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D. E. Tyler 《Human Evolution》2003,18(3-4):229-241
There are now eleven known mandibular remains from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Java, all but one being from the Sangiran site. All of these have been assigned toHomo erectus by most workers, while others have suggested as many as four different hominoid taxa. The author finds that the jaws cannot be a homogeneous sample. Morphologically, they are a mixture of undoubtedH. erectus, “H. meganthropus,” and possibly a pongid. If the jaws are allH. erectus then they have a sexual dimorphism exceeding that of modern gorillas. The case of“Pithecanthropus dubius” (Sangiran 5) is even less certain; even its hominid status is disputed. If it is indeedHomo it must be placed with the other“H. meganthropus” specimens. Its size and morphology are well beyond the known range anyH. erectus.  相似文献   

D. E. Tyler 《Human Evolution》2001,16(3-4):151-158
There are now eleven known mandibular pieces from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Java, all but one being from the Sangiran site. All of these have been assigned toHomo erectus by most authorities, while others have suggested as many as four different hominoid taxa. Two of the mandibles, Sangiran 33 (Mandible H) and“Meganthropus”D (no Sangiran number yet assigned), are described here for the first time. The two new mandibles come from the Upper Pucangan Formation and date approximately 1.2–1.4 Myr. They are morphologically compatible with other“Meganthropus” mandibles described from Java. Despite attempts by numerous authorities to place all the Sangiran hominid mandibles in the species,H. erectus, the range of variation in metric and nonmetric features of the“Meganthropus” hominids is clearly beyond the know variation found inH. erectus. “Meganthropus” could represent a speciation from the well-knownH. erectus.  相似文献   

The sixth skull cap of Pithecanthropus erectus (or skull V, since the Modjokerto skull has not been given a number) was found in the upper layers of the Trinil beds of Sangiran (Central Java) in 1963, associated with fossils of the Sino-Malayan fauna. No stone tools were discovered in direct association with the find. The specimen consists of the occipital, both parietals, both temporals, sphenoid fragments, the frontal and the left zygomatic bone. We consider the skull to be a male in his early twenties. The occipital, parietal, frontal and temporal bones demonstrate definite pithecanthropine characteristics, and the cranial capacity is estimated to be 975 cm3. Of the superstructures, the supraorbital torus is extraodinarily thick, approaching the condition in Australopithecus boisei and Rhodesian man. And the sagittal torus is certainly higher than in skulls I and II, but lower than in skull IV. In addition, the angle between the occipital and nuchal planes is larger than in the previous finds. As revealed by various features, the gap between the robustness of skull IV on one hand, and skulls I, II and III on the other, is bridged by the present find. There is no reasonable taxonomic need to ascribe this specimen to a new species, because it seems to be merely an intrapopulational variant of the same species. Other skulls of P. erectus suggest that the bregmatic eminence, and hence the vertex, is invariably situated at bregma, but this new skull cap deviates from the pattern. Its pteric regions disclose the anthropoid X and I types. The middle meningeal groove pattern is similar to other Pithecanthropus skulls; however, it betrays a known anomaly in that the main stem is covered for a short distance by a bony plate. The mastoid process is fairly well developed, and is also well pneumatized as in P. pekinensis, with its air cells invading the pronounced supramastoid crest. The zygomatic bone, the first one recovered of P. erectus, does not show characters of particular importance. In fact, its thickness is in the range of modern man. We would like to stress that the absence of the cranial base does not necessarily indicate that the specimen must be a poor victim of cannibalism, since the morphology of the base renders it more susceptible to post-mortem natural traumata.  相似文献   

D. E. Tyler 《Human Evolution》1991,6(5-6):401-420
The mandibular remains from Java have been controversial since the discovery of Kedung Brubus (Mandible A) in 1890. These mandibles, now called Kedung Brubus, and Sangiran 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 22, have been assigned to a wide variety of taxa. It is now commonly accepted that all seven mandibles can be accommodated in a single species;Homo erectus. A recent assessment to this effect was performed by Kramer (1989). Utilizing powerful statistical techniques he distinguished the Sangiran mandibles from the robust australopithecines and placed them all withinH. erectus. The jaws are not a homogeneous sample. Morphologically they are a mixture ofAustralopithecus africanus («Homo habilis») males (5,6), anA. africanus («H. habilis») female (8),H. erectus males (1,9), and aH. erectus female (22) and Kedung Brubus. The dating of these fossils remains unresolved, with a minimum date of 500,000 ya and a maximum of 1.6 mya. Any of the mandibles may have been transported and secondarily redeposited. If the jaws are allH. erectus then they have a sexual dimorphism exceeding that of modern gorillas. When Kedung Brubus is included with those from Sangiran the range of size dimorphism is well beyond that known for any primate, thus more than one species may be invloved. This dimorphism is found inA. africanus («H. habilis») but not inH. erectus samples anywhere else in the world. TheH. erectus skulls found in Java correspond with mandibles 1, 9, and 22. It is not likely that the largest mandible (6) is aH. erectus, because the skull would have had heavy temporal lines and probably a sagittal crest, neither of which is found on anyH. erectus specimen. But, a cranium has been found which morphologically matches the Sangiran 6 mandible. A double sagittal crest is present on Sangiran 31 a reported «Meganthropus» specimen.  相似文献   

The Homo erectus skull fragments collected by von Koenigswald in Java in 1939 and designated by him as Pithecanthropus IV have been a source of ongoing interest because of the unique precence of seemingly simian-like precanine diastemata evident in the restored maxilla. These interdental spaces have posed a paradox because similar gaps are absent in other pithecanthropine remains and in considerably older hominid fossils.I have tested the hypothesis that the skull IV diastemata represent a human occlusal variant; in this paper, I illustrate methods of differential occlusal analysis and describe the multiplicity of factors that may lead to superficially similar maxillary precanine diastemata. Results of analysis of skull IV characteristics suggest that the diastemata were caused by labial displacement of the maxillary incisors because of vertical collapse after loss of the posterior mandibular teeth.  相似文献   

Etty Indriati 《HOMO》2010,61(4):225-243
We describe in detail Sangiran 38 (S38), an adult partial calvaria recovered in 1980 from the Bapang (Kabuh) Formation of the Sangiran Dome near the hamlet of Sendangbusik, Java. Several other hominins (Bukuran, Hanoman 1, and Bs 9706) recovered in the vicinity come from either the upper-most Sangiran (Pucangan) or lower-most Bapang formations. S38 is from the lower Bapang Formation, which 40Ar/39Ar age estimates suggest spans between 1.47 and 1.58 Ma. Anatomical and metric comparisons with a worldwide set of ‘early non-erectus’ Homo, and Homo erectus (sensu lato) fossils indicate S38 is best considered a member of H. erectus. Although smaller in size, S38 is similar in overall morphology to the Bukuran specimen of similar age and provenance. The S38 calvaria exhibits several depressed lesions of the vault consistent with a scalp or systemic infection or soft tissue cyst.  相似文献   

Sangiran (Solo Basin, Central Java, Indonesia) is the singular Homo erectus fossil locale for Early Pleistocene Southeast Asia. Sangiran is the source for more than 80 specimens in deposits with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 1.51-0.9 Ma. In April 2001, we recovered a H. erectus left maxilla fragment (preserving P3- M2) from the Sangiran site of Bapang. The find spot lies at the base of the Bapang Formation type section in cemented gravelly sands traditionally called the Grenzbank Zone. Two meters above the find spot, pumice hornblende has produced an 40Ar/39Ar age of 1.51 ± 0.08 Ma. With the addition of Bpg 2001.04, Sangiran now has five H. erectus maxillae. We compare the new maxilla with homologs representing Sangiran H. erectus, Zhoukoudian H. erectus, Western H. erectus (pooled African and Georgian specimens), and Homo habilis. Greatest contrast is with the Zhoukoudian maxillae, which appear to exhibit a derived pattern of premolar-molar relationships compared to Western and Sangiran H. erectus. The dental patterns suggest distinct demic origins for the earlier H. erectus populations represented at Sangiran and the later population represented at Zhoukoudian. These two east Asian populations, separated by 5000 km and nearly 800 k.yr., may have had separate origins from different African/west Eurasian populations.  相似文献   

There are now eleven manidublar pieces from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Java, all but one being from the Sangiran site. All of these have been assigned toHomo erectus by most workers, while others have suggested as many as four different hominoid taxa. Sangiran 21 (Mandible E), Sangiran 22 (Mandible F), and Sangiran 37 (Mandible G) are described here fully for the first time. Sangiran 21, 22, and 27 all come from the Upper Pucangan Formation and date approximately 1.2 Myr. The new mandibles are morphologically compatible with theH. erectus, crania from Java.  相似文献   

There are now twelve significant hominid cranial fossils from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Java, all but two being from the Sangiran site. Most of this material is well-known in the literature, but three skulls, possibly representing “Meganthropus” are here described in detail for the first time. Most scholars have assigned them all toHomo erectus, while others have suggested that they represent as many as four different hominoid taxa. The author argues that they represent two possible species of hominids. “Meganthropus” I, II, and III are more massive than any of the knownH. erectus specimens. They are also relatively higher vaulted, apparently smaller brained, and have unusually thick lower occipital planes. “Meganthropus” may represent a species that separated fromH. erectus upon its arrival to Java.  相似文献   

A newHomo erectus cranium was found on May 18, 1993 by Budi, a local farmer, at Sangiran. It dates from the Middle Pucangan Formation approximately 1.6–1.8 mya. The braincase is essentially complete and as is most of the face. The vault has the typicalH. erectus gable shape. There is a clear sagittal ridge beginning below the middle of the frontal squama and running to mid-parietal. Parasagittal ridges are rounded angulations halfway up the parietals, and coincide with poorly marked temporal lines. In all measurements, this skull is longer and consistently narrower than Trinil. It is chronologically and morphologically similar to the famousH. erectus skull from east Africa, KNMER-3733. Although existing much older, this new specimen is what one would expect a female counterpart to Sangiran 17 to look like.  相似文献   

This contribution reports fifteen human fossil dental remains found during the last two decades in the Sangiran Dome area, in Central Java, Indonesia. Among this sample, only one of the specimens had already been briefly described, with the other fourteen remaining unreported. Seven of the fifteen isolated teeth were found in a secured stratigraphic context in the late Lower-early Middle Pleistocene Kabuh Formation. The remaining elements were surface finds which, based on coincidental sources of information, were inferred as coming from the Kabuh Formation. Mainly constituted of permanent molars, but also including one upper incisor and one upper premolar, this dental sample brings additional evidence for a marked degree of size variation and time-related structural reduction in Javanese H. erectus. This is notably expressed by a significant decrease of the mesiodistal diameter, frequently associated to the reduction or even loss of the lower molar distal cusp (hypoconulid) and to a more square occlusal outline. In addition to the hypoconulid reduction or loss, this new sample also exhibits a low frequency of the occlusal Y-groove pattern, with a dominance of the X and, to a lesser extent, of the+patterns. This combination is rare in the Lower and early Middle Pleistocene paleoanthropological record, including in the early Javanese dental assemblage from the Sangiran Dome. On the other hand, similar dental features are found in Chinese H. erectus and in H. heidelbergensis. As a whole, this new record confirms the complex nature of the intermittent exchanges that occurred between continental and insular Southeast Asia through the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The state of information bearing on Homo erectus as developed since about 1960 is surveyed, with the resulting effects on problems. Definitions of H. erectus still rest on the Far Eastern samples (Chou-k'ou-tien/Java), and thus relate to late Lower to middle Middle Pleistocene material. Numerous important individual finds, however, have expanded the total: extension of the early and very early Sangiran material; very early to later in Africa, and relatively late in Europe. Datings remain uncertain or controversial within broad limits, but with some important successes and revisions. Discussion by authors of problems concerns degree of divergence among H. erectus populations and rate of evolutionary change; both appear relatively slight, but the data are inadequate for much present judgment. The apparent zone of transition to more advanced morphology (H. sapiens, sensu lato) by the late Middle Pleistocene better reflects signs of regional divergence. Some writers—not all—believe that even the earliest European fossils known (e.g., Petralona) had already advanced to a H. sapiens basic level, with later change in the direction of Neanderthals. A separate African phylum, from OH 9, is also suggested; recent Chinese finds may provide a third different post-erectus population before the Upper Pleistocene. Taxonomic expression of all this gives some problems.  相似文献   

In 1970, Verhoeven and Maringer found stone implements on the surface of Mengeruda (an area including the sites Boaleza, Lembahmenge and Matamenge) and Ola Bula on Flores, which were similar to those found in Sangiran by von Koenigswald and Ghosh on Java. This, among other things, led von Koenigswald and Ghosh to compare the findings from Flores with those from Java, the Ngebung site. They thought that the Stegodon fossil from Mengeruda was the same species as the one from Java and, therefore, of a similar age. von Koenigswald and Ghosh were the first to accept that the artefact findings of Flores were in situ. They drew the right conclusions regarding the crossing to Flores by Homo erectus. And their ideas have now, almost 40 years later, been confirmed by the find of Homo floresiensis on Flores.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(5):305-310
The Sambungmacan 1 fossil (Java, Indonesia) is assigned to the Homo erectus group. The carbonated matrix contained in this calvaria prevents the analysis of the internal surface. The CT data of the original fossil enables us to observe the conservation and mineralization state and the internal structures. Furthermore, we use the CT data to reconstruct the endocast, which shows that the morphological character of Sambungmacan 1 is close to the Ngandong hominids.  相似文献   

We describe a new extinct subspecies of the Javan lutung—Trachypithecus auratus sangiranensis—based on an isolated, tooth-bearing upper jaw. The specimen was in volcanic breccia situated between the Lower Pucangan and the Upper Kalibeng Formations 500 m south of the village of Sangiran, near Surakarta, central Java, Indonesia. The new fossil monkey bears morphological similarities to the two living species of leaf monkey from Java, Presbytis comata comata and Trachypithecus auratus auratus, and to the Middle Pleistocene form, Trachypithecus cristatus [=auratus] robustus, from Tegoean, central Java. It is significantly larger than any of these forms, and differs from them in details of dental anatomy. Because the greatest number of similarities are between the new fossil and Trachypithecus auratus subspecies, we designated the specimen as T. a. sangiranensis. The geochronological age of the breccia from which the fossil came, is 1.9± 0.05 Ma (million years), making T. a. sangiranensis one of the oldest fossil monkeys from eastern Asia.  相似文献   

An increasing number of claims place hominids outside Africa and deep in Southeast Asia at about the same time that Homo erectus first appears in Africa. The most complete of the early specimens is the partial child's calvaria from Mojokerto (Perning I), Java, Indonesia. Discovered in 1936, the child has been assigned to Australopithecus and multiple species of Homo, including H. modjokertensis, and given developmental ages ranging from 1–8 years. This study systematically assesses Mojokerto relative to modern human and fossil hominid growth series and relative to adult fossil hominids. Cranial base and vault comparisons between Mojokerto and H. sapiens sapiens (Hss) (n = 56), Neandertal (n = 4), and H. erectus (n = 4) juveniles suggest a developmental age range between 4 and 6 years. This range is based in part on new standards for assessing the relative development of the glenoid fossa. Regression analyses of vault arcs and chords indicate that H. erectus juveniles have more rounded frontals and less angulated occipitals than their adult counterparts, whereas Hss juveniles do not show these differences relative to adults. The growth of the cranial superstructures and face appear critical to creating differences in vault contours between H. erectus and Hss. In comparison with adult H. erectus and early Homo (n = 27) and adult Hss (n = 179), the Mojokerto child is best considered a juvenile H. erectus on the basis of synapomorphies of the cranial vault, particularly a metopic eminence and occipital torus, as well as a suite of characters that describe but do not define H. erectus, including obelion depression, supratoral gutter, postorbital constriction, mastoid fissure, lack of sphenoid contribution to glenoid fossa, and length and breadth ratios of the temporomandibular joint. Mojokerto is similar to other juvenile H. erectus in the degree of development of its cranial superstructures and its vault contours relative to adult Indonesian specimens. The synapomorphies which Mojokerto shares with H. erectus are often considered autapomorphies of Asian H. erectus and confirm the early establishment and long-term continuity of the Asian H. erectus bauplan. This continuity does not, however, necessarily reflect on the pattern of origin of modern humans in the region. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:497–514, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

AHomo erectus individual (KNM-ER 1808) from Koobi Fora, Kenya dating from 1·6 ± 0·1 million years exhibits pathological apposition of bone on long bone shafts. This was originally attributed to hypervitaminosis A from the consumption of carnivore livers. Bee brood has a sufficiently high concentration of vitamin A that protracted ingestion could theoretically produce hypervitaminosis A. The ecology of the East African bee,Apis mellifera scutelatta, is investigated to show that the density of nests with their brood contents within a reasonable foraging area of earlyHomo erectus would yield an ample and reliable energy source with deleteriously high vitamin A content. A potential role of honey gathering and insect larvae consumption in hominine behavioural and physical evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

In 1994 a hominid frontal bone fragment was found in the river floor of the Brangkal River, the Sangiran area, Central Java. The original stratigraphic level is not known at present stage of the research. But it is possible that the bone was derived from the Grenzbank zone of the Bapang Formation (Lower/Middle Pleistocene). Morphological features of the bone, such as a thick and continuous supraorbital torus, a wide and flat supratoral plane, and a flat and strongly inclined frontal squame suggest that the bone is assigned to JavaneseHomo erectus, especially to the Sangiran and Trinil group of it.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):555-568
Because until 2006 the Liang Bua human fossil remains were not available to the entire paleoanthropological community, the taxonomic position of Homo floresiensis was only a matter of opinion in publications. From the beginning, two schools of thought prevailed, and this situation persists today. One purports that the Liang Bua human series belongs to a local modern human (Homo sapiens sapiens) with anatomical particularities or pathologies that may be due to insular isolation/endogamy. The second argues in favour of the existence of a new species that, depending on the authors, is either a descendant of local Homo erectus, or belongs to a much more basal taxon, closer to archaic Homo or to australopithecines. Because there are no postcranial remains confidently attributed to Homo erectus in the fossil record, and because the Homo erectus type specimen is a single and partial calvaria, a cladistic analysis was undertaken using both nonmetric morphological features and metrics of the calvariae of human fossil specimens including LB1 to test if it belongs to this taxon. Our results indicate that LB1 is included in the Homo erectus clade.  相似文献   

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