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Proteins are capable of fulfilling two important features of any likely system of bioelectronics: the ability to recognise other molecules with exquisite specificity, and the ability to self-assemble, in vivo and in vitro, to generate an astonishing variety of three-dimensional structures. Much current work is aimed at the redesign of existing proteins, either as an end in itself or as a means of developing the knowledge-base necessary for the ab initio design of novel proteins. This type of study has been greatly facilitated by the discovery of the modular or domain structure of many proteins, leading to concepts of protein manipulation as a kind of molecular Lego.  相似文献   

D Anderson 《Mutation research》1999,428(1-2):197-202
"...[Th]e proper study of mankind is man" (Pope, circa 1733/1734). Human monitoring fits this notion and monitoring after exposure to genotoxic agents is now an established discipline. It is possible in many situations to identify humans exposed to potentially toxic materials in the workplace and the environment. Responses are often measured in peripheral lymphocytes because these cells can be acquired by a generally socially and ethically acceptable, minimally invasive route. In the early 1960s, chromosome damage in these cells was one of the first endpoints to be used as a biomarker and benzene was one of the first chemicals investigated. Although a causal relationship between chromosome damage and cancer has not been proven, it has been suggested to have some prognostic significance for future cancer onset. With other genetic biomarkers this is as yet not the case, but there are now many biomarkers for different areas of toxicology. Other well-established genetic biomarkers include the detection of hprt mutations, micronuclei and sister chromatid exchanges. However, for interpretation of responses, the issue of confounding factors must be addressed. As in most human studies, there tends to be a high degree of interindividual variability in response to chemical insults. Some non-exposed control individuals exhibit as high a level of damage as some exposed individuals and some of these have levels of damage as low as many of the controls. Thus, it is only the mean values of the groups that can substantiate an exposure related-problem; the data on an individual basis are still of limited use. While human lymphocytes remain the most popular cell type for monitoring purposes, sperm, buccal, nasal, epithelial and placental cells are also used. Confounding factors affect responses in all cell types. There are endogenous confounding factors such as age, sex, genetic make-up and exogenous confounding factors including lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, etc. There are biomarkers of exposure, effect and susceptibility and the last may be influenced by the genotype and polymorphism genes existing in a population. From our own studies, confounding effects will be considered in relation to workers exposed to vinyl chloride and petroleum emissions. The relationship between the biomarkers and various factors which influence them is complex. Sometimes the variables are not completely independent of one another.  相似文献   

Computational structure prediction of streptavidin-peptide complexes for known recognition sequences and a number of random di-, tri-, and tetrapeptides has been conducted, and mechanisms of peptide recognition with streptavidin have been investigated by a new computational protocol. The structural consensus criterion, which is computed from multiple docking simulations and measures the accessibility of the dominant binding mode, identifies recognition motifs from a set of random peptide sequences, whereas energetic analysis is less discriminatory. The predicted conformations of recognition tripeptide and tetrapeptide sequences are also in structural harmony and composed of peptide fragments that are individually unfrustrated in their bound conformation, resulting in a minimally frustrated energy landscape for recognition peptides. Proteins 28:421–433, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The normal functioning immune system is programmed to attack foreign pathogens and other foreign proteins while maintaining tolerance to self-proteins. The mechanisms by which tolerance is broken in the initiation of autoimmunity are not completely understood. In the present study, mice immunized with the murine cytochrome c peptide 90-104 showed no response by the B or T cell compartments. However, immunization with the isoaspartyl form of this peptide, where the linkage of Asp(93) to Leu(94) occurs through the beta-carboxyl group, resulted in strong B and T cell autoimmune responses. Antibodies elicited by immunization with the isoaspartyl form of self-peptide were cross-reactive in binding to both isoforms of cytochrome c peptide and to native cytochrome c self-protein. In a similar manner, immunization of mice with the isoaspartyl form of a peptide autoantigen of human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) resulted in strong B and T cell responses while mice maintained tolerance to the normal aspartyl form of self-antigen. Isoaspartyl linkages within proteins are enhanced in aging and stressed cells and arise under physiological conditions. These post-translationally modified peptides may serve as an early immunologic stimulus in autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

The past year has brought new insights into common structural motifs used for protein-protein interactions by DNA-binding proteins. In addition, there have been significant advances in our understanding of antibody-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Y H Xu  G M Carlson 《Biochemistry》1999,38(30):9562-9569
A polyclonal antibody was generated against a peptide corresponding to a region opposite the regulatory face of glycogen phosphorylase b (P-b), providing a probe for detecting and quantifying P-b when it is bound to its activating kinase, phosphorylase kinase (PhK). Using both direct and competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), we have measured the extent of direct binding to PhK of various forms of phosphorylase, including different conformers induced by allosteric effectors as well as forms differing at the N-terminal site phosphorylated by PhK. Strong interactions with PhK were observed for both P-b', a truncated form lacking the site for phosphorylation, and P-a, the phosphorylated form of P-b. Further, the binding of P-b, P-b', and P-a was stimulated a similar amount by Mg(2+), or by Ca(2+) (both being activators of PhK). Our results suggest that the presence and conformation of P-b's N-terminal phosphorylation site do not fully account for the protein's affinity for PhK and that regions distinct from that site may also interact with PhK. Direct ELISAs detected the binding of P-b by a truncated form of the catalytic gamma subunit of PhK, consistent with the necessary interaction of PhK's catalytic subunit with its substrate P-b. In contrast, P-b' bound very poorly to the truncated gamma subunit, suggesting that the N-terminal phosphorylatable region of P-b may be critical in directing P-b to PhK's catalytic subunit and that the binding of P-b' by the PhK holoenzyme may involve more than just its catalytic core. The sum of our results suggests that structural features outside the catalytic domain of PhK and outside the phosphorylatable region of P-b may both be necessary for the maximal interaction of these two proteins.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted comparisons were made of the X-ray coordinates of all homologous atoms in the serine protease derivatives tosyl chymotrypsin Aα, tosyl elastase, and diisopropylphosphoryl trypsin. The results provided further quantitative support for the belief that sequence homology in proteins results in close similarity of conformation. On this basis, inferences were drawn about the three-dimensional structure of the serine protease thrombin, for which atomic coordinates have not yet been determined experimentally. Further, it was concluded that the unique specificity of thrombin, i.e., its selective cleavage of certain ArgGly bonds in fibrinogen, is unlikely to be due to the insertions in the amino acid sequence of thrombin or to differences in sequence in the region of the active site and binding pocket. It is possible, however, that the elongated A chain appended to thrombin may be a source of this specificity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two problems related to three-dimensional object recognition. The first is segmentation and the selection of a candidate object in the image, the second is the recognition of a three-dimensional object from different viewing positions. Regarding segmentation, it is shown how globally salient structures can be extracted from a contour image based on geometrical attributes, including smoothness and contour length. This computation is performed by a parallel network of locally connected neuron-like elements. With respect to the effect of viewing, it is shown how the problem can be overcome by using the linear combinations of a small number of two-dimensional object views. In both problems the emphasis is on methods that are relatively low level in nature. Segmentation is performed using a bottom-up process, driven by the geometry of image contours. Recognition is performed without using explicit three-dimensional models, but by the direct manipulation of two-dimensional images.  相似文献   

The RNA recognition motif (RRM) is one of the most common eukaryotic protein motifs. RRM sequences form a conserved globular structure known as the RNA-binding domain (RBD) or the ribonucleoprotein domain. Many proteins that contain RRM sequences bind RNA in a sequence-specific manner. To investigate the basis for the RNA-binding specificity of RRMs, we subjected 330 aligned RRM sequences to covariance analysis. The analysis revealed a single network of covariant amino acid pairs comprising the buried core of the RBD and a surface patch. Structural studies have implicated a subset of these residues in RNA binding. The covariance linkages identify a larger set of amino acid residues, including some not directly in contact with bound RNA, that may influence RNA-binding specificity.  相似文献   

The specificity of regulatory protein binding to DNA is due to a complementarity between the sequence of reaction centres on the protein and the base pair sequence in the specific DNA site allowing the formation of a number of specific noncovalent bonds between the interacting entities. In the present communication the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of these interactions are considered. The extent of binding specificity is shown to increase with an increase of the bond stability constants and with an increase in the number of ligand reaction centres. Kinetic analysis is carried out assuming that association process is very fast and that dissociation of nonspecific complexes is a rate-limiting step in the recognition of a specific binding site on DNA. The calculations show that a ligand can recognize its specific binding site on DNA within a reasonably limited time interval if the number of its reaction centres and the corresponding stability constants are strongly limited.  相似文献   

Plants respond to infection by accumulating many compounds some of which may function in disease resistance. These include: phytoalexins, antifungal proteins, chitinases, glucanases, esterases, proteaes, phospholipases, lipoxygenases, ribonucleases, peroxidases, phenoloxidases, lignin, callose, hydroxyproline and glycine-rich glycoproteins, phenolic cross-linked polysachcarides, melanin-like pigments, salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, ethylene, peptides, oligosaccharides, hydrogen peroxide and active oxygen species. Though specific avirulence genes, elicitors and elicitor receptors have been reported, the production of defense-related compounds is nonspecific and can be elicited by pathogens, pathogen products and many organics and inorganics. The molecular implications of this specificity/nonspecificity and their significance to disease resistance and practical disease control will be discussed.  相似文献   

The yeast Set1 histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferase contains, in addition to its catalytic SET domain, a conserved RNA recognition motif (RRM1). We present here the crystal structure and the secondary structure assignment in solution of the Set1 RRM1. Although RRM1 has the expected betaalphabetabetaalphabeta RRM-fold, it lacks the typical RNA-binding features of these modules. RRM1 is not able to bind RNA by itself in vitro, but a construct combining RRM1 with a newly identified downstream RRM2 specifically binds RNA. In vivo, H3K4 methylation is not affected by a point mutation in RRM2 that preserves Set1 stability but affects RNA binding in vitro. In contrast mutating RRM1 destabilizes Set1 and leads to an increase of dimethylation of H3K4 at the 5'-coding region of active genes at the expense of trimethylation, whereas both, dimethylation decreases at the 3'-coding region. Taken together, our results suggest that Set1 RRMs bind RNA, but Set1 RNA-binding activity is not linked to H3K4 methylation.  相似文献   

The clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of autoimmune inner ear disease are reviewed. Recent studies indicating an autoimmune etiology and pathogenesis are discussed, along with a comparative analysis of several promising new animal models. Further studies to define the natural history, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of the disease are suggested.  相似文献   

H-NS, a protein found in Gram-negative bacteria, is involved in structuring the bacterial chromosome and acts as a global regulator for the expression of a wide variety of genes. These functions are correlated with both its DNA-binding and oligomerization properties. We have identified the minimal dimerization domain of H-NS, a 46 amino acid-long N-terminal fragment, and determined its structure using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The highly intertwined structure of the dimer, reminiscent of a handshake, defines a new structural fold, which may offer a possibility for discriminating prokaryotic from eukaryotic proteins in drug design. Using mutational analysis, we also show that this N-terminal domain actively contributes to DNA binding, conversely to the current paradigm. Together, our data allows us to propose a model for the action of full length H-NS.  相似文献   

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