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A Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant strain M122 was isolated from a Mu transposon insertion mutant library. In our prophase research, we have found that PA0058, a novel gene encodes a 234-residue conserved protein, was disrupted in the M122 mutant. In this study, the bacteriostatic experiment in vitro indicates that M122 has abnormally high aminoglycoside resistance. We expressed PA0058 in E. coli and found that PA0058 oxidizes and reduces disulfide. This biochemical characterization suggests that PA0058 is a novel disulfide oxidoreductase. Hence, the protein was designated as DsbM. Microarray analysis of the M122 mutant showed its unusual phenotype might be related to the bacterial antioxidant defense system mediated by the oxyR regulon. Meanwhile, we detected -SH content in the periplasm of M122 and wild strain and found a lower -SH/S-S ratio in M122. Therefore, we consider that the loss of dsbM function decreased the -SH/S-S ratio, which then prolongs the OxyR-regulated response, thereby conferring high aminoglycoside resistance to the M122 mutant strain. Our findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying aminoglycoside resistance in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa responds to zinc, cadmium and cobalt by way of the CzcRS two-component system. In presence of these metals the regulatory protein CzcR induces the expression of the CzcCBA efflux pump, expelling and thereby inducing resistance to Zn, Cd and Co. Importantly, CzcR co-regulates carbapenem antibiotic resistance by repressing the expression of the OprD porin, the route of entry for these antibiotics. This unexpected co-regulation led us to address the role of CzcR in other cellular processes unrelated to the metal response. We found that CzcR affected the expression of numerous genes directly involved in the virulence of P. aeruginosa even in the absence of the inducible metals. Notably the full expression of quorum sensing 3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL autoinducer molecules is impaired in the absence of CzcR. In agreement with this, the virulence of the czcRS deletion mutant is affected in a C. elegans animal killing assay. Additionally, chromosome immunoprecipitation experiments allowed us to localize CzcR on the promoter of several regulated genes, suggesting a direct control of target genes such as oprD, phzA1 and lasI. All together our data identify CzcR as a novel regulator involved in the control of several key genes for P. aeruginosa virulence processes.  相似文献   

In contrast to Escherichia coli, glucose metabolism in pseudomonads occurs exclusively through the Entner‐Doudoroff (ED) pathway. This pathway, as well as the three routes to generate the initial ED pathway substrate, 6‐phosphogluconate, is regulated by the PtxS, HexR and GtrS/GltR systems. With GntR (PA2320) we report here the identification of an additional regulator in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. GntR repressed its own expression as well as that of the GntP gluconate permease. In contrast to PtxS and GtrS/GltR, GntR did not modulate expression of the toxA gene encoding the exotoxin A virulence factor. GntR was found to bind to promoters PgntR and PgntP and the consensus sequence of its operator was defined as 5′‐AC‐N‐AAG‐N‐TAGCGCT‐3′. Both operator sites overlapped with the RNA polymerase binding site and we show that GntR employs an effector mediated de‐repression mechanism. The release of promoter bound GntR is induced by gluconate and 6‐phosphogluconate that bind with similar apparent affinities to the GntR/DNA complex. GntR and PtxS are paralogous and may have evolved from a common ancestor. The concerted action of four regulatory systems in the regulation of glucose metabolism in Pseudomonas can be considered as a model to understand complex regulatory circuits in bacteria.  相似文献   

赵琳  李娟  陈林  沈立新  段康民 《微生物学报》2014,54(12):1419-1428
【目的】研究铜绿假单胞菌PAO1 PA2580基因的功能。【方法】构建了PA2580的敲除突变体及突变体互补体,通过最小抑制浓度测定、基因启动子活性检测、蛋白体外表达纯化等方法,对PA2580基因的功能进行了深入的研究。【结果】PA2580突变体对羧苄青霉素、氯霉素、环丙沙星的敏感性增强。PA2580基因的表达还受到不同种类的低于抑制浓度的抗生素的调节。PA2580蛋白产物以NADPH为电子供体,能够高效还原多种醌类物质。此外,PA2580突变体对过氧化氢敏感性增加,过氧化氢酶编码基因在PA2580突变体中的表达降低,表明PA2580与铜绿假单胞菌氧化压力耐受性相关。【结论】PA2580产物是NADPH-醌类的还原酶,其功能与铜绿假单胞菌对环境压力的耐受密切相关。  相似文献   

After freezing and thawing, Pseudomonas aeruginosa harboring a drug resistance plasmid (Hg2+r, Strr), became acutely sensitive to mercuric ions but not to streptomycin in the plating medium, whereas its sensitivity to both agents became more pronounced indicating a synergistic effect. This freeze-thaw-induced sensitivity was transient and capable of being repaired to a simple salts medium. Transient outer and cytoplasmic membrane damage was also observed in frozen and thawed preparations. From kinetics studies, repair of cytoplasmic membrane damage superseded repair of outer membrane damage and damage measured by mercuric ions and mercuric ions plus streptomycin. Osmotically shocked cells were also sensitive to mercuric ions, mercuric ions plus streptomycin, and sodium lauryl sulfate, but not to sodium chloride or streptomycin alone. This sensitivity was again transient and capable of repair in the same simple salts medium. Active transport of a non-metabolizable amino acid, alpha-amino isobutyric acid, was sensitive to mercuric ions and became more so after freezing and thawing. A freeze-thaw-resistant mercuric ion-dependent reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidoreductase was localized in the cytoplasm of this organism. This enzyme and an intact outer membrane appear to be required for mercuric ion resistance in this strain.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is one of the main challenges bacteria must cope with during infection. Here, we identify a new oxidative stress sensing and response ospR ( o xidative s tress response and p igment production R egulator) gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Deletion of ospR leads to a significant induction in H2O2 resistance. This effect is mediated by de-repression of PA2826 , which lies immediately upstream of ospR and encodes a glutathione peroxidase. Constitutive expression of ospR alters pigment production and β-lactam resistance in P. aeruginosa via a PA2826 -independent manner. We further discovered that OspR regulates additional genes involved in quorum sensing and tyrosine metabolism. These regulatory effects are redox-mediated as addition of H2O2 or cumene hydroperoxide leads to the dissociation of OspR from promoter DNA. A conserved Cys residue, Cys-24, plays the major role of oxidative stress sensing in OspR. The serine substitution mutant of Cys-24 is less susceptible to oxidation in vitro and exhibits altered pigmentation and β-lactam resistance . Lastly, we show that an ospR null mutant strain displays a greater capacity for dissemination than wild-type MPAO1 strain in a murine model of acute pneumonia. Thus, OspR is a global regulator that senses oxidative stress and regulates multiple pathways to enhance the survival of P. aeruginosa inside host.  相似文献   

Multiple environmental cues have been shown to trigger biofilm detachment, the transition from surface-attached, highly organized communities known as biofilms to the motile lifestyle. The goal of this study was to identify a gene product involved in sensing environmental cues that trigger biofilm dispersion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. To do so, we focused on novel putative chemotaxis transducer proteins that could potentially be involved in environmental sensing. We identified a locus encoding such a protein that played a role in detachment, as indicated by the observation that an isogenic mutant biofilm could not disperse in response to a variety of environmental cues. The locus was termed bdlA for biofilm dispersion locus. The BdlA protein harbors an MCP (methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein) domain and two PAS (Per-Arnt-Sint) domains that have been shown to be essential for responding to environmental signals in other proteins. The dispersion-deficient phenotype of the bdlA mutant was confirmed by treatment with the biocide H(2)O(2) and by microscopic observations. The dispersion response was independent of motility. bdlA mutant biofilms were found to have increased adherent properties and increased intracellular levels of cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP). Our findings suggest that BdlA may be a link between sensing environmental cues, c-di-GMP levels, and detachment. Based on our findings, a possible involvement of BdlA in a signaling cascade resulting in biofilm dispersion is discussed.  相似文献   

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