variables on the cell system. In this study, global metabolite (metabolomics) analysis approach was used to try and understand the relationships between types of media used, culture growth behavior and productivity. CHO-KI cells producing IGF-1 were obtained from ATCC and grown in T-flask (37 °C, 5 % CO2) until 70–80 % confluent in RPMI 1640 and Ham’s F12, respectively. Samples were taken at 8-hourly intervals for routine cell counting, biochemical responses, insulin like growth factor—1 (IGF-1) protein concentration and global metabolite analysis (gas chromatography mass spectrometry, GCMS). Conditioned media from each time point were spun down before injection into GCMS. Data from GCMS were then transferred to SIMCA-P + Version 12 for chemometric evaluation using principal component analysis. The results showed that while routine analysis gave only subtle differences between the media, global metabolite analysis was able to clearly separate the culture based on growth media with growth phases as confounding factor. Different types of media also appeared to affect IGF-1 production. Asparagine was found to be indicative of healthiness of cells and production of high IGF-1. Meanwhile identification of ornithine and lysine in death phase was found to be associated with apoptosis and oversupplied nutrient respectively. Using the biomarkers revealed in the study, several bioprocessing strategies including medium improvement and in-time downstream processing can be potentially implemented to achieve efficient CHO culture system.  相似文献   

NMR Spectroscopy has been established as a major tool for identification and quantification of metabolites in a living system. Since the metabolomics era began, one‐dimensional NMR spectroscopy has been intensively employed due to its simplicity and quickness. However, it has suffered from an inevitable overlap of signals, thus leading to inaccuracy in identification and quantification of metabolites. Two‐dimensional (2D) NMR has emerged as a viable alternative because it can offer higher accuracy in a reasonable amount of time. We employed 1H,13C‐HSQC to profile metabolites of six different laboratory E. coli strains. We identified 18 metabolites and observed clustering of six strains according to their metabolites. We compared the metabolites among the strains, and found that a) the strains specialized for protein production were segregated; b) XL1‐Blue separated itself from others by accumulating amino acids such as alanine, aspartate, glutamate, methionine, proline, and lysine; c) the strains specialized for cloning purpose were spread out from one another; and d) the strains originating from B strain were characterized by succinate accumulation. This work shows that 2D‐NMR can be applied to identify a strain from metabolite analysis, offering a possible alternative to genetic analysis to identify E. coli strains.  相似文献   

Metabolomic analysis of human disease and its application to the eye   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolomics, the analysis of the metabolite profile in body fluids or tissues, is being applied to the analysis of a number of different diseases as well as being used in following responses to therapy. While genomics involves the study of gene expression and proteomics the expression of proteins, metabolomics investigates the consequences of the activity of these genes and proteins. There is good reason to think that metabolomics will find particular utility in the investigation of inflammation, given the multi-layered responses to infection and damage that are seen. This may be particularly relevant to eye disease, which may have tissue specific and systemic components. Metabolomic analysis can inform us about ocular or other body fluids and can therefore provide new information on pathways and processes involved in these responses. In this review, we explore the metabolic consequences of disease, in particular ocular conditions, and why the data may be usefully and uniquely assessed using the multiplexed analysis inherent in the metabolomic approach.  相似文献   

微生物代谢组学是系统生物学的重要组成部分,其与基因组学、转录组学和蛋白质组学相互补充,近年来受到越来越多人的重视。其主要对细胞生长或生长周期某一时刻细胞内外所有低分子量代谢物进行定性和定量分析,直接反映了细胞的生理状态,对理解细胞功能十分重要。由于代谢物的复杂性,研究者需根据不同的目的及对象选择合适的分析方法。对微生物代谢组学近年来的研究方法进行综述,包括样品处理、分析手段、数据分析,并讨论了微生物代谢组学在工业中的应用及所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Drug–drug and food–drug interactions are often due to an inhibition or induction of drug-metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and may result in non-response or adverse reactions. Hence, phenotypic biomarkers of CYP activity appear as useful tools for individualized pharmacotherapy. The metabolic ratio (MR) of the concentration of 6β-hydroxycortisol (6β-OHC) to cortisol (MR 6β-OHC/cortisol) in human urine had been proposed as an endogenous marker for CYP3A activity. Here, we report on the improvement of published LC-MS/MS methods for the simultaneous quantification of cortisol and 6β-OHC, using on-line sample cleanup by column switching and isotope-labeled analogues as internal standards. [2H2]6β-OHC was prepared by incubation of human recombinant CYP3A4 with commercially available [2H2]cortisol. Analytical sensitivity could be increased about 10-fold. The first morning urine of 69 female and 27 male healthy volunteers was analyzed for cortisol and 6β-OHC. Concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 142 and 24 to 670 ng/mL, respectively. Individual MR 6β-OHC/cortisol varied more than 20-fold and we were able to show for the first time for a Caucasian population significantly higher MR values in females as compared to males. This non-invasive biomarker for CYP3A activity lends itself for the study of genetic differences as well as enzyme induction or inhibition in the clinical setting without the need of using a probe drug.  相似文献   

Fibronectin fragments showing immunoreactivity against an anti-rat plasma fibronectin antibody were detected in normal rat urine. Untreated urine showed immunoreactivity and this reactivity could not be dialyzed. These rat urinary fibronectin-related substances (RUF) were adsorbed on heparin-immobilized gel but hardly at all on gelatin-immobilized gel. They were separated into three fractions by DEAE-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography and each fraction was further purified by heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The partially purified preparations, RUF-1, RUF-2 and RUF-3, were analyzed by the sandwich-type enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, and it was found their maximum reactivities were about 30%, 45% and 20% that of the intact plasma fibronectin, respectively. Plasma fibronectin was digested with elastase and then analyzed by the ELISA method to elucidate the patterns shown by the fragments. The fragments showed almost the same patterns on ELISA analysis, and the maximum immunoreactivity decreased in parallel with the degradation. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the RUF preparations were found to be composed of multiple forms of molecules, Mr 15,000-100,000, which reacted with the antibody. These results suggest that various forms of fibronectin metabolites are excreted in normal rat urine.  相似文献   

Since the components of a sample for open metabolomic analysis are unknown a priori a pragmatic approach to method development has been taken in order to develop and select a chromatographic method suitable for high-throughput open metabolomic screening of urine by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). A total of 848 injections of diluted rat urine were made onto a UPLC-ESI-ToF-MS system using several different gradient profiles and run times to determine a suitable method for analysis of urine from male and female rats. Peak integral and multivariate data analysis were performed to investigate the quality of separation and information obtained from these multiple analyses. A suitable 8 min method was selected and is now used routinely for open profiling metabolomic analyses of urine. The use of a sample-relevant QC mix is also discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is caused by renal diseases that increase the permeability of the glomerular filtration barrier without evidence of a specific systemic cause. The aim of the present work was to reveal inherent molecular features of INS in children using combined urinary proteomics and metabolomics profiling. In this study, label-free mass spectrometric analysis of urinary proteins and small molecule metabolites was carried out in 12 patients with INS versus 12 sex- and age-matched control subjects with normal renal function. Integration and biological interpretation of obtained results were carried out by Ingenuity IPA software. Validation of obtained proteomics data was carried out by Western blot method. Proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium with the data set identifier PXD000765. This study indicates for the first time that paediatric INS is associated with up-regulation of afamin, hydroxyphenylacetate and uridine, and concomitant down-regulation in glutamine and phenylalanine levels, and many of these molecular species were previously shown to be involved in oxidative stress. Further studies in larger patient population are underway to investigate the role of oxidative stress in renal injury in paediatric INS.  相似文献   

Several essential and non-essential metals (typically those from periods 4, 5 and 6 in groups 11-15 in the periodic table) are commonly detoxified in higher plants by complexation with phytochelatin. The genetic and gross metabolic basis of metal tolerance in plants is, however, poorly understood. Here, we have analyzed plant cell extracts using 1H NMR spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical analysis of the data to investigate the biochemical consequences of Cd(2+) exposure in Silene cucubalus cell cultures. Principal components analysis of 1H NMR spectra showed clear discrimination between control and Cd(2+) dosed groups, demonstrating the metabolic effects of Cd(2+) and thus allowing the identification of increases in malic acid and acetate, and decreases in glutamine and branched chain amino acids as consequences of Cd(2+) exposure. This work shows the value of NMR-based metabolomic approaches to the determination of biochemical effects of pollutants in naturally selected populations.  相似文献   

After oral application of 14C labelled fendiline, 13 metabolites of this drug could be identified in human urine. Only traces of parent fendiline were excreted in the urine. The main pathway of metabolism is hydroxylation of phenyl groups with subsequent glucuronidation and sulphation. On the other hand, oxidative dealkylation occurs with the amino group remaining at the 3,3-diphenylpropyl moiety and p-hydroxyacetophenone being formed almost entirely from the 1-phenylethyl group.  相似文献   

A sequence of chromatographic methods (thin-layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and glass capillary gas chromatography) was used to separate the acid fraction of human urine. The power of this method to separate and detect previously unknown compounds and the elucidation of their final structure with mass spectrometry is exemplified by the identification of N-acetyl-2-aminooctanoic acid as a metabolic compound in the urine of healthy individuals.In addition, the conjugate of glycine with indolepropionic acid, N-formylanthranilic acid, succinoylphenylalanine, δ-hydroxyvaleric acid, δ-hydroxycapric acid, 3-hydroxyadipic acid, and higher homologues were detected in a polar fraction of human urine.  相似文献   

By surveying compounds having isoalloxazine derived from flavins on a high performance liquid chromatogram with fluorescence detection, two new flavin derivatives were found in human urine. These two compounds were purified by partition chromatography on a cellulose column and by paper chromatography with several solvent systems, and their structures were determined to be 7 alpha-hydroxyriboflavin and 8 alpha-hydroxyriboflavin. The relative distributions, measured by high performance liquid chromatography, of 7 alpha- and 8 alpha-hydroxyriboflavin, riboflavin, and hydroxyethylflavin and its derivative were calculated to be 31.1, 5.0, 25.6, 4.9, and 21.9%, respectively, to total flavins in normal human urine obtained in early morning. The excretion of 7 alpha- and 8 alpha-hydroxyriboflavin in human urine indicates the occurrence of a metabolic pathway of the isoalloxazine ring of flavin at its 7 alpha and 8 alpha positions.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and sensitive ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method was developed and fully validated for the quantitative determination of seven amphetamines and metabolites in urine. The method was validated for selectivity, linearity, LOQ, LOD, imprecision, bias, analyte and processed sample stability, matrix effect, recovery, carryover and dilution integrity. A classic liquid–liquid extraction with ethyl acetate was used as sample preparation procedure. The compounds were separated on an Acquity UPLC HSS C18 column in 6.8 min. The linear dynamic range was established from 25 to 500 ng/mL. The limit of quantification was fixed to the lowest calibrator level and the limit of detection ranged from 0.125 to 2.5 ng/mL. The method presented an excellent intra- and inter-assay imprecision and bias (<10.7%) at each measured concentration of two external quality controls (QC) and three “in house” QC. No matrix effects were observed and good recoveries (>70%) were obtained for all the compounds. No carryover was observed after the analysis of high concentrated samples (8000 ng/mL). The method was subsequently applied to authentic samples.  相似文献   

Quantification of 22 phthalate metabolites in human urine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phthalates are ubiquitous industrial chemicals with high potential for human exposure. Validated analytical methods to measure trace concentrations of phthalate metabolites in humans are essential for assessing exposure to phthalates. Previously, we developed a sensitive and accurate automated analytical method for measuring up to 16 phthalate metabolites in human urine by using on-line solid phase extraction coupled with isotope dilution-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. To include the measurement of seven additional analytes, including oxidative metabolites of diisononyl and diisodecyl phthalates, two chemicals used extensively in numerous consumer products, we used a novel nontraditional HPLC solvent gradient program. With this approach, we achieved adequate resolution and sensitivity for all 22 analytes with limits of detection in the low ng/mL range, without increasing the analytical run time. The method also has high accuracy with automatic recovery correction, high precision, and excellent sample throughput with minimal matrix effects. Although it is possible to measure these 22 phthalate metabolites with adequate precision and accuracy at sub-parts-per-billion levels, additional information, including toxicokinetic data, is needed to demonstrate the usefulness of these phthalate metabolites for exposure assessment purposes.  相似文献   

We developed a sensitive, selective and precise method for measuring herbicide metabolites in human urine. Our method uses automated liquid delivery of internal standards and acetate buffer and a mixed polarity polymeric phase solid phase extraction of a 2 mL urine sample. The concentrated eluate is analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Isotope dilution calibration is used for quantification of all analytes. The limits of detection of our method range from 0.036 to 0.075 ng/mL. The within- and between-day variation in pooled quality control samples range from 2.5 to 9.0% and from 3.2 to 16%, respectively, for all analytes at concentrations ranging from 0.6 to 12 ng/mL. Precision was similar with samples fortified with 0.1 and 0.25 ng/mL that were analyzed in each run. We validated our selective method against a less selective method used previously in our laboratory by analyzing human specimens using both methods. The methods produced results that were in agreement, with no significant bias observed.  相似文献   

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